How You Can Choose the Right Picture to Make Your Social Media Post Spectacular

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How You Can Choosethe Right Picture to Make Your Social Media Post Spectacular

CalBRE# 00659397

via blog boy


Visual content is exploding across the web.

The fact is people respond most often to what is a delight to the eyes (pictures!).

If you want to have any chance at getting shares, likes, etc (going viral), the right picture is just what the doctor ordered (prescription filled!).


So how do you know which picture to choose?

I would like to offer a few examples to help answer this question.


Here is the first one...

Of course, I am playing off the roses part of Lincoln's quote with the picture.

And I could have put the words on the picture (as you will see a couple examples of that in just a moment), but this time I thought both the quote and picture were striking enough to stand on their own.

And I just didn't want to ruin the picture since it's so beautiful (which I got it from the free picture site


On to a second example...

Of course, I was looking for a picture of books to go along with Mark Twain's quote.

Then I left-justified the text and wrapped it around the books (I use to do all of this).

Lastly, I want to emphasize the "branding" aspect of this visual.

I included a reference to our company ( at the top.

As you can see this visual did very well (48 retweets, 52 likes at the time of this blog post).


One last example...

Of course, I was looking for the picture of a room to go along with this anonymous quote.

You can see the branding aspect again.

But more than that this time I want to highlight a secondary branding aspect I have adopted with my visuals.

I like to use the same fonts and sizes across the board.

You may decide on your own (or you can use mine).

In this particular picture I use an Oregano font for the quote.

EXAMPLE #3: WRONG ROOM (continued)

I use an Ubuntu font for the branding and quote author aspects.

(Both fonts are found in the platform.)

And then finally, I use 16 as the size for the branding and quote author aspects.


So there you go.

You are now ready to choose the right picture to make your social media post spectacular.

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CalBRE# 00659397

via blog boy