Chef, Vagrant and Friends

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An introduction to using Chef and Vagrant for entry level users.

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• Software engineer

• CompareTheMarket.com

• Travelling & listening to music

• Coffee / real ale drinker

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Chef can automate how you configure, deploy and scale your servers and applications.

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Installing Chef 11!

Chef Omnibus (Linux, OS X, Windows)

Chef DK (April 2014, v0.1.0) (Bundled software)

Gem (Ruby 1.9.3 recommended)

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Chef CLI tools

ohai (node attributes)

chef-apply (execute a single recipe from the command line)

chef-solo (execute run lists and cookbooks on a node)

chef-client (retrieves & executes run lists & cookbooks on nodes)

knife (interact with chef server)

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ResourcesResources represent a piece of the system and its desired state. Some resources available:!

• Directories

• Users

• Groups

• Services

• Packages

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Resource Syntax

A resource is a Ruby block with four components:

• A type

• A name

• One (or more) attributes (with values)

• One (or more) actions

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RecipeRecipes are what you write to install and configure things on your machine.!

• Authored using a Ruby DSL

• Made from multiple resources

• Can include other recipes

• Single responsibility in purpose

• Belongs to a Cookbook

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Recipe DSL

A Ruby DSL, with specific methods to write chef recipes and resource blocks.

Common Ruby syntax can be used with the Recipe DSL methods. if / case statements…

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• Using chef-apply and a single recipe

• Create a new developer user on the system

• Install Git using the OS package manager

• Create a .gitconfig file for the developer user

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Chef Run

• Recipe loaded

• Resources are arranged in an ordered queue

• Each resource is mapped to a Provider!

• The node Converges by executing each provider

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Providers define steps that are needed to bring a piece of the system from its current

state into the desired state.

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A recipe can run multiple times on the same system and the results will always be


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• Poor single responsibility

• Use better suited resources e.g. template / file

• Fixed values could be swapped for attributes

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Next Steps

1. Create cookbook from existing recipe

2. Refactor outcomes from retrospective

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A cookbook defines a scenario, such as everything needed to install and configure Apache and the resources that support it.

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Cookbook Folders• attributes - attribute files, loaded in alphabetical order!

• files - stored files for file and directory resources!

• libraries - arbitrary ruby libraries, used in recipes!

• providers - custom providers (LWRP)!

• recipes - recipe files!

• resources - custom resources (LWRP)!

• templates - erb files for the template resource

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Cookbook Generators

• knife cookbook create ‘cookbook name’

• berks cookbook ‘cookbook name’

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Metadata File

• The metadata.rb sits in the cookbook root directory

• Defines cookbook name, version, and description

• Can declare dependencies on other cookbooks

• List supported operating systems

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Template Resource

• Uses ERB (Embedded Ruby) files

• Supports variables and hashes in templates

• Multi nested folders designed to support distributing files across platforms

• Best practice: set variables using attributes

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Node Object

• Attributes - An attribute is a specific piece of data about the node!

• Run list - A run-list is an ordered list of recipes and/or roles that are run in an exact order

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• Attributes can be defined by the node, recipes, cookbooks, roles and environments!

• Node information. i.e. IP / MAC addresses, OS info

• Recipe information. i.e. directory paths, users, application data

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Overriding Attributes

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Ohai is a CLI tool that is used to detect attributes on a node!

• Platform details

• Network usage

• Memory usage

• Processor usage

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Run List

• A run-list defines all of the configuration settings that are necessary for a node to converge

• An ordered list of roles and/or recipes that are run in an exact order

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• chef-solo allows using cookbooks on nodes without using Chef server

• Cookbooks & dependencies must be on the node

• Limited in functionality compared to chef-server

• Requires configuration; run-list and attributes

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Chef Run• Builds node object!

• Expands run-list

• Compiles Resources in an ordered queue

• Each resource is mapped to a Provider!

• The node Converges by executing each provider

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• A single cookbook to manage our developer user

• A cookbook that can be used with both chef-solo and chef-client (Chef Server)

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Next Steps

• Introduce community cookbooks and Berkshelf

• Install Ruby 2.1.2, using Berkshelf

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Community Cookbooks• An online Open Source cookbook repository,

maintained and used by the chef community.

• Trusted cookbooks can be downloaded from - http://community.opscode.com

• Cookbook dependencies are not automatically downloaded. This must be done by looking through the cookbook metadata file, and manually downloading listed cookbooks.

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• The cookbook dependency manager

• gem install berkshelf

• Used to maintain cookbooks on your Chef Server

• Written by Jamie Windsor, and Seth Vargo

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Berksfile• Lives in the root directory of the Cookbook

• Lists each cookbook name, and version (optional) which your cookbook depends on

• Ability to read cookbook dependencies from metadata.rb file

• Traverses over other cookbook dependencies

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• Implemented a community cookbook with the aid of Berkshelf.

• Applied our knowledge of attributes to other cookbooks.

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Next Steps

• Provision the node automatically with chef-solo and Vagrant.

• Create a new recipe to git clone our ruby app into the developer home directory.

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• Create and configure lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments.

• Vagrant stands on the shoulders of giants. Machines are provisioned on top of VirtualBox, VMware, AWS, or any other provider.

• Provision machines with, shell scripts, Chef, or Puppet.

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Commands• vagrant init hashicorp/precise32

• vagrant up

• vagrant provision

• vagrant halt

• vagrant destroy

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Vagrant Provision

• Move the run list and attributes into the Vagrantfile

• Vagrant will run chef-solo on VM start, or by running the provision command

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Git Resource

• Manage source control resources that exist in a git repository

• Functionality for revision and branching control

• Offers both export and syncing abilities

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• Used Vagrant to run chef-solo and setup our node

• Established our cookbook development workflow

• Finished cookbook

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More Features

• Full support for both Linux and Windows guest’s

• Mount directories using either NFS, SMB or Rsync

• Multi machine environments

• Network support - port forwarding, private networks

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Vagrant Cloud

• Share a link to your web server to a teammate across the country

• Community collection of fully baked box images

• Distribute versionable private environments to your team

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Share / Connect

• Share SSH access to other vagrant users

• Share the whole machine as a local entity to other vagrant users

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Vagrant Plugins

• vagrant plugin install <plugin_name>

• vagrant-sahara (operate in a sandbox environment)

• vagrant-proxy (define http and https proxies)

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Chef Reading• Test-Driven Infrastructure with Chef, 2nd Edition

- Steven Nelson-Smith

• Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook - Matthias Marschall

• Learning Chef (Released Sep 2014) - Seth Vargo, Mischa Taylor

• https://learnchef.opscode.com/

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Vagrant Reading

• Vagrant: Up and Running - Mitchell Hashimoto

• http://docs.vagrantup.com/

• http://www.vagrantup.com/blog.html

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