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Non-Profit Organizations & FacebookSeptember 2011

PEI Kids, September 2011

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NPOs & Facebook Table of Contents

I. PrefaceII. “What is Social Media” (Video, Source: Youtube)III. “Social Media” & “Social Networking” DefinitionsIV. Statistics about Social Media & Social NetworkingV. Why Social Media & Networking are Important VI. Statistics about FacebookVII. Why Use Facebook?VIII.Why Use Facebook? Part IIIX. What other Organizations are doing well & not so well…X. Potential Harms or Risks when Using Social MediaXI. Social Media & Our Strategic PlanXII. The Future of Social Media for PEI KidsXIII.Questions or Comments

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NPOs & Facebook Preface

“Nonprofits have quickly figured out that Facebook is massive—providing both a robust platform and a huge base (600 million active members and growing) and is the default choice for American consumers for peer-to-peer socializing online. As a result, savvy organizations are moving to overlay the delivery of their programs and services…”

Source: NTEN, Common Knowledge, and Blackbaud. 3rd Annual Nonprofit Social Network Benchmark Report 2011. Rep. Common Knowledge, 2011. Web. 23 Aug. 2011. <http://www.NonprofitSocialNetowrkSurvey.com>.

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NPOs & Facebook Social Media: What Is It?

Source: ReadyBUZZ.com. "The Social Media Revolution - What Does It Mean for You?" YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 25 Feb. 2011. Web. 13 Aug. 2011. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRFFsQtTE8I>.

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NPOs & Facebook Social Media & Social Networking

-Social Media is the peer to peer communication and user generated content made possible through the advent of participatory “Web 2.0” tools such as blogs, online social networks, multimedia sites, and text messaging.

-Social Networks are online communities of individuals who are connected to each other via ties. Social Networks form through many types of social media platforms including blog networks, list-servs and Google groups.

-Larger Social Networks such as Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn serve a wide variety of interests and geographic areas.

Source: Kanter, Beth, and Allison H. Fine. The Networked Nonprofit: Connecting with Social Media to Drive Change. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010. Print.

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NPOs & Facebook Statistics about Social Media & Social Networking

1. Nonprofit efforts to attract more supporters on social networks are working.

2. Most nonprofits (92%), regardless of organization size, are using at least one commercial social network (CSN) like Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

3. YouTube is popular with nearly half (47%) of charities indicating they have a presence on this social video sharing site.

4. Twitter is the second most popular used by 57% of organizations.

5. The industry giant with 89% adoption among nonprofits is Facebook.

Source: NTEN, Common Knowledge, and Blackbaud. 3rd Annual Nonprofit Social Network Benchmark Report 2011. Rep. Common Knowledge, 2011. Web. 23 Aug. 2011. <http://www.NonprofitSocialNetowrkSurvey.com>.

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NPOs & Facebook Why Social Media & Networking are Important

“Social media is fundamentally re-engineering the way we promote and sell our goods and services. If you are not making this a part of your business and marketing plan, know that your competitors are. The social media train is picking up steam, and if you don’t get on board, you’ll be left at the station. If you are not participating on any social networks, you are being left behind.”

Source: Schuele, Susi. "Social Networking: How to Be Effective." GPSolo 28.4 (2011): 24-27. Print.

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NPOs & Facebook Why Social Media & Networking are Important

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Source: http://www.kaizen-marketing.com/social-media-important/

-Social networks are ubiquitous, inexpensive, and available 24/7/365.

-More and more people are online. You can discover what they do there, depending on who your stockholders are.

-Social networks are precisely the places where people are free to be empathic.


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NPOs & Facebook Statistics about Facebook

If Facebook was a country, it would be the Third Largest country in the world (right behind China and India).

There are more than 750 million active users.

50% of its active users log on to Facebook in anygiven day.

The average user has over 130 friends.

People spend over 700 billion minutes every month on Facebook.

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Source: http:www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics

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NPOs & Facebook Why Use Facebook?

PEI Kids, September 2011

• Venue to quickly broadcast a message to a large list without getting blacklisted by an ISP or having their message caught in a spam filter

• Allows organizations to advertise upcoming events easily and effectively• It’s FREE!!!

Transfer of Products

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NPOs & Facebook Why Use Facebook-Part II

• Raise funds for our organization & increase our donor base

• Promote the generosity of our current funders• To find and communicate with potential supporters

and keep current donors engaged• To stir and broaden support for important social

issues• To empower members to engage in their own

actions• To organize, promote and manage events• To promote organization’s latest news and

meetings• To strengthen and develop relationships with

community partners• To raise public awareness and money for advocacy

efforts • To find and recruit volunteers• To create a single branded page of your

organization’s work• To stay in touch with core audiences on an

ongoing basis

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NPOs & Facebook What other Organizations are doing well (& not so well)…

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NPOs & Facebook Potential Harms or Risks when Using Social Media

Privacy Social Media Policy

Bad/negative/unwanted Code of Conductmedia exposure Thoughtful Responses

Credit Card Donations Security

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NPOs & Facebook Social Media & Our Strategic Plan

PEI Kids, September 2011

Social media provides PEI Kids with the foundation to bring our

needs, opportunities, image, relationships and strengths to

the public through viral marketing. We are also

presented with the occasion to enhance our services and bring our improvements to


“Most don’t know us at all.”- This is the way to do it!

Fundraising tool- enhancing our fundraising

Find unmet needs in the community

5-7 minute video – easy to get it

up there

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NPOs & Facebook The Future of Social Media for PEI Kids

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NPOs & Facebook Questions or Comments

PEI Kids, September 2011