Which of These Health Problems Do You Want To Beat?

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Which of These Health Problems Do You Want To Beat? Below are a few: 13) Rub on scalp daily to stimulate hair growth 14) Can help resolve skin acne 15) Use as a replacement for vegetable oils in any recipe 16) Promote against cancer 17) Reduce risk of heart attack and stroke 18) Liver function 19) Gallbladder function 20) Prostrate health 21) Protect against seizures It is said Coconut can help prevent and treat Neurological Disorders: 22) Alzheimer's 23) Multiple sclerosis (MS) 24) Narcolepsy 25) Schizophrenia 26) ADHD 27) Autism 28) Depression 29) Brain fog 30) HIV (Aids)

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  • Which of These Health Problems Do You Want To Beat? Health Benefits of Coconut
  • Coconut is found throughout the tropic and subtropics area in more than 80 countries in the world
  • Some reports have stated that coconut oil could help with: 1) killing viruses, yeasts and fungus 2) Prevent osteoporosis 3 Promote weight loss 4) Reduce skin ailments *(Remember to consult your professional medical advisor before changing or adding anything to your diet for health reasons)
  • More Healthy Uses For Coconut Oil: 5) Energizer - just a teaspoon can give you a burst of energy 6) Wound care - used as a topical protector for wounds 7) Aromatherapy - coconut oil has a pleasing aroma 8) Sleep aid - can help improve sleep when taken daily 9) Sore throat - a tablespoon melted into a cup of warm tea can help sore throat 10) Can help reduce appearance of varicose veins
  • Coconut Oil: 11) It can be use a natural antibacterial skin cream 12) May reduce itch from mosquito bites 13) Rub on scalp daily to stimulate hair growth 14) Can help resolve skin acne 15) Use as a replacement for vegetable oils in any recipe 16) Promote against cancer 17) Reduce risk of heart attack and stroke 18) Liver function 19) Gallbladder function 20) Prostrate health 21) Protect against seizures
  • It is said Coconut can help prevent and treat Neurological Disorders: 22) Alzheimer's 23) Multiple sclerosis (MS) 24) Narcolepsy 25) Schizophrenia 26) ADHD 27) Autism 28) Depression 29) Brain fog 30) HIV (Aids)
  • Treatment of Chronic and Genetic Conditions 42) Allergies 43) Obesity 44) Constipation 45) Retinopathy 46) Keratosis pilaris
  • Coconut Oil: Animal Care 47) Doggy bad breath 48) Improve shine on coat 49) Flea, tick, and mite repellent 50) Body odor Body Care 51) Makeup remover 52) Sooth chapped lips 53) Deodorant 54) Toothpaste 55) Dissolve and remove ear wax 56) Eye cream 57) Mouthwash 58) Genital warts
  • Industrial: 59) Natural soap 60) Bronze polish 61) Wood polish 62) Detergent 63) Useful in removing makeup and lipstick from clothing and carpeting 64) Body scrub - mix coconut oil and sugar together and rub all over. Rinse off and your skin will be soft. Add essential oils to give it a special smell 65) Toenail fungus 66) Hot flashes 67) Migraines with regular use 68) Athletes foot
  • Coconut candles is eco-friendly and is organic. It burns a lot cleaner compared to other types of wax. Coconut candles compliments with different kinds of essential oils. There are many other uses for coconut oil that can be found on the internet. Coconut oil is complete of healthy and balanced benefits. Next to mother's milk, it is nature's greatest source of medium chain fatty acids (MTCs), which raise the body's metabolic rate, leading to weight loss. It has fatty acids such as lauric acid and monoglycerides, comparable to mother's breast milk.
  • This oil from coconut helps soothe the symptoms of menopause, and pre-menstrual affliction (PMS). Lots of ladies who suffer the consequences of PMS have actually discovered the symptoms decreased when coconut oil was consumed commonly in their diet. Coconut oil does not raise cholesterol. Studies have shown that people that make use of the oil have reduced cholesterol than those that do not, also when the individuals consuming coconut also eat other high cholesterol levels foods like eggs and meat.
  • It not just provides short-term relief to skin complications like rashes, but it helps in healing and restoring skin to a younger look. It has even been understood to aid with people that suffer from yeast infections in the skin, and there is solid research that shows the MTCs in coconut oil helps to overcome yeast infections. If you are having skin problems seek advice from your medical professional practitioner before using anything new
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