A Build A Royal Kingdom Challenge ONCE UPON A KINGDOM

Once Upon A Kingdom: Chapter 7

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A Build A Royal Kingdom Challenge



The foundations of Hyperia that are being laid down now

will stand for all the ages. It was the dream of King

Henry to see his new kingdom flourish and prosper and he

was lucky he lived long enough to see Hyperia grow and

acquire new territory. His people had grown enough to

need more space to expand in and that led to acquiring a

Business District. That would open up a whole new era in

Hyperian history.

It was a joyous day when Prince John, the youngest and last son of King Henry and Queen Celia proposed

to his one true love, Aliya Trace. They had been friends since they were children and despite the history

attached to the Trance name, Prince John would have no other. He loved Aliya and that was all that

mattered. His marriage would definitely change the perception of the Trace family, Prince John may not be

the next king but he still carried enough influence and power to change things and people’s minds about


Aliya: Are you sure that your sister doesn’t mind me wearing a copy of her wedding dress? I

can’t believe I forgot to get one for myself.

Prince John: She doesn’t mind, I told you that already.

Princess Serena nodded, she had been sitting in the front row.

Aliya: Alright.

Prince John: You look lovely Aliya.

Aliya: *cough* John!!

Prince John: *smirks* You knew that was coming.

Aliya: Oh you!!

Aliya: Are you sure it’s alright for us to stay here? I mean Violet is pregnant and they may

need the space.

Prince John: There’s enough room for all of us.

Celia: Yes dear, don’t worry about that.

Kindle: You’re so lucky little sister. I’d love to live in the castle.

Prince John: So, I suppose I can call you sister now right Kindle?

Kindle: Yes. My sister is lucky to have you John.

Aliya: I’d say so.

Kindle: This ties all three noble lines to the Royal Family now, how wonderful.

Prince John: It’s not uncommon to have things go that way.

Aliya: I hope it’s enough to offset father’s misdeeds.

Prince John: I told you, I don’t care about that, it’s you I love. Not your family name.

Aliya: *blushes* Aww, John…

Aliya soon began to forget about things like that and turned her attention to little Princess Elizabeth. She

was such a sweet little girl, growing up she and Shawn were the youngest so there was no one below them to

play with, Aliya loved the chance to learn now for when she had her own children.

So she was more than honoured when Derek said she could give Elizabeth her birthday. Even Violet agreed

that she should, she was family now too after all.

And she grew up with a Playfulness and a liking

to dish soap in a bottle. It made pretty bubbles.

But soon enough Princess Elizabeth wouldn’t be the only child in the castle, later on that night Violet

went into labour again.

Henry: Maybe we should just set up a birthing room right here in the throne area…it

seems all too accustomed to it already.

Turns out the twin gene is strong in the Rothgate family…

Their grandparents wanted to do the honour of elevating their twin grandsons to the next stage of life.

Prince James (heir)



Prince Peter (spare)



Prince James and Prince Peter would soon be joined by their cousin(s)…

Arthur (red hair) and Lancelot (brown hair).

With two sons right away, Prince John saw no need

to have anymore. And Aliya was more than happy

to oblige. Twin boys was enough.

There would be four toddlers in the house briefly before the young princes had their next birthdays, Henry

and Celia wanted to savour the moments of their grandsons’ lives.

Arthur Rothgate



Lancelot Rothgate



A sweet little moment of the four boys together, before there are more kids around.

One, two…


Prince Peter: Hii twin brother!!

Prince James: I’m a pirate!! Cool!!

Princess Elizabeth: These two are the future of Hyperia? *sigh*

Prince James (red), Prince Peter (blue) I think…

Princess Elizabeth: Ad long as they do not interrupt my studies I’m sure we will get along fine.


The ever-expanding Noble class of Hyperia was beginning to take up the valuable farming land for the

kingdom. The business district addition to the territory would hopefully begin to off-set the shrinking farm


Hinamori and Xander had settled into an uneasy arrangement, while pregnant, Hinamori did little else but

complain. She could see the dirty Peasantry housing across the way from here, she was bored, she was lonely

and she hurt all over. It was making Xander’s climb up the Political ladder a living hell, she wanted more

influence, more power. And he would come home after a hard day’s work and sit down at the piano in an

attempt to drown her out, but it rarely worked.

Xander missed Violet’s gentleness and her comfort. She was so different from the one he was stuck with, but

he knew that his brother was the heir and he got first choice of a bride, he wanted Violet so he got her.

Xander hated feeling jealous of his brother’s happy marriage to Violet, the fact she had given him twin sons

not so long ago only further deepened their bond. At least the birth of a male heir would put off the Kasumi

plot to usurp the throne at least for one more generation. He knew about their plot; Lord Erian was sloppy

in his old age and he left many enemies in the Political world behind when he retired; which opened the door

for Xander to find every little detail of his plot out with a few favours to some of those old enemies.

His darkened thoughts were briefly put aside when Hinamori finally went into labour. When she birthed

twins and he held his son William for the first time, all seemed to be a little bit brighter in his world.

Hinamori had a grin on her face from ear to ear as she held her daughter Ophelia in her arms. A daughter

was always good for a back door way into the lines of succession…

Oh on a side note; look who topped Politics!! Hyperia has a good man in charge of the people this time, it’s

not his LTW of Earning $100 000 but the Politics Chance cards that gave the Kasumis such an edge may

work for Xander too, that was how Erian got the same LTW of Earning $100 000. Here’s hoping the

same is true for Xander!

Xander was delighted to give his son his birthday, he had been looking forward to it all day. Having recently

become Hyperia’s new Mayor, he was grateful for a small pleasure such as this.

William Rothgate



Ophelia Rothgate



She’s just not a Kasumi girl without a Mean and Outgoing streak…at least her twin is a sweetie.

Xander: Come on Will, say Daddy.

William: …

Xander: Honestly boy, where does your shyness come from? I’m certainly not shy and

neither is your mother.

William: …

William could grow out of this phase, at least that’s what Xander hoped. He really wanted his son to grow

up to be a good man and not fall under the influence of his mother’s side of the family. He had a chance to

make sure his boy knew what was right and what was wrong.

Ophelia on the other hand, could not seem to stop talking. Hinamori was positively beaming at how much

like her Ophelia was. Her daughter would grow into a formidable woman, just like her. She snagged a

prince, second in line for the throne and gave him a son on the first try. Hinamori expected the same or better

from Ophelia once she was grown.

Hinamori hoped that Ophelia would be a good influence on her twin brother and knock some of the

Niceness out of him. A daughter was good but a son was better; Hinamori knew this.

And it was never too early to start on that. As the children of two powerful parents, William and Ophelia will

become a force to be reckoned with. Hinamori would see to that…


Going next door to visit Prince Nicholas and Lilly…

Prince Nicholas: Don’t worry, we will have our little one soon, we just have to keep trying

that’s all.

Lilly: Are you sure? My sister was so much faster at it than I was…

Prince Nicholas: You’re different, and besides I like trying don’t you?

Lilly: *smiles* Of course I do.

Lilly: Daddy!!

Diamos: Hi baby, I see you’ve finally got your wish and you know how your mother loves grandbabies.

Lilly: I know, I was so worried for a while there.

Diamos: It just takes time and patience baby girl. All good things come to those who wait.

Lilly: Where did you hear that?

Diamos: Uhh…father’s wisdom…yeah…

Lilly: So tell me, how are my little niece and nephew? Is Tyler being a good dad?

Diamos: Your brother tries his best, you know that.

Lilly: That bad huh?

Diamos: No, I didn’t say that. He’s just got a lot on his mind right now.

Lilly: Then why has the business not been opened in a while? Isn’t he keeping it up?

Diamos: As I said, he as a lot on his mind…

She didn’t get to press the issue any further, Nicholas had just come home.

Prince Nicholas: I see our patience was finally rewarded.

Lilly: Nicky, you sound just like daddy.

Prince Nicholas: Wise men think alike it seems.

Lilly: He’s here now if you want to go inside.

Diamos: I worry sometimes about Kyle and Dalen, those boys don’t seem to want to settle

down. I would hate for their mother to go unfulfilled just because those boys are being


Lilly: Can’t you arrange something for them?

Diamos: I can, but I would rather that be a last resort.

Prince Nicholas: And besides, Derek has made his displeasure at arranged marriages known.

Prince Nicholas: Perhaps I can help talk some sense into those boys.

Diamos: Thank you, but I think I can handle it. They are my sons after all.

Prince Nicholas: As you wish.

Lilly: Nicky!! Don’t be pulling the prince card on my brothers!!

Prince Nicholas: I was just offering to help dear.

Lilly: I know, but still.

Lilly: Daddy? Nicky? Something’s happening!!

Diamos: Oh!! OH!! Don’t be scared baby, daddy’s here!!

Diamos: By the gods, after seeing this six times you’d think I’d be used to it by now!!

Lilly: OWWW!!!

Lilly: Hi…baby.

Diamos: I take it back, I never get tired of

seeing that.

Prince Nicholas: Well?

Lilly: Well what?

Prince Nicholas: Do I have son or not?

Lilly: Oh, no meet your daughter, Diana.

She has her Grandma Celia’s green eyes. ^_^

Diamos: She’s beautiful Lilly, just like her mommy.

Lilly: Aww, daddy.

Prince Nicholas: He’s not wrong, she is.

Lilly: You two are going to make me blush.

Birthdays are soo much fun…>_<

Prince Nicholas: Here we go baby girl, time to get big!!

Diana Rothgate (the poofy hair lives on…)



Why does she have to be mean? Where did that come from?

Lilly was surprised to have a visit from an old friend and his wife. She hadn’t heard from Kieran Columbus

in a long time. It was nice to see that he still wanted to drop by and see what was new and exciting in her


Leslie: Oh, hello little one!! I bet you’ll just be the cutest little thing, yes you will, oh yes you


Kieran: Leslie, dial it down a bit would you? She is a Noble.

Lilly: Oh I don’t mind, come here!! Why haven’t you called in forever Kieran? I missed you.

Kieran: I got busy, you know being the family heir and all. Did you hear about my excursion?

Lilly: Oh yes, how dreadful that must have been, to be spirited away like that.

Kieran: It wasn’t so bad actually, I have two daughters from it.

Lilly: Really? Oh once our kids are old enough they have to play together. Just like we used to.

While Lilly was outside catching up with old friends, Nicholas was inside teaching little Diana how to

walk. She was so quick to pick it up, he was proud of his baby girl.

Prince Nicholas: Good job honey bear!! You did it!!

Diana: *giggles*

Prince Nicholas: You’re such a smart girl.

Once Kieran and Leslie left, Lilly came back inside to teach Diana how to talk. Nicholas looked on

fondly at his wife and daughter, he was happy.

Things got better when she gave birth to twins, a son, his heir, and another daughter. Nicholas held his son

Andrew as his lovely wife held their daughter Mary. Their family finally felt complete.


Next we visit the home of Rangiku and Goopy GilsCarbo…

Goopy: Well this is no good.

Rangiku: Problems husband?

Goopy: We’ll see, place your bet.

Rangiku: Your bet.

Goopy: Raise you 10 silver.

Rangiku: Hmm, feeling lucky?

Goopy: Perhaps.

Goopy: HA!! I knew you were bluffing.

Rangiku: You got me, you are just too good at this game.

Goopy: Simple logic my dear.

Early the next morning Rangiku was doubled over in pain, the labour had begun. At the sounds of her

screams Goopy came running.

Goopy: Oh why does it have to be now? My carriage pool is here.

Rangiku: WHAT WAS THAT?!!?

Goopy: Nothing beloved. Nothing at all.

Goopy: Why…why are you giving me this one?

Rangiku: Perks of being a twin husband.

Goopy: Oh.

Rangiku gave birth to twins, a boy Micah and a girl Michaela. Some of these twin births were chosen by me

because I was afraid of a girl pandemic and twins is the best way to get at least one boy.

Erian: I see, so you had twins also.

Rangiku: Yes father, aren’t you proud of how well your daughters breed?

Erian: Yes quite so. I expected nothing less from you and your sister.

Rangiku: So now that Derek had sons, what does that mean for Shuuhei and his plans?

Erian: It’s unfortunate, but tolerable. There are many more chances left to take our rightful

place as rulers of this kingdom dear, plenty more.

Rangiku: Don’t worry father, the day will come when a Kasumi will sit on the throne of

Hyperia and we will carry on your legacy even after you have passed to the next life.

Erian: I know you will, I am just disappointed that I will not be around to see it. But I have

faith in you kids that one of you will make me proud.

Rangiku: We will father, we will.

Rangiku: And when we do, a new era will dawn in Hyperia. Our kingdom will be the best

and most powerful of all, we shall destroy our enemies with swift and brutal force.

Erian: You make an old man’s heart proud Rangiku.

Rangiku: Thank you father.

Rangiku: This is a most wonderful invention, how ever did you come up with it?

Goopy: I’m a scientist dear, it’s simple when you’re a genius like I am.

Rangiku: The water is so warm and comfortable and how do you make it swirl like this?

Goopy: It’s science. Just enjoy it.

Goopy: Only the best for you.

Rangiku: Aww. How sweet.

But first it was birthday time for the twins with Grandpa Erian looking on.

Micah GilsCarbo



Michaela GilsCarbo



A True Kasumi Girl.

Goopy took the chance to teach Micah how to talk. He was convinced the boy would make a great scientist

just like his father one day and he wanted to make sure he had an early start in life towards that goal.


The last stop for this part is the home of Kindle and Kennedy Grove. Kennedy expressed a desire to start

his own market where the freshest fruits, vegetables, and fish could be locally produced and caught. And

Kindle found gardening to be a pleasant experience.

Kennedy had used a large portion of their finances to start a fine garden and commission two large

greenhouses to be built for them. One was for vegetables and the other held their fruit trees. Kennedy had

purchased nine of them and two large plot for vegetable growth. Kindle was happy to spend her days outside

tending the gardens and she even learned to fish in their small pond. She found it was relaxing and passed

the time while Kennedy worked his way up the Military ladder.

Kindle: I could have sworn I just weeded this plant…hmm. There must be something in

that fertilizer Kennedy bought.

One day before Kindle went out to do her daily gardening she was in pain. It seemed that her child could not

wait until Kennedy came back from work to make their appearance. For Kindle, she was terrified; all alone

in this big house, in labour and no one around to help her. She had always grown up with someone around

when she was younger, this was her first time she was all alone.

Once she held her first born son in her arms, all that seemed to go away…

But what she was NOT expecting that her first

born would be followed by two more!! She had

triplet boys!! How was she to take care of three

babies all alone?

Of course with three sons right off the bat, Kennedy was more than contented to leave it at three. He did

not want to put Kindle through that again, not when he got sons right away.

It meant more than enough work already, he would have to hire help for Kindle. He had been given a good

source for help from the former General Starr on where to find good help. He would visit the Newson home

and see if one of the girls there would be interested in becoming a live-in caretaker and lady-in-waiting for


Jason Grove (heir)



Jeremy Grove (spare)



Jacob Grove (spare, blond hair)



And that’s all for Week 7, Part 1. Stats time:

# of Households: 13

# of Playables: 83

# of NPC Community Lots: 2

# of Owned Community Lots: 5

(Columbus [Rank 10], Columbus [Rank 2],Kasumi [Rank 5], Starr [Rank 6], Grove [Rank 0])

SM: (2x13; two generations in each household, +1 for every heir marrying up a class (Kasumi), +1 for 5

community lots, +5 for adding a Business District) SM= 33

Population: 83x33= 2, 739

Careers Unlocked:

Criminal: 1 of 27 filled (Columbus [retired], Trace [Retired], Hood)

Military: 1of 2 filled (Pop. of 1,000 x 2)

Oceanography: 1 of 5 filled (Kasumi)

Politics: 1 of 2 filled ([Kasumi retired], Rothgate 2) [Pop. of 1,000 x 2]

Medical: 0 of 1 filled [First opens at 1,000 pop. Then again at 5,000]

Journalism: 0 of 2 filled (Pop. of 1,000 x 2)

Music: 0 of 1 filled

Business: 0 of 1 filled

Law Enforcement: 1 of 3 filled (Cooke [fired], Starr)

Education: 2 of 10 filled (Sims),(Trace) [Pop. 250 x 10=2500]

Entertainment: 1 of 5 filled (Columbus)

Intelligence: 1 of 2 filled (Hood), [Diamos has retired]

Architecture: 1 of 2 filled (Trace) [+1 for addition of a sub-hood: Business District]

Science: 2 of 6 filled (GilsCarbo), (Cooke)