Audience profile

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Page 2: Audience profile

• Socio economic group: C1/B• Gender: Female

• Religion: Christian/Atheist• Age range: 15-25

• Marital status: Single or with a partner• Occupation: Student, part-time, unemployed

• Income: minimal wage or none• Nationality: British


Page 3: Audience profile

• An isolated and independent person, that likes to show their individuality. They will mainly turn to social media for company and pride themselves on their unique appearance. Although they come across as reserved, they enjoy the company of loved ones and wish

to take part in a relationship. They will mainly travel in a small group, and may appear unapproachable but are friendly enough

once you get to know them. • They are quite messy and unorganised, but can get things done without hassle, they will tend to not have a job as they are either too

lazy, or would prefer to go out on a Saturday night. Their music taste is personal to them and they will go out of their way to listen

to new music, however they will mainly focus on bands and will divert from the mainstream music.

• They will go out of their way to attend concerts, but will prefer to stick to a few chosen bands and attend their concerts regularly.

• Likes: Reading, drawing, hanging out, concerts and gigs, unique clothes, theme parks, holidays.