Music Magazine

Music magazine2

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Music Magazine

Page 2: Music magazine2

Text Style;All fonts are the same but the colours are faded differently, this is good because it doesn’t get to complex. The way the fonts are all the same gives a simple effect, it keeps it straight forward and not to confusing to the reader.

Cover stories;These are used to give the audience an idea of what is to come in the upcoming pages, the bigger the news, the more they would want to read it.

Masthead; Most of the colours used are bright which gives a more upbeat mood. This is big and bold and used for effect.

The layout of the text is ordered well, each sentence equally spaced out between them.

The music magazine is ultimately talking about who is the best and how to succeed and be the best.

Task 1;This is an existing Music magazine that I can use as guidance.

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Quality;Overall, the whole quality of this front cover is a high quality, from the quality of the texts to what he is wearing all gives a high quality standard.

ExclusivesThey have made this in a way of trying to make a big impact or point to their audience.

The expensive jewellery he's wearing is also very appealing. This can also add to the quality of the magazine.

However, on this magazine there is no cover price shown on the front cover.

The magazine are getting direct with the people reading it as they ask a question, ‘Who is music's number one genius’.

The main photo is always what is the most eye-catching, it appeals to the reader as it attracts them the most due to its size.

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What do I want it to be like?

• Bright• Colourful • Eye Catching • Tone of the text will be a quite relaxed type of tone• Target audience will be from 15-35 years• I want my main photo two thirds to the left

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Target Audience

; a particular group at which a product such as a film or advertisement is aimed.

• The magazine needs to include what they like.• It needs to be relevant to their interests.• They must be engaged from the start.• The advertising will be attracting teenagers and

fairly young adults who have a good taste in the latest rap music

Task 2;

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• I will be aiming for 15-35 years old• My audience will wear accessories such as

jewellery, the clothing that they are most likely going to wear is to be the latest fashion such as • The style and tone of the magazine will be a

relaxed and cool type• The audience I am looking at will be specific

which makes the advertising more effective

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This information is from a media pack from ‘Vibe’. This data shows the audiences put in categories such as adults, age and race. As you can see, there is a fairly equal percent, but the men being popular by just a tiny amount. However, these results can show that both male and female buy the magazine, it appeals to both genders.The age groups are very specific, they are put into different ways on which you can look at the audience. The median age for the magazine to be bought it by a 34 year old. From the ages of 21 and over, there is a very high percent at 91% of them buying the magazine. This presents to us that the product is very popular to young adults. The race category shows a dominance with the Black/African Americans having a huge 62% of the overall audience. These results obviously imply that there is one type of race taking up much of the audience, however other races such a ‘white’ take up near enough a quarter of there audiences. Asian, Spainish/Latino and other races all have a smaller percentage. This data overall gives a good idea on where to sell the product. For example, if there is an area that is highly populated with Black/African Americans then you should look to set up a place there to sell as you know from evidence, that the product will make profit from selling magazines from ‘Vibe’. They indicate a good idea on where to start making your profit.

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Front Cover

• Main Photo will include a dark background • Photo will be from 45 degrees to the side• I will only use a couple fonts• Only a couple of colours will go with the font• The text will be about the latest music • The price will be £2.99, this will be placed in the top right hand corner• Cover stories will include a popular artist singing at a place to be announced,

winning tickets to go somewhere expensive, and finally some news on a popular singer.

• I will include a barcode which will be placed in the top right corner along will the price

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Task 3;


• The style of language is informal.

• There are no full sentences, just a few words or even one per line. A variety of examples are placed on the far right hand side of the magazine, such as Movies, Iconic cars etc.

• The sentences are all I order, none out of place.

• The tone of text they are using when addressing the reader is

• They ask the audience a question which attracts them as they are forced to think about their product.

• They are getting the audience involved as if they are part of the crowd.

• An example of the informal language would be in this magazine with Usher, The text say ‘He's NO.1’. The formal way to put this into context would be by saying ‘He is Number one’.