Codes and conventions of music magazine contents pages

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Page 2: Codes and conventions of music magazine contents pages

IMAGE(S) Contents pages generally have a main image

which is related to the main coverline on the front cover of the magazine. Usually located in the middle of the page in a corner so other coverlines can be advertised around it.

The main image is also to do with a main article in the magazine and can be a feature for example, Foo fighters doing a article in Q

Subsidiary images advertise other articles in the magazine but are different to the coverlines the illustrated the articles on the front cover.

Usually a mini version of the front cover on the contents page

Page 3: Codes and conventions of music magazine contents pages

COVERLINES All coverlines (apart from the main image) are

different from the articles that are advertised on the front cover.

Feature articles are when the magazine has a separate long article that is specific to that issue. Whereas the regular or every month articles are the articles that are on every issue of the magazine, for example gig listings and album reviews.

The coverlines are split up in to columns 2-4 and this means the contents page look neat and organised.

Page numbers are big and bold, they are also often left of the coverline and are in line with each other.

Page 4: Codes and conventions of music magazine contents pages

Like the front cover the contents page has a specific colour scheme, and usually consists of the same colours as the front cover.

The word ‘contents’ is usually on the contents page and is big, bold and follows the colour scheme.

The date is usually reinforced on the top of the contents page, sometimes followed by the issue number

The masthead of the magazine is also sometimes on this page and is also located at the top close to the word contents.

There is usually a line gap between columns so they are separated.


Colour scheme = red, black and white

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OTHER CODES AND CONVENTIONS The editors letter is sometimes located on this page

and it enables a strong relationship to be formed between the reader and the editor, especially if the reader is subscribed to the magazine.

There is usually also a subscription advert on this page so if the reader isn't subscribed to the magazine they are informed that it is possible for them to subscribe, giving information such as price etc.

A website is sometimes on the contents page, so readers can get more information on the magazine.

The font sizes used in the contents pages for music magazines involve, 12/13pt for headlines and are usually bold for subline usually 11pt