Печём пирожки с Celery Александр Мокров

Cooking pies with Celery

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Page 1: Cooking pies with Celery

Печём пирожки с Celery

Александр Мокров

Page 2: Cooking pies with Celery

О чем доклад

Немного об очередях

Краткий обзор возможностей Celery

Использование на примере виртуальной фабрики пирожков

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What is task queue?

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Celery: Distributed Task QueueCelery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing. It is focused on real-time operation, but supports scheduling as well.

The execution units, called tasks, are executed concurrently on a single or more worker servers using multiprocessing, Eventlet, or gevent. Tasks can execute asynchronously (in the background) or synchronously (wait until ready).

Celery is used in production systems to process millions of tasks a day.

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CeleryKombu (Messaging library for Python) 41991 (22541) lines

Billiard (Python multiprocessing fork with improvements and bugfixes) 19191(13115)

Vine (promise, async, future) 2921

Celery 104296 (37495)

Total 168399(76072)

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It supportsBrokers

RabbitMQ, Redis,

MongoDB (exp), ZeroMQ (exp)

CouchDB (exp), SQLAlchemy (exp)

Django ORM (exp), Amazon SQS, (exp)


prefork (multiprocessing),

Eventlet, gevent

threads/single threaded

Result Stores

AMQP, Redis

memcached, MongoDB

SQLAlchemy, Django ORM

Apache Cassandra


pickle, json, yaml, msgpack.

zlib, bzip2 compression.

Cryptographic message signing

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Applicationfrom celery import Celeryfrom conf import Settingsfrom tasks.bake_pie import BakePie

APP_NAME = 'pie_fabric'

app = Celery(APP_NAME)app.config_from_object(Settings)app.tasks.register(BakePie())

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Settingsclass Settings: BROKER_URL = 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//' CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'redis://'

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$ celery -A pie_fabric worker -l INFO

-------------- celery@amokrov v4.0.0rc2 (0today8)

---- **** -----

--- * *** * -- Linux-3.19.0-61-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-14.04-trusty 2016-06-24 15:52:22

-- * - **** ---

- ** ---------- [config]

- ** ---------- .> app: pie_fabric:0x7efc8cd4c588

- ** ---------- .> transport: amqp://guest:**@localhost:5672//

- ** ---------- .> results: redis://

- *** --- * --- .> concurrency: 4 (prefork)

-- ******* ----

--- ***** ----- [queues]

-------------- .> celery exchange=celery(direct) key=celery


. bake_pie

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Client 1

Client 2

Worker 1Broker

Task Queue 1

Task Queue 2...

Worker 2

Result Backend

send tasks

send tasks



task result

task result

get task resultget task result

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Фабрика пирожков



Осуществление заказа

Стряпание пирога

Выпекание пирога

Получение ингредиентов для теста

Ингредиенты Заготовка


Создание теста

Получение начинки

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get flour

bake pie

get meat

seal pie

create dough

order pie

get milk

get aggs

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The canvas

Wokrflow primitives

● group● chain● chord● map, starmap, chunks

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Tasksfrom celery.app.task import Taskfrom celery.utils.log import get_task_logger

logger = get_task_logger(__name__)

class GetIngredient(Task):

name = 'get_ingredients'

def run(self, ingredient_name): logger.info('Getting {}'.format(ingredient_name))

l # код получения ингредиента

return ingredient

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Workflowfrom celery.app.task import Taskfrom celery import canvas, signature

class OrderPie(Task): name = 'order_pie' def run(self): get_meat = signature('get_ingredients', args=('meat',)) ... dough_chord = canvas.chord([get_eggs, get_milk, get_flour], create_dough) components_group = canvas.group(dough_chord, get_meat)

return (components_group | seal_pie | bake_pie).delay()

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Client side>>> from tasks.order_pie import OrderPie>>> r = OrderPie().delay()>>> r.id'58c5bb47-8fb3-4d4a-b2f5-8899520b5179'>>> r.ready()True>>> r.get()[['091f9ae7-561a-4781-a4d9-47bbcb121360', [['0865f66b-b89d-4ff3-a272-1f6b01d0a11f', None], None]], None]>>> r.backend.get_task_meta(r.get()[0][0]){'task_id': '091f9ae7-561a-4781-a4d9-47bbcb121360', 'children': [], 'traceback': None, 'result': 'baked pie with meat', 'status': 'SUCCESS'}

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Routingfrom kombu import Exchange, Queue

class Router: def route_for_task(self, task, *args, **kwargs): route = {'exchange': Settings.EXCHANGE.name, 'routing_key': 'common'} if task in {'bake_pie', 'get_ingredients', 'seal_pie', 'order_pie'}: route['routing_key'] = 'fabric' elif task == 'create_dough': route = {'exchange': 'dough',

'routing_key': 'dough'} return route

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Routingclass Settings: EXCHANGE = Exchange('pie_fabric, type='direct') CELERY_ROUTES = (Router(),) CELERY_QUEUES = ( Queue('pie_fabric.common', EXCHANGE, routing_key='common'), Queue('pie_fabric.fabric', EXCHANGE, routing_key='fabric'), )

--- ***** ----- [queues] -------------- .> pie_fabric.common exchange=pie_fabric(direct) key=common .> pie_fabric.fabric exchange=pie_fabric(direct) key=fabric

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Second applicationclass Settings: BROKER_URL = 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//' CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'redis://' EXCHANGE = Exchange('dough', type='direct') CELERY_QUEUES = ( Queue('dough', EXCHANGE, routing_key='dough'), )

app = Celery('dough')app.config_from_object(Settings)app.tasks.register(CreateDough())

$celery -A dough worker -P gevent --concurrency=1000 -l INFO

- ** ---------- [config]- ** ---------- .> app: dough:0x7f850ee22748- ** ---------- .> transport: amqp://guest:**@localhost:5672//- ** ---------- .> results: redis:// *** --- * --- .> concurrency: 1000 (gevent)-- ******* ---- --- ***** ----- [queues] -------------- .> dough exchange=dough(direct) key=dough

[tasks] . create_dough

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Geventgevent is a coroutine -based Python networking library that uses greenlet to provide a high-level synchronous API on top of the libev event loop

gevent.monkey – Make the standard library cooperative

def _patch_gevent(): from gevent import monkey, signal as gsignal, version_info


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Pollingdef run(self, *ingredients): logger.info('Ingredients: {}'.format(ingredients)) id = create_dough(ingredients) # Отправка запроса на приготовление теста while True: time.sleep(polling_timeout) if ready(id): # Проверяем готово ли тесто dough = get_dough(id) # Если готово, то забираем

return dough

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Calling Tasks

applyExecute this task locally, by blocking until the task returns.


Apply tasks asynchronously by sending a message.


Shortcut to send a task message, but does not support execution options.


Retry the task.

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Callbacksoptions = { 'link': app.signature('seal_pie'), 'link_error': app.signature('order_error')}for sub_task in options.values(): sub_task.set( **app.amqp.router.route(sub_task.options, sub_task.task, sub_task.args, sub_task.kwargs) )

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Periodic Tasks

from celery.schedule import crontab

CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE = { 'check-every-minute': { 'task': 'check_ingredients', 'schedule':crontab()}

$ celery -A pie_fabric beat

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prefork (multiprocessing)


threads/single threaded

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Cпасибо за внимание!

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