Conventions of Rap and Indie music videos Rappers are often seen taking drugs in their videos

Conventions in music Videos: Rap and Indie

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Conventions of Rap and Indie music videos

Rappers are often seen taking drugs in their videos

$ R.A.P $

Conventions in Rap videos from artists such as Snoop dog, A$AP Rocky, Schoolboy Q and Eminem

• Gold chains• Drugs• Women• Dutch tilt and low camera angles• Frequent cuts to different locations• Baggy clothing and obvious jewelry, reflecting

their wealth.• Women are objectified and men are shown to

be above them.

Low angled shots to show the artists power over the audience

My name is

The real slim shadyL$D

Man of the Year

Lots of two shots of the rappers with women to show how desirable they are

Conventions of Indie music videos

• It is common for indie music artists to be doing a live performance in their videos as the main focus is then on them and it shows them doing what they love.

• There is sometimes a storyline that follows the lyrics of the song, which helps to show a deeper meaning to the audience.

• Close ups are often used to introduce you to the artist as are crane shots as they help to show the audience the artist from many different angles.