Four weddings and a funeral

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In this shot, it uses the eye line match. This clearly shows the audience what he is seeing and the action is done with the point of view of the character.

Page 3: Four weddings and a funeral

The pan shot is used to clearly show more to what the film world want us too see.

The rest of the car is shown to show a greater angle of the scene.

Page 4: Four weddings and a funeral

The match on action is used to link the action together. In this example the character hears the alarm clock. Then the action is shown by the next clip of him waking up someone in a panic out of being late.

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• Amplified diegetic sound edited in, for the engine of the car, to illustrate how fast the car is going.

• The lack of editing shows they are running late and the car is in the end lane showing they are maximising the speed limit.

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The shot reverse shot is used in the opening scene to cut from one subject to another back and forth to follow the flow of the dialogue between the two characters. This makes the scene clearer for the viewer.

Page 7: Four weddings and a funeral

This shot is used to show the point of view of the driver and to show what he sees when he is reversing backwards.

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The shots of the point of view shot is also connected to a match on action shot. This is because the action of reversing is then shown on another clip to demonstrate the action of the car reversing. The next part of the action shows the car driving off showing the two shots linked through the action of the car trying to reverse and drive off into the turning lane.

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Cross cutting is used in the opening scene of Four weddings and a funeral, to show how the wedding is happening the same time as they are getting ready. This creates a sense of tension as the scenes happening at the same time shows that they are likely to arrive late.

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The point of view shot is used to show the continuity of what the character is looking at.

The depth of field is added to create a focus on what he is looking at. As well as to show the focus that he is a prominent character.