E-commerce strategies for business development 2015-2016 Our New Year's plans assume revenue growth of our company in 2015, but for whatever reason will be an increase in sales - an increase in sales, expansion into new markets or innovative products, software, IOS, application development or advance office software? Likely source of new customers can be a e-commerce. When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall into place. Our services should exceed the expectations of our customers. Online Marketing Objectives Increase repeat customers by 15% per quarter. Decrease customer acquisition costs by 28% per year. Maintain positive, steady growth each month. Financial Objectives Pro-forma profitability by year three. Decrease variable costs by 20% a year. Profitability on 99% of the listed items, no lost leaders. Market research, ie, Internet audience through integrated analysis (qualitative and quantitative composition of the segments)

E-commerce strategies for business development 2015-2016

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E-commerce strategies for business development 2015-2016

Our New Year's plans assume revenue growth of our company in 2015, but for whatever reason will be

an increase in sales - an increase in sales, expansion into new markets or innovative products, software,

IOS, application development or advance office software?

Likely source of new customers can be a e-commerce.

When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall into place. Our services should exceed the

expectations of our customers.

Online Marketing Objectives

• Increase repeat customers by 15% per quarter.

• Decrease customer acquisition costs by 28% per year.

• Maintain positive, steady growth each month.

Financial Objectives

• Pro-forma profitability by year three.

• Decrease variable costs by 20% a year.

• Profitability on 99% of the listed items, no lost leaders.

• Market research, ie, Internet audience through integrated analysis (qualitative and

quantitative composition of the segments)

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• The adaptation of production to market requirements (customer feedback, analysis of

trends in science, fashion and other events affecting the market)

• Impact on the market and the demand (through advertising promotions, etc.)

• Development of new approaches to the solution of technical and economic problems,

formulated as a result of market research.

Basic Mistakes when implementing online business or an e-commerce


• The system is hyperactive, and the operator is passive - loss of customers

• No photos of the operator - less dialogues

• Do not put in the work of the operator KPI

• Do not set goals

• Too often displayed notification support

• Do not block access to private user data

Global Task traffic from YouTube.

Such promotion channels recently been significantly gaining momentum and are in

receipt of additional locomotive traffic. If you add up all the words on this occasion, for

the effective promotion via YouTube must:

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• optimize the video itself (title, description, timeline, tag and so on;

• optimize channel (name, subsections, design, social networks;

• use advertising on YouTube and video responses;

• buy views, huskies, comments and more;

1. Finding the most effective “Keywords” using Google analytics >> Adwords >> Keyword tool.

Much like everything else in life, taking the time necessary to prepare and do a little homework will

typically up the chances for success.

Unlike other when it comes to website design and structure, and finding the right keywords is a key.

Without optimal keywords used strategically on your web pages, you risk lackluster results. So will make

sure we take the time to do some in-depth keyword research to find those phrases that will jack up

site’s effectiveness.

Keyword architecture

• Popular products in a particular category

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• Related products

• Top rated products

• Recently viewed products

2. Be Cautious of Duplicate Content

As e-commerce store owners, it’s important to understand that analyzing all pages of your websites and

identifying ways to reduce redundancy is crucial. This should be a regular practice.

We are developing the strategies which will be cost effective and ring pung

Rather that posting content without double-checking it first, then having to rectify the situation

afterwards (which is a real pain!), make sure it’s as original as can be. Without proper planning and

website structure, you’re opening your website up for the real possibility of dupli cate content, which

will only send your website’s rankings down the tubes – the total opposite effect of your intended goals.

Even before coding begins, ensure your web developers avoid the potential for duplicate content. The

more control you have over your site’s content, the better your chances of landing the top spot in

search results.

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3. Use Strategic Keywords in Anchor Text

Your website should obviously contain a variety of links leading to specific products or pages within your

site. In order to more effectively boost your e-commerce store’s visibility in Google, make sure to

include relevant keywords in anchor text.

Instead of just using phrases like “click here” or “check this out” as your anchor text for the most part,

try to include keywords that you’re trying to rank for instead.

Of course, you don’t want to use the same anchor text repeatedly throughout your site, or you could be

penalized. While variety is important, so is good use of keywords. You may also want to consider using

important keyword links in your product descriptions that will take the visitor to similar products you


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4. Make Your URL Structure Easy for Search Engines to Crawl

Don’t underestimate the importance of your site’s URL structure when trying to climb the search engine

results. Proper URL structure can make it a lot easier for search engine robots to find and crawl your

site, and recognize what your site is about. This in turn will help to get your site and all its pages


Proper structuring of your URLs will also make your visitors’ experience much more pleasant. The better

the experience, the higher the chances of keeping them on your website for longer. And that increases

their likelihood of making a purchase. You want your website to be loved by the search engines, but you

want to be sure your visitors love it too!

5. Write Up Catchy Product Descriptions

We’ve already discussed unique content, but this also extends to your product descriptions. In this case,

you should probably avoid using product descriptions from manufacturer websites as they are used over

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and over on other sites selling the same products. Keep it unique and write up your own descriptions

that feature relevant keywords to help make them more search-engine friendly.

6. Optimize Your Product Images

SEO Product Images are particularly useful for e-commerce stores. People want to see photos of what

they’re thinking about buying, so it’s critical that the images you put up are of the highest quality.

But using great looking photos isn’t all you need to do. It’s also important to help the search robots find,

see, and understand your website’s images. Without proper optimization of your images, you are doing

nothing to assist the robots in finding them, which means a lost chance for boosting your site rank.

Make sure to add relevant keywords into the ALT tags of your images. Ideally, each keyword you choose

for each particular image should be as relevant as possible so that every ALT tag associated with each

image is unique.

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7. Leverage Google Ads

Although you don’t necessarily want your site to rely heavily on Google ads, they can work if used in

moderation and when strategically placed. Many customers may have negative feelings towards

banners, sponsored links, and other types of ads, so it’s important to use these sparingly.

Keep in mind though that research from Google has shown that 89 percent of paid clicks don’t

necessarily transfer over to organic clicks, so make sure Google ads are used properly in addition to your

SEO efforts. Try to take advantage of cheaper cost-per-clicks ads to make the most of them.

8. Check to see if Traffic is being converted Into Sales

All website owners are interested in seeing their traffic numbers increase over time, but the numbers

alone aren’t the only thing to look at. It’s also crucial to identify if any of these visitors checking out your

site on a daily basis are actually turning into paid customers. If not, you’ll have to identify where your

website is going wrong and enhance the parts that are working well.

Make good use of Google Analytics to track your traffic. This tool will help you find out where your

traffic is coming from, the demographic most likely to convert, where your marketing efforts are

working (and not working), and profit increases generated through your SEO efforts.

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With this type of information in hand, you can improve your SEO strategy to help generate traffic that

will be more likely to turn into paying customers.

9. Make it Easy for Your Visitors to Find Your Product Pages

A common mistake that many e-commerce website owners make is failing to place links to product

pages on their site’s home page. This makes it a lot harder for your visitors to find your products, which

does nothing to boost profits.

Make it simple and effortless for your visitors to land on product pages by ensuring links to them are

found on the home page and other relevant pages within your site. This will even make it easier for

search engines to find them.

10. Avoid Broken Links

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Imagine your experience when you’re browsing through a particular website of interest. You find

something fascinating and want to read more. You click the link provided only to be greeted with, “Page

404 Not Found.” How frustrating is that? You surely wouldn’t want the visitors to your website

encountering the same problem.

For this reason, it’s crucial that you keep tabs on all the links on your website on a regular basis to

prevent sending them into limbo. One or two broken links is bad enough, but many is just bad for


You can use tools like Screaming Frog or the Broken Link Checker plug-in for WordPress to check your

website for broken links and to optimize your site for both visitors and the search engines.

11. Online audience.

E-commerce - it's basically the creation of "territory": definition and development of the site to reach

audiences with common interests or characteristics. Regardless of the product or service, we must

define a niche market for the company, where it is possible to get online with special offers.

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12. Personalization.

Visitors to the site require a unique of its kind service their needs and interests. Detection technology

interests and preferences of individual customers is available even small players, and taking into account

the data collected can be carried out product selection and implement trading strategies with individual


13. Creating content for the appeal.

It is necessary to use different sources of content to make the site "attractive" to potential buyers.

Amazon attracts millions of customers, offering them to share their opinions on products such as books

and CDs. What is your strategy to help potential customers for your products or services find you

through Google? Use keywords and meta tags in order to raise your ranking in search results.

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14. Creating a site for the target segment.

The corresponding brand website design and well-structured navigation are key ingredients to attract an

audience and to get visitors to come back. Ensure attractive browsing experience goods through an

online platform. If you want to sell backpacks for students, for example, you must use bright colors and

luxurious design to evoke a sense of youth and adventure.

15. Integration through the channels.

Create a multi-channel offer, allowing consumers to enjoy their brand constantly, regardless of their

method of choice. But be sure that the products that you sell through various channels, sufficiently

differentiated to take into account the difference in prices.

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16. Investing in mobile commerce.

Mobile commerce is growing at a rate of more than 130 percent per year. If you do not have a reliable

platform mobile commerce, you will see a significant lag in revenues over the nex t few years. To remain

competitive, you need to offer affordable mobile services, such as delivery status notifications in real

time, the 'click to call ", maps and information about the product.

18. Using the subscription commerce.

Subscription trade can take many forms. In the model of recruitment, heading sent to the customer

every month. Opening model is more promising. It offers a subscription for manned by experience and

periodically offers new, scarce, or individual goods directly to the customer.

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19. Offer the convenience of other channels.

Your sales will increase if you make sure that the availability of a product, advertising strategies and

consistent brand experience across all channels - whether online, in store or on a mobile device.

Implement optimal technology supply chain to get the visibility of your performance on all channels.

20. Supervision of choice property.

The choice of property is a strategy that focuses on the "curator (store keeper)" narrow and deep range

of products in a particular segment. These sites make you feel exclusive products because of the depth

and originality of the range and the difficulty of finding similar products elsewhere.

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21. Sales only through the online store.

This is a strategy that builds exclusive brand of e-commerce as the main distribution channel. Offering

products that are not available elsewhere and selling them directly to consumers online, you are

supporting a much greater control over your field of activity.

It should be noted that such e-commerce strategy suitable for many companies, including companies

that supply water filters or shops selling clothes. With a growing number of Internet users, such

strategies can bring real success and dramatically increase your sales.

Product name in Title. Obvious but missed so many times!

Product name in text. Try to add to product name keywords, that people use frequently with

products (i.e. “Here you can buy [product name] with free delivery.”).

Product name in an ALT of the product picture.

Product name in URL. Do it at least to craft sweet-looking snippets in search results.

About local keywords. Consider arranging your content in a way to try to target local keywords

(i.e. “city + product name”). Usually you can do this via adding a tab with delivery information

and mention here the most important locations for you in terms of traffic.

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Diversify content on product page. It’s hard to create unique products descriptions for

thousands of items. But adding an opportunity for users to leave a fee dback not only increases

user experience, but also improves the content and drives long-tail traffic. Don’t miss this


Internal hyper linking and a Project Structure

Sitemaps and “Smart Sitemaps” implementation.

“noindex, follow, noarchive” sitemaps. Why do they use such a strange meta-tags? Each time

Googlebot visits your website it has quite limited time allocated for your site. Try to persuade

the bot to visit (“follow”) as many pages as possible without wasting the time “noindex,


Keyword-rich internal links. Use internal power of the website for your categories and product

pages. If the first link pointing to your category is an image, insure that this image has an

appropriate ALT text.

Website Indexing

Would you like to start selling new arrivals immediately? It’s worth to implement these advices in order

to improve new products indexation:

Direct link to a “New Arrivals” section from homepage or even better site wide link, let’s say from

footer. “New Arrivals” is a search results “quick enter” door for all new items you have. It will be easier

for Google to find new items this way than to dig your products directory, because homepage usually is

the most spiders able.