Question 3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? By creating my music magazine it means that it would need to be distributed in order for me to sell my product to the audience. This means that I would have to convince other media institutions to sell my music magazine. I feel that the main distributors will be supermarkets as that is where my magazine will appeal to the most people. Wilkinsons is a small supermarket known for selling its products cheap. As there is a Wilkinsons in Hitchin which is an area with three schools and a college there is plenty of youth based in the area. This means that the Wilkinsons which appeals to younger people for the prices, could distribute my music magazine as there will constantly be younger people in the store. This means that more people are likely to see my magazine and it will appeal to my target audience which is aimed at teenagers and young adults. This is why Wilkinsons would be an appropriate place to distribute my magazine because it is a store that is known to attract my target audience, which means that my magazine is more likely to sell more. As my music magazine has only been established recently it will mean that Wilkinsons are more likely to take the risk at distributing my music magazine as it is not a giant in the supermarket industry, which means that it will not cost me that much in order to get them to sell my magazine. Aldi is another supermarket that is known for being reasonable with prices which is why it is popular with customers. Seeing as my music magazine is new and cheap it means that I will need to get distributors to be willing to sell my magazine. As Aldi is a cheap supermarket and is popular by selling my music magazine at Aldi it means that there will be consumers looking for cheap products and seeing as my music magazine is not expensive it means that it will suit Aldi’s method. Aldi is a popular supermarket, meaning that there will be more customers see my music magazine meaning that more people will be likely to purchase my magazine. However, Aldi is not known for having very young customers, meaning that I may be faced with the problem of the supermarket not having my magazine appeal to the correct target audience.

Question 3

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Question 3­ What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?  By creating my music magazine it means that it would need to be distributed in order for me to sell my product to the audience. This means that I would have to convince other media institutions to sell my music magazine.    I feel that the main distributors will be supermarkets as that is where my magazine will appeal to the most people.  

 Wilkinsons is a small supermarket known for selling its products cheap. As there is a Wilkinsons in Hitchin which is an area with three schools and a college there is plenty of youth based in the area. This means that the Wilkinsons which appeals to younger people for the prices, could distribute my music magazine as there will constantly be younger people in the store. This means that more people are likely to see my magazine and it will appeal to my target audience which is aimed at teenagers and young adults. This is why Wilkinsons would be an appropriate place to distribute my magazine because it is a store that is known to attract my target audience, which means that my magazine is more likely to sell more. As my music magazine has only been established recently it will mean that Wilkinsons are more likely to take the risk at distributing my music magazine as it is not a giant in the supermarket industry, which means that it will not cost me that much in order to get them to sell my magazine.   

 Aldi is another supermarket that is known for being reasonable with prices which is why it is popular with customers. Seeing as my music magazine is new and cheap it means that I will need to get distributors to be willing to sell my magazine. As Aldi is a cheap supermarket and is popular by selling my music magazine at Aldi it means that there will be consumers looking for cheap products and seeing as my music magazine is not expensive it means that it will suit Aldi’s method. Aldi is a popular supermarket, meaning that there will be more customers see my music magazine meaning that more people will be likely to purchase my magazine. However, Aldi is not known for having very young customers, meaning that I may be faced with the problem of the supermarket not having my magazine appeal to the correct target audience.  


 Morrisons is not the most popular supermarket in the industry. This means that by selling a magazine based on a popular genre, it means that it may be a popular product sold. This means that it can increase Morrisons sales as well as benefit myself. This would be a suitable supermarket to distribute my magazine in because it has a mixed aged group of customers meaning that there will be a chance that my magazine will generate revenue from sales. Making sure that my target audience is based in the supermarket is important, as it will affect the amount of sales of the magazine and Morrisons does have young customers.  Overall when looking at trying to sell my magazine, I need to make sure that I have an ideal place to start. Starting of in local institutions such as Wilkinson's would be more ideal as it means that I can generate enough revenue to then go national and distribute my magazine in more bigger stores. I need to make sure that my magazine is being sold in shops that attract my target audience, otherwise my magazine is not going to appeal to anyone and not be able to generate any sales.