SEO best practice and Rules For : Nichol http://www.seomark.co.uk/small-business-seo-tips/ On Page______________________________________________________ Optimized titles and descriptions Proper URL Structures User friendly navigation (breadcrumbs, user sitemaps) Optimized internal links Text formatting (use of h1, h2, bold etc.) Image optimization (image size, proper image names, use of ALT tag) User friendly 404 pages Fast loading pages Google Authorship verification for all pages Top quality fresh content (This is always the most important SEO factor!) External links (no broken links or links to ‘bad’ sites)

SEO tips and ranking factors

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SEO ranking factors

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Page 1: SEO tips and ranking factors

SEO best practice and Rules

For : Nichol


On Page______________________________________________________

Optimized titles and descriptions Proper URL Structures User friendly navigation (breadcrumbs, user sitemaps) Optimized internal links Text formatting (use of h1, h2, bold etc.) Image optimization (image size, proper image names, use of ALT tag) User friendly 404 pages Fast loading pages Google Authorship verification for all pages Top quality fresh content (This is always the most important SEO

factor!) External links (no broken links or links to ‘bad’ sites)

Page 2: SEO tips and ranking factors

Title: 65charsURL: 90charMeta description: 160-->URL is included in sitemap.xml file<meta name="description" content="Royal American Limousines is a premier provider of luxury limo service, sedan service, town car service, chauffeur service and other ground transportation service worldwide. " /><meta name="robots" content="index, follow"/><title>Royal American Limousines - Worldwide Transportation | Ralimo.com </title>

Canonicals<link rel="canonical" href="http://www.reliablesoft.net/what-is-off-page-seo/" />

Primary keywords-in page headline-in body 2x+Secondary keywords-appears Headline, title, bodyImages on the page-has rich, descriptive keyword alt attributesDescriptive anchor text for internal linking

KEYWORD adviceAnchor text on 80% of your keywords will definitely get you penalized nowadays.It was one of the main reason for google to make updates in 2012. Keep it below 20-30% if possible.

Best practice is to not exceed 100k page size and reducing unnecessary scripts and meta tags from WebPage.

Off Page_____________________________________________________

Page 3: SEO tips and ranking factors

Link Building Social Media Social bookmarking Broken Link building Linking Wheel. web2.0

Link Building

Blog Directories – something like yellow pages but each entry was a link back to a website

Site samples: http://pointblankseo.com/dofollow-blogs-list

Forum Signatures – Many people where commenting on forums for the sole purpose of getting a link back to their website (they included the links in their signature)

Comment link – The same concept as forum signatures where you comment on some other website or blog in order to get a link back. Even worse, instead of using your real name you could use keywords so instead of writing ‘comment by Alex Chris’,  you wrote ‘comment by How to lose weight’ or anything similar.

Article Directories – By publishing your articles on an article directory you could get a link (or 2) back to your website. Some article directories accepted only unique content while other directories accepted anything from spin articles to already published articles.

Shared Content Directories – Websites like hubpages and infobarrel allowed you to publish content and in return you could add a couple of links pointing to your websites.

Page 4: SEO tips and ranking factors

Link exchange schemes – Instead of trying to publish content you could get in touch with other webmasters and exchange links. In other words I could link your website from mine and you could do the same. In some cases you could even do more complicated exchanges by doing a 3-way link, in other words I link to your website from my website but you link to my website from a different website.

Guest Blog post - Guest posting can be a valid way to get links back to your website provided that you don’t do it just for links and that you don’t overdo it. You can read these 2 articles to get a complete picture as to when to accept guest posts on your blog and when to guest post on other blogs.

keyword “submit a guest post” keyword “guest post” keyword “guest post by” keyword “accepting guest posts” keyword “guest post guidelines”

Social MediaSocial media is part of ‘off-site SEO’ and if you think about it, it’s also a form of link building. It should be noted that almost all of the links you get from social media sites are “nofollow” but this does not mean that they do not have any value.

- Facebook, twitter , YouTube etc.

Social BookmarkingSocial bookmarking is not as popular as it used to be in the past but it is still a good way to get traffic to your website. Depending on your niche you can find web sites like reddit.com, digg.com, stumbleupon.com, scoop.it and delicious.com (to name a few) to promote your content.

- Digg, Stumbleupon, Delicous, Reddit

Link Research (GOOGLE search box)

Site:.com , .net, .info, .gov .com.au, .au etc.Filter all extension for domain

Page 5: SEO tips and ranking factors

(“”) specific resultsExample : site:.gov “cctv camera for schools”also you can simply type the domain url site (e.i site:domain.com, domain.info, domain.com.au)

Additional:inurl:forum + inurl:showthread + "keyword"inurl:forum + inurl:category "keyword"site:istorya.net + "t-shirt printing" -"digital press"

Inurl = keywords within the URLIntitle = keywords within the Title

Example combo: site:.com intitle:School Camera inurl:cctv camera installations

Keyword Planner


BACKLINK adviceafter your 10-30 quality backlinks, try to get 3-4 edu and 3-4 gov comments, and 50-100 facebook shares, likes, +1, pins and twitter share’s to your article, You must make him “viral” in the eys of the search engines. You’ll have your No1 place after 1-2 weeks!


Check browser and screen resolution compatibility. Your site needs to render correctly in every web browser (Chrome, IE, Safari, etc.) and screen resolution (1366×768, 1024×768, 800×600, etc.).


- GOOGLE Webmasters Tools- GOOGLE Analytics- SEO quake- SEO book- SCREAMing frog- SEO Book

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- SEO Quake




http://www.seotools.com/seo-cloaking - checker/









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