Entroids.com 100 Rules From 10 Best Entrepreneurs That Will Inspire You* *The 10 rules & the 10 Entrepreneurs are not in any particular order and have been selected based on Authors perception

100 rules from 10 best entrepreneurs that will inspire you

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100 Rules From 10 Best Entrepreneurs That Will Inspire You*

*The 10 rules & the 10 Entrepreneurs are not in any particular order and have been selected based on Authors perception


#1 Steve Jobs Top 10 Rules

1. Don't live a limited life

2. Have passion

3. Design for yourself

4. Don't sell crap

5. Build a great team

6. Don't do it for the money

7. Be proud of your products

8. Build around customers

9. Marketing is about values

10. Stay hungry and stay foolish



#2 Bill Gates Top 10 Rules

1. Have energy

2. Have a bad influence

3. Work hard

4. Create the future

5. Enjoy what you do

6. Play bridge

7. Ask for advice

8. Pick good people

9. Don't procrastinate

10. Have a sense of humor



#3 Warren Buffet Top 10 Rules

1. Find your passion

2. Hire well

3. Don't care what others think

4. Read, read, read

5. Have a margin of safety

6. Have a competitive advantage

7. Schedule for your personality

8. Always be competing

9. Model success

10. Give unconditional love



#4 Jack Ma Top 10 Rules

1. Get used to rejection

2. Keep your dream alive

3. Focus on culture

4. Ignore the #littleman

5. Get inspired

6. Stay focused

7. Have a good name

8. Customers are #1

9. Don't complain, look for opportunhities

10. Have passion



#5 Jeff Bezos Top 10 Rules

1. Have no regrets

2. Follow your heart and not your head

3. Invest more in the product than marketing

4. Pick a good name

5. Stand for something

6. Focus on the customer

7. Focus on your passion

8. Build a culture

9. Premium products at non - premium prices

10. Take a risk



#6 Elon Musk Top 10 Rules

1. Never give up

2. Really like what you do

3. Don't listen to the #littleman

4. Take a risk

5. Do something important

6. Focus on signal over noise

7. Look for problem solvers

8. Attract great people

9. Have a great product

10. Work super hard



#7 Larry Page Top 10 Rules

1. Set big goals

2. Don't be afraid of failure

3. Stay organized

4. Concentrate on the long term

5. Have a good idea

6. Solve bigger problems

7. Take on challenges

8. Don't settle

9. Adapt to changes

10. Follow your dreams



#8 Jeff Weiner Top 10 Rules

1. Believe in your vision

2. Manage passionately

3. Know your goal

4. Know your audience

5. Understand your environment

6. Make a difference

7. Unleash creative energy

8. Inspire other people

9. Be a spectator of your thoughts

10. Anything is possible



#9 Mark Cuban Top 10 Rules

1. Now is the time

2. Be passionate

3. Don't make excuses

4. Learn from history

5. Enjoy competing

6. Know your business

7. Be brutally honest with yourself

8. Know your strengths & weakness

9. Be unique

10. Be yourself



#10 Richard Branson Top 10 Rules

1. Keep it simple

2. Give it a try

3. Be a leader

4. Don't give up

5. Delegate

6. Treat people well

7. Shake things up

8. People will be skeptical

9. Affect lives positively

10. Do things differently




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Perfect Execution

The best selling book by Larry

Bossidy and Ram Charan has the

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execution is an extension to this

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and the habit of getting important

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Strategic Execution

Key to success is simplifying

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