Loyality Relationship by Arif

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Presentasi dari Arif Setyawan, Crew dari Agate Studio dalam event Talent Development Saturday Agate Studio. http://agatestudio.com Talent Development Saturday adalah acara Agate Studio crew sharing berbagai topik. Mulai dari Art, Programming, Game Production dan General Business/Management. TDS ini dilakukan tanggal 8 Februari 2014 di Bandung Digital Valley.

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PublishingAgate Studio

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Building Costumer Value, Satisfaction, and Loyalty

For a modern Business creating loyal customer is the heart of every business

The only value your company will ever create is the value that comes from customers---the ones you have now and the ones you will have in the future. Businesses succed by getting, keeping, and growing customers. Customers are the only reason you build factories, hire employees, schedule meetings, lay fiber-optic lines, or engage in any business activity. Without customers, you don’t have any business.

Martha Rogers (Marketing Expert)

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What is Customer Lifetime Value?

Customer Lifetime Value is the projected amount of revenue a customer willgenerate over their lifetime at your business.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) = Avg. Spend Per Month / Monthly Customer Churn Rate*

* Monthly Churn Rate is the % of This Month’s Customers Who Don’t Come BackFor example:$50 Lifetime Value = $10 Average Spend Per Month / 20% of Customers Don’t Come Back Each Month

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5 Ways to Increase Customer Lifetime Value

1. TREAT NEW CUSTOMERS LIKE VIPS with discounts, freebies, or even just a simple “Thanks for trying us!”2. KEEP IN TOUCH WITH CUSTOMERS with timely emails, text messages, and social media posts.3. GIVE CUSTOMERS A REASON TO COME BACK SOON with enticing deals that have an expiration date.4. IMPLEMENT A MODERN REWARDS PROGRAM like FiveStars to boost your customer visits by 12-44%.5. TREAT REPEAT CUSTOMERS LIKE KINGS with VIP lines, customer photo walls, and other over-the-top experiences they’ll tell their friends about you.

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Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM is the process of carefuly managing detailed informationabout individual costumer and all costumer “touch point” tomaximize loyalty. CRM enables companies to provideexcellent real-time customer service though the effective useof individual account information. Based on they know abouteach valued costomer, companies can customize marketoffering, services, program, message and media. CRM isimportant because a major drives of company profability isthe aggregate of the company’s customer base

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Social Media Engagement Level

The percentage of social mentions you engage with versus those that you don't. If you get 10 brand mentions and engage with 3, your engagement level is 30%. Many people often make an adjusted calculation as well. An adjusted social media engagement level takes into account posts that you would purposefully choose not to engage with. That would mean that perhaps 3 of those mentions were spam, or within a personal conversation you don't want to interrupt. In that case your adjusted engagement level would be 60%. The percentage left over is potential conversations that were missed.

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11 Ways to Increase Facebook Engagement

1. Posting on your Facebookfan page between 8 AM to 7 PM will receive 20% more fan engagement than posting at other times.

2. Wednesdays and Sundays are the best days to post on your Facebook fan page.

3. Posting 3 or 4 quality materials will receive more likes and comments than posting more often with lower quality.

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4. If you use 80 characters or less, there is a 66% higher engagement than longer posts

5. Ask the fans questions. If you ask questions, you are both inviting engagement and giving them a prompt to help them get started. The key is to ask questions that your fans will care enough about that they’ll take the time to answer.

6. Fill in the blank posts are 9 times more effective than regular posts.

7. Keep it simple; don’t overwhelm your fans with too much complicated information. Fans do not like to do math to understand a post.

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8. Fans may want to learn more about you and what you have to offer – but they want to talk about themselves. Fans need to feel that they can relate to the topic. Keep an eye on Facebook Insights to see how people respond to different topics, and keep going with what works.

9. If and when it’s possible, take the time to interact with your followers so they feel included. If you have a large following, it may not be possible or practical to respond to every fan, but interacting when you can, or giving blanket responses can encourage followers to continue engaging with you.

10. Use images in your Facebook posts to tell a story, catching users’ eyes as they scroll through their Facebook feed, and as a launching point for conversations.

11. People use Facebook to learn, but they also sign on to relax, have fun and enjoy themselves. Try posting something light and fun once in a while, your followers will likely appreciate it, and feel more engaged and connected with your company.

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10 ways to increase twitter engagement1. Create a Good Avatar

This suggestion is for aesthetic purposes, but having an avatar that looks unprofessional will only serve to make you appear unprofessional, and that's no way to increase the number of people following you. Since the avatar is simply a small picture to represent you, work within those means

2. Tweets During Peak HoursSending messages, or twittering, during peak hours gives you the best opportunity to be seen, or, rather, read. And that gives you better odds of someone enjoying whatever messages you're sending out and signing up as a follower. So what are the peak hours? There haven't been any studies performed yet, but the Washington, D.C.-based Internet marketing firm Abraham & Harrison have performed some Webinars along with Twitter and confirmed that 9 a.m., noon, 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. see heavy use

3. Create an Effective Profile BioBe creative, clever and intelligent when writing your bio. You want to sum up who you are in a short space, too, so don't go overboard with the prose. This is also a good place to plant URLs to any other sites you're looking to promote, such as your Facebook page or a blog landing page. But don't only include those links. A good mix of clever self-description mixed with your other links is a good bet to get people interested in what you have to say.

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4. Send "@Messages" to Top Usersan "@message" is posted on your profile page for all to see. So if you wanted to send an "@message" to top Twitter user actor Ashton Kutcher, anybody visiting your profile would see it. Good luck getting Mr. Kutcher to send a tweet back to you, but that's not the point. But if he does feel the urge to re-tweet your message -- or broadcast it to all his followers -- 2.9 million people will see it

5. Ask QuestionsOne great way to add followers is to get people engaged so they'll send you a tweet back. There's no better way to get people to respond than to pose questions. Facebookquizzes have shown that people are willing to respond to even the silliest of public opinion polls. So throw some questions on your Twitter and see if you can get people talking.

6. Link to Interesting Sites Detailing what you had for breakfast may be fun for your family and close friends, but it's not a good way to get or retain followers. But linking to interesting articles or Web sites is. Many Web sites and blogs are nothing more than a collection of links to the most fascinating, unusual or ground breaking information on the Internet.

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7. Develop a Niche

Random tweets about everything under the sun can get you some followers, but having a more targeted audience in mind and playing to those followers is a better approach. If you have a lot of knowledge about something, anything, then go with that.

8. Repeat Yourself

Who is reading your posts at the time can make all the difference in the world. Let's say you posted about a cool new iPhone application, and nobody said much. Twitter it again eight hours later and your luck may change. Don't overuse this method though. You don't want to become known for posting nothing but repeat messages.

9. Post Picture

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but in this case it just needs to be worth 140 characters. Everyone likes to look at pictures, and Twitter users are no different.

10. Link Your Account

If you're connected enough to have a Twitter account, then chances are you use all kinds of other Internet outlets. You need to use every one of these to help promote your Twitter account. Post your Twitter information on your Facebook page.

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