Michael Brackpool /VP Partnerships and Channels Jonny Sawyer / Sales Using Brandwatch To Identify Influencers

Masterclass 2015: Using Brandwatch to Identify Influencers, Featuring Brandwatch Demographics

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Michael Brackpool /VP Partnerships and Channels

Jonny Sawyer / Sales

Using Brandwatch To Identify Influencers


• Identifying the right type of influencer

• Brand Influencers

• Useful metrics and platform tips

• Demographics

• Research Queries

• Keep on trackin’

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Finding The Right

Type Of Influencer

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What, Who and Why?

• An influencer can be anyone engaged with a certain brand or


• The key thing to consider is what type of influencer is important

to you.

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What, Who and Why?

• Highly influential people are great, they have huge reach and the

potential to spread a brand message far and wide.

• But you can also identify groups that represent your typical

consumer and buyer. What else can we learn about them?

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It Starts With a Query…

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How do you find the Authors that matter?

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Useful Metrics and

Platform Tips

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Twitter Metrics

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• There are a number of filters that make it

quick and easy to identify segments of

your audience

• Influence, Reach and Follower numbers

can all be applied

• Demographic analysis is baked into the


• All of these factors can be cross compared

• Large follower numbers do not necessarily

equate to influence

Top 10 most Influential Journalists discussing The


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What are they saying & sharing?

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• This is all earned discussion

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Most Influential Journalists interested in Sport

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Author Lists

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• Quick and Easy to


• Build on them

overtime to establish

a community of


What about the rest of the Audience?

• Demographics components are a great way to understand your

audience too

• Make smarter marketing decisions based on the make up of

these audiences

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Which Topics Resonate with which Demographic?

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Research Queries

• Finding influencers that are known to your brand is easy, but

what about an area of conversation currently unknown to your


• We must construct a research query around an area of

discussion that we want to explore, use all of the data available

to you to do this

• Research query’s don’t have to be around a specific brand or

product, they are just looking at a topic of discussion.

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Research Queries

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Tips On Writing Research Queries

• Start narrow – think about what you want to find (opposite to a

brand query)

• Jump into the data and use your findings to add to the query.

How are people talking? Where are they talking?

• Use Channels and specific sites where you know the

conversations are happening to determine the types of language

people use

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Keep On Trackin’

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Use The Tools at Your Disposal

• Author lists and rules using filters will make it easy to keep tabs

on the most influential people and their online activity.

• How long you track a group is up to you, but be sure to look for

patterns and changes in the way they interact.

• Monitor demographics to understand how to tailor content to your


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Author Queries

• Use the Author operator to string together a query around

influential people

• Run this query to find out what else they are talking about online

• Cross comparing with other lists will determine who is influential

in certain topics

• Peer Index integration will make this process much easier!

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Locating a panel of Audiences on Twitter

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Research a









500 Male,

500 Female

New Query:

Topic Panel


Everything the sample audience have

said on Twitter

Find Out Who Is Influential In Your Network Already

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Brand Influencers


Overall Influencers


Brand Influencers in

Your Topic of Choice

Custom Alerts

• Set up alerts to find out when a specific individual is talking about

a specific topic of interest.

• Use filters be to be alerted to individuals who you may not know

yet but have a significant following.

• Filters such as the Twitter Metrics can be really beneficial here.

(Verification/Follower Numbers/Twitter Influence)

• Speed is key when winning someone over on social media.

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Take Aways

• Use the Tools in Brandwatch to make this

• Write a good research query (or get us to!)

• Establish the type of influencer you are looking for

• Keep on trackin’

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Document Limitation

The information given in this document has been checked for accuracy and completeness however


shall not be liable for any errors or omissions.

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