www.represent.cc @RepresentLive We’re asked to make choices everyday. But are we answering the right questions?

Represent – Peloton Smart Retro Testing Phase Pitch

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www.represent.cc @RepresentLive

We’re asked to make choices everyday.

But are we answering the right questions?

www.represent.cc @RepresentLive

More of us want to have our say. On more issues, more often.

And more people genuinely want to


www.represent.cc @RepresentLive

So let’s make this conversation easy, open, and fair.

Anyone can ask a question.

And anyone can answer one.

Everyone gets to see the answers.

And we make progress. Together.

www.represent.cc @RepresentLive

More of us want to have our say. On more issues, more often.

And more people genuinely want to


Do they?Do we? Do they?

And what stops us?

www.represent.cc @RepresentLive

We want to know:

Do real outcomes keep people engaged?

www.represent.cc @RepresentLive

We’ll do:

1. Din Bargamossen

2. 35 questions (7 topics) leading to actionable & not-actionable outcomes

play, transport, food, health, energy, environment, education

3. Resource allocated for good ideas

4. Everyone votes, and shares (social media, printed flyers)

5. Best ideas happen

www.represent.cc @RepresentLive


Partner commitment

30 active users to start

Resource allocation

www.represent.cc @RepresentLive


300+ engaged users

30+ suggestions

60+ votes on suggestions