Representation of race in a Tv program

Representation of race in a tv shows undercover

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Page 1: Representation of race in a tv shows   undercover

Representation of race in a Tv program

Page 2: Representation of race in a tv shows   undercover

Stereotypes Many people will serotype other people. For example: there may be some older people who think teenagers are lazy, rude, and go against the rules. But really for the majority of us that is not true. The same happens for race. Black people and white people are put on a hierarchy and are, or were treated differently just because the colour of their skin.

White people: They are thought to have always been the upper class, and have always had authority over whoever you are. People think that white people don’t commit crime, and their personalities can vary.

Black people: They were always thought to be the lower class, and generally it would not end well with them. Also most people associate black people with committing crime, and being dangerous to be around.

Asian: People will generally associate Asian with being smart and know-it-all’s. Also people think that they do karate and or marshal arts.

Page 3: Representation of race in a tv shows   undercover

Race can be shown in many ways in Tv shows, and the majority of the time it is not shown in a good way. The most general thing you will see is that black people will be at the bottom of the hierarchy and white people would generally be at the top. This implies that white people have authority over black people and that black people are treated with no respect. An example of this would be to look at how the 20th century has changed to the 21st century. You can see that over time respect for black people has changed massively, but you will still find that nowadays people will still be racist, but its not as bad as it has been in the past. There have been series’ where black people have had authority, or have been seen as equals, and that is generally found in British TV today.

Representation of Race

Page 4: Representation of race in a tv shows   undercover

The British TV drama that I have decided to look at is called, Undercover. It was first broadcasted on the 3rd of April 2016. The plot of the series is when a black lawyer tries to uncover the truth about an old miscarriage of justice, while her own husband tries to hide his own truths about his past. In this Black people have more authority than anyone else, and this is something that you do not see often in racial TV series’. This series got a lot of attention in the press and media, because you do not often see a series with black people having the main authority. Seeing this would hope to let us think that in the future we can see everyone as being equal, and not having any hierarchy’s or class divisions, so that generations to come will not be racist in anyway, but will equal to everyone, whether your black, white, poor, rich, and so on.

British TV Drama – Undercover