1 All You Need to Know about Ɲaturϵ, ealitƴ § uɖɖhisɱ

Nature & Yourselves

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All You Need to

Know about


Ɽealitƴ § ẞuɖɖhisɱ


1.0 Life Existence - How it begins and continues to begin?

Every existence does contain with the three basic elements - energy, matter

and space. These basic elements would subject to the balanced and the

imbalanced phenomena. Under a balanced phenomenon, these elements would

start to integrate with each other to create aggregation. Under an imbalanced

phenomenon, these elements would start to disintegrate from each other to

create segregation.

1.1 The Cycle of Dependent Origination

In the Buddhist context, the dependent nature is known as samsāra. Samsāra

literally means ‘continuous flow’- referring to a repeating cycle of birth, life,

death and re-birth. In other words, there is a repeating cycle of rising and

falling activities that in turn would give rise to the regular balanced and

imbalanced phenomena as being observed by the mind. This scenario can be

portrayed in the cycle of dependent origination shown as below: -

Balance leads to stability. Stability leads to aggregation. Aggregation leads to

agitation. Agitation leads to information. Information leads to knowledge.

Knowledge leads to representation. Representation leads to memory. Memory

leads to compulsion. Compulsion leads to ignorance. Ignorance leads to

blindness. Blindness leads to disorientation. Disorientation leads to confusion.

Confusion leads to irrationality. Irrationality leads to impulse. Impulse leads to

sparkling. Sparkling leads to inkling. Inkling leads to volition. Volition leads to

awareness. Awareness leads to consciousness. Consciousness leads to

manas. Manas leads to mind and body. Mind and body lead to sensation.

Sensation leads to six sense bases. Six sense bases lead to conductivity.

Conductivity leads to contact. Contact leads to stimulation. Stimulation leads

to feeling. Feeling leads to experience. Experience leads to craving. Craving

leads to grasping. Grasping leads to clinging. Clinging leads to unsettling.

Unsettling leads to becoming. Becoming leads to creation. Creation leads to

birth. Birth leads to energising. Energising leads to mobility. Mobility leads to

hauling. Hauling leads to aging. Aging leads to draining. Draining leads to

death. Death leads to fragility. Fragility leads to segregation. Segregation

leads to diffusion. Diffusion leads to imbalance. Imbalance leads to

adjustment. Adjustment leads to alignment. Alignment leads to new balance.


The Cycle of Dependent Origination The principle in effect: -

A stream of balanced phenomena would conjure up aggregation,

A stream of aggregation would conjure up information,

A stream of information would conjure up memory,

A stream of memories would conjure up ignorance,

A stream of ignorance would conjure up volitional impulse,

A stream of volitional impulses would conjure up consciousness,

A stream of consciousness would conjure up body and mind,

A stream of body and mind would conjure up six sense bases,
















Six sense bases Conductivity Contact Experience










Manas Mind & body Sensation




Stability Aggregation Agitation


Hauling Blindness





Imbalance Diffusion Adjustment Alignment

Black hole




A stream of six sense bases would conjure up contact,

A stream of contacts would conjure up feeling,

A stream of feelings would conjure up craving,

A stream of cravings would conjure up clinging,

A stream of clinging would conjure up becoming,

A stream of becoming would conjure up birth,

A stream of births would conjure up aging,

A stream of aging would conjure up death,

A stream of deaths would conjure up segregation,

A stream of segregation would conjure up imbalanced phenomenon,

A stream of imbalanced phenomena would conjure up new balanced


Thus the conditional phenomena would continue repeatedly to depict the rising

and falling activities in the dependent nature, just like a continuum of wavy

pattern oscillating up and down. However, the cycle of dependent origination

cannot be directly translated as a linear point of reference because the

conventional reality does not work in-linear but in inter-dependence, inter-

woven since the dawn of time in a very comprehensive and complicated

network of existence.

2.0 Energy and Matter

Energy and matter are simply two aspects of the same thing - both reflected in

a different form. Just like cause and effect are referring to the same thing -

both reflected in a different time of events. Matter is simply something that

contains mass and takes up space as a solid, liquid, gas or plasma. The atom is

a basic unit of matter that consists of a dense, central nucleus surrounded by

a cloud of negatively charged electrons. The atomic nucleus contains a mix of

positively charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons. In other words,

matter is also known as concerted, aggregated or concentrated or wrapped

energy. As scientists have discovered, energy cannot be created or destroyed

– it only transforms itself based on any subjected conditions. Therefore, we

could summarise that all activities would evolve around the orientation of

energy and matter in space at all times and it can be illustrated as below: -


The Orientation of Energy, Matter and Space

Key: -

The element of energy Electromagnetic vibration

The element of matter Gravitational wave

The chain of mind consciousness




F0 F2






C2 C0










E2 A2











The Web of Energy

Key: -

Point of friction = crystalised energy.

= a basis of matter.


The Network of Existence

For example,

The Structure of Human Skin

Key: -

Point of friction = a communion of the two opposite forces.

= a balanced point.

1. This is how the network of connectivity arises in the dependent nature i.e. all the

elements are inter-depending, inter-waving and inter-relating with one another since

the dawn of time.

2. Energy is all about vibration. And vibration is about the alternate movement of

opposite forces and it travels in a wave pattern shown as below: -



FA1-2 = FA2-1



FA3-2 = FA1-1

FA3-1 = FA4-2

FA2-2 = FXX-X

F(A3-1=A4-2)-1 = FXXXX-XXXX

F(A3-1-A4-2)-2 = F(A3-2-A1-1)-1

F(A3-2=A1-1)-2 = F(A1-2=A2-1)-1

F(A1-2=A2-1)-2 = F(A2-2=XX-X)-1




3.0 Energy and Soul

What is energy? It is described as the ability to cause change or do work.

Now, let us look at soul. Soul is defined as non-material part of a human body,

believed to exist for ever, emotional and intellectual energy. As such, is it

incorrect to relate soul as part of the elements of energy? On the other hand,

one may hear of the Law of Conservation of Energy that says energy in a

system can neither be created nor destroyed. It may take on various forms

(e.g. kinetic, potential, heat, light, chemical, nuclear, electrical, mechanical, etc.)

Therefore, the sum of all the energies in the system is a constant or never


When a person is lying dead, both the elements of energy and matter would

head off from each other. The elements of energy would sustain a liberty of

sorts and over time, the elements of matter would transform into the elements

of energy as well before assuming into another new life forms and this cyclic

process continues repeatedly. Now, let us take an example of a worn out PC

(Personal Computer). Whilst the hardware parts may meet its due time, the

software parts may not and it could be recycled and reconfigured before being

put to use onto other PC.

On another instance, we could summarise that ice, water and steam are

different forms deriving from the orientation of H2O properties under the

subjected conditions. At the end of the day, when the ice form ceased to be,

the elements of energy within it would assume into the water or the steam

form. The elements of energy within the ice form did not just die out or cease

to exist. Also, it is well known that modern scientists who work on hypotheses

could not conclusively agree to acknowledge the presence of souls or spirits

due to the complication in garnering consistent results at any given time

period. However, the so-called souls or spirits could still be detected by

electromagnetic devices and this scenario has confirmed that souls or spirits

are part of the elements of energy. There are bountiful cases related to souls

or spirits available in every corner of the world but most of the investigations

merely lead to a mystifying end.


4.0 Ātman

In Hinduism, ātman is defined as individual soul or essence that is eternal,

unchanging, and indistinguishable from the essence of the universe. However,

Buddhism sees no ātman or no eternal soul. Therefore, the correct

interpretation is Buddhism recognises no eternal-soul and not no-soul. In

other words, Buddhism sees in a basis of blueprints in individuals that is always

evolving under the influence of conditional phenomena. Whereas, Hinduism

sees in a basis of blueprints that is eternal and never changing under any


5.0 Law of Kamma and Newton’s Law of Motion

The law of kamma is a natural phenomenon law discovered and realised by

human civilisation long time ago – so as all the natural law principles testified

and verified by modern scientists. In other words, all the natural phenomenon

laws have been in existence since the dawn of time with or without any

discoveries by human beings. For general understanding, the law of kamma is a

comprehensive law that runs in a phenomenon full of complexity and in a way

beyond the straight forward action-reaction principles being discovered by

modern scientists. If we analyse intently into the Newton’s 3rd law of motion

and the law of kamma, both of these laws did share a certain degree of

similarity. For instance, it is correct to say that good begets good, evil begets

evil. When one pays to behave like an animal in the present lifetime, one would

be repaid in the next life as an animal. Just as sow apple seeds, reap apple

fruits; sow orange seeds, reap orange fruits or Action 1 conjures up Reaction 1;

Action 2 conjures up Reaction 2.

6.0 Law of Nature and the Buddha’s teachings

If one observes intently at the surroundings, everything that exists would

always try to achieve a harmonious balance. All things or matters would only

exist in perpetual conditions under a balanced phenomenon. Thus when things

run off-balance or when one stirs up in any circumstances, the natural law that

maintains equilibrium would take its regular course to balance it in another way


across time and the plane of existence. This natural law is also known as the

law of balancing. In the Buddhist context, the law of balancing can also be

classified as the law of kamma. The law of kamma is a natural law that is not

shaped by someone else; no one owns it; neither Buddhism – but merely to

ensure equilibrium in the nature at all times.

Also, we need to understand that long before the rising of Buddhadhamma

about 2,550 years ago, the realms of existence has run its course in

accordance with the natural bounding laws. And the wise Buddha has seen

through the reality of it, thus advocating remedies for a permanent liberation.

The Buddha has recommended Middle Path (the path of balancing) that acts as

a fundamental route to taste enlightenment while facing with the law of kamma (the law of balancing). Middle Path is all about focusing on core, neutral,

balance and upright. It means to investigate and break through the core of life

and all things without any attitudes of favouritism. Any investigations must

commence based on unbiased grounds i.e. on neutral and upright positions. In

other words, one needs to investigate the problem from various angles, analyse

the findings, understand the truth thoroughly, and find a reasonable conclusion.

Also, the Buddhadhamma lays great emphasis on human thought and action in

dealing with the natural environment, society or individual problems. It is

concerned with the relationship between thoughts and behaviour, and the

relationship between behaviour and its consequences. In short, the Buddha

recognises all thoughts and actions as wholesome or unwholesome only. The

meaning of wholesome would be in totality of perspective and unwholesome

would be in non-totality of perspective. There is no holy or sinful act or

thought in the eyes of the Buddha except for skillful or unskillful one.

7.0 Basic elements and Conditional phenomena

When the three basic elements - energy, matter and space interact together,

the very first dot of integrating process begins under a balanced phenomenon.

When the billion and trillion dots come together, it would manifest into some

sort of beings or things. Respectively, each dot contains a sort of genetic

information that is unique and the aggregate of multiple dots would conjure up

a pool of behaviour subsequently. Such a unique behaviour would be enfold


within the same being or thing until the next disintegrating process begins upon

a specific time of maturity. During the disintegrating process, the three basic

elements would liberate from each other and sustain a freedom of sorts under

an imbalanced phenomenon.

When more different beings go through the same disintegrating processes,

more different elements of energy and matter would sustain with freedom of

sorts and thus assimilate among each other in the realms of existence before

waiting for the subsequent balanced phenomena. For instance, the three basic

elements would separate from each other when a being is lying dead. Both the

elements of prevailing and subtle consciousnesses would depart from the body.

It is the same scenario for plants, insects or any material things – but only the

elements of subtle consciousness exist and would depart from the body.

8.0 Law of Dependent Origination

So far all the available suttas on the Buddha’s teachings have pointed out

ignorance as the first link in the wheel of life. However, if we were to observe

this aspect of ignorance intently, it simply could not arise out of thin air.

Definitely, it has to arise out of some kind of memorised events that have

taken place beforehand. In psychology, memory is defined as an organism's

ability to store, retain, and recall information and experiences. So when the

process of aggregation begins, some sort of information would be produced,

stored and recalled within the integrated elements. In a layman term, this

process is called the creation or pro-creation within beings or things. If the

memory aspect is absent, the process of replication could not arise in any

beings or things at all.

Let us illustrate the learning of speeches among young children. If a child has

no ability of memorising, then whatever lessons that were taught on would be

forgotten or erased instantly and the progression into the next advanced level

would be deemed impossible. However, in Buddhism, there is a

recommendation for one to see and live in the present; neither in the past nor

in the future. When one lives well in the present, one would lead to a cessation

of memories of the past and this would subsequently lead to a cessation of


ignorance in the future.

The principle in effect: -

The seeing of ultimate truth leads to the cessation of balanced phenomenon,

The cessation of balanced phenomenon leads to the cessation of aggregation,

The cessation of aggregation leads to cessation of information,

The cessation of information leads to cessation of memory,

The cessation of memory leads to the cessation of ignorance,

The cessation of ignorance leads to the cessation of volitional impulse,

The cessation of volitional impulse leads to the cessation of consciousness,

The cessation of consciousness leads to the cessation of body and mind,

The cessation of body and mind lead to the cessation of six sense bases,

The cessation of six sense bases lead to the cessation of contact,

The cessation of contact leads to the cessation of feeling,

The cessation of feeling leads to the cessation of craving,

The cessation of craving leads to the cessation of clinging,

The cessation of clinging leads to the cessation of becoming,

The cessation of becoming leads to the cessation of birth,

The cessation of birth leads to the cessation of aging,

The cessation of aging leads to the cessation of death,

The cessation of death leads to the cessation of segregation,

The cessation of segregation leads to the cessation of imbalanced


The cessation of imbalanced phenomenon leads to the cessation of conditional


The cessation of conditional phenomena leads to the cessation of time,

The cessation of time leads to the unconditional freedom of basic elements -

energy, matter and space.

Ultimately, the pure energy would freeze indefinitely in the absence of time –

this is the ambience of nibbāna. Let us refer to the following illustration: -



Encircled by Conditional phenomena Release of Conditional phenomena

Act of Emptying

Act of Extinguishing

Act of Neutralising

Elements sustain in PERPETUITY Elements sustain in PERMANENCY Presence of Time Absence of Time


9.0 Balanced condition and Sentient beings

Balance is generally defined as a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal

distribution of weight, amount, etc; a condition of being steady; a state of

equilibrium or parity characterised by cancellation of all forces by equal

opposing forces; a harmonious or satisfying arrangement or proportion of parts

or elements, as in a design. On the other hand, sentient is defined as

responsive to or conscious of sense impressions; finely sensitive in perception

or feeling. Sentient beings are denoted as beings with consciousness or

sentience or specifically it denotes the presence of the five aggregates and are

characteristically not enlightened and are thus confined to the death, rebirth

and suffering characteristic of samsāra.

When we describe the characteristics of sentient beings, we are actually

referring to the energy being enfold within the matter that is subject to the

rising and the falling events. The consciousness aspects within the sentient

beings would initiate thoughts or acts that are devoid of inherent existence.

For every rising force of thoughts or acts, a new equal opposing force would



Matter Matter




arise as well across the time stream (past, present and future) and the plane of

existence. Continuous rising and falling of thoughts or acts would shape the

wheel of life as in samsāra. As mentioned earlier, energy and matter are simply

two aspects of the same thing - both reflected in different forms per se. Just

like cause and effect are the same things - both reflected in a different time of

events. Let us look at the following illustrations: -

Cause = Effect

Cause 1 conjures up Effect 1,

Effect 1 conjures up Cause 1-1,

.., etc.

Action = Reaction

Action 1 conjures up Reaction 1,

Reaction 1 conjures up Action 1-1,

.., etc.

If present,

Cause 1 > Effect 1,

Action 1 > Reaction 1

future will be,

Effect 1 > Cause 1-1,

Reaction 1 > Action 1-1*

* This is the typical scenario of a good person having to face with the

unfortunate events; a bad person having to enjoy the fortunate events in a


For example,

Loan $100 = Repayment $100

If today,

Loan $100 > Repayment $100


tomorrow will be,

Repayment > new Loan $100

In another scenario, the balanced condition could be depicted in our daily act of

giving and taking i.e.

The rise of unreserved taking or reward leads to the rise of accountable giving

or sacrifice (unfavourable energies attract unfavourable energies),

The rise of unreserved giving or sacrifice leads to the rise of unaccountable

taking or reward (favourable energies attract favourable energies).

A cessation in the conditional phenomena would lead to the cessation of cyclic

influences i.e. when action ceasing, reaction ceases; when cause ceasing, effect

ceases. And the antidote to the cessation of it would be radiating loving-

kindness and compassion that act as means for weakening the links of suffering

in the wheel of life.

The principle in effect: - A stream of loving-kindness and compassion would conjure up empathy,

A stream of empathy would conjure up boundless,

A stream of boundless would conjure up voidness,

A stream of voidness would conjure up stillness,

A stream of stillness would conjure up peacefulness,

A stream of peacefulness would conjure up enlightenment.

As a summary, every existence (sentient, non-sentient, or any material things)

consists of energy and matter that would orientate toward a harmoniously

balanced condition that is in accordance with the universal laws. Under a

balanced phenomenon, one could witness the emergence of forms; under an

imbalanced phenomenon, one could witness the non-emergence of forms and

the cycle of conditional phenomena continues repeatedly.


10.0 Law of Cause and Effect in Motion

Generally speaking, there are two categories of motion i.e. the constant and

the variable motion. When we mention that a rising force of something would

generate a new equal opposing force under the law of balancing, we are

actually referring to a process of action and reaction under a condition of

constant motion. However, under a condition of variable motion, the law of

balancing would orientate in a unique harmonising mechanism (as in Newton’s

2nd law of motion). Let us look at the following illustrations: -

10.1 Constant Motion

Under a circumstance of constant motion, come factor equals to become

factor: -

Come factor = Become factor

10.2 Variable Motion

10.2.1 Acceleration

When come factor accelerates, the relative become factor would decelerate: -

Come factor ↑, Become factor ↓

(End results: Mental and physical progresses slow down the circumstance of

time dilation in Einstein’s special theory of relativity.)

10.2.2 Deceleration

When come factor decelerates, the relative become factor would accelerate: -

Come factor ↓, Become factor ↑

(End results: Mental and physical progresses speed up the ambience of deep



More examples: -

1. When a car stops suddenly in a quick action, the reacting process becomes

slower in relative to the action and this is a basis for greater inertia effects –

serious injuries on the passenger.

2. When a car stops steadily in a slow action, the reacting process becomes

quicker in relative to the action and this is a basis for lesser inertia effects –

mild injuries on the passenger.

3. When one launches a bullet toward a target – too quick an action would take

the target longer time to react relatively. If compared with launching a throw

of baseball – slower an action would give relatively longer time for the target to


4. When one runs water on a piece of paper in low velocity, the atoms or

molecules within the paper have sufficient time to react relatively quicker to

hold tight as a scale unit and vice versa.

Naturally, we always involve in motions that vary in frequencies under the

influence of conditional phenomena and this scenario coincides with the

Buddha’s saying that the working result of kamma was one of the four

unconjecturables and to speculate about it would bring madness and vexation

to anyone who conjectured about it.

11.0 Space and Time

Some people may say that time is an illusion and does not exist after all. So

what actually is time? Frankly speaking, time is something that is created; not

born (a non-natural existence). Time is an indicator for event; whereas length,

width and height are indicators for size and volume. All these indicators belong

to a category named as dimension. In other words, dimension is created for

the task of measurement per se and therefore, not something that arises out

naturally. Also, time is a scalar factor. A scalar refers to a quantity or

phenomenon that exhibits magnitude only, with no specific direction. Example


of scalars include speed, mass, electrical resistance, and hard-drive storage

capacity. Any interval of time is also scalar - it has magnitude only.

On the other hand, space is a natural element in the realms of existence; just

like the elements of energy and matter. Space is merely a plane for all the

activities or existences i.e. the orientation of energy or matter under the

conditional phenomena. Presently, scientists have discovered that space has

three spatial dimensions (length, width and height) and one temporal dimension

- that is time. In cosmology, the concept of spacetime combines space and

time to a single abstract universe. In fact, there is another X-factor dimension

exists to accommodate for non-discerning circumstances. As a summary, we

could mention that the three spatial dimensions were created for expressing all

existences under static phenomena and the combination of 3 + 1 + X-factor

dimensions were created for expressing all existences under dynamic


11.1 What actually happens to an object under accelerating motion?

When an object is set under an accelerating motion, the becoming process of

the object would be stretched as compared with a relative object that is set

under a constant or a decelerating motion. In other words, the becoming

process of the object has been slowed down comparatively; not the time has

been dilated or slowed down. Time would only assume the expression that the

becoming process has slowed down and not the other way round.

Literally, the slowing down of the becoming process would mean the slowing

down of the aging process for a sentient being. This is the correct

understanding behind the thought experiment of twin paradox which concerns a

twin who flies off in a spaceship traveling near the speed of light and returns to

discover that his or her twin sibling has aged much more.

The principle in effect: -

Time is an expression that becoming process exists,

Becoming process is not an expression that time exists.


Length, width and height are expressions that size and volume exist,

Size and volume are not expressions that length, width and height exist.

Shadow is an expression that object and light exist,

Object and light are not expressions that shadow exists.

Effect A is an expression that Cause A exists,

Cause A is not an expression that Effect A exists,

Cause A is an expression that Effect pre-A exists.

In other words,

When no cause arising, no effect would arise,

When no object and light arising, no shadow would arise,

When no becoming process arising, no time would arise.

Similarly, the word of time has been used frequently for expressing different

scenarios of becoming process, such as follows: -

NO TIME = an expression of no opportunity for a new becoming process to


TIME TO TIME = an expression of moving from the past to the present

becoming process; the present to the future becoming process.

TIME PASSED SLOWLY = an expression of hoping for a faster becoming


TIME DILATION = an expression that the becoming process slows down.

Once again, time is a dimension because it is a scale of measurement created

for gauging the events. Therefore, time could not be self-sustainable and has

no entity. For one to reflect time as an entity is a point of view based on

delusion, just like the misconception of self entity in beings. When there is no

becoming process, there is no time. So time does not exist in nibbāna.


12.0 The Concept of Emptiness in Buddhism

The concept of śūnyatā (emptiness) in Buddhism has always been the main

subject of confusion among the followers. Now, let us analyse into it.

We need to understand that long before the rising of Buddhadhamma about

2,550 years ago, the realms of existence has run its course in accordance with

the natural bounding laws. The wise Buddha has seen through the reality of it,

thus advocating remedies to liberate oneself from these laws permanently. For

general understanding, nature is full with wonders and has reached a saturated

level of complexity that encompasses all sorts of activities such as

aggregation, segregation, evolution, mutation, assimilation, etc. In other words,

all of these activities have had happened in a manner long before we have a

slightest opportunity to realise it. This scenario is the key to the rising of

ignorant aspects in the realms of existence.

As a consequence, we always tend to make the observation on events in the

context of ‘result’ perspective or from the ignorant point of view. There are

plenty of examples for the observation deriving from this conventional

perspective i.e. formation, suffering, disease, sickness, terrorism, calamity,

existence, etc. Nevertheless, the wise Buddha has realised these

circumstances and recommended with a paradigm shift i.e. for one to make the

observation on events from the context of ‘cause’ perspective or the

awakened point of view instead.

Thus far, it is this new-found perspective that could one liberate from the

cyclic influence of conditional phenomena. One of the good examples is the

introduction of the cardinal doctrine of Dependent Origination. As mentioned

earlier, nature has already reached a saturated level of complexity and this

circumstance has created difficulties for one to observe the events free from

defilements. If we could unwind all the events that have taken place in the

nature, we could realise the origin of it i.e. all the activities, events or

processes would evolve around the orientation of energy or matter in a plane

called space at all times. At the end of the day, we could see that every

existence (sentient, non-sentient, or any material things) is nothing but merely

basic elements (energy, matter and space) that would orientate in accordance


with the conditional phenomena. This is the correct understanding on the

concept of emptiness in Buddhism.

In other words, we could mention that the form entity has a delusive nature

and it is generated out of the ignorant point of view or from the context of

‘result’ perspective. We could not view form as an entity because it is an

appearance, though not illusive, but devoid of inherent existence and varies

under the influence of conditional phenomena. Rightfully, the Buddha has

recommended one to see all the circumstances as they truly are (not as they

delusively are). And it is through the philosophy of emptiness could one begin

to experience the cleansing of ignorant aspects. Once the ignorant aspects

have been extinguished or neutralised, the awakening aspects would arise


An act of emptying = an act of extinguishing = an act of neutralising

≠ an act of annihilating.

The principle in effect: -

Seeing Dhamma is seeing Buddha, Seeing Buddha is seeing Dhamma. Seeing Buddha is seeing Nibbāna, Seeing Nibbāna is seeing Buddha.

Seeing Emptiness is seeing Form, Seeing Form is seeing Emptiness.

Seeing Energy is seeing Matter, Seeing Matter is seeing Energy.

Seeing Cause is seeing Effect, Seeing Effect is seeing Cause.

Seeing Action is seeing Reaction,

Seeing Reaction is seeing Action.


13.0 Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form

Why do we always hear Buddhists saying, ‘Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is

Form?’ What actually is form? We can actually see form as an appearance

but why would we say it is empty? Isn’t it strange, right? Well, for the

common populace, form is viewed as an entity. Entity means thing which exists

as a separate unit. So is it correct to say that form does exist as a separate

unit as what our ordinary mind perceived?

Let us make a simple illustration now. Supposedly, you stand in front of a large

mirror looking at yourself – what you could see is your own appearance of

physical body. Now, if you continue to see inside yourself, search deeper and

deeper within yourself, what would you see? You could probably see various

internal organs, blood veins, nerves, fluids, unit cells, etc. At the end of the

day, can you describe the innermost section of your physical body? After the

single unit cell, what else do you see inside further? Can you find any core

essence that is eternal or non-changing? You probably couldn’t find anything

inside further. When one couldn’t find anything inside further, how does one

translate it into? Isn’t it empty? So could we say that form is ultimately

empty in the real sense?

However, we shall not confuse emptiness with nothingness. Emptiness cannot

be meant as nothingness. While we say that form is emptiness, there are still

basic elements enfolding it. Just like when we do declare a vessel as empty, it

does not literally mean nothing inside the vessel – there could still be air,

radiation, dust, viruses, etc. that cannot be discerned by our naked eyes. At

the end of the day, we could declare that form is empty in the real sense

because there is no core essence within it except for the basic elements that

orientate and evolve constantly under the influence of the external conditions.

What our naked eyes view as form is actually the matter that is also known as

concerted, aggregated or concentrated or wrapped energy. Since we can’t see

energy with our naked eyes, we would say that the innermost of form is empty

rather than nothing.

As a conclusion, everything that exists is empty because there is no essence

to anything and nothing has ever existed in its own quality – nothing is

permanent and unchanging. All objects exist conditionally without an eternal


essence. They only exist in relation to each other as appearances that in turn

vary as per the perceptions of the beholders. Energy is the underlying element

for all the existences and it is dependent on the conditional phenomena.

14.0 The Concept of Non-self in Buddhism

The concept of anattā (non-self or absence of separate self) in Buddhism has

always been the main subject of confusion among the followers. Now, let us

analyse into it. Simply it means, ‘Now you see it, now you don't.’ This is what

the concept of emptiness in Buddhism is all about – the absence of static

entity. Nothing stays unchanging even for a slightest moment at all times. By

the time you think who you are, you are already not the same ‘you’ seconds

ago. So where are you to find the original static of ‘you’ as you assume along

every passing of moments?

At the end of the day, you could only see a stream of you constantly passing

by on every slightest moment. So I repeat, you could only see a stream of you

- not the one stop entity of you. Just like you could not step twice into the

same river; for other waters are ever flowing on to you. The stream of you

would mean you are part of the becoming processes that arise in the nature.

All the different shapes and forms that exist in the nature are merely the

momentary outcomes of the constant and the continuous becoming processes

in the realms of existence. Under a balanced phenomenon, one could witness

the emergence of forms; under an imbalanced phenomenon, one could witness

the non-emergence of forms - and the cycle of conditional phenomena

continues repeatedly.

In addition, the stream of you is devoid of inherent existence. It means that

you do not exist independently by the definition of the physical container that

you always presume to be. You are merely the results of energy or matter

orientation that evolve constantly and continuously in the space at all

times. In other words, you are just like part of the Lego pieces or bricks that

can be assembled and connected in many ways, to construct such objects as

vehicles, buildings, and even working robots - anything constructed can then

be taken apart again, and the pieces used to make other objects. When one is

fully awakened to the principle of emptiness or non-self, the state of


egolessness in oneself would arise concurrently. This realisation is part of the

fundamental routes to enlightenment as prescribed by the Buddha.

15.0 Non-self, Voidness and Rebirth in accordance with Buddhism

Buddhism sees in anattā (non-self) and śūnyatā (voidness or emptiness). But

how do we explain it? Firstly, let us analyse what it means by non-self. In

Buddhism, the non-self means the non-ownership of self. What we used to

claim such as the ‘I’ or ‘you’ or ‘we’ is merely an expression for our minds

to comprehend on the day-to-day communication with another individual.

However, this expression does not grant us with an ownership of our soul or

body. And it is easier to explain the non-ownership of our body than our soul

because we could see the rising (birth) and the passing (death) of physical

bodies every time and anywhere we go.

As for the ‘soul’ thing, Buddhism sees in the absence of eternal existence of

it. Soul is just a plain description for something that arised in intelligence but

without physical appearance. And it is also not permanent and subject to

change at all times under the influence of conditional phenomena (voidness in

every existence). So again, there is a non-ownership of the soul-of-self.

But how do we clarify the reincarnating process in accordance with Buddhism?

Actually, Buddhism sees in the rebirth process but not in the reincarnating

process. This is because there is no permanent grasping of soul or body during

the rebirth process. It means even though the mentioned cycle of process is

repeated, every cycle is different from one another, just like the saying, ‘It

looks like me, sounds like me, but it is still not me.’ In other words, there are

linkages between the past, present and future of an individual but there is no

trans-migrating process taking place. A clear example would be how the

genetic lineage works for generations. Let us look at the following illustration

on how rebirth takes place in accordance with Buddhism: -


15.1 The Coffee in a Cup

Let’s say Coffee Original is one of the special brewed drinks: -

300ml hot liquid water

70% coffee powder 100% Coffee Original in cup Jumbo

30% condensed milk

Supposedly, the cup Jumbo has broken apart by accident and the content has

splattered around i.e.

30% onto the table,

40% onto the floor,

5% onto the wall,

10% onto the drain,

5% vaporised into thin air,

10% remained in the broken cup.

A cleaner took up a rag and wiped off the remaining liquid coffee in sequential

order starting from the table, the floor and then the wall. In a repeated

gesture, the cleaner squeezed off the wet rag and the remaining coffee liquid

flowed into three separate cups i.e.

Cup 1 80% already filled with tea liquid mixture.

Cup 2 90% already filled with mocha liquid mixture.

Cup 3 55% already filled with mineral water.

Let’s say 300ml of properties is a benchmark for a qualified special brewed

drink. The cleaner then filled up the respective cup rooms with liquids deriving

from the rag that are by and large the remaining of Coffee Original deriving

from the table, the floor and the wall. In this case, the respective 300ml of

liquids in Cup 1, Cup 2 and Cup 3 is dependent on the Coffee Original before a

new special brewed drink is made possible. However, this does not mean that

Coffee Original is the only dependent source or ingredient. Respectively, Cup

1, Cup 2 and Cup 3 would need to depend upon many other sustaining factors

as well such as the already partially filled liquids and new cups before qualifying


as special brewed drinks.

As a conclusion, the new liquid mixture arising in Cup 1, Cup 2 and Cup 3 is

neither identical to, nor entirely different from, the old coffee liquid, but forms

part of a causal continuum or stream with it. There is a conditioned

relationship between one liquid and the next; it is not identical but neither is it

completely distinct. The beauty of nature is that it allows all sorts of activities

taking place such as aggregation, segregation, evolution, mutation, assimilation,

etc. As a consequence, every existence would not be totally the same or

different from each other. We are all closely inter-depending, inter-waving and

inter-relating with one another since the dawn of time in a very comprehensive

and complicated network of existence – just like the Christian believes that all

mankind derived from Adam and Eve. Lastly, one should not confuse the ‘non-

self’ with ‘no-self’ and the ‘non-eternal soul’ with ‘no-soul.’ Buddhism

sees in the existence of self or soul but only in a manner of non-ownership or

impermanency i.e. there is an influx of self or soul but not the one-off static

kind of self or soul.

16.0 What is the purpose of Buddhism? Where is God in Buddhism?

Why Buddhism? What is Buddhism? Buddhism is merely a great philosophy

that imparts knowledge on seeing the reality of things and happenings in our

daily lives. Historical facts have shown that Prince Siddartha Gautama became

the Buddha out of his vast compassion and wisdom to see through the vicious

cycle of life and to end the suffering of it. And the Buddha means the

‘Awakened One’ i.e. one who sees through the ultimate reality of things and

happenings. Perhaps, what Buddhism lacks is the emphasis on the dependence

of God. But this doesn’t mean that the Buddha has denied the existence of

God. In Buddhism, God is viewed in a different perspective as compared with

the other religions. As you may know, according to Buddhism, there are 31

planes of existence in the nature and the deities (the namesake of God) are

placed at a higher level of existence than the human realm.

Of course, the Buddha did recognise that deities have an important role in the

spiritual development of individuals. Deities could help individuals in many ways

but still, deities are not permanent and subject to the conditional influences as


well. At the end of the day, the Buddha has seen through that ‘dependence’

is part of the key sources of dukkha and to eradicate it, one has to let go the

dependence in total aspects. Therefore, Buddhism is an alternative method to

seek solace and liberation for an individual who needs it. Buddhism may not be

acceptable to individuals who can’t make do without the dependent aspects in

life. As again, there is no right or wrong element here, but simply a personal


17.0 What does Buddhism believe in?

Buddhism believes in, literally, nothing. Yes, nothing! Buddhism merely

involves in seeing, knowing and letting go of things or happenings. In other

words, Buddhism upholds direct experience and recognition but not the faith

system. Perhaps, one has heard the phrase, ‘To see is to believe.’ When one

is seeing it, one truly sees it. No one could shake it. A blind belief without

seeing on things would only bind one with more curiosities and disputes.

We can illustrate the above principle in a class of Mathematics. Supposedly, a

new formula was put forward to the class, ‘Should the students adopt with

attitudes of understanding on how the formula derive?’ or ‘Should the

students adopt with attitudes of simply memorising the formula without any

understanding on how such formula derive?’ A wise student would definitely

choose the former method because by understanding well the origin of such

formula, one could lighten the burden of memorising the formula blindly. This is

also how the path to enlightenment works – diminish the ‘bear with’ factor and

enhance the ‘let go’ factor.

Undeniably, the Buddha has always emphasised the importance for one to

utilise wisdom in all thoughts and actions. This is what he meant by wholesome

thoughts or acts. The Buddha has never laid commandments that one should

think or do this; never think or do that, etc. If one continues to adopt this sort

of mentality, one would simply adopt the principle of ‘blind faith’ which is

much on the contrary to Buddhism. Likewise, it would be wholesome for

parents to expose their children with both the good and bad influences

together. Any acts of depriving the children from exposing to the bad

influences would only create distorted view or perception in the real society


(unwholesome acts). Subsequently, upon the exposure of both the good and

bad influences, parents could encourage their children to use their wisdom to

lead a more meaningful life in the real and complicated society (wholesome


In short, the Buddha has laid emphasis that one should look in all angles of

things or matters and then apply one's wisdom in the decision making. The

Buddha has merely left behind guidelines for one to pursue with and it would be

meaningless for one to read and tag along the contents of the discourses or

suttas on Buddhism blindly without applying any wisdom. No doubt the

available discourses or suttas did play an important role in keeping the essence

of Buddhism, but how many of the so-called Buddhists nowadays have gained

full enlightenment by mere reading or reciting it? The key point here is not

merely about the mastering of theoretical knowledge on Buddhism but instead,

more on the practicality and the direct experience of it.

Preaching Dhamma is not about quoting this or that from various sources on

Buddhism. These available discourses or suttas were merely tools for one’s

Dhamma practices. And the tools would remain as the tools and it would not

turn a person into an enlightened being if the application is without wisdom.

Also, the Buddha has recommended the establishment of the Sangha

community so that any followers could interact and support each other while

pursuing the guidelines of Dhamma. The Buddha has not established the

various sects or schools of Buddhism as what we could see nowadays. Once

again, Buddhism is never about beliefs. Instead, it is all about direct experience

and recognition. Seeing the Dhamma is seeing the Buddha – it is seeing and

knowing the ultimate reality of things and happenings and not to get entangle

with it. So the choice in the way of life is yours ultimately. Live a life

wholesomely at all times! Be freed, be liberated, be neutralised!


18.0 What are Enlightenment, Awakening and Nibbāna?

Nibbāna is a phenomenon beyond all conventional phenomena. Conventional

phenomenon is subject to the conditional influences – in a continuous and

constantly changing state of affairs. A phenomenon of nibbāna would arise

when there is a non-existence of the conditional phenomena i.e. a completely

neutralised state of affairs. There is no mind, no thinking, no becoming, no

changing, no evolution, no clinging, no wanting, and no impermanency in

nibbāna. Moreover, nibbāna is not about desire for nothing. In the first place,

there is no desire to begin with. Therefore, desire could not be the cause for

nothing and one of the basic footsteps to achieve enlightenment and reach

nibbāna is to practise ‘letting go.’ Letting go is not the same as giving up

hope - a frustrated expression. Not to hope is not to become, not to become

is not to cling and suffer.

So the choice is yours ultimately – to hope and suffer or not to hope and not

to suffer. There is no right or wrong choice but simply wholesome or

unwholesome choice. Wholesome would mean seeing things as they truly are

and in totality of perspectives; unwholesome would mean seeing things as they

delusively are and in non-totality of perspectives. As such, it is entirely a

personal aspiration for one to be awakened or otherwise. In Buddhism, there

are no commandments to be found, no hierarchical ranking between followers,

etc. Any sort of authoritative claims based on personal gratifications are

purely egocentric in nature and devoted followers must not put in their faith

blindly on anything; come what may. And it is worrisome to see and hear

nowadays that many of the so-called Buddhists are mere sutta collectors or

interpreters. In the first place, Buddhism is never about what the Buddha has

said or not said personally. We have to examine, ‘What is the real meaning of

the Buddha?’ It is literally translated as the ‘Awakened One.’ But, what is

one awakening to? It is awakening to the ultimate reality of things or

happenings and the cessation of it.

Now, when we mention the Buddha's saying, are we only referring to Siddartha

Gautama alone? How about all the other beings that have had achieved

enlightenment along the thousands of years? For general understanding,

Siddartha Gautama is a Shakyamuni Buddha (a Samma-sam-buddha), but the

Buddha may not necessarily be Siddartha Gautama alone. Buddha is merely a


title just like presidency. Presidents may come and go over the years in an

organisation or a country but the presidency remains unshaken. And the next

question would be, ‘Who wrote all the suttas? When was it written?’

Definitely, Buddhism is not only about the suttas per se but also the other

missing links. On this pretext, the Buddha is wise to mention that in order to

appreciate the essence of Dhamma, do not believe what he said until one

investigates and sees it. This principle is essential to uphold and sustain so

that the original essence of Dhamma could remain intact and surpassing time.

In other words, there is no place for blind faith in Buddhism. Let us be

awakened and not be hampered by the belief boundaries. Nature belongs to

the nature; not to any particular religions or beliefs. Liberate ourselves from

any hindrances and be enlightened. Apply your wisdom and you would find the

true answers to it. The door is open and you need to walk in the path by

yourself; someone could only shine the light or show the way in. One should

always apply wisdom in all thoughts or actions and never be too fascinated or

obsessed with what was written and mentioned in the discourses, suttas, or

any sorts of supernatural claims, etc.


19.0 What is suffering?

The word ‘suffering’ seems to appear in every corner of Buddhism. And

generally, one would tend to associate suffering with pain, anxiety, agony,

sadness, dissatisfaction and all sorts of negativity in one’s lifetime.

Unfortunately, this is not the case in the eyes of the Buddha. In the Buddhist

context, the dependent nature is known as samsāra. Samsāra literally means

‘continuous flow’- referring to a repeating cycle of birth, life, death and re-

birth. When there is samsāra arising, dukkha would arise concurrently. And the

meaning of dukkha or suffering would be to ‘bear with’ in the Buddhist

context. Any circumstances that would involve one to continue with; to

persevere with; to soldier on with; to carry on with; to undertake with; to go

through with would mean suffering. Literally, it is not correct for one to put

much attention onto the conditions of pain, anxiety, agony, dissatisfaction,

joyfulness or happiness - for these conditions merely reflected as the

consequences of dukkha arising. To ‘bear with’ is to suffer and the antonym

of it is to ‘let go.’ So stop submitting oneself to the conditional

circumstances and one would be freed, be liberated and be neutralised! Let us

cure the cause, not the symptoms!

20.0 What is Heaven? What is Hell?

For general understanding, heaven or hell is not a plane of existence waiting for

any exclusive memberships. Instead, it is the so-called member that has made

up the chance for the heaven or hell plane to arise. Just like inhabitant is a

necessary prerequisite for any villages to exist; without it, the village would be

impossible. Therefore, heaven or hell is not a plane of existence to be found

‘up-there’ or ‘down-there’ yearning for the so-called rightful elements.

In fact, heaven or hell is simply next to your mind, your eyes, your ears, your

prevailing consciousness, your subtle consciousness, etc. When a person is

lying dead, the three basic elements i.e. energy, matter and space would

separate from each other. Precisely, both the elements of prevailing and

subtle consciousnesses would depart the body. However, only the elements of

subtle consciousness would sustain in a liberated condition and stay behind in

a so-called soul or spirit form but not the elements of prevailing


consciousness. The switch for the elements of prevailing consciousness would

be turned off and it would not carry on beyond the grave. And it is the

characteristics of the elements of subtle consciousness that would determine

the next plane of existence for the so-called souls or spirits. Therefore, one

should not miss the chance of moulding the subtle mind consciousness

correctly before kicking the bucket!

For instance, it is correct to say that good begets good, evil begets evil. When

one pays to live a hell-like condition in the present lifetime, one would be

repaid in the next phase of existence as in hell plane. Just as sow apple seeds,

reap apple fruits; sow orange seeds, reap orange fruits or Action 1 conjures up

Reaction 1; Action 2 conjures up Reaction 2. The elements of subtle

consciousness would retain the so-called ‘hellish’ information that would carry

on and surpassing the demise period of time. The ‘hellish’ retention could

only be weakened through conscientious goodwill prayers or persuasions being

performed by third parties (transference of merit).

Therefore, please be mindful on the nature of circumstances that you are

exposed to or associated with during your lifetime. And if possible, it is

beneficial to create a heaven-like ambience at all times; more importantly

during the closing chapter of your present lifetime. This is because where you

would end up to in the next phase of existence is very much dependent on the

retained information in your subtle conscious mind, be it heaven-like or hell-

like. As a conclusion, the fate in your subsequent life is very much dependent

on the characteristics of your subtle mind consciousness. It is the architect

for the heaven or the hell realm. Mould it well at all times and if possible, one

should achieve enlightenment to eradicate the suffering of it.


21.0 Who am I?

Am I the mind? Am I the body? Or, am I the five body senses?

To the Master, I am a Servant,

To the Teacher, I am a Student,

To the Buddha, I am Empty.

So who am I, actually? Am I the flesh and blood? Am I the soul? Am I the

consciousness? Who am I, really? Frankly speaking, what we used to claim

such as the ‘I’ or ‘you’ or ‘we’ is merely an expression for our minds to

comprehend on day-to-day communication with another individual. However,

this expression does not grant us with an unchanging or a permanent

ownership of our minds and bodies. The ‘I’ or ‘you’ or ‘we’ (five khandhas)

is purely part of the becoming processes in the dependent nature. Both our

minds and bodies would constantly orientate and evolve in accordance with the

subjected conditions. The physical body is shaped up as an appearance due to

the existence of matter and it is basically concerted, aggregated or

concentrated or wrapped energy.

In other words, appearance is merely a momentary outcome of the process of

aggregation that varies according to the subjected conditions. For example,

ice, water and steam are different appearances deriving from the orientation of

H2O properties under the influence of the external conditions. In other words,

it is the orientation of H2O properties that has taken place to conjure up the

momentary outcome of it. As for the mind, it is also originated from the

process of aggregation that conjures up the elements of memory and

consciousness and varies under the influence of conditional phenomena.

So how could we properly describe ourselves? The right way to express

ourselves is, ‘I am what I am.’ ‘If you think this is what I am, then I am’ and

‘If you see that is what I am, then I am.’ The phenomena that arise are very

much related to the consciousness that perceives them. Phenomenon exists

as this or that is dependent on the observers. It is just like describing the

same elephant by different blind men – one blind man may say an elephant

looks like a tree trunk; another blind man would say an elephant looks like a



And this is how we explicate the presence of the waves of dependent

phenomena having clouded our minds from discerning the reality of

circumstances. But what constitutes an ultimate reality then? An ultimate

reality exists beyond mind and beyond concepts and words in the sense that it

is beyond our usual ways of perceiving things. Language and conception only

imply that things exist in distinct manners i.e. wise person, dumb person, saint,

devil, etc. - in such well-defined and independent categories. Perceiving

ultimate reality is seeing that things do not exist in these fantasised, impossible

ways, in black and white categories.

In other words, an ultimate reality is such label-less, bound-less, stereotype-

less, colour-less, beginning-less, end-less and for the ease of our expression,

we could summarise it as the ‘deepest fact about things.’ An enlightened

mind is able to discern the deepest fact about things in crystal clear and

without hesitation after getting rid of the waves of dependent phenomena. So

when we talk about Buddhism, it is all about transforming an ignorant state of

the mind into a realised one – a process of enlightenment. To begin with, one

would need to set in a right mentality or determination. One has to see all

things as they really are, to liberate from it and to be enlightened. Have

boundless compassion and loving kindness along the way. This would be an

everlasting remedy to the rising of dukkha that was recommended by the wise

Buddha. A fully awakened state of mind does not require labeling, colouring,

stereotyping, beginning, ending, etc. All subjects and objects are in completely

neutralised state of affairs - when this arising, that arises; when this ceasing,

that ceases.

22.0 What are Phenomena and Existence?

Phenomena appear to arise or are perceived by our senses to arise in and of

themselves, but they are not. All phenomena, including emptiness, are

dependent-arising. Emptiness, however, did correspond to both the inherent

existence and the dependent arising due to its universal qualities. Thus

phenomena do not exist inherently as this or that from their own sides,

unrelated to the consciousness that perceives them. Phenomena exist as this

or that - are dependent on the observers.


Now, we need to look at the definition of existence. What exists is defined as

that which can be known. If it cannot be known by the mind, then it does not

exist. And conventionally, things can exist as in fallacy or in reality. But in the

ultimate reality, things do not exist in the ways that concepts and language

imply they do. Things would only exist as in deepest facts i.e. it is beyond mind

and beyond concepts and words in the sense that it is beyond our usual ways

of perceiving things. Language and conception only imply that things exist as

in conventional reality i.e. distinct manners such as wise person, dumb person,

saint, devil, etc. - in such well-defined and independent categories. And

perceiving ultimate reality is seeing that things do not exist in these fantasised,

impossible ways, in black and white categories.

23.0 What is Emptiness?

Everything that exists is empty because there is no essence to anything and

nothing has ever existed in its own quality – nothing is permanent and

unchanging. All objects exist conditionally without an eternal essence. They

only exist in relation to each other as appearances that in turn vary as per the

perceptions of the beholders. Energy is the underlying element for all the

existences and it is dependent on the conditional phenomena. And a

phenomenon is thing that appears to or is perceived by senses and therefore, it

is empty as well. At the end of the day, we could summarise that emptiness is

the beginning for all existences. Every existence is empty and emptiness is in

every existence.

24.0 Emptiness Everywhere

So how does emptiness derive and why is it crucial for one to ponder at?

From direct experience, we know that humans and things cause pleasure and

pain, and that they can help and harm. Therefore, phenomena certainly do

exist but the question is how? They do not exist in their own quality but only

have an existence dependent upon many factors, including a consciousness

that conceptualises them.


But in what way is consciousness mistaken? Because all phenomena appear to

exist in their own quality, all of our ordinary perceptions are mistaken. We have

taken in a wrong sense that living beings, things and phenomena appear to exist

in and of themselves. It seems that phenomena could be established in their

own right or quality, and from the object’s side upon conceptualising our

consciousness. Unfortunately, with this false mode, we are hindering ourselves

from recognising the discrepancy between appearance and reality.

Nevertheless, one could conduct a self-training session to develop wisdom and

eliminate one’s ignorance on the ultimate truth. Upon seeking through in-

depth analysis, one could find inherent existence of whatever object one is

considering — oneself, another person, one’s body, one’s mind, or anything

else is completely lacking. For example, when you examine an object such as

car, its inherent existence is negated, but what is left is a body dependent on

an engine, seats, lamps, window glasses, tires, gases, etc. In other words, what

is left after the analysis is a dependently existent phenomenon.

Thus it is not that you come to understand that the object or phenomenon

does not exist but rather, you find that its inherent existence is unfounded.

This is the ultimate discovery about the orientation of nature. Nature is a

system of existence fully occupied with factors that would rise and fall

dependently. At the end of the day, dualism of the subject and object, and the

appearance of multiplicity arises out of our ignorance on the true nature would

vanish once emptiness is realised. We could then differentiate the way things

are perceived to exist and the way things really exist.


25.0 Emptiness and Existence

Emptiness is a necessary prerequisite for any objects to exist; without it, the

object would be impossible. Upon in-depth analysis, we could discover that

emptiness corresponds to two distinct scenarios:

1. It corresponds to the inherent existence (due to unchanging nature) that

all conventional phenomena lack.

2. It corresponds to the dependent arising (a conditional phenomenon) i.e.

subject to the same lack of inherent existence as every other object or

phenomenon. This is referred to as the emptiness of emptiness.

The above is a rather strange paradox but still logical because emptiness is a

universal or an infinite phenomenon. Therefore, it is evident that object could

arise out of emptiness due to the second scenario clarified above and it is the

ambience for the origination of existence.

As a summary, the emptiness of phenomena is both the cause and

consequence of the dependent nature of phenomena. It is comparable to

scientific term of singularity and also the inherent quality of existence.

Emptiness is considered the ultimate truth because it inherently exists exactly

as it is perceived when it is perceived directly by an enlightened mind. And

discovering the ultimate truth is the key to overcoming the ignorant state of

the mind.

26.0 Reflection of Emptiness

When we talk about seeing into emptiness, we talk about the progressive

realisation of the mind on the reality of things. Therefore, emptiness can be

realised into stages as below: -

Stage 1 Elementary Realisation

All things and phenomena are lack of core essence.

Nothing is unchanging and permanent.

Everything is inter-related.


Stage 2 Intermediary Realisation

Ability to differentiate the way things are perceived to exist

and the way things really exist.

Only seeing without believing.

Stage 3 Advance Realisation

No dualism of the subject and object, and no appearance of


All things and phenomena rise and fall within a singular


Only uniformity exists.

Stage 4 Ultimate Realisation

All dependent arising are completely blown off or extinguished.

No string attached, and nothing is left remaining.

Infinite, unchanging, permanent, and unconditional.

Exists beyond all conventional phenomena.

The ultimate realisation of emptiness by the mind would mean a phase of

perfect intermediation being accomplished by the mind. A perfect

intermediation would mean a comprehensive absence of any or all units under

consideration. It is also known as a complete neutralisation of conditional

phenomena. But an absence of any or all units under consideration is not

equivalent to nothingness of any or all units under consideration.

27.0 Birth and Rebirth

For general understanding, rebirth does not mean trans-migration. An

individual soul does not migrate from a physical body into another one. No, it

just won’t fit at all. Every individual or thing that exists would not be the same

- it could only be in a similar condition e.g. twins are similar but never the same

individuals. Every individual is unique respectively and no individuals would be

the same even though they do share some sort of the same genes before time.

On this pretext, you may have heard in various stories whereby a spirit or

ghost has the ability to possess into the body of an individual but it never


absolutely overtakes the soul of the possessed individual. This is because one

cannot simply exchange the soul at one’s whim and fancy. Even individuals

with the most powerful magic charm could not perform this feat. Also, you

have heard of the organ transplant cases, whereby the new recipients need to

take immunosuppressive drugs to treat any transplant rejections – live long.

In Buddhism, rebirth refers to evolving consciousness or stream of

consciousness of a person (upon death) and the new consciousness arising in

the same person (in the new person) is neither identical to, nor entirely

different from, the old consciousness, but forms part of a causal continuum or

stream with it. The basic cause for this persistent re-arising of personality is

the abiding of consciousness in ignorance; when ignorance is uprooted, rebirth

ceases. For example, a flame is transferred from one candle to another, or a

fire spreads from one field to another. In the same way that it depends on the

original fire, there is a conditioned relationship between one life and the next;

they are not identical but neither are they completely distinct.

And it is possible for rebirth to take place from a single source into different

identities at any various point of time, just like how the genetic lineage works

for generations. This is how we explain the destiny of being siblings, being life

partners, being close friends in one’s lifetime. Somehow or somewhere before

time, the so-called relevant individuals are inherited from the similar sources of

predecessor. Thus in the present lifetime one has the opportunity to meet and

know with the relevant beings and not the other non-relevant beings.

Inevitably, under the natural law of attraction, anything that belongs to the

same ancestry would somehow attract with each other, no matter how far or

near distance and how long or short time period. So by now, one would know

what the phrase, ‘Destiny is made in Heaven; Man looks for his other half; We

shared with a common chemistry’, would mean in the general context.

Generally, most individuals could not recall their respective past lives because

they have inherited much assimilated element-dots deriving from myriad of

predecessors. However, some individuals did remember vividly on their past

lives and could relate it well in their present lives. A higher density of any

particular element-dot inheritance would mean a higher retention of genetic

information that determines the particular pool of behaviour of a predecessor.


Let us look at the following illustrations: -

Illustration 1 Key: -

Force of Ignorance Prevailing Conscious Mind Dependent phenomenon

Force of Awakening Subtle Conscious Mind

The Mind of a living being The Mind of a departing being

The Subtle Conscious Mind is The force of Ignorance has outdone

released into fragments the force of Awakening


A final burst of energy before death


Key: -

Subtle Conscious Mind of Individual A Subtle Conscious Mind of Individual B

Subtle Conscious Mind of Individual C Subtle Conscious Mind of Individual D

Fragments of liberated Subtle Conscious Mind of different

Individuals under an Imbalanced phenomenon

The Subtle Conscious Mind of different Individuals The Mind of a new being derived

congregating under a Balanced phenomenon from different predecessors


Illustration 2

Key: - E = Energy M = Matter

Generation 1

Individual A Individual B Individual C

E1-1 E1-2 E1-3 E1-4 E2-1 E2-2 E2-3 E3-1 E3-2 E3-3

E1-5 E1-6 E1-7 E2-4 E2-5 E2-6 E3-4 E3-5

M1-1 M1-2 M1-3 M1-4 M2-1 M2-2 M2-3 M2-4 M3-1 M3-2 M-3-3

M1-5 M1-6 M1-7 M2-5 M2-6 M3-4 M3-5

Disintegrating process

E1-1 E1-4 E1-3 E1-7 E2-1 E2-2 E2-4 E2-6 E3-1 E3-2 E3-4

E1-5 E1-6

E1-2 M1-1 M1-2 M2-2 M2-3 M2-4 M3-1 M3-2 M3-4 M3-5

M1-7 M1-4 M1-5 M2-5 M2-6 E2-5

M1-6 M1-3 E2-3 M2-1 M-3-3 E3-3 E3-5


Some lapse of time after the disintegrating process M1-2 M1-3 M1-4 M1-5 M2-2 M2-3 M2-4 M2-5 M2-6 M3-1 M3-2 M3-4 M3-5

E1-2-1 E1-3-1 E1-4-1 E1-5-1 E2-2-1 E2-3-1 E2-4-1 E2-5-1 E2-6-1 E3-1-1 E3-2-1 E3-4-1 E3-5-1

M1-6 M1-3 E1-6-1 E1-3-1 M2-1 E2-1-1 M3-3 E3-3-1

E1-2-1 E1-6 E1-5-1 E2-1-1 E2-4 E2-6-1 E3-1 E3-2-1 E3-5-1 E3-5

M1-2-1 M1-6-1 M1-5-1 M2-1-1 M2-4-1 M2-6-1 M3-1-1 M3-2-1 M3-5-2 M3-5-1

New integrating process

Generation 2

Individual A1 Individual B1 Individual C1


E1-1 E1-2 E2-1 E1-3-1 E1-6 E2-2 E2-3 E3-4 E2-5 E2-6 M-2-4-1 M1-2-1

M1-5-1 M2-6-1 M1-3 M3-5-1 M3-2-1 M3-5-2 M3-1-1

Remarks: -

Individual A, Individual B and Individual C are three respective individuals living in

separate locations in Generation 1.

Individual A1 and Individual B1 are husband and wife in Generation 2.

Individual C1 is good friend of Individual A1 and Individual B1 in Generation 2.

Type of person - Individual A1 is a perfectly normal or healthy type,

Individual B1 is a hyperactive type or supernatural type,

Individual C1 is a weak or defective type.

The law of kamma applies in determining the above rebirth conditions.


In the above illustration, supposedly Individual A is an ardent pianist then the

new being would somehow be naturally talented toward the play of piano or

something with similarity. This is how we explain the natural talented skills we

always uncovered from young children and it is the same case scenario for the

phobic conditions in any particular individuals. Ultimately, it is the wonder of

nature that everyone would not be totally the same or totally different from

each other. According to Christianity, it is believed that human beings begin

with Adam and Eve and this saying may hold its truth literally.

28.0 Transformation from Ignorance into Realisation

The Buddha nature exists within all beings or things. It is only a matter of time

before one could make the discovery of this so-called the black hole of

emptiness. Let us survey into the following illustrations: -

The Black hole of Emptiness

p 1 p 2

p 3

p 13

p 12

p 4 p 11

p 5

p 10

p 9

p 8

p 6

p 7

NIBBĀNA Singularity & Uniformity

SAMSĀRA Duality & Multiplicity

Duality & Multiplicity





NO MIND Independent






Point B

Point A




Key: -

Point A / Point B = subject / object = phenomenon of duality


path of awakening

p phenomenon




The Deepest fact about Things

Key: -

The Mind of Individual Dependent nature of Phenomenon

The Black hole of Emptiness The Deepest fact about Things


The Progressing state of the Mind

Listed below is a comparison between an ignorant and an awakened state of

the mind as well as the potential movement of the mind toward a state of

enlightenment: -

1. Mind A is comparatively stronger and more agile than Mind B.

Mind A Mind B

2. Mind C is more ignorant than Mind D.

Mind C Mind D

3. Mind E is in tranquil and realised conditions.

Mind E

(Enlightened Mind)


4. The presence of the waves of dependent phenomena has clouded the

mind from discerning the deepest fact about things in crystal clear and

without hesitation.

The Presence of the Waves of The Absence of the Waves of

Dependent phenomena Dependent phenomena

5. The absence of the waves of dependent phenomena enables the mind to

discern the deepest fact about things in crystal clear and without


6. In the absence of waves arising, the entire dependent nature of

phenomenon would die out and fade away gradually, thus leaving behind

the mind fully exposed to the deepest fact about things.

This circumstance enables the mind to discern the deepest fact about

things in a complete state of realisation without a layer of the dependent

phenomenon gets in the way.

The Disappearance of the The Mind is fully exposed to the

Dependent phenomenon Deepest fact about Things


7. Under a complete realised circumstance, the mind would be absorbed

into the black hole of emptiness.

The Mind is disappearing into The eternal bliss of Nibbāna

the Black hole of Emptiness

8. Ultimately, there is no mind remaining in the infinite, unchanging,

permanent and unconditional state of nibbāna i.e. the ambience for an

eternal bliss.

29.0 Existence of the Mind

Mind is defined as memory, remembrance, way of thinking, feeling, wishing,

opinion, intention or purpose.

Key: -

M = mind

S = subject

O = object

p = phenomenon

Subject-object relationship








Conventional truth

Duality or multiplicity would arise in the presence of the mind. This is because

there is a subject pondering on the object or matter - phenomenon arises. The

subject is mainly the mind. Phenomenon is thing that appears to or is

perceived by senses. In other words, phenomenon is thing that appears to or is

perceived by the mind senses. When there is a mind arising, the phenomenon

would arise. When there is a phenomenon arising, the dependent nature would

arise. In other words, the mind is closely related to the phenomenon, and the

phenomenon is closely related to the dependent nature - just like shadow

follows the body. This is what the conventional reality is all about.

30.0 Mind in the Dependent nature

Mind is the forerunner of all states. The presence of the waves of dependent

phenomena has clouded the mind from discerning the reality of circumstances

i.e. ignorance arises. And with ignorance blindfolding the mind since the dawn

of time, suffering arises and continues to arise in the dependent nature i.e. with

the rise of perceptions, conceptions, labels, boundaries, names, activities,

shapes, relations, descriptions, stereotyping, beginning, ending, etc.

Beginning of the Dependent nature Ending of the Dependent nature

Rise in the Cause or Effect Cessation in the Cause or Effect

Cause Effect

Cause is Effect, Effect is Cause

The principle in effect: -

When the mind arising, the dependent nature arises,

When the mind ceasing, the dependent nature ceases.


Dependent nature is a classification being performed by the mind. Without the

mind, there is no classification of the dependent nature. Therefore, both the

mind and the dependent nature are inter-dependent of each other. There is no

separate case of cause, no separate case of effect. Both the mind and the

dependent nature are cause and effect at the same time.

In fact, cause and effect are two aspects of the same thing, both reflected in a

different time of events. This is because reality does not exist in a linear

orientation - therefore, there is no real first cause, no real first effect. Cause

and effect are inter-depending, inter-waving and inter-relating with one

another - this is how the conventional reality works. At the end of the day,

there is only rising or falling of phenomenon in the dependent nature.

31.0 Emptiness of the Mind

Right now, why is there duality or multiplicity in the dependent nature? It is

because there is mind arising. Why is there mind arising in the dependent

nature? It is because there are elements of energy. Why are there elements

of energy in the dependent nature? It is because there is emptiness. Why is

there emptiness in the dependent nature? It is because there is emptiness of

emptiness. In other words, the emptiness of phenomena is both the cause and

consequence of the dependent nature of phenomena.

Emptiness of phenomena exists in the way it appears in direct perception and

without the need to reference of any other entity. It is completely defined by

its own nature. In other words, emptiness of phenomena is an inherent

existence that is uncaused. It is indestructible and eternal. It is unchanging

when viewed externally and cannot undergo any internal changes of state. It

has no constituent parts and nothing can be thrown out or removed from it.

Nothing can be added to it and no change in the external conditions can affect

it. As a summary, we could see that emptiness exists in all conditional

phenomena. Without emptiness, the potential movement of the mind from non-

enlightenment toward a state of enlightenment would not be possible – that is

to say if the mind itself existed inherently. The emptiness of inherent

existence of the mind is called the Buddha nature.


32.0 Non-existence of the Mind

No Subject-object relationship

Ultimate truth

No duality or multiplicity would arise in the non-existence of the mind. This is

because there is no subject to ponder on the object or matter. When there is

no mind arising, no phenomenon would arise. When there is no phenomenon

arising, no dependent nature would arise. When there is no dependent nature,

there would be no perception, no conception, no label, no boundary, no name,

no activity, no shape, no relation, no description, no stereotyping, no beginning,

no ending, etc.

An ultimate reality is a truth that exists beyond mind and beyond concepts and

words in the sense that it is beyond our usual ways of perceiving things.

Language and conception only imply that things exist in distinct manners i.e.

wise person, dumb person, saint, devil, etc. - in such well-defined and

independent categories. Perceiving ultimate reality is seeing that things do not

exist in these fantasised, impossible ways, in black and white categories.

In the absence of the mind, things would appear as in the deepest facts per se

i.e. no label, no boundary, no name, no activity, no shape, no description, etc.

This is because there is no existence in relative to each other as appearances.

An enlightened mind is able to discern the deepest fact about things in crystal

clear and without hesitation after getting rid of the waves of dependent

phenomena. The ultimate truth does not require any labels for its revelations





and therefore, one has to let go and blow away the mindset that is associated

with the ‘-ism’ or ‘-ology’, for it is a system of stereotyping or pre-

conditioning. Liberation is the only right potion to the ultimate truth discovery.

33.0 Conditions of the Mind

The mind comprises with two terms i.e. prevailing consciousness and subtle

consciousness. Both of these terms would interact differently under the

circumstances described as below: -

33.1 Asleep

When one is asleep, the prevailing conscious mind would fall into slumber at the

same time. Basically, prevailing conscious mind is closely related to the

physical body. This means there would be a biological clock being attached

within it i.e. there would be duration for staying awake and for resting.

However, there is another term of mind i.e. the subtle conscious mind that has

no biological clock in it. Subtle conscious mind is somehow independent from

the physical body. This is because when the physical body is being ‘switch-

off’ temporarily, the subtle conscious mind still works unpretentiously. For

example, we could still have visions in our dreams even with our physical eyes

closed while asleep.

And dreams are succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through

the mind during sleep. In other words, we could say that subtle mind

consciousness is like VCR – recording analog audio and analog video from

broadcast television so that the images and sound can be played back at a

more convenient time.

33.2 Near-death Experience (NDE)

Perhaps, one has heard of many reported incidences related to near-death,

out-of-body experience and the tunnel of light vision. How could we explain

these phenomena?


Append below, please find the illustrations that could clarify the above

scenario: -

Key: -

Prevailing Conscious Mind

Subtle Conscious Mind

The Clear Light

Dependent phenomenon

The Mind of a living being

Key : -

Prevailing Conscious Mind

in dormancy

Subtle Conscious Mind at


The Clear Light

Observation by

Subtle Conscious Mind

Dependent phenomenon

The Mind of a being in NDE

During the circumstance of near-death, the two terms of the mind are

separated from each other (just like a joint dislocation) i.e. the prevailing

conscious mind would be in a dormant condition but the subtle conscious mind


remains in an active condition. In other words, the subtle mind consciousness

plays an active role in relating the out-of-body experience and the tunnel of

light vision. The clear light is actually the Buddha nature within all beings.

33.3 Enlightenment

During the circumstance of enlightenment, the two terms of the mind would

separate from each other – the prevailing conscious mind would play in a

dominant role, whereas, the subtle conscious mind would remain in a

submissive condition.

Key: -

Prevailing Conscious Mind

Subtle Conscious Mind

The Clear Light

Dependent phenomenon

The Mind of a non-enlightened being

Key : -

Subtle Conscious Mind

The Clear Light /

The Black hole of Emptiness

Observation by Prevailing

Conscious Mind

Dependent phenomenon

The Mind of an enlightened being

The role of prevailing conscious mind is like a mind-in-command i.e. a kind of

mind that can lead, take charge, concentrate, make decision and convey action.


An enlightened mind can be described as a prevailing conscious mind with

liberation from the thoughts i.e. instead of being the thoughts; the perspective

is shifted to watching the thoughts churned out by subtle conscious mind. In

other words, it means the prevailing conscious mind would make observation

without identifying with the thoughts – the subtle conscious mind. This

liberation from thought identification to thought observation is called the

experience of the Buddha nature.

During the process of observation, the awakened prevailing conscious mind

could also discern with the so-called memory fragments of the previous lives

subdued within the subtle conscious mind. This is because within the elements

of subtle consciousness one would discover the elements of subtle memory.

Within the elements of subtle memory one would discover the elements of

subtle information. In other words, the awakened prevailing conscious mind

could see through the ‘seed treasures’ of kamma accumulated from the

retained subtle information throughout the series of one’s past lives in crystal

clear and without hesitation.

Besides seeing through the past life events, an awakened mind could also

foresee into the future events. In a layman term, it is named as a de-ja vu

experience or some kind of time travelling to the future condition. This is

because an awakened mind is highly luminous and vigilant to any development

of circumstances and surpassing time. And from direct experience, time

travelling to the future condition is plausible and could be evidently proven.

Append below would be the highlights pertaining to several of my future visions

or de-ja vu experiences that have taken place: -

The sinking of a boat in Johore, Malaysia.

– April 29, 2009

The death of Michael Jackson.

– June 25, 2009

The political situation in Malaysia revealed by Wikileaks.

– December 15, 2010


The simultaneous big floods in several countries.

– January 12, 2011

The death of Osama bin Laden.

– May 1, 2011

For the event details, please refer to


In Buddhism, it is mentioned that only a human can attain enlightenment as a

fully enlightened Buddha. This is because humans are just one type of sentient

being with both the prevailing and the subtle conscious mind stream that can

find balance between happiness and suffering via the meditating processes.

Basically, there are two types of meditation in Buddhism. One is samatha and

the other is vipassanā meditation. Samatha meditation is to calm or tranquil

the mind by means of concentration. Whereas, vipassanā meditation is to

mould the mind into seeing all things as they really are – an insight into the

true nature of reality. The main focus of vipassanā meditation is to attain pure

awareness via mindfulness. Vipassanā is often preceded by samatha but

nonetheless, both types are inter-dependable throughout the practices in order

to achieve favourable results in meditation. Upon entering deeply into a

meditative state (in full concentration), the prevailing mind consciousness

would separate from the subtle mind consciousness. The main reason for

engaging samatha meditation is to calm or tranquil the wilderness of the subtle

mind consciousness. Thereafter, the prevailing conscious mind enters a state

of pure observation (mindful) without identification on the flow of thoughts

conjured up by the subtle conscious mind until pure awareness is attained.

Moreover, when one has gained enlightenment while sustaining with a living

body, the mind would still exist but with a paradigm shift into seeing all the

things or happenings in the ultimate perspectives without delusion or

hesitation. The mind has not gained with a complete liberation yet and this

circumstance is also known as cessation with remainder. The ultimate

liberation or cessation without remainder can only be achieved without

sustaining a living body i.e. the passing into parinibbāna. During one last time of

disintegrating process, the subtle mind consciousness would be absorbed into

the black hole of emptiness and then followed by the prevailing mind


consciousness. In the absence of the mind, the dependent phenomenon would

die out concurrently. Ultimately, there is no mind remaining in the infinite,

unchanging, permanent and unconditional state of nibbāna and this is the

ambience for an eternal bliss.

34.0 What are Awareness, Consciousness and Mind?

Awareness is a ground condition that ‘supports’ consciousness. The nature

of awareness is effulgence and it is in a not-knowing state before the

appearance of object. Consciousness, on the other hand, is appearance of

objects in the mind. When awareness touches on objects, consciousness would

arise simultaneously. Consciousness is naturally looking outward to objects

and it is flitting all the time. In addition, consciousness is synergy i.e. energy

that expands through cooperation. Synergy is a key to the geometric

expansion of consciousness and thus the arising of its two terms i.e. prevailing

consciousness and subtle consciousness. On the other hand, mind is a pattern

of consciousness which is born from awareness. In fact, mind is known as

consciousness in individuality. Therefore, the origin of individuality is the same

as the origin of the mind. Mind is something more objective and involves clear

discrimination – differentiates and understands the characteristics of objects.

One utilises mind to understand things because mind understands the

manipulation of consciousness.

35.0 Category of Consciousness

In Buddhism, the mind-stream is referring to the stream of consciousness. So

to understand our minds, we need to understand our consciousness. Basically,

there are two terms of the mind i.e. prevailing consciousness and subtle

consciousness. And precisely, consciousness can be categorised into four

layers i.e. mind consciousness, sense consciousness, store consciousness and

manas consciousness.


35.1 Mind Consciousness

It is regarded as the ‘working’ consciousness or the mind-in-command i.e. the

kind of mind that can lead, take charge, concentrate, make decision and convey

action. In other words, it is a prevailing conscious mind that makes judgments

and plans. Basically, prevailing conscious mind is closely related to the

physical body or more specifically, the brain. This means there would be a

biological clock being attached within it i.e. there would be duration for staying

awake and for resting. Without the brain, there would be no prevailing mind

consciousness in existence. Therefore, brain is a necessary prerequisite for

any mind consciousness to exist; without it, the mind consciousness would be


35.2 Sense Consciousness

It is a subtle consciousness that is derived from our five senses i.e. sight,

hearing, taste, touch and smell. Sense consciousness is sometimes called the

‘gate’, and always engages with three elements – the sense organ, the sense

object and the experience of what we are seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, or

touching. In other words, physical body is a necessary prerequisite for any

sense consciousness to exist; without it, the sense consciousness would be


35.3 Store Consciousness

It is also known as subtle conscious mind that is somehow independent from

the physical body. Store consciousness would act like a museum whereby one

could discern with the elements of memory and information. This is because

within the elements of subtle consciousness one would discover the elements

of subtle memory. Within the elements of subtle memory one would discover

the elements of subtle information. In other words, it is a place whereby one

could see through the ‘seed treasures’ of kamma accumulated from the

retained subtle information throughout the series of one’s past lives.

Store consciousness is responsible for the birth and rebirth conditions of

individuals. When a person is lying dead, all the elements of consciousness

would leave the body. However, only the store consciousness would sustain in


liberated conditions outside the physical body but not the mind consciousness

and the sense consciousness. The switch of the mind consciousness and the

sense consciousness would be turned off and it would not carry on beyond the

grave because these two types of consciousness are dependent on the

physical body for arising – just like shadow follows the body.

In other words, store consciousness (where all kinds of seeds and information

are kept) would stay behind in a condition known as the stream of

consciousness (always flowing, always present, never interrupted) and the basic

cause for the persistent re-arising of personality is the abiding of store

consciousness in ignorance; when ignorance is uprooted, rebirth ceases. The

elements of ignorance and memory are closely inter-dependent of each other.

The elements of memory have two main functions i.e. deposits and withdrawals

of information – the act of retaining and recalling facts. The rise of ignorance

has to depend on the withdrawal of deposited information from the previous

events and the deposited information can only be redeemed from the elements

of memory.

Therefore, it is not correct to mention that a newborn being has no memory of

a previous life. Every single newborn being would surely bear with the seeds of

kamma deriving from the previous lives. The seeds of kamma are comparable

to deposits of information and the fruits of kamma are comparable to

withdrawals of the deposited information upon maturity. In other words, it is

not that the newborn being has no memory of a previous life but rather the

fruits of kamma have not ripened yet. Only upon maturity could the newborn

being start to recall events related to his or her previous lives. As a

conclusion, without store consciousness, the law of kamma would be impossible

in the realms of existence.

35.4 Manas Consciousness

It is also known as the cogitating consciousness that is always embracing and

attaching to store consciousness. Manas arises from store consciousness and

embraces store consciousness as its object. The function of manas is to

appropriate store consciousness as its own.


36.0 The Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction

Everything or anything (physical or non-physical) that exists is nothing but

energy. And energy is nothing but a mere element of vibration. The basic level

of a matter is energy. The basic level of energy is vibration. Therefore, matter

is a vibrating mass of energy in which the different frequency of vibration would

determine the shape and the size of it. So energy and matter are both

referring to the same thing - both reflected in different forms per se. Just like

cause and effect are the same things - both reflected in a different time of


According to the Einstein’s formula, E = mc2, energy can be generated by

enforcing a matter into a circumstance of extremely high rate of vibration. At

the same time, a matter can be formed by compressing energy into a

circumstance of extremely low rate of vibration. In the material Universe, this

is how we clarify that something arises as in object is not out of nothing but

arises out of the elements of energy that exist in a system. And dependent

nature of phenomena is a necessary prerequisite for energy or matter to exist;

without it, the energy or matter would be impossible. As such, every existence

does contain with the three basic elements - energy, matter and space. These

basic elements would subject to the balanced and the imbalanced phenomena.

Under a balanced phenomenon, these elements would start to integrate with

each other to create aggregation. Under an imbalanced phenomenon, these

elements would start to disintegrate from each other to create segregation.

Once again, everything in the material Universe is made up of energy. Atoms

and molecules are made up of energy. Our bodies, our clothes, our cars, our

houses are all made up of energy but what makes them different is their

vibration. Energy is always vibrating at a different frequency under the

influence of conditional phenomena. Everything has its own vibrational

frequency – our thoughts, our feelings, the rock, the table, the car, the animal,

the plant, the tree, etc. Even colours are merely expressions of certain

vibrational frequencies. These scenarios are guided by a system of universal

law known as the law of vibration. In fact, the law of vibration serves as the

foundation for the law of attraction. The law of attraction states that we

attract what we are sending out i.e. like attracts like, unlike repels unlike.

Hence, favourable energies attract favourable energies and unfavourable


energies attract unfavourable energies. Human thoughts are cosmic waves of

energy that penetrate all time and space and it is the most potent vibration

that can attracts what is desired or wished for. In other words, all sentient

beings are electro-magnetic beings with the subtle mind consciousness that

acts as an antenna or a radar detector constantly attracting and magnetising

vibrational frequencies. Human thoughts are frequencies to which other similar

frequencies are constantly resonating. This resonance is the basis for a

universal law – the law of attraction. At the end of the day, the law of

attraction and the law of vibration go hand in hand at all times.

37.0 Ion makes the world go round

What is an ion? An ion is a charged atom or molecule. It is charged due to the

imbalanced number of electrons and the number of protons in the atom or

molecule. An atom can become a positive charge or a negative charge

depending on whether the number of electrons in an atom is greater or lesser

than the number of protons in the atom. Ion concentrations can vary over

short distances i.e. one may find that one end of a room has an excess of

positive ions and the other end, negative. In the nature, ions are formed in a

variety of ways - about half are created by radioactive gases and the other half

are produced from radioactive substances in the soil, cosmic rays, ultraviolet

rays, air flow friction, falling water and plants.

Basically, positive ions have a negative effect on humans and animals. Some of

the side effects caused by high positive ion counts are violent behaviour, road

rage, depression, dizziness, chills, tremors, sleeplessness, fatigue, irritability,

nausea, lethargy, respiratory symptoms, headaches, migraines, increase in heart

attacks, high blood pressure, increase in optical disturbances, anxiety, body

aches/pains, etc. Today, the modern homes and offices seal out negative ions.

Computer terminals, fluorescent lighting, forced air ventilation systems, and

modern building materials generate an over abundance of positive ions.

Electrical gadgets such as microwave oven, laptop, desktop computer,

television, mobile phone or the alarm clock could be to blame for the lacking of

negative ions in the atmosphere. Other positive ionisation could derive from

car exhausts, factory fumes, tire dust, cigarette smoke, cooking and heating

fumes, dust, etc.


On the other hand, negative ions are beneficial to humans and animals. It has

been proven scientifically that a high count of negative ions will decrease

fatigue, reduce migraines/headaches, strengthen the function of autonomic

nerves, strengthen the body immune system, improves metabolism, improves

asthma and other respiratory conditions, lowers blood pressures, etc.

Refreshing places, usually located in the mountains and near waterfalls and

seashores have high negative ion concentrations. In humans, most researchers

think that negative ions act on the capacity to absorb and utilise oxygen,

accelerating the blood’s delivery of oxygen to the cells and tissues. Generally,

negative ions have much higher rates of mobility as compared with the positive

ions due to increase in the number of electrons that are constantly vibrating in

standing waves on the surface of the ions.

Once again, the charged molecules or ions play a vital role in the physical and

the spiritual development of humans. Our frame of mind and body conditions

depend on the composition of the air that we breathe. Air is electrically

charged, which means it contains in definite proportions, positively charged

molecules (positive ions) and negatively charged molecules (negative ions).

There is a need for their balance to conjure up favourable vibes for one’s

mental and physical progression. In fact, the yin-yang concept is mostly based

upon the orientation of positive ions and negative ions in the surroundings.

When there is a balance in the definite proportion of ions, whereby the number

of positive ions (yin) is almost equal to the number of negative ions (yang),

there will be a harmonious ‘chi’ or energy in the surroundings and vice versa.

On another front, the definite proportion of ions in the atmosphere has an

intimate relevance to the arising of spirit or ghost energies in the human realm.

Ordinary spirits or ghosts that are abided with ignorance would be drawn to the

cluster of positive ions. This is because positive ions are correlated with the

energies of dukkha i.e. ignorance would give rise to unfavourable thoughts, ill-

wills, angers, un-satisfactoriness, attachments, restlessness, jealousy,

pessimism, etc. Common areas such as windowless and closed rooms,

abandoned houses, hospitals, factories, old buildings – in derelict and

overgrown states, would usually sustain a higher concentration of positive ions

in the surroundings – an ideal passageway for the manifestation of wandering

ghosts or spirits in the human realm. And from direct experience, a ghost or a

spirit arising in close proximity could evoke with severe headaches, nausea and


lethargy on our physical body unexpectedly – an apparent sign of soaring

density of positive ions in the surrounding area. In other words, a human who

is afflicted with a mental or a physical illness would tend to attract or

magnetise with the spirits or the ghosts more often than the healthy ones due

to higher presence of positive ions in the body and the surroundings.

As a conclusion, ions are necessary prerequisites for becoming process to

exist; without it, the becoming process would be impossible in the dependent

nature. For humans, the presence of high negative ions would bring scores of

advantages to the spiritual and the physical development. In fact, the

surroundings with high negative ion concentrations would attract or magnetise

with favourable energies from devas, angels and other deities that could help

individuals in many ways along the path to spiritual liberation. Therefore, it is

crucial for one to find balance with the ion concentrations at all times because

ions are ‘kingmakers’ in the mental and the physical health condition of


38.0 The Process of New Creation (Multiplicity) in Samsāra

According to the Chinese philosophy, everything has both the yin and the yang

aspects. Yin and yang are actually complementary but opposing forces

interacting to form a whole greater than either separate part; thus bringing

forth a dynamic system existing in harmony. The visual representation of this

concept is well depicted in the Taijitu symbol or the loosely referred to as yin-

yang symbol. Literally, Tai-ji means supreme ultimate – that represents an

insightful reality of the dependent nature i.e. highlighting the many natural

dualities such as female and male, dark and light, low and high, cold and hot,

water and fire, life and death, etc.

Whenever one quality reaches its peak, it will naturally begin to transform into

the opposite quality. The communion of the two gives birth to things. Yin and

yang transform each other – just like an undertow in the ocean, every advance

is complemented by a retreat, and every rise transforms into a fall. Generally,

yin is associated with water, earth, moon, femininity, night time, etc. and is

characterised as slow, soft, yielding, diffuse, cold, wet, and passive. Whereas,

by contrast, yang is associated with fire, sky, the sun, masculinity, day time,


etc. and is characterised as fast, hard, solid, focused, hot, dry, and aggressive.

The classic principle in effect: ‘Yin creates Yang and Yang activates Yin.’

If one refers to the cycle of Dependent Origination, manas that unfolds against

the backdrop of consciousness (preliminary) is an architect or a designer that

activates the mind and body creations. Mind and body are simply two aspects

of the same thing. Manas would vibrate in a certain unique frequency pattern –

a wave of collated high and low vibrations. This blueprint of vibrations would

subsequently bring forth a conflation of mind and body. The principle in effect:

the lower the frequency, the slower the vibration; the higher the frequency, the

faster the vibration. Slower vibration would lead to the body and the sense

bases formation and faster vibration would lead to the mind formation.

Collectively, it brings about a new life existence with a unique individuality that

would not allow the disruption by any kind of external interference; thus it

maintains a self-identity. In other words, mind and body are present in every

created thing as one integrated whole. Even an atom has a kind of mind that is

unique or individualised. The nucleus of the atom, around which electrons

vibrate in standing waves, constitutes the atom’s individuality. As a result, one

atom distinguishes from another atom – just as one person is different from

another person or as one thing is different from another thing.

Nevertheless, the mind is comprised with two terms i.e. prevailing

consciousness and subtle consciousness. Both the prevailing and the subtle

mind consciousnesses would arise in the sentient beings but for other things,

merely the subtle mind consciousness would arise. In addition, it is the mind,

the consciousness of individuality, which holds together the atoms and

molecules as one integrated body in a lifetime. Scientifically, the atoms are

held together by covalent chemical bonds but the synergies of it would give

rise to the mind, the consciousness of individuality. For general understanding,

the subtle mind consciousness does not consume as much energy as the

prevailing mind consciousness. Subtle mind consciousness can process and

store information without a lot of work or the intervention of prevailing mind

consciousness. In other words, subtle mind consciousness could operate in the

absence of prevailing mind consciousness with the least of energy consumption

on 24 hours/day and 365 days/year - this would mean a plenty of energy

reserves for prolonging the lifespan of a body in a lifetime.


In fact, for over 90% of the time in a lifespan, the body is administered by

subtle mind consciousness and it simply operates like a radar detector –

sensing all spectrums of vibrational frequencies from the surroundings and

across the time stream (past, present and future). As such, one would notice

that an enlightened subtle mind consciousness would operate like a long range

radar detector which is highly luminous and vigilant to any development of

circumstances and surpassing time.

When one has reached the maturity of a lifespan, the mind and body would go

through a dying process, inevitably. And the first type of consciousness to

depart the body would be the prevailing mind consciousness. For the sentient

beings, the prevailing mind consciousness that bonds strongly the atoms and

the molecules together would die out and evolve into other energies

concurrently. This incidence would lead to an impulse occurrence with a

demonstration of a final burst of energy nearing the moments of death.

Subsequently, the segregating process would conquest with most of the subtle

mind consciousness departing the death body.

For an ignorant being, during a disintegrating process, the elements of

prevailing consciousness or so-called the ‘chain of consciousness’ would die

out and the force of Ignorance (an outward tendency force) would overcome

the force of Awakening (an inward tendency force). The elements of subtle

consciousness would then liberate into fragments. The amount of liberated

fragments is very much dependent on the level of Ignorance or Awakening

within the being. And for an ignorant being, the level of Ignorance would

surpass the level of Awakening and this would mean the intensity of Ignorance

is higher than the intensity of Awakening. A higher intensity of Ignorance would

mean a higher intensity of becoming. A higher intensity of becoming would

mean a higher amount of liberated fragments. On the other hand, for an

awakened being, the amount of liberated fragments is much lesser than an

ignorant being because there is lower intensity of Ignorance as compared with

the intensity of Awakening. Also, the dispersion of liberated fragments is more

confined and restricted to much fewer new individuals.

Last of all, during segregating process, sense consciousness and the lingering

subtle mind consciousness would evolve into other energies concurrently with

the body decomposing process. At the end of the day, the fragmented subtle


mind consciousness with some retained subtle information within the elements

of subtle memory would sustain freedom of sorts and waiting for the next

aligning process and the new balanced phenomena to arise, thus depicting the

continuous flow or repeating cycle of birth, life, death and re-birth - known as


39.0 The Process of Pro-creation (Sexual) in Samsāra

A sperm and an egg would contain with subtle mind consciousness

respectively. A sexual pro-creating process would begin with the aggregation

of sperm and egg under a balanced phenomenon. During the integrating

process, some new information would be produced and it would evolve into

knowledge. Consecutively, the gained knowledge would induce a sense of

representation that would then give rise to an element of memory. The

elements of memory would stimulate a process of compulsion and this would

lead to a broadcasting of kammic imprints in its own vibrational frequency that

in turn electro-magnetically attract with similar kammic imprints unearthed

from the influx of subtle mind consciousness elsewhere in the dependent

nature (as per the law of vibration and attraction).

Scientifically, a sperm is an electrically neutral structure with the equal amount

of positive and negative charges. An egg is also an electrically neutral

structure with the equal amount of positive and negative charges. During the

fertilisation period, the sperms are guided by temperature when travelling

through most of the fallopian tube and navigate by tuning in to the egg’s

chemical call when they get close to the fertilisation site. When a sperm

conflates with an egg to form a zygote, it would give rise to energy absorption

inside the egg structure. The electron bonded to an atom of the egg absorbs

the proper amount of energy deriving from the potential (stored) energy of the

sperm. The energy absorbed would then exceed the electric potential barrier

that originally confined it, thus breaking the bond and freeing it to move. The

electron is then emitted as a free electron from the zygote structure and the

amount of energy required is called the ionisation energy.

According to the cycle of Dependent Origination, an imbalanced phenomenon

would lead to an adjusting process. The adjusting process would then lead to


an aligning process and the aligning process would subsequently lead to a new

balanced phenomenon. When an atom loses an electron, an imbalanced

phenomenon occurs. The atom then becomes a charged particle called an ion.

These imbalanced ion particles are responsible for the electron flow (energy

flow in the form of electricity). Ions will take or release an electron to become

balance again. Therefore, the zygote, an electro-magnetic being with positively

charged ions, would be balanced with the ‘jump’ of an electron from an atom

elsewhere. In other words, a positively charged ion would electro-magnetically

attract to a negatively charged ion elsewhere and this condition is crucial for

the development of zygote into embryo.

For general understanding, a zygote would develop into an embryo only with the

presence of negative ions, positive ions and the compatible ‘free-flow’ subtle

mind consciousness as a boost factor. In the absence of any or all of these

mentioned elements, the advance development of zygote would be impeded.

The ‘free-flow’ subtle mind consciousness under an imbalanced phenomenon

would go through the adjusting process and subsequently the aligning process.

During the aligning process, the ‘free-flow’ subtle mind consciousness would

attract and ally with the new body that contains all necessary equal and

opposite elements (both in qualitative and quantitative aspects). In other

words, this integrating process would arise in the right place at the right time

under a perfectly conducive environment. Thus a new being is formed under a

new balanced phenomenon.

As mentioned earlier, a zygote is a newly formed being with positively charged

ions. A positively charged ion would naturally attract a negatively charged ion.

The negative ions encircling the zygote would permeate into the surface of it,

enhancing metabolism of the cell membranes, accelerating the mitosis process

and the delivery of oxygen to inner cells and tissues. Last of all, the

compatible ‘free-flow’ subtle mind consciousness would be absorbed into the

zygote to initiate a sparkling process. The sparkling process is made possible

only with the absorption of sufficient like energies elsewhere into the zygote.

The electron bonded to an atom of the zygote absorbs the proper amount of

energy deriving from the potential (stored) energy of the compatible ‘free-

flow’ subtle mind consciousness. The energy absorbed would then exceed the

electric potential barrier that originally confined it, thus breaking the bond and

freeing it to move. The electron is then emitted as a free electron and it


upsets the electrical charge equilibrium of the embryo. Thus an embryo is a

newly formed being with positively charged ions and it continues to attract

negative ions from the surroundings to enhance metabolism of the cell

membranes, accelerating the mitosis process and the delivery of oxygen to

inner cells and tissues.

In addition, during the sparkling process, prevailing mind consciousness and

sense consciousness would be newly formed, simultaneously. Sparkling

process would lead to the process of fusion and consolidation. This would

mean no chance for any subsequent compatible ‘free-flow’ subtle mind

consciousness to be absorbed into the embryo after the sparkling process –

just like the scenario of the first sperm enters the egg during the fertilising

process. The embryo would continue to develop into a fetus and it is a stage

of the early development of the nervous system in the new body. The nervous

system is an electrical impulses dependent system – this means in the absence

of imbalanced ion particles, the nervous system in the new body would be

stalled indefinitely. The nervous system includes both the central nervous

system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system is

made up of the brain and the spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system is

made up of the somatic and the autonomic nervous systems. The nervous

system allows the sentient beings to quickly detect, communicate and co-

ordinate information on the external and the internal environment via efficient

appropriate responses for survival and/or reproduction.

For general understanding, consciousness is synergy. Synergy is generally

defined as the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total

effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements, contributions,

etc. In other words, synergy is energy that expands through cooperation and it

is a key to the geometric expansion of consciousness. When the nervous

system in a new body is formed, sense consciousness would arise

simultaneously. Sense consciousness is a subtle synergy resulted from the

interaction of subtle mind consciousness in the new body i.e. the

electrochemical transmission along the neurons throughout the nervous

system. And this synergy arising is in accordance with the yin-yang principle

that states: ‘Yin creates Yang and Yang activates Yin’. Synonymously, subtle

mind consciousness is yin and sense consciousness is yang - just as a state of


total yin is reached, yang begins to grow. Yin contains seed of yang and vice


Moreover, the central nervous system especially the brain would comprise with

the highest density of neurons in the entire nervous system of the new body

and this circumstance would give rise to another type of synergy identified as

prevailing mind consciousness – a prevalent synergy. In other words, mind

consciousness and brain are symbiotic; one never exists without the other.

The brain is actually a coagulated form of the conflated prevailing and subtle

mind consciousnesses itself - just as water looks like ice, the mind looks like

the brain, and the body. With high density of neurons, the brain could perform

a variety of complex functions beside transmitting signals and sending

messages to each other parts of the body. Among the complex functions are

controlling, regulating, analysing, organising, wishing, interpreting, memorising,

etc. – for these complex functions are basically, the roles of prevailing and

subtle mind consciousnesses.

As a reference, mind and body arising are analogous to the origination of fire.

From an article pulled out from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, the origin of

fire is described as follows: -

‘Fires start when a flammable and/or a combustible material, in combination

with a sufficient quantity of an oxidizer such as oxygen gas or another oxygen-

rich compound (though non-oxygen oxidizers exist that can replace oxygen), is

exposed to a source of heat or ambient temperature above the flash point for

the fuel/oxidizer mix, and is able to sustain a rate of rapid oxidation that

produces a chain reaction. This is commonly called the fire tetrahedron. Fire

cannot exist without all of these elements in place and in the right proportions.

For example, a flammable liquid will start burning only if the fuel and oxygen are

in the right proportions. Some fuel-oxygen mixes may require a catalyst, a

substance that is not directly involved in any chemical reaction during

combustion, but which enables the reactants to combust more readily. Once

ignited, a chain reaction must take place whereby fires can sustain their own

heat by the further release of heat energy in the process of combustion and

may propagate, provided there is a continuous supply of an oxidizer and fuel.’


The mentioned comparison can be depicted as below: -

Combustion Sparkling process

Fire Sentient being

Flame Prevailing mind consciousness

Fuel/combustible material Sentient body

Oxidiser Oxygen intake

Heat Subtle mind consciousness

Chain reaction Electrochemical impulse/transmission

Catalyst ‘Free-flow’ subtle mind consciousness

The principle in effect: When the flame is blown off, the chain reaction stops

and the fire would be vanished. However, the ambient temperature (heat)

remains temporarily but below the flash point for fuel/oxidiser mix and waiting

for all the right elements in place and on the right proportions. Likewise, when

a sentient being has passed on, the prevailing mind consciousness dies out and

the electrochemical impulse/transmission would lapse. However, the subtle

mind consciousness still remains temporarily in liberated forms before

subscribing to the next becoming process under a balanced phenomenon.

As a conclusion, prevailing mind consciousness and sense consciousness would

not arise without the manifestation of a physical body. However, subtle mind

consciousness is somehow independent from the physical body and would

continue to play a significant role in the continuous process of birth, life, death

and re-birth - known as samsāra.


40.0 Samsāra - Why is there something rather than nothing?

In the Buddhist context, the dependent nature is known as samsāra. Samsāra

literally means ‘continuous flow’- referring to a repeating cycle of birth, life,

death and re-birth. But why is there such a scenario in samsāra? Now, let us

analyse into it. The inherent quality of dependent nature is emptiness. In

other words, emptiness is the underlying element that exists everywhere within

the dependent nature. On another front, energy is a quality that can neither be

created nor destroyed and the sum of all energies in a system is a constant or

never changes – as per the Law of Conservation of Energy. Therefore, we

could conclude that both emptiness and energy are fundamental qualities in the

system of dependent nature because every single thing or happening would

involve with it, without exception.

In fact, energy is an expression that emptiness exists. When one sees into

energy, one sees into emptiness; when one sees into emptiness, one sees into

energy. This is the rationale for the saying, ‘Form is Emptiness.’ The

principle in effect: seeing into form is seeing into matter, seeing into matter is

seeing into energy and seeing into energy is seeing into emptiness. At the

same time, emptiness is a necessary prerequisite for any objects to exist;

without it, the object would be impossible and this hypothesis attributes to the

saying, ‘Emptiness is Form.’

In the dependent nature, there would be a scenario of cause and effect.

Frankly speaking, these are two different aspects of the same thing i.e. cause

is effect and effect is cause. For instance, Cause 1 conjures up Effect 1,

Effect 1 conjures up Cause 1-1, etc. As such, cause and effect are inter-

changing, inter-relating and inter-waving with one another. This is how the

conventional reality works i.e. not in-linear but in inter-dependence, inter-

woven and inter-relation since the dawn of time in a very comprehensive and

complicated network of existence. In other words, cause and effect cannot be

referred independently in a linear point of reference and therefore, no first

cause, no first effect can be found within the dependent nature. Precisely, one

should think about the scenario of cause and effect as: this arising, that arises;

this ceasing, that ceases.


Right now, there is a circumstance of duality or multiplicity in the dependent

nature, but why? It is because of mind arising. Why is there mind arising? It is

because of energy. Why is there energy? It is because of emptiness. And why

is there emptiness? It is because of emptiness of emptiness. In other words,

the emptiness of phenomena is both the cause and consequence of the

dependent nature of phenomena. Emptiness of phenomena exists in the way it

appears in direct perception and without the need to reference of any other

entity. It is completely defined by its own nature. In other words, emptiness of

phenomena is an inherent existence that is uncaused. It is indestructible and

eternal. It is unchanging when viewed externally and cannot undergo any

internal changes of state. It has no constituent parts and nothing can be

thrown out or removed from it. Nothing can be added to it and no change in

the external conditions can affect it.

As mentioned earlier, the elements of energy would give rise to the mind that

in turn conjures up perceptions, conceptions, labels, boundaries, names,

activities, shapes, relations, descriptions, stereotyping, beginning, ending, etc.

Therefore, we shall be clear by now that mind is the forerunner of all states i.e.

the architect for classifying all the existences in the dependent nature. These

circumstances of duality or multiplicity are merely the end result of various

activities of aggregation being observed by the mind under the influence of

conditional phenomena. In fact, mind is known as consciousness in

individuality i.e. it involves clear discrimination – differentiates and understands

the characteristics of objects or matters. And only when there is a balanced

circumstance, there is a chance for the integrating process i.e. under a

balanced phenomenon, one could witness shapes or forms arising; under an

imbalanced phenomenon, one could witness no shapes or forms arising - and

the cycle of conditional phenomena continues. This scenario can be

portrayed in the cycle of dependent origination shown as below: -

Balance leads to stability. Stability leads to aggregation. Aggregation leads to

agitation. Agitation leads to information. Information leads to knowledge.

Knowledge leads to representation. Representation leads to memory. Memory

leads to compulsion. Compulsion leads to ignorance. Ignorance leads to

blindness. Blindness leads to disorientation. Disorientation leads to confusion.

Confusion leads to irrationality. Irrationality leads to impulse. Impulse leads to

sparkling. Sparkling leads to inkling. Inkling leads to volition. Volition leads to


awareness. Awareness leads to consciousness. Consciousness leads to

manas. Manas leads to mind and body. Mind and body lead to sensation.

Sensation leads to six sense bases. Six sense bases lead to conductivity.

Conductivity leads to contact. Contact leads to stimulation. Stimulation leads

to feeling. Feeling leads to experience. Experience leads to craving. Craving

leads to grasping. Grasping leads to clinging. Clinging leads to unsettling.

Unsettling leads to becoming. Becoming leads to creation. Creation leads to

birth. Birth leads to energising. Energising leads to mobility. Mobility leads to

hauling. Hauling leads to aging. Aging leads to draining. Draining leads to

death. Death leads to fragility. Fragility leads to segregation. Segregation

leads to diffusion. Diffusion leads to imbalance. Imbalance leads to

adjustment. Adjustment leads to alignment. Alignment leads to new balance.

For general understanding, every existence would contain with the basic

elements of energy, matter and space. In other words, mind and body are

present in every created thing as one integrated whole, without exception.

Even an atom has a kind of mind that is unique or individualised. The nucleus

of the atom, around which electrons vibrate in standing waves, constitutes the

atom’s individuality. As a result, one atom distinguishes from another atom –

just as one person is different from another person or as one thing is different

from another thing; thus it maintains a self-identity.

When one ponders as a subject on the other side of the object or matter, one

would notice that energy takes on various forms and reborn all the time in the

dependent nature. Therefore, it is correct to mention that all objects are

empty and exist conditionally without an eternal essence. They only exist in

relation to each other as appearances that in turn vary as per the perceptions

of the beholders (or precisely, the minds of the beholders). It is difficult for

one to see into the ultimate truth because the mind is dependent arising and

the presence of the waves of dependent phenomena has clouded the mind

from discerning the reality of circumstances i.e. ignorance arises. With

ignorance blindfolding the mind since the dawn of time, suffering arises and

continues to arise in the dependent nature.

As a conclusion, both emptiness and energy are the inherent qualities of the

dependent nature. These inherent qualities are the core basis for all the rising

and falling activities in samsāra. In fact, the repeating cycle of birth, life, death


and re-birth in samsāra is due to its relevance to inherent existence and

anything that inherently exists would not involve change. In other words,

samsāra is neither identical to, nor entirely different from the inherent

existence. This is the correct understanding on the principle of emptiness that

is in accordance with Buddhism i.e. all created things or happenings can never

be in an absolute discrete orientation.

Once again, the dependent nature is all about mind versus matter and mind

versus mind. As mentioned by the Buddha, mind is the forerunner of all states.

When there is mind arising, the dependent nature arises. In other words, the

dependent nature is a classification being performed by the mind. Without the

mind, there is no classification of the dependent nature. Therefore, both the

mind and the dependent nature are inter-dependent of one another. And with

the presence of emptiness, the potential movement of the mind from non-

enlightenment toward a state of enlightenment would be possible. Seeing the

Dhamma is seeing the Buddha – it is seeing and knowing the ultimate reality of

things and happenings and not to get entangle with it.

41.0 Nibbāna – How can it be described?

What is nibbāna? And where is nibbāna? For general understanding, nibbāna is

not a state of paradise or some sort of heavenly realms that can be found

alongside the planes of existence within the cosmos. In an ultimate sense,

nibbāna does not exist at all, but why? This is because there is non-existence

of the mind to provide the descriptions, perceptions, names, shapes, etc. within

the state of nibbāna. Furthermore, mind is dependent arising but nibbāna is a

non-dependent arising state of affairs i.e. with no rising and falling activities

taking place. In other words, nibbāna is a completely neutralised state of

affairs – in contrast with the conventional phenomenon that would subject to

the conditional influences i.e. in a continuous and constantly changing state of


In the dependent nature or samsāra, there is an element of suffering or dukkha.

Suffering means ‘bearing with’ in the Buddhist context and ‘letting go’ is the

antonym of it. Literally, there are no elements of grasping when one practises

letting go. When no grasping arises, the becoming process would slow down.


This is because everything in the dependent nature is nothing but energy. And

energy is nothing but mere vibration. When the becoming process slows down,

it means energy is vibrating at lower frequencies. When the becoming process

ceases, energy literally stops vibrating. Energy just got ‘frozen.’ Zero

vibration means zero becoming. Zero becoming means an absolute cessation

of any changing activities. Thus an absolute stage of absence is achieved.

Absence means a perfect state of balance. Therefore, absence is not about

nothingness but instead it is about no-thing-ness. No thing means no

becoming or no changing. No changing means no suffering. No suffering means

no mind. Mind is the forerunner of all states. No mind means a completely

neutralised state of affairs - that is nibbāna. The state of nibbāna is

inexplicable in conventional terms but still, it can be tasted by the enlightened

ones during deep meditation.

However, there is an argument that says nothing stops completely in the

scientific world. In physics, there is something called zero-point energy or the

lowest level that energy could exist. Scientists have discovered that Hydrogen

(the smallest molecule in the material Universe with a single atom) cannot be

frozen completely i.e. it would cool down to a specific low temperature and

then continues to vibrate again. In other words, the material Universe does

not freeze itself completely in the coldest region and there is always energy

that vibrates in the outer space.

Well, it is a valid argument that energy can neither be stationary nor be created

nor be destroyed in the scientific sense. But how then could we best describe

a scenario of ‘frozen’ energy here? Let us look at the case of a black hole in

the material Universe. Black holes were originally called frozen stars because

they appear to ‘freeze’ at a size just slightly bigger than the Schwarzschild

radius - the distance at which all matter within that distance will collapse into

the singularity. Around the black hole, there is a surface called event horizon

that marks the point of no return. Any objects that fall and cross the event

horizon would appear to freeze from the perspective of an observer who is

stationary at great distance from the event horizon. Just as in Einstein’s

special theory of relativity, if you were to enter a black hole, you would find

your watch ticking along at the same rate as it always had but someone else at

great distance from the black hole would see a different ticking rate on your


watch than the usual, and you would see their watch to be ticking at a different

than normal rate.

For instance, if you were to station yourself just outside a black hole, while you

would find your own watch ticking at the normal rate, you would see the watch

of a friend at great distance from the hole to be ticking at a much faster rate

than yours. Your friend would see his own watch ticking at a normal rate, but

see your watch to be ticking at a much slower rate. Thus if you stayed just

outside the black hole for a while, then went back to join your friend, you would

find that the friend had aged more than you had during your separation. At the

end of the day, if you were to cross into the event horizon, you appear to

freeze, as seen by your friend and it is only an ‘optical’ illusion that makes

your friend think that you never cross the horizon when in actual fact you did.

Once again, when one talks about energy, one talks about vibration. And

energy can never be stationary at any point of time but it can appear to freeze

under a special circumstance described as above. In other words, when there

are opposing forces, there would be vibration. In the absence of opposing

forces, vibration would cease to exist i.e. it is considered to be blown-off but

not annihilated. This means in the absence of vibration, energy would still exist

but it seems to freeze due to the homologous force arising.

In the Buddhist context, there are two opposing forces arising in the dependent

nature i.e. the force of Awakening (an inward tendency force) and the force of

Ignorance (an outward tendency force). For an ignorant being, during a

disintegrating process, the elements of prevailing consciousness or so-called

the ‘chain of consciousness’ would die out and the force of Ignorance would

overcome the force of Awakening. The elements of subtle consciousness

would then liberate into fragments. The amount of liberated fragments is very

much dependent on the level of Ignorance or Awakening within the being. And

for an ignorant being, the level of Ignorance would surpass the level of

Awakening and this would mean the intensity of Ignorance is higher than the

intensity of Awakening. A higher intensity of Ignorance would mean a higher

intensity of becoming. A higher intensity of becoming would mean a higher

amount of liberated fragments. On the other hand, for a fully awakened being,

the force of Ignorance would be blown-off (cease to exist) completely. The

remaining force of Awakening i.e. an inward tendency force would conquest in


full scale and thus conjuring up a circumstance that is known as the black hole

of emptiness i.e. the eternal bliss of nibbāna.

As a conclusion, nibbāna is a completely neutralised state of affairs that is

boundless, timeless and permanent. The ultimate goal in the Buddhist practice

is to quest for an everlasting happiness that is unconditional via enlightenment.

While enlightenment is about realisation, wisdom is about applying it into one’s

daily perspectives and decision making, wholesomely. Therefore, if one wishes

to gain enlightenment and wisdom, one would need to walk the walk and not

talk the talk. In other words, enlightenment can never be achieved through

desire for it is a mere intention of building castles in the air. Buddhism is about

the sheer determination to pull one’s act together to end the state of suffering

conclusively and not just blowing hot air.

42.0 Buddhism: A full transformation of the Mind

Buddhism is a philosophy that explores the luminosity of the mind. The Buddha

has mentioned that mind is the forerunner of all states. In other words, the

mind is ultimately responsible for interpreting the existence under the

circumstances of duality – phenomenon arises. Therefore, what exists is

defined as that which can be known. If it cannot be known by the mind, then it

does not exist. And conventionally, things can exist as in fallacy or in reality

i.e. subject to the discriminating activities being carried out by the mind.

Furthermore, mind is dependent arising and it is a pattern of consciousness

that is born from awareness. In fact, mind is known as consciousness in

individuality and it is more objective and involves clear discrimination –

differentiates and understands the characteristics of objects.

If one refers to the cycle of Dependent Origination, manas that unfolds against

the backdrop of consciousness (preliminary) is an architect that activates the

mind and body creations. Mind and body are simply two aspects of the same

thing. Manas would vibrate in a certain unique frequency pattern – a wave of

collated high and low vibrations. This blueprint of vibrations would

subsequently bring forth a conflation of mind and body. The principle in effect:

the lower the frequency, the slower the vibration; the higher the frequency, the

faster the vibration. Slower vibration would lead to the body and the sense


bases formation and faster vibration would lead to the mind formation.

Collectively, it brings about a new life existence with a unique individuality that

would not allow the disruption by any kind of external interference; thus it

maintains a self-identity. In other words, mind and body are present in every

created thing as one integrated whole. Even an atom has a kind of mind that is

unique or individualised. The nucleus of the atom, around which electrons

vibrate in standing waves, constitutes the atom’s individuality. As a result, one

atom distinguishes from another atom – just as one person is different from

another person or as one thing is different from another thing.

Nevertheless, the mind is comprised with two terms i.e. prevailing

consciousness and subtle consciousness. Both the prevailing and the subtle

mind consciousnesses would arise in the sentient beings but for other things,

merely subtle mind consciousness would arise. In addition, it is the mind, the

consciousness of individuality, which holds together the atoms and molecules

as one integrated body in a lifetime. Scientifically, the atoms are held together

by covalent chemical bonds but the synergies of it would give rise to the mind,

the consciousness of individuality.

As a summary, no duality or multiplicity would arise in the non-existence of the

mind. This is because there is no subject to ponder on the object or

matter. When there is no mind arising, no phenomenon would arise. When

there is no phenomenon arising, no dependent nature would arise. When there

is no dependent nature, there would be no perception, no conception, no label,

no boundary, no name, no activity, no shape, no relation, no description, no

stereotyping, no beginning, no ending, etc. An ultimate reality is a truth that

exists beyond mind and beyond concepts and words in the sense that it is

beyond our usual ways of perceiving things.

42.1 Luminosity of the Mind

The pure nature of the mind is luminous and it is due to the presence of the

waves of dependent phenomena that has clouded it from discerning the reality

of circumstances i.e. ignorance arises. As such, Buddhism is a philosophy that

focuses on transforming an ignorant state of the mind into an enlightened one.

An enlightened mind can be described as prevailing mind consciousness with

liberation from the thoughts i.e. instead of being the thoughts; the perspective


is shifted to watching the thoughts churned out by subtle mind consciousness.

The role of prevailing conscious mind is like a mind-in-command i.e. a kind of

mind that can lead, take charge, concentrate, make decision and convey action.

In other words, it means prevailing conscious mind would make observation

without identifying with the thoughts – the subtle conscious mind. This

liberation from thought identification to thought observation is called the

experience of the Buddha nature.

During the process of observation, the awakened prevailing conscious mind

could also discern with the so-called memory fragments of the previous lives

subdued within the subtle conscious mind. This is because within the elements

of subtle consciousness one would discover the elements of subtle memory.

Within the elements of subtle memory one would discover the elements of

subtle information. In other words, the awakened prevailing conscious mind

could see through the ‘seed treasures’ of kamma accumulated from the

retained subtle information throughout the series of one’s past lives in crystal

clear and without hesitation.

Besides seeing through the past life events, an awakened mind could also

foresee into the future events. In a layman term, it is named as a de-ja vu

experience or some kind of time travelling to the future condition. This is

because an awakened mind is highly luminous and vigilant to any development

of circumstances and surpassing time. In Buddhism, it is mentioned that only a

human can attain enlightenment as a fully enlightened Buddha. This is because

humans are just one type of sentient being with both the prevailing and the

subtle conscious mind stream that can find balance between happiness and

suffering via the meditating processes. Therefore, in the absence of the

prevailing conscious mind, the attaining of full enlightenment is not possible.

Basically, there are two types of meditation in Buddhism. One is samatha and

the other is vipassanā meditation. Samatha meditation is to calm or tranquil

the mind by means of concentration. Whereas, vipassanā meditation is to

mould the mind into seeing all things as they really are – an insight into the

true nature of reality. The main focus of vipassanā meditation is to attain pure

awareness via mindfulness. Vipassanā is often preceded by samatha but

nonetheless, both types are inter-dependable throughout the practices in order

to achieve favourable results in meditation.


Upon entering deeply into a meditative state (in full concentration), the

prevailing mind consciousness would separate from the subtle mind

consciousness. The main reason for engaging samatha meditation is to calm or

tranquil the wilderness of the subtle mind consciousness. Thereafter, the

prevailing conscious mind enters a state of pure observation (mindful) without

identification on the flow of thoughts conjured up by the subtle conscious mind

until pure awareness is attained.

Moreover, when one has gained enlightenment while sustaining with a living

body, the mind would still exist but with a paradigm shift to seeing all the things

or happenings in the ultimate perspectives without delusion or hesitation. The

mind has not gained with a complete liberation yet and this circumstance is

also known as cessation with remainder. The ultimate liberation or cessation

without remainder can only be achieved without sustaining a living body i.e. the

passing into parinibbāna.

During one last time of disintegrating process, the subtle conscious mind would

be absorbed into the black hole of emptiness and then followed by the

prevailing conscious mind. In the absence of the mind, the dependent

phenomenon would die out concurrently. Ultimately, there is no mind remaining

in the infinite, unchanging, permanent and unconditional state of nibbāna and

this is the ambience for an eternal bliss.

43.0 Two Sides of the Same Coin

The wise Buddha has laid emphasis that one should see in all angles of things

or matters while pursuing the ultimate truth. Without it, any conclusions made

out of one’s observation would not be balanced or in a wholesome nature. In

Buddhism, wholesome would mean in totality of perspective (skillful) and

unwholesome would mean in non-totality of perspective (unskillful). There is

no holy or sinful thought or act in the eyes of the Buddha.

In fact, the Buddha has recommended Middle Path as an ideal approach when

addressing a problem. Middle Path is all about focusing on core, neutral,

balance and upright. It means to investigate and break through the core of life

and all things without any attitudes of favouritism. Any investigations must


commence based on unbiased grounds i.e. on neutral and upright positions. In

other words, one needs to investigate the problem from various angles, analyse

the findings, understand the truth thoroughly, and find a reasonable conclusion.

For general understanding, every subject matter can be viewed in two different

ways. Literally, it means all things or matters are very closely related although

they seem different. This is what the principle of emptiness is all about i.e. all

created things or happenings can never be in an absolute discrete orientation.

Therefore, we could rightfully mention that all things or matters are closely

inter-depending, inter-waving and inter-relating with one another since the

dawn of time in a very comprehensive and complicated network of

existence. This is the rationale for the saying, ‘...neither identical to, nor

entirely different from... but forms part of a causal continuum...’ And this

scenario explains well on the saying, ‘No two minds are the same.’ In other

words, Buddhism sees in a basis of blueprints in individuals or things that is

always evolving under the influence of conditional phenomena.

Right now, let us study into the elements of energy. As scientists have

discovered, energy can neither be created nor be destroyed and it is ever

transforming and changing all the time. But the sum of all energies in a system

is a constant or never changes. So is energy a variable or a constant element?

Paradoxically, energy corresponds well to both of these elements. As

mentioned earlier, every subject matter can be viewed in two different ways

and each way is very closely related with one another although they seem

different. Therefore, energy is a constant element on one perspective and

concurrently, it is a variable element on another perspective. By understanding

well and observing thoroughly into the characteristics of energy, one could gain

insight into the nature and its orientation.

As a conclusion, both emptiness and the energy are the fundamental qualities

of nature because every single thing or happening would involve with it, without

exception. On one hand, the nature would bear with the conditions of

beginning and ending and on the other hand, it would bear with the conditions

of beginning-less and end-less. In other words, nature is a system that is

universal i.e. it is inherent existing and dependent arising concurrently.

Likewise, the best way to respond to the question of, ‘Who am I?’ would be, ‘I

am what I am.’ ‘If you think this is what I am, then I am’ and ‘If you see that


is what I am, then I am.’ At the end of the day, any conclusions made are

merely two sides of the same coin.

The Existence of Nature

The Deepest Fact about Things (Path of Omniscience) (Beginning-less & End-less)

Inherent Nature EMPTINESS Dependent Nature

(Unchanging) (Universal Nature) (Changing)

Mind formation Conditional Phenomenon

(Transformation) Ignorance of Emptiness Realisation of Emptiness

Multiplicity Singularity

(duality) (non-duality)

Becoming Non-becoming

Suffering (to bear with) Liberation (to let go)

Continuation of vicious cycle Cessation of vicious cycle

SAMSĀRA Non-conditional Phenomenon

(Non-eternal Bliss)


(Eternal Bliss)


Two facets of Nature

There are two facets of nature - the dependent and the inherent aspects. These two

aspects would exist concurrently and can be illustrated in a mathematical equation as

below: -

Facet 1 Facet 2

Dependent arising Inherent existence

… (-2+2) + (-16+16) + (-22+22) + (-133+133) + (0) + (-54+54) …, etc = 0

Key: -

Facet 1

= dependent arising.

= the existence of mind - that conjures up perceptions, conceptions, labels, names,

descriptions, shapes, values, languages, etc.

= the existence of rising and falling phenomena.

= the existence of beginning and ending processes.

= all subjects and objects are created i.e. inherent existence is devoid.

= the emptiness could be realised in various stages.

Facet 2

= inherent existence.

= the absence of mind to conjure up perceptions, conceptions, labels, names,

descriptions, shapes, values, languages, etc.

= the absence of beginning and ending processes.

= the absence of conditional phenomena.

= nothing has ever been created or changed.

= the Buddha nature.

This arising, that arises. This ceasing, that ceases. Zero = a mathematical value

intermediate between positive

and negative values.

= the absence of any or all

units under consideration.


Zero (0) = intermediation = absence = emptiness but not nothingness.

= a mathematical value intermediate between positive and negative values.

= the absence of any or all units under consideration.

...(-2+2) + ... + (-133+133) ... = values of fluxes that are dependent arising.

... + (-2+2) + (-54+54) + ... = this arising, that arises.

... + (0) + ... = this ceasing, that ceases = a stage of enlightenment.

= all dependent arising are completely blown-off or extinguished.

= a stage of perfect intermediation = a stage of absence = a complete realisation

of emptiness.

( .... ) = the law of kamma = the universal law of balancing.

-2+2 or -133+133 = the law of attraction.

From the above mathematical equation, one could summarise the conclusions as

below: -

1. Nature is a system of constant with a factor of intermediation or absence. It

means that nature would orientate toward a state of balance, intermediation or

absence at all times.

2. When things run off-balance or when one stirs up in the nature - be it in volitional

or non-volitional sense, the natural law that maintains equilibrium would take its

course to balance it in one way or another across time and the plane of existence.

3. Anything that inherently exists would not involve change and created objects

cannot inherently exist since that would involve change.

4. The dependent nature is similar to the inherent nature.

An extract from the movie – Avatar: -

Neytiri: Our great mother does not take sides, Jake; she protects the balance

of life.


44.0 Mind...oh Mind

Well, how does the mind derive? Let us analyse into the principle of causality

shown as below: -

The mind and body are born from manas,

The manas is born from consciousness,

The consciousness is born from awareness,

The awareness is born from volition,

The volition is born from inkling,

The inkling is born from sparkling,

The sparkling is born from impulse,

The impulse is born from irrationality,

The irrationality is born from confusion,

The confusion is born from disorientation,

The disorientation is born from blindness,

The blindness is born from ignorance,

The ignorance is born from compulsion,

The compulsion is born from memory,

The memory is born from representation,

The representation is born from knowledge,

The knowledge is born from information,

The information is born from agitation,

The agitation is born from aggregation,

The aggregation is born from stability,

The stability is born from balance,

The balance is born from alignment,

The alignment is born from adjustment,

The adjustment is born from imbalance,

The imbalance is born from diffusion,

The diffusion is born from segregation,

The segregation is born from fragility,

The fragility is born from death,

The death is born from draining,

The draining is born from aging,

The aging is born from hauling,

The hauling is born from mobility,


The mobility is born from energising,

The energising is born from birth,

The birth is born from creation,

The creation is born from becoming,

The becoming is born from unsettling,

The unsettling is born from clinging,

The clinging is born from grasping,

The grasping is born from craving,

The craving is born from experience,

The experience is born from feeling,

The feeling is born from stimulation,

The stimulation is born from contact,

The contact is born from conductivity,

The conductivity is born from six sense bases,

The six sense bases are born from sensation,

The sensation is born from mind and body,

The mind and body are born from manas, etc.

From the above cycle of dependent origination, one would notice that the mind

is dependent arising and it arises in accordance with the principle of emptiness

i.e. all created objects or things can never be in an absolute discrete

orientation. In the dependent nature, mind is the forerunner of all states. This

means it the core basis for all the perceptions, conceptions, labels, boundaries,

names, activities, shapes, relations, descriptions, stereotyping, beginning,

ending, etc. And with the existence of mind, the state of ignorance and

suffering would arise concurrently in samsāra i.e. this arising, that arises.

The ultimate goal in the Buddhist practice is to quest for an everlasting

happiness that is unconditional via enlightenment. Therefore, one has to

explore and understand well the luminosity of the mind (the nature of clarity of

the mind) before making the right effort to transform it into an awakening state.

In Buddhism, it is mentioned that only a human can attain enlightenment as a

fully enlightened Buddha. This is because humans are just one type of sentient

being with both the prevailing and the subtle conscious mind stream that can

find balance between happiness and suffering via the meditating processes. In

fact, the prevailing mind consciousness plays a key role in conjuring up one’s


sheer determination to end the state of suffering conclusively; without it, the

attaining of full enlightenment is impossible.

When one has gained enlightenment while sustaining with a living body, the

mind would still exist but with a paradigm shift into seeing all the things or

happenings in the ultimate perspectives without delusion or hesitation. The

mind has not gained with a complete liberation yet and this circumstance is

also known as cessation with remainder. The ultimate liberation or cessation

without remainder can only be achieved without sustaining a living body i.e. the

passing into parinibbāna. During one last time of disintegrating process, the

subtle conscious mind would be absorbed into the black hole of emptiness and

then followed by the prevailing conscious mind. In the absence of the mind, the

dependent phenomenon would die out concurrently. Ultimately, there is no

mind remaining in the infinite, unchanging, permanent and unconditional state of

nibbāna and this is the ambience for an eternal bliss.

For general understanding, nibbāna is a completely neutralised state of affairs

that is boundless, timeless and permanent – this is the ultimate goal of

Buddhism. The wise Buddha has merely seen the urgency to put a complete

end to dukkha that arises in samsāra - right here, right now. All other matters

are considered as trivial if compared with the reality of dukkha arising in the

samsāra. And the only way to end the dukkha permanently is to get through to

the state of nibbāna via enlightenment. All other states of paradise or

heavenly realms could promise one with merely conventional happiness that is

conditional and impermanent. So the choice in the way of life is yours

ultimately – to pursue an ultimate happiness that is non-conditional and

permanent or a conventional happiness that is conditional and impermanent.

45.0 No Reincarnation, only Rebirth

Buddhism rejects the term ‘transmigration’ or ‘reincarnation’ altogether, but

why? Literally, ‘trans-’ is a prefix meaning through or across. And

transmigration denotes the movement or conveyance from place to place. If

we mention that a soul would transmigrate from a body to another new body, it

means the same ‘unchanging’ soul does the movement or conveyance

throughout the time stream (past, present and future).


However, in the conventional reality, no ‘unchanging’ soul would transmigrate

from one body to another and on this pretext, Buddhism upholds the term

‘rebirth’ or ‘re-arising.’ The Buddha sees in no transmigration of all things or

matters but instead, in the constant and continuous transformation of all things

or matters via the process of permeation (diffusion). Just like the orientation

of energy in the cosmos i.e. energy would only transform - to transform is to

change, to change is to become, and to become is to reborn. So energy is ever

‘reborn’ all the time in the dependent nature. By understanding well and

observing thoroughly into the characteristics of energy, one could gain insight

into the nature and its orientation.

In the case of rebirth, an individual soul does not migrate from a physical body

into another one. No, it just won’t fit at all. Every individual or thing that

exists would not be the same - it could only be in a similar condition e.g. twins

are similar but never the same individuals (likewise, no two minds are the

same). Every individual is unique respectively and no individuals would be the

same even though they do share some sort of the same genes before time.

For example, you may have heard in various stories whereby a spirit or ghost

has the ability to possess into the body of an individual but it never absolutely

overtakes the soul of the possessed individual. This is because one cannot

simply exchange the soul at one’s whim and fancy. Even individuals with the

most powerful magic charm could not perform this feat. Another example will

be the human organ transplant cases, whereby the new recipients need to take

immunosuppressive drugs to treat any transplant rejections – live long.

In Buddhism, rebirth refers to evolving consciousness or stream of

consciousness of a person (upon death) and the new consciousness arising in

the same person (in the new person) is neither identical to, nor entirely

different from, the old consciousness, but forms part of a causal continuum or

stream with it. The basic cause for this persistent re-arising of personality is

the abiding of consciousness in ignorance; when ignorance is uprooted, rebirth

ceases. For example, a flame is transferred from one candle to another, or a

fire spreads from one field to another. In the same way that it depends on the

original fire, there is a conditioned relationship between one life and the next;

they are not identical but neither are they completely distinct.


And it is possible for rebirth to take place from a single source into different

identities at any various point of time, just like how the genetic lineage works

for generations. This is how we explain the destiny of being siblings, being life

partners, being close friends in one’s lifetime. Somehow or somewhere before

time, the so-called relevant individuals are inherited from the similar sources of

predecessor. Thus in the present lifetime one has the opportunity to meet and

know with the relevant beings and not the other non-relevant beings (as per

the law of attraction).

Ultimately, it is the wonder of nature that every created object or thing is

neither identical to, nor entirely different from each other. This is how the

conventional reality works i.e. not in-linear but in inter-dependence, inter-

woven and inter-relation since the dawn of time in a very comprehensive and

complicated network of existence. At the end of the day, the inter-

connectedness of all things or matters in the nature is what the principle of

emptiness is all about - as per the teachings of the Buddha.

46.0 Buddhism - 31 planes of Existence and Nibbāna

Buddhism speaks of 31 planes of existence. These 31 planes are divided into

three types of world: -

1. Kāma-loka or kāmabhava (the sensuous world) – 11 planes

a. Kāmaduggati Bhūmi

- Four states of deprivation (apāya) : Niraya (Hell), Tiracchana Yoni

(Animals), Peta Loka (Hungry ghosts) and Asura (Demons).

b. Kāmasugati Bhūmi

- Manussa Loka (Human beings) and Cātumahārājika Heaven,

Tāvatimsa Heaven, Yāma Heaven, Tusita Heaven, Nimmānarati

Heaven and Paranimmita-vasavatti Heaven (six other planes of

heavenly gods).


2. Rūpa-loka or rūpabhava (the world of form/fine material world) – 16 planes

The different planes of devas: -

a. Pārisajja Brahma – Retinue/Servants of Mahā Brahma.

b. Purohita Brahma – Ministers/Advisors of Mahā Brahma.

c. Mahā Brahma – Great Brahmas.

d. Parittābha Deva – Devas of Limited Radiance.

e. Appamāņābha Deva – Devas of Unbounded Radiance.

f. Ābhassara Deva – Devas of Streaming Radiance.

g. Parittāsubha Deva – Devas of Limited Glory.

h. Appamāņāsubha Deva – Devas of Unbounded Glory.

i. Subhakiņņa Deva – Devas of Radiant Glory.

j. Vehappala Deva – Very Fruitful Devas.

k. Asaňňa Sattā – Mindless beings.

l. Aviha Deva – Devas not Falling Away.

m. Atappa Deva – Untroubled Devas.

n. Sudassa Deva – Beautiful Devas.

o. Sudassi Deva – Clear-sighted Devas.

p. Akanitta Deva – Peerless Devas.

3. Arūpa-loka or arūpabhava (the formless world/immaterial world) – 4 planes

The pure abodes of four realms (the purest of the 31 planes of existence): -

a. Ākāsānaňcāyatanupaga Deva – Sphere of Infinite Space.

b. Viňňaņaňcāyatanupaga Deva – Sphere of Infinite Consciousness.

c. Ākiňcaňňāyatanupaga Deva – Sphere of Nothingness.

d. Nevasaňňānāsaňňāyatanupaga Deva – Sphere of Neither - perception

nor non-perception.

In Buddhism, the human realm is merely one of the above-mentioned 31 planes

of existence and these different planes would exist only with the mind arising.

For instance, heaven or hell is not a plane of existence waiting for exclusive

memberships. Instead, it is the so-called member that has made up the

chance for the heaven or hell plane to arise. Just like inhabitant is a necessary

prerequisite for any villages to exist; without it, the village would be impossible.

Therefore, heaven or hell is not a plane of existence to be found ‘up-there’ or

‘down-there’ yearning for the so-called rightful elements. The fate in one’s


subsequent life is very much dependent on the characteristics of one’s subtle

mind consciousness i.e. it is the architect for the 31 planes of existence.

Mould it well at all times and if possible, one should achieve enlightenment to

eradicate the suffering of it.

And finally, one could notice that nibbāna does not belong to any of the 31

planes of existence. In an ultimate sense, nibbāna does not exist at all. This is

because there is non-existence of the mind to provide the descriptions,

perceptions, names, shapes, etc. within the state of nibbāna. Nibbāna is a non-

dependent arising state of affairs i.e. with no rising and falling activities taking

place. In other words, nibbāna is a completely neutralised state of affairs – in

contrast with the 31 planes of existence that would subject to the conditional

influences i.e. in a continuous and constantly changing state of affairs.

47.0 Cause and Condition

Buddhism basically touches on the scenario of cause and condition more than

the case of cause and effect. Frankly speaking, all phenomenal existences are

products of the proper combination of causes and conditions. For example,

according to the philosophy of yin-yang, our bodies are made up of the

combination of four great elements of earth, water, fire and wind and if any of

these elements are not in a harmonious orientation, we would be taken ill

physically. These four elements would represent the causes and the conditions

would be the need for it to orientate with one another harmoniously at all times

or otherwise, our bodies would fall sick as the result.

The principle-in-effect: -

This arising (the cause and condition), that arises (the result);

This ceasing (the cause and condition), that ceases (the result).

In other words, everything that exists is the result of multiple causes and

conditions. Each of the causes would need other causes to be present

together with their respective conditions. Just like for a new house to exist,

we need the bricks, cement, wood, iron rods, roof tiles, plastic pipes and other

materials. The construction can only be completed when one has all the


essential materials and all the prerequisites are met, such as the skillfulness of

the workers, the time allocation, etc. The wood needs the forest, the sunshine,

the rain, etc. The workers need their parents, their meals, their clothing, their

shelters, etc. If we were to observe these scenarios in its entirety, we could

realise that everything in the cosmos attributed to the existence of the new

house; without it, the new house would be impossible. The clear fact here is

that one cause is never enough to bring about an effect. A cause must, at the

same time, be an effect, and every effect must also be the cause of something


The principle-in-effect: -

Cause 1 conjures up Effect 1,

Effect 1 conjures up Cause 1-1,

Cause 1-1 conjures up Effect 1-1,

Effect 1-1 conjures up Cause 1-1-1,

.., etc.

Therefore, cause and effect are simply two aspects of the same thing. The

only difference between these two aspects is the time of event. In other

words, cause and effect are inter-changing, inter-relating and inter-waving with

one another. This is how the conventional reality works i.e. not in-linear but in

inter-dependence, inter-woven and inter-relation since the dawn of time in a

very comprehensive and complicated network of existence. In other words,

cause and effect cannot be referred independently in a linear point of

reference and therefore, no first cause, no first effect can be found within the

dependent nature. Instead, there is only inter-dependent co-arising of all

things or matters. This means everything that exists is empty because there is

no essence to anything and nothing has ever existed in its own quality –

nothing is permanent and unchanging. All objects exist conditionally without an

eternal essence i.e. every existence is empty and emptiness is in every



48.0 Everything is One and One is All

Why is emptiness an important element to ponder at? Why Buddhism stresses

on seeing into emptiness? Frankly speaking, it is imperative for one to realise

on the emptiness of all things because this would lead one into seeing all things

as they really are. When we examine our usual mind, its delusion is negated,

what is left is a nature of clarity of the innate mind. And Buddhism articulates

on one’s potentiality of exploring the base level of the mind that is luminous.

From direct experience, we know that humans and things cause pleasure and

pain, and that they can help and harm. Therefore, phenomena certainly do

exist but the question is how? They do not exist in their own quality but only

have an existence dependent upon many factors, including a consciousness

that conceptualises them. In other words, one cause is never enough to bring

about an effect. A cause must, at the same time, be an effect, and every

effect must also be the cause of something else. This means all things exist

conditionally without an eternal essence i.e. all things can never sustain in an

absolute discrete orientation.

In the dependent nature, we do know one thing that is consistently constant i.e.

becoming. This becoming process is the main reason for all the things that we

observe right here, right now. When there is a becoming process, there is a

changing process. The changing process would then conjure up an ability of

sorts that is known as ‘energy.’ Therefore, we shall be clear by now that

energy is something that has always been in existence and remaining as a

constant - as per the Law of Conservation of Energy that says energy in a

system can neither be created nor destroyed and the sum of all energies is a

constant or never changes.

For general understanding, energy is nothing but mere vibration. When there

are opposing forces, there would be vibration. The alternate movement of the

opposing forces would generate a continuum of wavy pattern oscillating up and

down. This is the main reason for all the repeating cycle of rising and falling

activities that one could witness in the dependent nature or samsāra. In other

words, by understanding well and observing thoroughly into the characteristics

of energy, one could gain insight into the nature and its orientation. Let us

look at the following illustration: -


A gravity pendulum in play

Basically, the vibrational motion of energy is akin to a simple gravity pendulum

in play – a weight suspended from a hinge that could swing freely when

displaced sideways from its resting equilibrium position. From the above

observation, one would be clear that the circumstances of duality or multiplicity

are merely the side effects of the vibrational characteristics of energy. In a

way, we would begin to understand that the fundamental qualities in the

dependent nature would be energy and emptiness because every single thing or

happening would involve with it, without exception.

When one sees into energy, one sees into emptiness; when one sees into

emptiness, one sees into energy. This is the rationale for the saying, ‘Form is

Emptiness, Emptiness is Form.’ The principle in effect: seeing into form is

seeing into matter, seeing into matter is seeing into energy and seeing into

energy is seeing into emptiness. On the same pretext, emptiness is a

necessary prerequisite for any objects to exist; without it, the object would be

impossible. In order for one to develop the skills of realising into emptiness,

one could perform a series of Buddhist virtues known as the four

immeasurables or brahmavihāras. Through meditation, one could cultivate and

radiate out to all beings in all directions the mental states of: -

1. Mettā (Loving-kindness)

2. Karunā (Compassion)

3. Muditā (Emphathetic joy)

4. Upekkhā (Equanimity)


The above four immeasurables are powerful antidotes that would act as means

for weakening the links of suffering in the wheel of life and concurrently, it

would expedite one’s effort of attaining enlightenment in the present lifetime.

The principle in effect: - A stream of loving-kindness and compassion would conjure up empathy,

A stream of empathy would conjure up boundless,

A stream of boundless would conjure up voidness,

A stream of voidness would conjure up stillness,

A stream of stillness would conjure up peacefulness,

A stream of peacefulness would conjure up enlightenment.

Once again, all subject matters are empty and comprise with energy per se. It

is the wonder of nature that all things are neither identical to, nor entirely

different from one another. The circumstances of duality or multiplicity are

merely the end result of various activities of aggregation being observed by the

mind under the influence of multiple causes and conditions. The mind is

actually a pattern of consciousness that is born from awareness. When

awareness touches on objects, consciousness would arise simultaneously.

Consciousness is naturally looking outward to objects and it is flitting all the

time. Whereas, mind is something more objective and involves clear

discrimination – differentiates and understands the characteristics of objects.

And one utilises mind to understand things because mind understands the

manipulation of consciousness. Subsequently, the untrained mind brings forth

the false mode that all living beings, things and phenomena could establish their

respective rights or qualities. However, one could distinguish between

appearance and reality by fully realising on the emptiness via cultivating the

four immeasurables or brahmavihāras. Retrospectively, one would realise that

all things are born from the same fundamental qualities i.e. emptiness and

energy that would orientate as a continuum of one integrated whole. This is

the ultimate reality of all things or matters. As the saying goes, “The peace of

your mind is an ease of my heart.” All subjects and objects are inter-

dependent and inter-connected at all times.


49.0 Meditation – The Only Way

As the saying goes, ‘Seeing is believing, but practising is perfecting.’

Therefore, it is certainly inadequate for one to gain the knowledge on things by

mere reading all the relevant scriptures, discourses, suttas or attending to the

Dhamma talking sessions or exchanging thoughts or ideas among each other,

etc. While enlightenment is about realising the ultimate reality, wisdom is about

applying it into one’s daily perspectives and decision making, wholesomely.

Just like the saying goes, “One has to gain the knowledge first and then apply

the understanding and the experience with common sense and insight – that is


Therefore, if one wishes to gain enlightenment and wisdom, one would need to

walk the walk and not talk the talk. In other words, enlightenment can never be

achieved through desire for it is a mere intention of building castles in the air.

Buddhism is about the sheer determination to pull one’s act together to end

the state of suffering conclusively and not just blowing hot air. And the only

way that one could put in place the end result of seeing, knowing and letting go

of things is via upholding direct experience and recognition i.e. cultivating


As Ajahn Chah (an influential teacher of the Buddhadhamma) has mentioned,

‘If you have time to breathe, you have time to meditate.’ This means the basic

tool for practising meditation in our daily lives has been taging along with us all

the time i.e. our own breath. Therefore, we could make the full use of our

breathing flow to begin a meditating session at our convenience or at any

interval of time. Basically, we could commence a simple meditation by

watching calmly and mindfully the air intake and discharge through our nostrils

and lungs. This is what the samatha and vipassanā meditation are all about.

Samatha meditation is to calm or tranquil the mind by means of concentration.

Whereas, vipassanā meditation is to mould the mind into seeing all things as

they really are – an insight into the true nature of reality. The main focus of

vipassanā meditation is to attain pure awareness via mindfulness.

Vipassanā is often preceded by samatha but nonetheless, both types are inter-

dependable throughout the meditating practices in order to achieve favourable

results. Upon entering deeply into a meditative state (in full concentration),


the prevailing mind consciousness would separate from the subtle mind

consciousness. The main reason for engaging samatha meditation is to calm or

tranquil the wilderness of the subtle mind consciousness. Thereafter, the

prevailing conscious mind enters a state of pure observation (mindful) without

identification on the flow of thoughts conjured up by the subtle conscious mind

until pure awareness is attained.

Once we have mastered the breathing skills of meditation, we could progress

on developing the skills of realising into emptiness by performing a series of

Buddhist virtues known as the four immeasurables or brahmavihāras. Through

meditation, one could cultivate and radiate out to all beings in all directions the

mental states of: -

1. Mettā (Loving-kindness) – the unconditional and limitless love,

goodwill and kindness with all beings or


2. Karunā (Compassion) – the aspiration to remove the sufferings or

misfortunes from others.

3. Muditā (Emphathetic joy) – the delighting in the well-being of others.

4. Upekkhā (Equanimity) – the balancing of mind in all circumstances.

The above four immeasurables are powerful antidotes to expedite one’s effort

of attaining enlightenment in the present lifetime.

As a conclusion, Buddhism has got nothing to do with the scriptures,

discourses or suttas. Historical facts have shown that the teachings of the

Buddhadhamma were solely dependent on the oral transmission among the

practitioners or followers in the early era of Buddhism. No doubt the available

scriptures, discourses or suttas did play an important role in keeping the

essence of Buddhism, but how many of the so-called Buddhists nowadays have

gained full enlightenment by mere reading or reciting it? The key point here is

not merely about the mastering of theoretical knowledge on Buddhism but

instead, more on the practicality and the direct experience of it. As Ajahn

Brahm has mentioned, ‘Do not eat the menu, just taste the food.’

Therefore, it is imperative for one to emphasise on the direct experience and

recognition more than anything else if one is sincere in upholding the


Buddhadhamma. Therefore, meditate, meditate and meditate to see and taste

the real truth. The state of nibbāna is inexplicable in conventional terms but it

can be tasted by the practitioner during deep meditation only. Mould a right

attitude and it would open up a new horizon of things.

50.0 Mind, Brain and Buddhism

What is mind? And where is mind? Is the mind the same as the brain?

Buddhism often articulates about mind and matter or mind and body. This

means that the mind and the body (matter) cannot be understood separately

from one another. Basically, mind is a pattern of consciousness that is born

from awareness. In fact, mind is known as consciousness in individuality and it

is more objective and involves clear discrimination – differentiates and

understands the characteristics of objects. If one refers to the cycle of

Dependent Origination, manas that unfolds against the backdrop of

consciousness (preliminary) is an architect that activates the mind and body

creations. Mind and body are simply two aspects of the same thing.

In the dependent nature, everything that exists would comprise with energy and

energy is nothing more than mere vibration. Therefore, manas would vibrate in

a certain unique frequency pattern – a wave of collated high and low vibrations.

This blueprint of vibrations would subsequently bring forth a conflation of mind

and body. The principle in effect: the lower the frequency, the slower the

vibration; the higher the frequency, the faster the vibration. Slower vibration

would lead to the body and the sense bases formation and faster vibration

would lead to the mind formation. Collectively, it brings about a new life

existence with a unique individuality that would not allow the disruption by any

kind of external interference; thus it maintains a self-identity.

In other words, mind and body are present in every created thing as one

integrated whole. Even an atom has a kind of mind that is unique or

individualised. The nucleus of the atom, around which electrons vibrate in

standing waves, constitutes the atom’s individuality. As a result, one atom

distinguishes from another atom – just as one person is different from another

person or as one thing is different from another thing. Therefore, the origin of


individuality is the same as the origin of the mind. Nevertheless, the mind is

comprised with two terms i.e. prevailing consciousness and subtle

consciousness. Both the prevailing and the subtle mind consciousnesses

would arise in the sentient beings but for other things, merely subtle mind

consciousness would arise. In addition, it is the mind, the consciousness of

individuality, which holds together the atoms and molecules as one integrated

body in a lifetime. Scientifically, the atoms are held together by covalent

chemical bonds but the synergies of it would give rise to the mind, the

consciousness of individuality.

For general understanding, consciousness is synergy. Synergy is generally

defined as the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total

effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements, contributions,

etc. In other words, synergy is energy that expands through cooperation and it

is a key to the geometric expansion of consciousness. When the nervous

system in a new body is formed, sense consciousness would arise

simultaneously. Sense consciousness is a subtle synergy resulted from the

interaction of subtle mind consciousness in the new body i.e. the

electrochemical transmission along the neurons throughout the nervous

system. Moreover, the central nervous system especially the brain would

comprise with the highest density of neurons in the entire nervous system of

the new body and this circumstance would give rise to another type of synergy

identified as prevailing mind consciousness – a prevalent synergy.

The prevailing mind consciousness is regarded as the ‘working’ consciousness

or the mind-in-command i.e. the kind of mind that can lead, take charge,

concentrate, make decision and convey action. Basically, prevailing conscious

mind is closely related to the physical body or more specifically, the brain. This

means there would be a biological clock being attached within it i.e. there would

be duration for staying awake and for resting. Without the brain, there would

be no prevailing mind consciousness in existence. In other words, mind

consciousness and brain are symbiotic; one never exists without the other.

The brain is actually a coagulated form of the conflated prevailing and subtle

mind consciousnesses itself - just as water looks like ice, the mind looks like

the brain, and the body. With high density of neurons, the brain could perform

a variety of complex functions beside transmitting signals and sending

messages to each other parts of the body. Among the complex functions are


controlling, regulating, analysing, organising, wishing, interpreting, memorising,

etc. – for these complex functions are basically, the roles of prevailing and

subtle mind consciousnesses.

On the other hand, the subtle mind consciousness is somehow independent

from the physical body. For general understanding, the subtle mind

consciousness does not consume as much energy as the prevailing mind

consciousness. Subtle mind consciousness can process and store information

without a lot of work or the intervention of prevailing mind consciousness. In

other words, subtle mind consciousness could operate in the absence of

prevailing mind consciousness with the least of energy consumption on 24

hours/day and 365 days/year - this would mean a plenty of energy reserves

for prolonging the lifespan of a body in a lifetime. In fact, for over 90% of the

time in a lifespan, the body is administered by subtle mind consciousness and it

simply operates like a radar detector – sensing all spectrums of vibrational

frequencies from the surroundings and across the time stream (past, present

and future).

As such, one would notice that an enlightened subtle mind consciousness

would operate like a long range radar detector which is highly luminous and

vigilant to any development of circumstances and surpassing time. When one

has reached the maturity of a lifespan, the mind and body would go through a

dying process, inevitably. And the first type of consciousness to depart the

body would be the prevailing mind consciousness. For the sentient beings, the

prevailing mind consciousness that bonds strongly the atoms and the

molecules together would die out and evolve into other energies concurrently.

This incidence would lead to an impulse occurrence with a demonstration of a

final burst of energy (the snapping of a guarding chain of consciousness)

nearing the moments of death. Subsequently, the segregating process would

conquest with most of the subtle mind consciousness departing the death


For an ignorant being, during a disintegrating process, the elements of

prevailing consciousness or so-called the ‘chain of consciousness’ would die

out and the force of Ignorance (an outward tendency force) would overcome

the force of Awakening (an inward tendency force). The elements of subtle

consciousness would then liberate into fragments. The amount of liberated


fragments is very much dependent on the level of Ignorance or Awakening

within the being. And for an ignorant being, the level of Ignorance would

surpass the level of Awakening and this would mean the intensity of Ignorance

is higher than the intensity of Awakening. A higher intensity of Ignorance would

mean a higher intensity of becoming. A higher intensity of becoming would

mean a higher amount of liberated fragments. On the other hand, for an

awakened being, the amount of liberated fragments is much lesser than an

ignorant being because there is lower intensity of Ignorance as compared with

the intensity of Awakening. Also, the dispersion of liberated fragments is more

confined and restricted to much fewer new individuals.

As a conclusion, mind and brain are two aspects of the same thing. In fact, the

brain is a coagulated form of the mind itself. The prevailing mind

consciousness and sense consciousness would not arise without the

manifestation of a physical body. In other words, there is a need for the

existence of a physical body or precisely, a brain, before the attaining of a full

enlightenment by individuals is made possible. This is because prevailing mind

consciousness is a necessity for conjuring up one’s sheer determination to

end the state of suffering conclusively; without it, the achieving of full

enlightenment is impossible. On the other hand, the subtle mind consciousness

that is somehow independent from the physical body and would continue to

play a significant role in the wheel of life. During the segregating process,

sense consciousness and the lingering subtle mind consciousness would evolve

into other energies concurrently with the body decomposing process. At the

end of the day, the fragmented subtle mind consciousness with some retained

subtle information within the elements of subtle memory would sustain freedom

of sorts and waiting for the next aligning process and the new balanced

phenomena to arise, thus depicting the continuous flow or repeating cycle of

birth, life, death and re-birth - known as samsāra.


51.0 Kamma and Wishes

Buddhism often touches on the law of kamma. But what does kamma mean?

In Buddhism, kamma is translated as ‘volitional action.’ But the general

meaning of kamma is beyond that term. Kamma can be loosely translated as

mere ‘action.’ Therefore, when we talk about the law of kamma, we talk about

the law of action. When we talk about the law of action, we talk about the law

of reaction. And these laws are part of the universal laws i.e. the natural

phenomenon laws – not shaped by someone else; no one owns it; neither

Buddhism. It is merely a natural law of balancing that helps to attain

equilibrium in the nature.

In other words, when we speak about kamma, we speak about action. When we

speak about action, we speak about motion. So for one to gain an insight into

kamma, its orientation and consequences (kamma-vipāka), one has to observe

and understand thoroughly into the law of motion. Right now, let us ponder at

the three physical laws of motion that were discovered by an influential English

physicist and mathematician, namely, Sir Isaac Newton, shown as below: -

1st Law of Motion

Every object in a state of consistent motion tends to remain in that state of

motion unless an external force applied to it.

2nd Law of Motion

It is pertaining to the relationship between an object’s mass, its acceleration,

and the applied force. In this law, the direction of the force vector is the same

as the direction of the acceleration vector.

3rd Law of Motion

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Generally speaking, there are two categories of motion i.e. the constant and

the variable motion. When we mention that a rising force of something would

generate a new equal opposing force, such as the Newton’s third law of


motion, we are actually referring to a process of action and reaction under a

circumstance of constant motion (constant opposing forces). In other words,

we could mention that the come factor is equal to the become factor: -

Come factor = Become factor

However, under a circumstance of variable motion, the opposing forces would

orientate in a unique harmonising mechanism, such as the Newton’s second

law of motion, shown as below: -

Scenario 1 - Acceleration

When come factor accelerates, the relative become factor would decelerate: -

Force Acome↑ Force Abecome↓

For example, the thought experiment of twin paradox which concerns a twin

who flies off in a spaceship traveling near the speed of light and returns to

discover that his or her twin sibling has aged much more. This scenario

depicts the circumstance of time dilation in Einstein’s special theory of

relativity. Literally, the acceleration of spaceship would decelerate the

becoming process of the twin who sits inside it. The deceleration of the

becoming process would mean the slowing down of the aging process for the

same twin. In other words, the mental and the physical progression of the twin

who sits inside the spaceship would slow down relatively.

Scenario 2 - Deceleration

When come factor decelerates, the relative become factor would accelerate: -

Force Acome↓ Force Abecome↑

For example, if the speed of the car decreases, it is literal to speak of

deceleration; mathematically, it is acceleration in the opposite direction to that

of motion and vice versa. Besides, this scenario explicates that a physically

sick or a mentally stressful individual is advisable to go for a full resting at

home or a cool vacation elsewhere for this state of affairs would decelerate


the come factors in or around the same individual. Consequently, the process

of recuperation on the same individual, both mentally and physically, would

speed up.

In Buddhism, it was mentioned that the precise working out of the results of

kamma was one of the four unconjecturables and to speculate about it would

bring madness and vexation to anyone who conjectured about it. But why is it

so difficult for one, even the Buddha, to predict the timeline for the end result

of kamma? The rational explanation to this enigma lies in the orientation of

come factor and become factor under the different circumstances of motion.

Naturally, we always involve in motions that vary in frequencies under the

influence of conditional phenomena. Therefore it is literally impossible for us to

contemplate on the end result of a continuum of different types of motion

inter-waving with one another.

As mentioned earlier, when we talk about the law of action, we talk about the

law of reaction. This scenario is basically due to the elements of attraction

existing in the cosmos and the universal law of attraction states that we

attract what we are sending out i.e. like attracts like, unlike repels unlike.

Hence, favourable energies attract favourable energies and unfavourable

energies attract unfavourable energies. Human thoughts are cosmic waves of

energy that penetrate all time and space and it is the most potent vibration

that can attracts what is desired or wished for. In other words, all sentient

beings are electro-magnetic beings with the subtle mind consciousness that

acts as an antenna or a radar detector constantly attracting and magnetising

vibrational frequencies. Human thoughts are frequencies to which other similar

frequencies are constantly resonating. This resonance is the basis for a

universal law – the law of attraction.

With all the above clarifications, we begin to understand that it is sensibly

possible for any wishes to ‘come true’ or ‘be granted’ within the desired

timeline. It all depends on the skills of the individuals who conduct the wishes.

In Buddhism, there is a cardinal virtue known as mettā bhavana or the

cultivation of loving-kindness. It is a foundation for the brahmavihāras and also

a powerful antidote to accelerate the realisation of emptiness in the dependent

nature. When we talk about realising into emptiness, we talk about the

progressive comprehension of the mind on the reality of things. And emptiness


would mean the absence of inherent existence i.e. all beings or things are

inter-depending, inter-waving and inter-relating with one another. Just like the

saying, ‘Part of you is part of me, part of me is part of them.’ This phrase

implies the inter-connectedness of all things in the nature and the significance

of mettā bhavana is to condition and transform the mind from a delusive state

into a non-manipulative and non-discriminatory ones. This is because the mind

is naturally something more objective and involves clear discrimination –

differentiates and understands the characteristics of objects. And the

cultivation of loving-kindness would inspire the deluded mind into seeing all

things as they truly are.

Basically, the cultivation of loving-kindness is performed by radiating out to all

beings in all directions the unconditional and boundless love, goodwill and

kindness. Through the practice of meditation, one could begin the radiating of

loving-kindness toward oneself, such as, ‘May I be well and happy, may I be

peaceful all the time, may I be free from harms and dangers, may I be strong in

facing difficulties, etc.’ Thereafter, one could continue with the similar wishes

and progress into the immediate family, the good friends, all the known and

unknown beings, and gradually the entire universe. When one has fully realised

into the significance of cultivating loving-kindness, the state of egolessness

and compassion would arise concurrently.

Nevertheless, these strong wishes for the happiness and the well-being of

oneself and others must be carried out in a meditative state with full

concentration and mindfulness. Mettā bhavana is considered one of the

powerful antidotes for alleviating the immeasurable suffering in samsāra

because the end result can be witnessed by oneself immediately - right here,

right now! This is mainly due to the deceleration of the come factors i.e. the

wishes being radiated out in a discretely clear and slow tempo recitation (as

per the above illustrated Scenario 2 – Deceleration). As such, we could see

that the mettā blessing from a highly revered monk who has attained the

advanced level of jhāna is very powerful and could generate the immediate and

promising results to the recipients. Jhāna is an altered state of consciousness

with profound stillness and concentration. At the pinnacle of the jhānas, there

is a transformation of the mind consciousness into a potent black hole of

emptiness that strongly attracts and magnetises vibrational frequencies and

this is the beginning of attaining psychic powers among individuals. In other


words, within the innate mind of all individuals, there is a compelling black hole

of emptiness and it is also known as the Clear Light in the Tibetan Buddhist


At the end of the day, we would realise that ordinary people do not always get

what they wish for in life because for most of the time, they have engaged with

the wrongful techniques. Any wishes by individuals must be radiated out in a

discretely clear and slow tempo recitation and must be in full concentration

and mindfulness in order to catch a glimpse of the immediate result. Therefore,

meditation is a key tool for realising one’s wishes sooner than later. Besides,

there is a need for one to understand well and observe thoroughly the law of

motion before gaining insight into the law of kamma. In fact, the law of kamma

is nothing more than the law of balancing in the dependent nature. For general

understanding, nature is a system of constant with a factor of intermediation or

absence. If one stirs up in any phenomena of existence under volitional or

non-volitional term, the natural law that maintains equilibrium would take its

course to balance it in one way or another across time and the plane of

existence. Otherwise, a constant factor cannot be achieved at all in the nature

and this is the core basis for the three physical laws of motion that were

discovered by Sir Isaac Newton.

52.0 The Power of Stilled Mind

A stilled mind is a balanced mind. A balanced mind is a mind that is in a state

of equanimity. Equanimity or upekkhā is one of the brahmavihāras (Buddhist

virtues) that shapes a ground for wisdom and liberation. In other words,

equanimity is all about sustaining the mind that is exalted, radiant, abundant

and compassionate in a circumstance of not too tight, not too loose.

Therefore, upekkhā touches on the evenness or impartiality of consciousness

and it has become the crux for the Middle Path. Middle Path is all about

focusing on core, neutral, balance and upright. It means to investigate and

break through the core of life and all things without any attitudes of

favouritism. Any investigations must commence based on unbiased grounds i.e.

on neutral and upright positions.


According to the Buddha, mind is the forerunner of all states. This means mind

is a key tool for all the manipulation and discrimination in the dependent nature.

In addition, a stilled mind is luminous and it is highly commanding and even

sharper than a sword that can pierce through the time stream, the space and

the plane of existence. Therefore, the best self-defence for oneself lies within

the mind innately more than anything else that is external. In fact, the will-

power is subdued within the prevailing mind consciousness and as a

consequence, one should not seek to surrender in blindfold on the external

factors as a way out to any complications faced in one’s life.

In other words, it is crucial to master your mind to design your destiny. This is

because human thoughts are cosmic waves of energy that penetrate all time

and space and it is the most potent vibration that can attracts what is desired

or wished for. In other words, all sentient beings are electro-magnetic beings

with the subtle mind consciousness that acts as an antenna or a radar

detector constantly attracting and magnetising vibrational frequencies. Human

thoughts are frequencies to which other similar frequencies are constantly

resonating and this resonance is the basis for the universal law of attraction.

Therefore, one should not underestimate the vast potentiality or capability of

the mind.

For general understanding, ordinary mind is comprised with a conflation of

prevailing and subtle mind consciousnesses. On the other hand, a stilled mind

can be described as the prevailing conscious mind liberating from the thoughts

churned out by the subtle conscious mind i.e. making observation without

identifying with the thoughts. This liberation from thought identification to

thought observation is called the experience of the Buddha nature. In fact, the

stilled mind is so powerful that it could quell and quash the black magic spells

and influence the becoming processes indefinitely. Therefore, ordinary people

should not fall prey to any unscrupulous spiritual masters unnecessarily and

instead, they should make full use of their own stilled mind - that is intimate,

compelling and also a cost-free resource.

As a conclusion, a stilled mind is dependent on the manifestation of a physical

body. In other words, there is a need for the existence of a physical body or

precisely, a brain, before the attaining of a tranquil state of mind by individuals

is made possible. Conscientiously, one should free the prevailing mind


consciousness from identifying with the thoughts churned out by the subtle

mind consciousness. The prevailing mind consciousness is regarded as the

‘working’ consciousness or the mind-in-command i.e. the kind of mind that

can lead, take charge, concentrate, make decision and convey action. But

since it is closely related to the physical body or more specifically, the brain,

there would be a biological clock being attached within it i.e. there would be

duration for staying awake and for resting. In fact, our minds and physical

bodies are like rechargeable batteries. As such, it is imperative for one to

meditate diligently in order to boost up the mental and physical strengths at all

times. And with the attaining of stilled mind, one could carry out the myriad of

wonders, just as or when one wishes.

53.0 Let’s Meditate – Right Here, Right Now!

As Ajahn Chah (an influential teacher of the Buddhadhamma) has mentioned,

‘If you have time to breathe, you have time to meditate.’ This means the basic

tool for practising meditation in our daily lives has been taging along with us all

the time i.e. our own breath. Therefore, we could make the full use of our

breathing flow to begin a meditating session at our convenience or at any

interval of time. Basically, we could commence a simple meditation by

watching calmly and mindfully the air intake and discharge through our nostrils

and lungs. This is what the samatha and vipassanā meditation are all about.

Samatha meditation is to calm or tranquil the mind by means of concentration.

Whereas, vipassanā meditation is to mould the mind into seeing all things as

they really are – an insight into the true nature of reality. The main focus of

vipassanā meditation is to attain pure awareness via mindfulness.

Vipassanā is often preceded by samatha but nonetheless, both types are inter-

dependable throughout the meditating practices in order to achieve favourable

results. Upon entering deeply into a meditative state (in full concentration),

the prevailing mind consciousness would separate from the subtle mind

consciousness. The main reason for engaging samatha meditation is to calm or

tranquil the wilderness of the subtle mind consciousness. Thereafter, the

prevailing conscious mind enters a state of pure observation (mindful) without

identification on the flow of thoughts conjured up by the subtle conscious mind

until pure awareness is attained. Let us look at the following illustrations: -


Key: -

Prevailing Conscious Mind

Subtle Conscious Mind

The Clear Light

Dependent phenomenon

The Mind of a non-meditative being

Key: -

Subtle Conscious Mind

The Clear Light /

The Black hole of Emptiness

Observation by Prevailing Conscious


Dependent phenomenon

The Mind of a deep meditative being

During the circumstance of deep meditation, the two terms of the mind would

separate from each other - the prevailing conscious mind would play in a

dominant role, whereas, the subtle conscious mind would remain in a

submissive condition. The role of prevailing conscious mind is like a mind-in-

command i.e. a kind of mind that can lead, take charge, concentrate, make

decision and convey action. An enlightened mind can be described as a

prevailing conscious mind with liberation from the thoughts i.e. instead of being

the thoughts; the perspective is shifted to watching the thoughts churned out

by subtle conscious mind. In other words, it means the prevailing conscious

mind would make observation without identifying with the thoughts – the subtle

conscious mind. This liberation from thought identification to thought

observation is called the experience of the Buddha nature.


Once we have mastered the breathing skills of meditation, we could progress

on developing the skills of realising into emptiness by performing a series of

Buddhist virtues known as the four immeasurables or brahmavihāras. Through

meditation, one could cultivate and radiate out to all beings in all directions the

mental states of: -

1. Mettā (Loving-kindness) – the unconditional and limitless love,

goodwill and kindness with all beings or


2. Karunā (Compassion) – the aspiration to remove the sufferings or

misfortunes from others.

3. Muditā (Emphathetic joy) – the delighting in the well-being of others.

4. Upekkhā (Equanimity) – the balancing of mind in all circumstances.

When we talk about seeing into emptiness, we talk about the progressive

realisation of the mind on the reality of things. Therefore, emptiness can be

realised into stages as below: -

Stage 1 Elementary Realisation

All things and phenomena are lack of core essence.

Nothing is unchanging and permanent.

Everything is inter-related.

Stage 2 Intermediary Realisation

Ability to differentiate the way things are perceived to exist

and the way things really exist.

Only seeing without believing.

Stage 3 Advance Realisation

No dualism of the subject and object, and no appearance of


All things and phenomena rise and fall within a singular


Only uniformity exists.


Stage 4 Ultimate Realisation

All dependent arising are completely blown off or extinguished.

No string attached, and nothing is left remaining.

Infinite, unchanging, permanent, and unconditional.

Exists beyond all conventional phenomena.

The ultimate realisation of emptiness by the mind would mean a phase of

perfect intermediation being accomplished by the mind. A perfect

intermediation would mean a comprehensive absence of any or all units under

consideration. It is also known as a complete neutralisation of conditional

phenomena. But an absence of any or all units under consideration is not

equivalent to nothingness of any or all units under consideration.

53.1 Samatha Meditation

The main purpose of samatha meditation is to calm or tranquil the mind or

more specifically, the subtle mind consciousness, by means of concentration.

The subtle mind consciousness would function like a roller coaster and flit all

the time. As such, there is a need to sedate the wilderness of subtle mind

consciousness before any development in the spiritual mind is made possible.

Besides, samatha meditation is crucial to invoke the state of jhāna. Jhāna is

an altered state of consciousness with profound stillness and concentration.

At the pinnacle of the jhānas, there is a transformation of the mind

consciousness into a potent black hole of emptiness that strongly attracts and

magnetises vibrational frequencies and this is the beginning of attaining psychic

powers among individuals. In other words, within the innate mind of all

individuals, there is a compelling black hole of emptiness and it is also known as

the Clear Light in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.

A focused or concentrated mind is a stilled mind. And a stilled mind is a

balanced mind. A balanced mind is a mind that is in a state of equanimity and

it shapes a ground for wisdom and liberation. In other words, equanimity is all

about sustaining the mind that is exalted, radiant, abundant and compassionate

in a circumstance of not too tight, not too loose. Samatha meditation is a

necessary pre-requisite for the stilled mind to arise; without it, the state of

one-pointedness would be impossible. And a one-pointedness mind is a unique

state of mind that glimpses into the within of the within of things and it is


highly luminous, commanding and even sharper than a sword that can pierce

through the time stream, the space and the plane of existence. Therefore, it is

imperative for one to practise the samatha meditation because it would bring

forth the transformation of the mind from scatteredness into one-pointedness.

This would mean a chance of making inroads into realising the innate mind that

is pure, boundless, potent and luminous (the experiencing of the Buddha

nature) by individuals.

53.2 Vipassanā Meditation

The key objective of vipassanā meditation is to mould the mind into seeing all

things as they really are – an insight into the true nature of reality. For general

understanding, the pure nature of the mind is luminous and it is due to the

presence of the waves of dependent phenomena that has clouded it from

discerning the reality of circumstances i.e. ignorance arises. As such,

vipassanā meditation is a prerequisite for transforming an ignorant state of the

mind into an enlightened one via thought liberation. An enlightened mind can

be described as prevailing mind consciousness with liberation from the

thoughts i.e. instead of being the thoughts; the perspective is shifted to

watching the thoughts churned out by subtle mind consciousness.

Therefore, the main focus of vipassanā meditation is to attain pure awareness

via mindfulness. In the dependent nature or samsāra, there is an element of

suffering or dukkha. Suffering means ‘bearing with’ in the Buddhist context

and ‘letting go’ is the antonym of it. Literally, there are no elements of

grasping when one practises letting go. When no grasping arises, the becoming

process would slow down. This is because everything in the dependent nature

is nothing but energy. And energy is nothing but mere vibration. When the

becoming process slows down, it means energy is vibrating at lower

frequencies. When the becoming process ceases, energy literally stops

vibrating. Energy just got ‘frozen.’ Zero vibration means zero becoming.

Zero becoming means an absolute cessation of any changing activities. Thus

an absolute stage of absence is achieved. Absence means a perfect state of

balance. Therefore, absence is not about nothingness but instead it is about

no-thing-ness. No thing means no becoming or no changing. No changing

means no suffering. No suffering means no mind. Mind is the forerunner of all

states. No mind means a completely neutralised state of affairs - that is


nibbāna. The state of nibbāna is inexplicable in conventional terms but still, it

can be tasted by the enlightened ones during deep meditation.

The Buddha has merely taught that one has to see all things as they really are,

to liberate from it and to be enlightened i.e. not to get entangled with it

ignorantly. And one of the basic footsteps to achieve enlightenment and reach

nibbāna is to practise ‘letting go’ via vipassanā meditation. To see it, know it

and let go – no need to grasp it – this is how one practises, ‘Seeing things as

they really are.’ See only with eyes and mind, don’t get into any involvement -

more importantly, let go the self and the ego factors. Be freed, be liberated, be


54.0 Meditation: Seeing Things As They Really Are

There are two types of meditation in Buddhism - one is samatha and the other

is vipassanā meditation. Samatha meditation is to calm or tranquil the mind by

means of concentration. Whereas, vipassanā meditation is to mould the mind

into seeing all things as they really are – an insight into the true nature of

reality. The main focus of vipassanā meditation is to attain pure awareness via

mindfulness. Vipassanā is often preceded by samatha but nonetheless, both

types are inter-dependable throughout the practices in order to achieve

favourable results in meditation.

Microscopic analysis of things

If one were to zoom in the analysis of a solid ball by looking into the contents

and then its basic matters i.e. atoms, one could realise that the ultimate result

would yield to the absence of things (no things). At the end of the day, one

could declare that form is empty in the real sense because there is no core

essence within it except for the basic elements (energy, matter and space) that

orientate and evolve constantly under the influence of the external conditions.

In other words, one could mention that the form entity has a delusive nature

i.e. it is an appearance, though not illusive, but devoid of inherent existence and

constantly varies under the influence of conditional phenomena.


Macroscopic analysis of things

If one were to zoom out the analysis of a solid ball by receding into a long shot

distance indefinitely, the solid ball would appear to be shrinking into a tiniest

size and one could realise that the ultimate result would yield to the absence

of things (no things). In other words, the broader the perspective that one

engages in, the lesser the multiplicity of things would appear to be. For

example, the viewing of the earth from far and near would yield a different

result to the observer’s perception altogether.


Macroscopic analysis (Zoom out)

(Vipassanā meditation)

Macro perspective

(Uniformity & infinite)

Micro perspective

(Multiplicity & definite)

Microscopic analysis (Zoom in)

(Samatha meditation)


MIND Jhāna




As a conclusion, the emptiness of phenomena is both the cause and

consequence of the dependent nature of phenomena. It is the inherent quality

of existence and is considered the ultimate truth because it inherently exists

exactly as it is perceived when it is perceived directly by an enlightened mind.

And discovering the ultimate truth is the key to overcoming the ignorant state

of the mind. Transcending the mind via meditation would allow the dilution of

one’s personal ego under the light of pure awareness and subsequently, it

would give rise to the original source connection – the emptiness of all things.

More importantly, one should not confuse emptiness with nothingness.

Emptiness cannot be meant as nothingness but instead, it is more associated

with no-thing-ness. No thing can mean no becoming or no changing. No

changing means no suffering. No suffering means no mind. Mind is the

forerunner of all states. No mind means a completely neutralised state of

affairs - that is nibbāna. The state of nibbāna is inexplicable in conventional

terms but still, it can be tasted by the enlightened ones during deep meditation.

55.0 Vijja

Vijja refers to the higher or the pure knowledge obtained by the mind as a

result of attaining the various stages of jhāna (an altered state of

consciousness with profound stillness and concentration) via deep meditation.

An enlightened mind is a meditative mind that is luminous, highly commanding

and could see clearly through the time stream, the space and the plane of

existence. Basically, there are eight categories identified as below: -

1. Knowledge of contemplation.

- knowledge of mind and body interdependence (mentality-

materiality or nama-rupa).

2. Mind created body.

- astral projection (out-of-body experience).

3. Psychokinesis.

- the various workings of psychic power.


4. Clairaudience.

- ability to hear into the celestial conversation.

5. Knowledge of the other’s mind.

- ability to know what other people are thinking.

6. Knowledge of the past lives.

- ability to review into the events of past lives.

7. Clairvoyance.

- ability to see into devas, ghosts, spirits, etc. (heavenly eyes).

- not equivalent to yin-yang eyes.

8. Knowledge of the destruction of the āsavas.

- āsava refers to the uncontrolled mental outflow (consciousness).

- attainment of cessation (Nirodha Samāpatti).

- when consciousness ceases, all suffering and existences cease.

As a conclusion, vijja would serve as a reflection for the state of awakening

being achieved by the mind via meditation.

56.0 The Significance of Memory

What is memory? In psychology, memory is defined as an organism's ability to

store, retain, and recall information and experiences. But where is it stored?

Actually, the elements of memory are stored within the elements of

consciousness and it can be categorised into two terms i.e. prevailing memory

and subtle memory. The prevailing memory is also known as the ‘working’

memory. It is a short-term store and would exist alongside with the prevailing

mind consciousness and the physical body or more specifically, the brain.

Whereas, the subtle memory is a long-term or indefinite store and it would

exist concurrently with the subtle mind consciousness, and sustain with or

without the physical body.


Right now, let us analyse into part of the cycle of dependent origination shown

as below: -

Balance leads to stability. Stability leads to aggregation. Aggregation leads to

agitation. Agitation leads to information. Information leads to knowledge.

Knowledge leads to representation. Representation leads to memory. Memory

leads to compulsion. Compulsion leads to ignorance. Ignorance leads to

blindness. Blindness leads to disorientation. Disorientation leads to confusion.

Confusion leads to irrationality. Irrationality leads to impulse. Impulse leads to

sparkling. Sparkling leads to inkling. Inkling leads to volition. Volition leads to

awareness. Awareness leads to consciousness. Consciousness leads to

manas. Manas leads to mind and body. Mind and body lead to sensation.

Sensation leads to six sense bases. Six sense bases lead to conductivity, etc.

For general understanding, every existence would comprise with the three

basic elements - energy, matter and space. These basic elements would

subject to the cyclic influence of balanced and imbalanced phenomena. Under

a balanced phenomenon, these elements would start to integrate with each

other to create aggregation. Under an imbalanced phenomenon, these

elements would start to disintegrate from each other to create segregation.

During the process of aggregation, some sort of information would be produced,

stored and recalled in the integrated elements. This recorded information

would act as a reference for the present and the future consciousnesses.

Without any references deriving from the recorded past consciousness, the

present and the future consciousnesses could not begin at all i.e. the past

consciousness is linked to the present consciousness and the present

consciousness is linked to the future consciousness. In other words, memory

is a necessary pre-requisite for any consciousnesses to exist; without it, the

consciousness would be impossible.

Basically, the elements of memory would involve with two key functions i.e.

deposits and withdrawals of information – the act of retaining and recalling

facts. If the elements of memory are absent, the becoming or rebirth process

for all things would be deemed impossible. For example, ice, water and steam

are different appearances deriving from the orientation of H2O properties under

the influence of the external conditions. In fact, it is the orientation of H2O

properties that has taken place to conjure up the appearance i.e. the


momentary outcome of the process of aggregation that varies according to the

subjected conditions. And without the elements of subtle memory within the

H2O properties, it would be impossible for the ice, the water and the steam to

resurface into their respective appearances repeatedly under the varying

external conditions.

Also, it is interesting to note that the process of mutation taking place in the

beings or objects can be referred to as the ‘memory loss’ arising in the

nucleus of the cells or atoms of the beings or objects. For instance, cancer is

a class of diseases that refers to out-of-control cell growth. Normal cells in

the body would go along a regulated path of growth, division, and death. When

this process goes wrong or breaks down due to the memory loss in the regular

cells, a mass of abnormal cells would grow and divide uncontrollably to form

masses of tissue called tumors. And for general understanding, mutation is a

natural process just like the biological aspects of ageing. In other words, it is

an inevitable development among all the natural things; without it, the process

of evolution or the condition of multiplicity is impossible in the dependent

nature. Therefore, it is just plain impossible to obliterate the disease of cancer

from human beings, just like the kamma-vipāka (the law of kamma).

Besides, the elements of memory would bear with both the seeds and the fruits

of kamma. The seeds of kamma are comparable to deposits of information and

the fruits of kamma are comparable to withdrawals of the deposited information

upon maturity. Therefore, it is not correct to mention that a newborn being has

no memory of a previous life. Every single newborn being would surely bear

with the seeds of kamma deriving from the previous lives. The seeds of kamma

are comparable to deposits of information and the fruits of kamma are

comparable to withdrawals of the deposited information upon maturity. In other

words, it is not that the newborn being has no memory of a previous life but

rather the fruits of kamma have not ripened yet. Only upon maturity could the

newborn being start to recall events related to his or her previous lives.

Therefore, without the elements of subtle memory, the law of kamma would be

impossible in the realms of existence.

In addition, according to Buddhism, suffering arises out of ignorance. But

ignorance could not arise out of thin air. Definitely, it needs to arise out of

something that has happened beforehand. In this case, we would conclude that


ignorance arises out of the elements of memory. When one is proclaimed as an

ignorant being, it means the person is uneducated, unaware, uninformed of

some kind of things or happenings that arise beforehand and this would mean

the past events that have been retained and recalled as references for the

present and the future events. Without any references deriving from the

recorded past events, the present and the future events could not begin at all

i.e. the past event is linked to the present event and the present event is

linked to the future event.

Let us illustrate, for Ignorance 1 to link to Ignorance 1-1 and Ignorance 1-1 to

link to Ignorance 1-1-1, the memory involvement is inevitable. Without it, the

linking processes of the past, present and future could not take place at all. In

a layman term, this process is called the becoming and re-becoming within

beings or things. If the memory aspect is absent, the cycle of rising and falling

activities in the dependent nature would be deemed impossible because all the

things or happenings are inter-depending, inter-waving and inter-relating with

one another. Without the elements of memory, whatever information generated

from the past events would be instantly forgotten or erased and the

progression of becoming or rebirth process would be impossible across the

time stream (past, present and future). Therefore, the elements of ignorance

and memory are closely inter-dependent of each other – just like shadow

follows the body.

As a conclusion, during the process of aggregation, some sort of information

would be produced, stored and recalled in the integrated elements. In a layman

term, this process is called the creation or pro-creation within beings or things.

If the elements of memory are absent, the process of replication could not

arise in the beings or things at all. Let us illustrate the learning of speeches

among young children. If a child has no ability of memorising, then whatever

lessons that were taught on would be forgotten or erased instantly and the

progression into the next advanced level would be deemed impossible.

However, in Buddhism, there is a recommendation for one to always see and

live in the present; neither in the past nor in the future. When one lives well in

the present, one would lead to a cessation of memories of the past and this

would subsequently lead to a cessation of ignorance in the future.


57.0 Kamma-vipaka

In Buddhism, kamma is described as volitional action and vipaka refers to the

end result of any particular volitional actions. For general understanding,

kamma literally means action but in Buddhism, there is a focus on the

enthusiastic action (potent kamma) that would instigate discernible reaction

(potent vipaka). Therefore, it is imperative for one to tell apart the term

‘kamma’ as per Buddhism and the general definition of it in order to avoid any

conflicts of understanding that may arise later on.

Generally speaking, volition is referred to an act of making a choice or decision.

In other words, it is the act of making a ‘conscious’ choice or decision.

Therefore, we need to investigate into the state of mind while understanding

into kamma-vipaka because mind is the forerunner of all states. Literally, the

mind is comprised with two terms i.e. prevailing consciousness and subtle

consciousness. Both the prevailing and the subtle mind consciousnesses

would arise in the sentient beings but for other things, merely subtle mind

consciousness would arise. The role of prevailing conscious mind is like a

mind-in-command i.e. a kind of mind that can lead, take charge, concentrate,

make decision and convey action. However, subtle conscious mind is like a

herd of wild horses - roaming in discrete directions and needed domestication.

This means the prevailing mind consciousness would act as a guarding chain to

the wild and monkey-like subtle mind consciousness.

In Buddhism, the focal point of kamma is the volitional thought or action and it

would arise concurrently with the existence of prevailing mind consciousness.

This means in the absence of prevailing mind consciousness, the term

‘volition’ would cease to exist. As such, the prevailing mind consciousness is

a prerequisite for the process of kamma-vipaka. Any thoughts or actions that

require the utilisation of prevailing mind consciousness would subject to the

law of kamma-vipaka as per Buddhism. This is because volitional human

thought or action would generate the most potent vibration that penetrate all

time, space and subsequently attracts what is desired or wished for. Just like

the swelling of big waves with the enormous waves of energy would require

longer time to fritter away and generate a visible and long-lasting implication to

the surroundings. In other words, all sentient beings are electro-magnetic

beings with the prevailing mind consciousness that generates potent kamma


and the subtle mind consciousness that acts as an antenna or a radar detector

constantly attracting and magnetising other similar vibrational frequencies

(discernible vipaka) within the cosmos.

As a conclusion, when we talk about the law of action, we talk about the law of

reaction. This scenario is basically due to the elements of attraction existing

in the cosmos and the universal law of attraction states that we attract what

we are sending out i.e. like attracts like, unlike repels unlike. Hence, favourable

energies attract favourable energies and unfavourable energies attract

unfavourable energies. In Buddhism, the initiation of new kamma (volitional

thought or action) arises mostly in the human realm if compared with the other

higher or lower realms of existence. This is because all the realms of existence

with the exception of human realm are merely reaping the end result of the

preceding kamma. The main reason is that humans are just one type of

sentient beings with both the prevailing and the subtle conscious mind stream.

This means human realm is a plane of transition whereby it is a centric plane

for the process of kamma-vipaka with the faculty of choosing or resolving.

As such, one should be grateful for the destiny of being reborn as a human and

live it well with all the meaningful purposes. The ultimate purpose of human

beings is to attain the opportunity to learn to live wholesomely. It is regardless

whether one would live a good life, a luxurious life, a poor life or a pathetic life.

By being alive as humans, we have all the liberties or choices of pathway to

begin with. Therefore, it is crucial for one to live a life wholesomely at all times

– at least there would not be a regret factor arises in one’s life later. Living

wholesomely would mean living a healthy life with exploration and enjoyment to

the fullest extent with wisdom and not with ignorance.

58.0 Does ‘nothing’ exist?

If we were to split up the word ‘nothing’, it would turn up as ‘no thing’.

Literally, no thing means no becoming or no changing and it is not the same as

nothingness. Instead, no-thing-ness is the same as emptiness. One needs to

realise that everything in the cosmos is dependent on one another. All things

merely exist conditionally without an eternal essence i.e. all things can never

sustain in an absolute discrete orientation. For instance, from direct


experience, we know that humans and things cause pleasure and pain, and that

they can help and harm. Therefore, phenomena certainly do exist but the

question is how? They do not exist in their own quality but only have an

existence dependent upon many factors, including a consciousness that

conceptualises them. This means everything that exists is empty because

there is no essence to anything and nothing has ever existed in its own quality

– nothing is permanent and unchanging. All objects exist conditionally without

an eternal essence i.e. every existence is empty and emptiness is in every


In the dependent nature, we do know one thing that is consistently constant i.e.

becoming. This becoming process is the main reason for all the things that we

observe right here, right now. When there is a becoming process, there is a

changing process. The changing process would then conjure up an ability of

sorts that is known as ‘energy.’ Therefore, we shall be clear by now that

energy is something that has always been in existence and remaining as a

constant - as per the Law of Conservation of Energy that says energy in a

system can neither be created nor destroyed and the sum of all energies is a

constant or never changes.

For general understanding, energy is nothing but mere vibration. When there

are opposing forces, there would be vibration. The alternate movement of the

opposing forces would generate a continuum of wavy pattern oscillating up and

down. This is the main reason for all the repeating cycle of rising and falling

activities that one could witness in the dependent nature. In other words, by

understanding well and observing thoroughly into the characteristics of energy,

one could gain insight into the nature and its orientation.

Literally, there are no elements of grasping when one practises the letting go of

things. When no grasping arises, the becoming process would slow down.

When the becoming process slows down, it means energy is vibrating at lower

frequencies. And when the becoming process ceases, energy literally stops

vibrating. Energy just got ‘frozen.’ Zero vibration means zero becoming.

Zero becoming means an absolute cessation of any changing activities. Thus

an absolute stage of absence is achieved. Absence means a perfect state of

balance. Therefore, absence is not about nothingness but instead it is about

no-thing-ness. No thing means no becoming or no changing. No changing


means no mind. No mind means no existence. And mind is the forerunner of

all states. No mind means a completely neutralised state of affairs.

For general understanding, mind is a pattern of consciousness which is born

from awareness. In fact, mind is known as consciousness in individuality and

consciousness is nothing but mere synergy. Therefore, the origin of

individuality is the same as the origin of the mind. Mind is something more

objective and involves clear discrimination – differentiates and understands the

characteristics of objects. And one utilises mind to understand things because

mind understands the manipulation of consciousness.

Now, we need to look at the definition of existence. What exists is defined as

that which can be known. If it cannot be known by the mind, then it does not

exist. And conventionally, things can exist as in fallacy or in reality. But in the

ultimate reality, things do not exist in the ways that concepts and language

imply they do. Things would only exist as in deepest facts i.e. it is beyond mind

and beyond concepts and words in the sense that it is beyond our usual ways

of perceiving things.

So, how does something arise from nothing? Frankly speaking, something that

arises as in object is not out of nothing. In the material Universe, there are

plenty of existences or activities that cannot be discerned by our naked eyes.

When we mention that the elements of emptiness and energy are everywhere

in a system of dependent nature, it means that both of these qualities have

fully occupied such a system. Therefore, we could conclude that something as

in object would arise out of the elements of energy that exist in a system. This

is because energy and matter are simply two aspects of the same thing, both

reflected in different forms per se (as in Einstein’s formula, E = mc2). And

since we are unable to discern the elements of energy with our naked eyes, we

would name it as empty instead of nothing.

Then, what is the first cause for the start of the material Universe? Frankly

speaking, the ultimate first cause for anything or everything is the nature.

Without nature, nothing would ever exist – no things or happenings would arise.

Now, how does the material Universe begin? For general understanding,

dependent phenomenon is a necessary prerequisite for the material Universe

to exist; without it, the material Universe would be impossible. Dependent


phenomenon is also known as a conditional phenomenon – that consists of two

terms i.e. balance and imbalance. Under a balanced phenomenon, aggregation

would arise and one could witness multiple shapes or forms. Under an

imbalanced phenomenon, segregation would arise and one could witness no

shapes or forms. The cycle of conditional phenomena continues repeatedly

depicting a continuum of rising and falling activities.

Therefore, the material Universe would start with the dependent phenomenon

that in turn conjures up the elements of energy. Since the dawn of time,

energy has been in existence within the system of dependent nature (inherent

existence). Under a balanced phenomenon, the elements of energy would turn

into the elements of matter through the process of aggregation. Likewise,

under an imbalanced phenomenon, the elements of matter would turn into the

elements of energy through the process of segregation (dependent arising). In

other words, the material Universe is merely a momentary appearance conjured

up from a continuum of orientating energy and matter in space under the

influence of conditional phenomena. Just like ice, water and steam are

different appearances deriving from the orientation of H2O properties under the

influence of the external conditions. In other words, it is the orientation of H2O

properties that has taken place to conjure up the momentary outcome of it.

As a conclusion, one could summarise that dependent nature is nothing but

merely a continuum of orientating flux of energy. No duality or multiplicity

would arise in the non-existence of the mind. This is because there is no

subject to ponder on the object or matter. When there is no mind arising, no

phenomenon would arise. When there is no phenomenon arising, no dependent

nature would arise. When there is no dependent nature, there would be no

perception, no conception, no label, no boundary, no name, no activity, no

shape, no relation, no description, no stereotyping, no beginning, no ending, etc.

Mind is the forerunner of all states. In the absence of the mind, all things

would be poised in a completely neutralised state of affairs. A completely

neutralised state of affairs would mean a state of no-thing-ness, a state of

perfect intermediation, a state of absence of any or all units under

consideration. It is not equivalent to a state of annihilation but merely a

blown-off state of all things.


59.0 How to look at the mechanism of Dependent Origination correctly?

In Buddhism, the introduction of the cardinal doctrine of Dependent Origination

is imperative for one to understand well on the principle of emptiness that

influences the continuing and repeating cycle of rising and falling of all things in

the dependent nature (also known as the vicious cycle of samsāra). Thus far,

it has always been shown forth in a rather simplistic causal linkage and this has

fueled for additional confusion among novices who are literally unacquainted

with the system.

Firstly, one needs to make out a correct understanding on the mechanism of

Dependent Origination in order to get hold of the proper perspective from the

beginning stage. In Buddhism, the Dependent Origination is literally a principle

of interdependent causation. Right now, the key argument here is the prefix

‘inter-’. In other words, it is not appropriate for one to emphasise excessively

on the word ‘dependence’ as against with ‘inter-dependence’. Let us

ponder at the cycle of dependent origination shown as below: -

Balance leads to stability. Stability leads to aggregation. Aggregation leads to

agitation. Agitation leads to information. Information leads to knowledge.

Knowledge leads to representation. Representation leads to memory. Memory

leads to compulsion. Compulsion leads to ignorance. Ignorance leads to

blindness. Blindness leads to disorientation. Disorientation leads to confusion.

Confusion leads to irrationality. Irrationality leads to impulse. Impulse leads to

sparkling. Sparkling leads to inkling. Inkling leads to volition. Volition leads to

awareness. Awareness leads to consciousness. Consciousness leads to

manas. Manas leads to mind and body. Mind and body lead to sensation.

Sensation leads to six sense bases. Six sense bases lead to conductivity.

Conductivity leads to contact. Contact leads to stimulation. Stimulation leads

to feeling. Feeling leads to experience. Experience leads to craving. Craving

leads to grasping. Grasping leads to clinging. Clinging leads to unsettling.

Unsettling leads to becoming. Becoming leads to creation. Creation leads to

birth. Birth leads to energising. Energising leads to mobility. Mobility leads to

hauling. Hauling leads to aging. Aging leads to draining. Draining leads to

death. Death leads to fragility. Fragility leads to segregation. Segregation

leads to diffusion. Diffusion leads to imbalance. Imbalance leads to adjustment.

Adjustment leads to alignment. Alignment leads to new balance.


For general understanding, Buddhism basically touches on the scenario of

cause and condition more than the case of cause and effect. Frankly speaking,

all phenomenal existences are products of the proper combination of causes

and conditions. Each of the causes would need other causes to be present

together with their respective conditions. Just like for a new house to exist

(as the result), we need bricks, cement, wood, iron rods, roof tiles, plastic pipes

and other materials. The construction can only be completed when one has all

the essential materials (as the causes) and all the prerequisites are met (as the

conditions), such as the skillfulness of the workers, the time allocation, etc.

The wood needs the forest, the sunshine, the rain, etc. The workers need their

parents, their meals, their clothing, their shelters, etc.

If we were to observe these scenarios in its entirety, we could realise that

everything in the cosmos attributed to the existence of the new house; without

it, the new house would be impossible. The clear fact here is that one cause is

never enough to bring about an effect. A cause must, at the same time, be an

effect, and every effect must also be the cause of something else.

The principle-in-effect: -

Cause 1 conjures up Effect 1,

Effect 1 conjures up Cause 1-1,

Cause 1-1 conjures up Effect 1-1,

Effect 1-1 conjures up Cause 1-1-1,

.., etc.

Therefore, cause and effect are simply two aspects of the same thing i.e. both

of it are inter-be. The only difference between these two aspects is the time

of event. In other words, cause and effect are inter-changing, inter-relating

and inter-waving with one another. This is the modus operandi of the

conventional reality i.e. not in-linear but in interdependence, inter-woven and

inter-relation since the dawn of time in a very comprehensive and complicated

network of existence. On this pretext, the coordination of Dependent

Origination cannot be referred independently in a linear point of reference and

therefore, no first cause, no first effect can be found within the dependent

nature. Instead, there is only inter-dependent co-arising of all things or



As a conclusion, we could mention that everything is a matrix of everything in

the dependent nature. But the dependent nature per se is an inherent

existence that is uncaused, indestructible and eternal. The main reason for

the arising of duality or multiplicity in the dependent nature is due to the mind.

But, why is there mind arising in the dependent nature? It is because there are

elements of energy. Why are there elements of energy in the dependent

nature? It is because there is emptiness. Why is there emptiness in the

dependent nature? It is because there is emptiness of emptiness. In other

words, the emptiness of phenomena is both the cause and consequence of the

dependent nature of phenomena.

For example, let us place a solid ball in front for you to gaze at it effortlessly: -

If you were to zoom in the analysis of a solid ball by looking into the contents

and then its basic matters i.e. atoms, you could realise that the ultimate result

would yield to the absence of things (no things). This is because in a real

sense there is no core essence within it except for the basic elements (energy,

matter and space) that orientate and evolve constantly under the influence of

the external conditions. In other words, one could mention that the form entity

has a delusive nature i.e. it is an appearance, though not illusive, but devoid of

inherent existence and constantly varies under the influence of conditional


On the other hand, if you were to zoom out the analysis of a solid ball by

receding into a long shot distance indefinitely, the solid ball would appear to be

shrinking into a tiniest size and you could realise that the ultimate result would

yield to the absence of things (no things). In other words, the broader the

perspective that one engages in, the lesser the multiplicity of things would

appear to be. For example, the viewing of the earth from far and near would

yield a different result to the observer’s perception altogether.

Emptiness Microscopic analysis (samatha) MIND Macroscopic

analysis (vipassanā) Emptiness


From the above analysis, we could conclude that the emptiness of phenomena

is both the cause and consequence of the dependent nature of phenomena. It

is the inherent quality of existence and is considered the ultimate truth

because it inherently exists exactly as it is perceived when it is perceived

directly by an enlightened mind. And discovering the ultimate truth is the key

to overcoming the ignorant state of the mind. Transcending the mind via

meditation would allow the dilution of one’s personal ego under the light of

pure awareness and subsequently, it would give rise to the original source

connection – the emptiness of all things. And the emptiness of inherent

existence of the mind is called the Buddha nature.

‘Life itself is prison,

The instincts are prisons,

The senses are prisons,

Superstition is prison,

Sacred institutions are prisons,

Teachers are prisons,

Holy things are prisons,

Goodness is prison,

Views are prisons,

Purity is the highest prison,

Voidness is not prison,

Freedom is salvation from prison.’

~ Buddhadāsa ~


60.0 Energy is Space in Tango, Space is Energy in Play

By nature, we exist in a system whereby everything is interconnected and

balanced. If we were to ponder at the dependent nature intently, our mind

would discover the circumstances of duality or multiplicity in all things.

Conventionally, there is a beginning and an ending of all things or matters i.e.

when there is a rising, there will be a falling or vice versa. In other words,

there’s no two ways about it i.e. one factor is always being balanced off with

another factor, without exception. This conclusion would bring us to an

understanding that nature is functioning in a feature that is constant – a

situation that does not change i.e. the characteristic of an inherent existence.

Therefore, we could mention that nature is a system that is universal i.e. it is

inherent existing and dependent arising concurrently.

Right now, we would realise that every of our intention or action on things or

matters would bear with its respective consequences; regardless of timeline.

And it is commonly known that we would need energy to initiate our desires or

motions. Therefore, energy is a fundamental element in the dependent nature

and it is nothing but mere vibration. When there are opposing forces, there

would be vibration. The alternate movement of the opposing forces would

generate a continuum of wavy pattern oscillating up and down. This is the main

reason for all the repeating cycle of rising and falling activities that one could

witness in the dependent nature or samsāra. In other words, by understanding

well and observing thoroughly into the characteristics of energy, one could gain

insight into the nature and its orientation. So energy starts with vibration and

in turn, vibration starts with opposing forces. These opposing forces would

function as a constant factor and it fits well into the category of inherent


In order to understand profoundly into the characteristics of energy, we could

begin with a scientific study on the basic elements of life existence i.e. energy,

matter and space. For general understanding, energy means the ability to do

work. Such ability can be elucidated by a partaking of tango dance (a partner

dance) in space due to its wavy nature. In other words, space can be

described as energy in play on a dance floor. And the intersection of low

frequency waves of energy or so-called the crystallisation of low frequency

waves of energy in space is known as matter. It is an element that occupies


space due to the conversion from travelling waves of energy into standing

waves of energy. In other words, energy and matter are simply two aspects of

the same thing - both reflected in a different form under the influence of the

surrounding conditions. Let us ponder at the following illustrations: -

The Travelling Wave Lines of Energy


The Crystallisation of Energy into Matter


The conversion from Travelling Waves into Standing Waves of Energy (1)








The conversion from Travelling waves into Standing waves of Energy (2)






The conversion from Travelling waves into Standing waves of Energy (3)




E = mc2

m = E/c2

Energy (J) = Mass (kg) x Speed of Light (m2/s2)

The above illustration depicts that one quantum of energy is defined as the diffusion

of one mass at the speed of light squared. Comparatively, in an electrical circuit, one

watt is defined as the current flow of one ampere with voltage of one volt.

Mass-energy Equivalence



m m c


c c m

One quantum of

energy released,

E = mc2

1W = 1V x 1A «« »» 1E = 1m x (1c) 2


The Network of Existence

Key: -

Point of friction = a communion of the two opposite forces.

= a balanced point.

For example,

The Structure of Human Skin



FA1-2 = FA2-1



FA3-2 = FA1-1

FA3-1 = FA4-2

FA2-2 = FXX-X

F(A3-1=A4-2)-1 = FXXXX-XXXX

F(A3-1-A4-2)-2 = F(A3-2-A1-1)-1

F(A3-2=A1-1)-2 = F(A1-2=A2-1)-1

F(A1-2=A2-1)-2 = F(A2-2=XX-X)-1




The Curvature of Spacetime

Key: -

Rotational synergic force Fabric of energy

Nodule of matter Gravitational force /

The relationship between

nodules of matter


The Bonding of Atoms as in Object

Key: -

Standing waves of electron

Proton and neutron

A single atom

e -

e - e -

e -

p+, n






Transformation of Atoms into Molecules

















As per Bernoulli’s principle

– when the speed of

substance increases, the

pressure decreases.



















The congregating path of atoms as

in object (a spiral-like pattern).


Chemical bond

Gravitational bonds

The strong chemical bonds and the gravitational forces between atoms

(In accordance with Bernoulli’s principle)


High High

High High


Chronology: -

1. Firstly, through the crystallising process of low frequency waves of energy, atom A

is formed and followed by atom B and then atom C and atom D.

2. The natural path of flowing waves of energy along atom A and atom B has resulted

in a rotational force between the gap of atom A and atom B. Thus a clockwise

rotational force is conjured up and it is also known as the gravitational force. Both

atom A and atom B would then rotate in anti-clockwise directions respectively.

3. When atom C is formed, it would be drawn to either one of the existing atoms due

to the natural path of flowing waves of energy, let’s say - atom B. A chemical bond

is then originated between atom B and atom C. It is a strong bond due to the

confronting direction in the natural path of flowing waves of energy, just like the

kissing of a pair of rubber cymbals. Thus a new molecule is formed – molecule B-C.

4. When atom D is formed, it would be drawn to either one of the existing atoms due

to the natural path of flowing waves of energy, let’s say - atom A, to form into

molecule A-D. A newly confined rotational bond (gravitational force) is conjured up

between molecule A-D and molecule B-C.

5. Thereafter, these molecules would be magnetised or attracted to one another in

accordance with Bernoulli’s principle that says when the speed of substance around

the objects increases, the pressure reduces. Thus the molecule A-D and molecule

B-C would move or travel in accelerating motions toward one another.

6. Concurrently, the atoms in the molecules would cease to self-rotate; instead it

would vibrate in standing wave patterns respectively. The newly bonded molecules

would then assume an anti-clockwise rotation with a new synergic force that gives

rise to an enormous potency that is also known as the gravitational line force.

7. At the end of the day, a new spiral-like gravitational line wave is configured in a

diffusing pattern due to the natural aerodynamic flows i.e. the outer wave line is

curling at a higher speed than the inner wave line with the illustration depicted as

below: -


For example,

The spiral-like orientation of Human Hair





Outer wave line moving at a higher

speed – a low pressure condition

A gradual outward

expanding force

Inner wave line moving at a lower

speed – a high pressure condition


How does gravity work?

1. For general understanding, the gravitational force would begin with at least three

arising atoms. Gravity is directly influenced by the mass of atoms or molecules in an

object (the amount of matter in an object); not the volume size. In other words, an

increase in the density of the mass of atoms would conjure up a higher gravitational

force between the objects or vice versa.

2. On the other hand, the rotation of an object does not affect its gravitational force.

However, in terms of the surface gravity, it has a minor influence whereby when the

centrifugal force increases the surface gravity would reduce slightly. For example,

the Earth’s rotation causes a slight bulging at the equator and a slight flattening at

the poles. As such, one would weigh slightly less at the equator and more at the

poles. Let us ponder at the following illustration: -

When centrifugal force accelerating, centripetal force decelerates

3. All objects have a force that attracts them toward each other. Even we attract

other objects to us because of gravity but our mass is too insignificant for the force

to come into effect.

4. For general understanding, weight is a force caused by the gravitational attraction.

The weight of an object is the gravitational force between the object and the earth.

The more mass the object has, the greater its weight will be. The principle-in-effect:


Weight (N) = Mass (kg) x Gravity (m/s2)

Also, the mass of an object stays the same wherever it is, but its weight may vary in

line with the variance of the gravitational force on it, such as the Earth and the Moon.

Centrifugal force


Centripetal force



Let us ponder at the following illustration: -

Key: -

The downward pushing force is vigorous due to large masses and the narrow

gap between the conveyor belts of gravity.

The upward pushing force is weak due to small masses and the wide gap

between the conveyor belts of gravity.

Object B






Gravity ≈ Voltage





Object A

Object C


5. The above illustration would depict that gravitational force arises when the

conveyor belts of gravity begin to rotate in the respective clockwise and anti-

clockwise directions concurrently with the arising of atoms or molecules.

6. An object with a larger mass would induce a more vigorous pushing force toward

the other side of another object with a smaller mass. In other words, it is the amount

of matter in an object that determines the strength of its gravitational force.

Therefore, gravitational force increases when the masses of the objects are larger;

instead of the volume size.

7. As a general reference, gravity between atoms is akin to voltage in an electrical

circuit. When batteries are connected in series, the total amount of voltage in the

circuit would be represented by the total sum of each battery’s capacity.

Supposedly, one battery would bring about 1.5V then the overall two batteries would

bring about 3.0V respectively. Therefore, a larger mass would bring about a greater

gravitational force due to a higher number of conveyor belts of gravity rotating

simultaneously between the atoms. Just like a series of turbine engines operating

concurrently to generate a higher voltage that in turn brings about a higher

electromotive force in an electrical circuit.

8. Also, gravitational force increases when the objects are closer against one

another. In accordance with Bernoulli’s principle, a more confined space between the

atoms of the confronting objects would induce the conveyor belt of gravity to rotate

at a higher speed thus generating a much lower pressure condition to its vicinity.

Subsequently, the atoms between the confronting objects would be pushed toward

one another at a more intense accelerating speed.

9. Finally, the more mass an object has, the more inertia it has. Inertia is described

as the tendency of an object to resist change in its state of motion. It is mainly due

to the arising of larger momentum in the object with a larger mass. For general

understanding, translational momentum is solely dependent on the mass and the

velocity of the object. A larger mass would take a prolonged force to bring up the

object to the targeted speed and similarly, to bring it to a stop afterwards.

10. Supposedly, object A is the Earth, object B is the rock and object C is the

feather. In this case, the Earth would certainly contain much more masses than the

rock, and the rock would contain more masses than the feather. When these three

objects are closing in toward one another, the Earth with a much higher density of

masses would certainly inherit a much greater inertia i.e. a resistance to change in its


state of motion. This is despite the fact that these three objects are pushing against

one another simultaneously.

11. At the end of the day, the force in effect would be the objects with lesser

masses (object B and object C) moving toward the object with higher masses (object

A) at the same accelerating motions. Another example would be the gravitational

attraction between a human body and a tiny particle of dust. Certainly, the tiny

particle of dust would move toward the human body that encompasses a

comparatively higher mass and with greater inertia rather than the other way round.

With all the above illustrations and descriptions, one would realise that energy

is truly a fundamental element for the dependent nature to exist; without it, the

dependent nature would be impossible. In fact, energy is an element that

involves with basically the translational, the rotational and the vibrational

motions. And these motions are the key components for the proceeding of

universal laws such as the law of kamma, the law of attraction, the law of

vibration, etc.

Under a conventional circumstance, all minds, consciousnesses, things or

matters are part of the becoming processes with time as a tool for

quantification. This becoming process is the main reason for all the rising and

falling of things or matters that we observe right here, right now. This is what

the principle of emptiness is all about in accordance with Buddhism. Nothing

remains unchanging on any given moment i.e. all things or matters would evolve

from one configuration into another at all times. Just like the saying goes,

‘Now you see it, now you don’t.’ Also, no two minds are the same. Your past

mind is not the same as your present mind and your present mind is not the

same as your future mind.

When there is a becoming process, there is a changing process and when the

becoming process ceases, the changing process would cease together with

time. Thus the ambience of nibbāna would arise concurrently. In the Buddhist

context, nibbāna is a non-conventional phenomenon whereby nothing would

rise and fall under the absence of time. In other words, we could mention that

the elements of energy have been ‘frozen’ indefinitely without being

annihilated. It is considered being blown-off completely due to the absence of


vibrational motion. This means nibbāna is a neutralised state of affair that

would exist under the remaining translational and rotational motions per se.

In a way, there is still motion arising in nibbāna but it would be a homologous

one. And under such a circumstance, any new rising or falling activities would

cast no chance of emerging at all i.e. no light at the end of the tunnel for the

becoming process. When the becoming process cease to exist, the

consciousness or the mind would cease to exist as well. Subsequently, the

state of suffering would end in permanence.

As a conclusion, the ultimate goal in the Buddhist practice is to quest for an

everlasting happiness that is unconditional via enlightenment. As again,

Buddhism is not about circumstances but attitude to circumstances. The

Buddha has merely expounded the nature and its orientation, in particular, the

mind and body suffering and the ultimate way for the spiritual liberation.

And one of the key elements for the spiritual liberation is to see things or

happenings as they truly are; not delusively are. Just see the things or

happenings in direct perception - that is basically label-less, bound-less,

stereotype-less or colour-less, just like the pure nature of energy or


More importantly, one has to let go and blow away the mindset that is

associated with the ‘-ism’ or ‘-ology’, for it is a system of stereotyping,

pre-conditioning or prisoning. Liberation is the only right potion to the ultimate

truth discovery and with the inculcation of right determination, enlightenment

becomes achievable for everyone right here, right now. Those who see, read,

hear and evaluate for themselves can find the truth they seek. The role of

religion in this era is not as a blockage but to help explain and educate in a

mature manner. Once again, be bound-less, be stereotype-less, be label-less

and with the right attitude, it would open up a new horizon of wisdom. Just

change the way you see your surroundings and you may get a kind of insight

different from yesterday.


61.0 Levitation through Meditation, possible?

Yes, it is scientifically probable. In fact, levitation is a by-product of a deep

course of meditation whereby an individual would go through a series of mental

and physical transformation. A mind that is fully concentrated, balanced and

mindful would conjure up an ambience of tranquility that would subsequently

bring forth a blissful state of restfulness and lightness to the entire body

system. Basically, there has been a change in the intensity of flowing energy

that distributes through and across the atoms or the molecules which in turn

redefine the aura of the meditative body. Let us ponder at the following

illustration: -


An inharmonious blend with

the forces of nature

Individual B

A harmonious blend with the

forces of nature

Repelling effects due

to opposing push


Object A

Repelling effects due

to opposing push

forces have been

nullified by the

rotational synergic


Individual C


The repelling effects due to opposing push forces between atoms have been

nullified by the rotational synergic force a.k.a. the prevailing mind consciousness

For general understanding, the charged molecules or ions play a vital role in the

physical and the spiritual development of humans. Our frame of mind and body

conditions depend on the composition of the air that we breathe. Air is

electrically charged, which means it contains in definite proportions, positively

charged molecules (positive ions) and negatively charged molecules (negative

ions). It is charged due to the imbalanced number of electrons and the number

of protons in the atom or molecule. An atom can become a positive charge or

a negative charge depending on whether the number of electrons in an atom is

greater or lesser than the number of protons in the atom. Generally, negative

ions have much higher rates of mobility as compared with the positive ions due

to increase in the number of electrons that are constantly vibrating in standing

waves on the surface of the ions.

Supposedly, object A is the Earth, individual B is a stress overloaded person,

individual C is a master of meditation. Both individual B and individual C are

assumed to have the same amount of body masses (a fundamental measure of

the amount of matter in the body). For the case of individual B, there would be

symptoms of depression, sleeplessness, fatigue, lethargy, anxiety, body

aches/pains, etc. Indirectly, it is attributed to the high counts of positive ions

that have a negative effect on humans and animals. As such, individual B

would be overwhelmed with a heavy sensation due to the higher counts of

positive ions sustaining in the body. Besides, the stress condition would elicit

a more intense flowing of energy that distributes through and across the atoms





or the molecules as shown in the above illustration. Subsequently, it would

bring forth an inharmonious ambience that is not in tandem with the forces of


As for the case of individual C, a stilled mind that is equanimous and luminous

is also known as a radiant mind. A radiant mind is a cosmic wave of energy

that could penetrate all time and space. Therefore, it is highly commanding and

has the capability of inducing more negative ions into the atmosphere, just like

the way negative ions are formed from the cosmic rays or ultraviolet rays.

Subsequently, the high concentration of negative ions with higher rates of

mobility than the positive ions would conjure up a sense of buoyancy i.e.

liveliness and lightheartedness to the body system - thus the ambience of

tranquility that is in tandem with the forces of nature. Let us ponder at the

following illustration: -

The intense flowing of energy along the atoms of Individual B

e -

e -

e -


The gentle flowing of energy along the atoms of Individual C

At the end of the day, we could mention that the gravitational attraction

between individual C and the Earth has somehow been moderated as compared

with individual B. This is mainly due to the dropping speed in the rotating

conveyor belts of gravity that in turn generates a slighter low pressure

condition to its vicinity. In a way, individual C as a skilled meditator has

managed to influence the yin-yang flow of energy that is basically based upon

the orientation of positive ions and negative ions in the surroundings. When

there is a balance in the definite proportion of ions, whereby the number of

positive ions (yin) is almost equal to the number of negative ions (yang), there

will be a harmonious ‘chi’ or energy in the surroundings and vice versa.

Ultimately, individual C would experience a blissful sensation of weightlessness

e -

e -

e -

e -

e -

e -


in the body, just like the lightweight cotton or feather due to the harmonious

blend between the body and the forces of nature.

62.0 The Principle of Absence, Balance, and Constant (ABC)

By nature, everything is a matrix of everything. Therefore, at times, there is a

need to link several scientific concepts together while expounding a particular

theoretical framework. If we were to examine into nature intently, our mind

would discover that everything is interconnected and balanced. The

circumstances of duality or multiplicity in all things would always exist in the

dependent nature.

Conventionally, there is a beginning and an ending of all things or matters i.e.

when there is a rising, there will be a falling or vice versa. In other words,

there’s no two ways about it i.e. one factor is always being balanced off with

another factor, without exception. This conclusion would bring us to an

understanding that nature is functioning in a feature that is constant – a

situation that does not change i.e. the characteristic of an inherent existence.

Therefore, we could mention that nature is a system that is universal i.e. it is

inherent existing and dependent arising concurrently.

Basically, all the workings of the universal scientific laws and equations would

fall within the principle of absence, balance and constant. For instance,

E = mc2 or E - mc2 = 0 or mc2 - E = 0

A = B or A - B = 0 or B - A = 0

62.1 Newton’s Law of Motion

1st Law of Motion

Every object in a state of consistent motion tends to remain in that state of

motion unless an external force applied to it. This circumstance denotes that

every object would naturally be in the state of balance and constant at all

times until it being influenced by the external force.


2nd Law of Motion

It is pertaining to the relationship between an object’s mass, its acceleration,

and the applied force. In this law, the direction of the force vector is the same

as the direction of the acceleration vector. For example, if the speed of the

car decreases, it is literal to speak of deceleration; mathematically, it is

acceleration in the opposite direction to that of motion and vice versa. This

circumstance denotes the state of balance and constant in all arising forces at

all times.

3rd Law of Motion

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This circumstance

denotes the state of balance and constant in all arising forces at all times.

62.2 Bernoulli’s principle

Based on the experimental studies on moving fluid, it is a principle that states

as the speed of substance increases, the pressure decreases. By the law of

conservation of energy, this increase in kinetic energy must be balanced by a

decrease in the pressure-volume, or, since the volumes are equal, by a

decrease in pressure. However, this principle need not be limited solely on the

substance of liquid. At the end of the day, the key observation on this

principle is that all forces would reach a state of balance and constant at all


62.3 The Law of Conservation

1. The law of conservation of charge – the net charge of an isolated system

remains constant.

2. The law of conservation of momentum – the total momentum of a collection

of objects (a system) is conserved i.e. the total amount of momentum is a

constant or unchanging value.

3. The law of conservation of mass – mass cannot be created or destroyed; it

is merely rearranged i.e. the sum of all masses is a constant.


4. The law of conservation of energy – energy cannot be created or destroyed

and the sum of all energies is a constant.

Right now, we would realise that every of our intention or action on things or

matters would bear with its respective consequences; regardless of timeline.

And it is commonly known that we would need energy to initiate our desires or

motions. Therefore, energy is a fundamental element in the dependent nature

and it is nothing but mere vibration. When there are opposing forces, there

would be vibration. The alternate movement of the opposing forces would

generate a continuum of wavy pattern oscillating up and down. This is the main

reason for all the repeating cycle of rising and falling activities that one could

witness in the dependent nature. In other words, by understanding well and

observing thoroughly into the characteristics of energy, one could gain insight

into the nature and its orientation. So energy starts with vibration and in turn,

vibration starts with opposing forces. These opposing forces would function as

a constant factor and it fits well into the category of inherent existence.

63.0 Nature and its Orientation

Generally speaking, nature bears with a comprehensive characteristic i.e. on

the one hand, it would bear with the conditions of beginning and ending and on

the other hand, it would bear with the conditions of beginning-less and end-

less. On this pretext, we could mention that nature is a system that is

universal i.e. it is inherent existing and dependent arising concurrently. When

we talk about nature, literally, we touch on the elements of energy and it is a

fundamental quality of nature because every single thing or happening would

involve with it, without exception.

As scientists have discovered, energy can neither be created nor be destroyed

and it is ever transforming and changing all the time. But the sum of all

energies in a system is a constant or never changes. So is energy a variable or

a constant element? Paradoxically, energy corresponds well to both of these

elements. As mentioned earlier, every subject matter can be viewed in two

different ways and each way is very closely related with one another although

they seem different. Therefore, energy is a constant element on one

perspective and concurrently, it is a variable element on another perspective.


By understanding well and observing thoroughly into the characteristics of

energy, one could gain insight into nature and its orientation.

Let’s now delve into the conditions of beginning and ending i.e. the

circumstances of duality and multiplicity. This scenario can be portrayed in a

continuum of rising and falling activities a.k.a. the wheel of life in the dependent

nature as follows: -

Balance leads to stability. Stability leads to aggregation. Aggregation leads to

agitation. Agitation leads to information. Information leads to knowledge.

Knowledge leads to representation. Representation leads to memory. Memory

leads to compulsion. Compulsion leads to ignorance. Ignorance leads to

blindness. Blindness leads to disorientation. Disorientation leads to confusion.

Confusion leads to irrationality. Irrationality leads to impulse. Impulse leads to

sparkling. Sparkling leads to inkling. Inkling leads to volition. Volition leads to

awareness. Awareness leads to consciousness. Consciousness leads to

manas. Manas leads to mind and body. Mind and body lead to sensation.

Sensation leads to six sense bases. Six sense bases lead to conductivity.

Conductivity leads to contact. Contact leads to stimulation. Stimulation leads

to feeling. Feeling leads to experience. Experience leads to craving. Craving

leads to grasping. Grasping leads to clinging. Clinging leads to unsettling.

Unsettling leads to becoming. Becoming leads to creation. Creation leads to

birth. Birth leads to energising. Energising leads to mobility. Mobility leads to

hauling. Hauling leads to aging. Aging leads to draining. Draining leads to

death. Death leads to fragility. Fragility leads to segregation. Segregation

leads to diffusion. Diffusion leads to imbalance. Imbalance leads to

adjustment. Adjustment leads to alignment. Alignment leads to new balance.

Thus the conditional phenomena would continue repeatedly to depict the rising

and falling activities in the dependent nature, just like a continuum of wavy

pattern oscillating up and down. However, the wheel of life cannot be directly

translated as a linear point of reference because the conventional reality does

not work in-linear but in inter-dependence and inter-woven since the dawn of

time in a very comprehensive and complicated network of existence. In

addition, the above wheel of life has depicted a chain of events en route for a

state of balance as shown below: -


First section - A chain of activities in favour of balance i.e. congregating and

upturning events

Balance stability aggregation agitation information knowledge

representation memory compulsion ignorance blindness

disorientation confusion irrationality impulse sparkling inkling

volition awareness consciousness manas mind and body

sensation six sense bases conductivity contact stimulation

feeling experience craving grasping clinging unsettling

becoming creation birth energising mobility

Second section - A chain of activities in favour of imbalance i.e. dispersing and

downturning events

Mobility hauling aging draining death fragility segregation

diffusion imbalance

Third section - A chain of activities in favour of balance i.e. congregating and

upturning events

Imbalance adjustment alignment new balance

For general understanding, the basis of mechanism for the dependent nature is

absence and it tags along with a blueprint of constant. The two facets of

nature would always exist because nature is universal and it does not take

sides; she merely maintains the equilibrium in accordance with a system that

runs on perpetuity. Once again, every existence (sentient, non-sentient, or any

material things) consists of energy and matter that would orientate toward a

harmoniously balanced condition that is in accordance with the universal laws.

In other words, all things or matters would only exist in perpetual conditions

when there is a balanced circumstance. This is because when there is a

balanced circumstance, there is a chance for aggregation i.e. under a balanced

phenomenon, one could witness shapes or forms arising; under an imbalanced

phenomenon, one could witness no shapes or forms arising and the cycle of

conditional phenomena continues repeatedly.


An extract from the movie – Avatar: -

Neytiri: Our great mother does not take sides, Jake; she protects the balance

of life.

Therefore, balance does not mean a devoid of duality or multiplicty, just like

emptiness does not amount to nothingness. One clear example that can

exemplify the dependent nature would be the orientation of a compass – an

instrument used to indicate directions. The needle of a compass is magnetised

and would always point toward magnetic north under any varying

circusmstances. Moreover, the dependent nature of phenomena is a necessary

prerequisite for energy or matter to exist; without it, the energy or matter

would be impossible.

In the material Universe, the elements of energy become the main source for

the something that arises as in object; rather than the general perception of

nothingness. Everything in the material Universe is made up of energy. Atoms

and molecules are made up of energy. Our bodies, our clothes, our cars, our

houses are all made up of energy but what makes them different is their

vibration. Energy is always vibrating at a different frequency under the

influence of conditional phenomena. Everything has its own vibrational

frequency – our thoughts, our feelings, the rock, the table, the car, the animal,

the plant, the tree, etc. Even colours are merely expressions of certain

vibrational frequencies. These scenarios are guided by a system of universal

law known as the law of vibration. In fact, the law of vibration serves as the

foundation for the law of attraction.

The law of attraction states that we attract what we are sending out i.e. like

attracts like, unlike repels unlike. Hence, favourable energies attract favourable

energies and unfavourable energies attract unfavourable energies. Human

thoughts are cosmic waves of energy that penetrate all time and space and it

is the most potent vibration that can attracts what is desired or wished for. In

other words, all sentient beings are electro-magnetic beings with the subtle

mind consciousness that acts as an antenna or a radar detector constantly

attracting and magnetising vibrational frequencies. Human thoughts are

frequencies to which other similar frequencies are constantly resonating. This

resonance is the basis for a universal law – the law of attraction.


At the end of the day, the material Universe is merely a momentary appearance

conjured up from a continuum of orientating energy and matter in space under

the influence of conditional phenomena. Just like ice, water and steam are

different appearances deriving from the orientation of H2O properties under the

influence of the external conditions. In other words, it is the orientation of H2O

properties that has taken place to conjure up the momentary outcome of it.

The dependent nature is also an inherent existence whereby it is unchanging

when viewed externally, uncaused, indestructible and eternal. This can be

depicted in the repeating cycle of birth, life, death and re-birth as per the

wheel of life.

63.1 Space, Energy, Force and Motion

Space is actually an expression that energy exists and force refers to strength

or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement. In Bernoulli’s

principle, a moving fluid is akin to a force arising in liquid just like gravitational

force in the vaccum of space – both are referring to the flux of energy but in a

different mode of medium. At the end of the day, all the modes of medium are

in the state of conservation a.k.a. constant.

Basically, energy would involve three types of motion i.e. translational,

rotational and vibrational motions. This means without motion, there would be

no energy in existence. And energy is merely an expression of distinctive

attribute or characteristic possessed by nature. Without energy there can be

no space in existence. No phenomenon would arise in the absence of space i.e.

no subject and object/matter. In other words, space is a dimension i.e. an

indicator for energy just like time is an indicator for event; length, width and

height are indicators for size and volume.

63.2 Conventional Reality

Conventional reality is a subjective and a relative reality. This means the truth

orientation is dependent on the observer (i.e. the subject’s mind) to provide

the description, definition, recognition, valuation, etc. on the other side of the

object or matter. And the truth conclusion varies among different observers or

minds. Just like the saying, ‘One man’s meat is another man’s poison.’ For

most of the time, humans are seeing things not as they truly are but rather as


they delusively are. For instance, the moon does rotate on its own axis though

it may seem contrary to what our naked eyes observe. In another instance,

the viewing of the earth from far and near would yield a different result to the

observer’s perception altogether. The broader the perspective that one

engages in, the lesser the multiplicity of things would appear to be. This means

both macro and micro perspectives would yield a different end result to the

observer all the time.

63.3 Static condition and Motion

As for the case of static condition, it does not mean the absence of

translational, rotational and vibrational motions. The flux of energy would

always present between atoms of the beings or objects under any means of

transmission and this outlines the basis for the universal law of vibration and

attraction in the dependent nature. Once again, space is an expression of

energy and in the dependent nature, nothing stays unchanging for a slightest

moment i.e. all created objects or things would inevitably go through all sorts of

processes such as aggregation, segregation, evolution, mutation, assimilation,

etc. under the influence of conditional phenomena all the time. By the time

you think who you are, you are already not the same ‘you’ seconds ago. So

where are you to find the original static of ‘you’ as you assume along every

passing of moments? At the end of the day, you could only see a stream of

you constantly passing by on every slightest moment - not the one stop entity

of you. Just like you could not step twice into the same river; for other waters

are ever flowing on to you. The stream of you would mean you are part of the

becoming processes that arise in the dependent nature.

63.4 What is like attracts like?

As the saying goes, ‘It looks like me, sounds like me, but it is still not me.’

Generally speaking, ‘like’ is equivalent to ‘similar.’ However, ‘similar’ is not

equivalent to ‘same.’ ‘Same’ is equivalent to ‘exactly similar’ i.e. a perfect

matching. When we describe the law of attraction i.e. like attracts like, we do

not literally induce a linkage between two or more objects or matters that

would bear with the ‘same’ characteristics.


Let’s revisit the illustrated two facets of nature as below: -

Facet 1 Facet 2

… (-2+2) + (-16+16) + (-22+22) + (-133+133) + (0) + (-54+54) …, etc. = 0

Key: -

... + (-2+2) + (-54+54) + ... = this arising, that arises.

... + (0) + ... = this ceasing, that ceases.

( .... ) = the law of balancing.

-2+2 or -133+133 = the law of attraction.

From the above illustration, one would notice that the law of attraction refers

to the same quantum of objects or magnitude of matters but with a difference

in the direction and the timeline (as in a vector quantity). This scenario of

balancing condition can be depicted in our daily act of giving and taking i.e.

The rise of unreserved taking or reward leads to the rise of accountable giving

or sacrifice (unfavourable energies attract unfavourable energies),

The rise of unreserved giving or sacrifice leads to the rise of unaccountable

taking or reward (favourable energies attract favourable energies).

Therefore the saying, ‘What goes around, comes around’, is pertinent to the

law of attraction as described above i.e. the results of things that one has done

will someday have an effect on the person who started the events (a

conditional phenomenon of this arising, that arises).


63.5 Electric charge

As for the case of electric charge, we are referring a scalar quantity in

relativity. Electric charge is the physical property of matter and basically,

there are two types of electric charge i.e. positive and negative. For instance,

an ion is a charged atom or molecule and it is charged due to the imbalanced

number of electrons and the number of protons in the atom or molecule. An

atom can become a positive charge or a negative charge depending on whether

the number of electrons in an atom is greater or lesser than the number of

protons in the atom. Therefore, a positively charged ion would be balanced with

the ‘jump’ of an electron from an atom elsewhere. This scenario can be

illustrated in the wheel of life appended below: -

Imbalance (a charged atom) adjustment alignment new balance (a

neutral atom)

As mentioned earlier, nature would orientate toward a state of balance,

intermediation or absence all the time. When things run off-balance in the

nature, the law that maintains equilibrium would take its course to balance it in

one way or another across time and the plane of existence. However,

positively charged atoms are repelled from other positively charged atoms, but

attracted to negatively charged atoms; negatively charged atoms are repelled

from negative and attracted to positive. It is rational to conclude that any

substances with the same characteristics would repel from one another and

any substances with the complementing characteristics would attract with one

another. Let’s take a look at the following illustrated mathematical equation: -

(-2+2) + (-16+16) + (-133+133) + (0) + (-54+54) = 0


1. (-2+2) repels (-16+16), (-16+16) repels (-133+133), (-133+133) repels

(-54+54), etc.

2. -2 attracts +2, -16 attracts +16, -133 attracts +133, -54 attracts +54, etc.


The above development is consistent with the law of attraction that safeguards

a harmonious balance in the nature all the time.

63.6 What is Science?

Science is full of observable facts. And observable facts are observable facts

because it doesn’t matter who does the experiment or makes the

measurements. But who does the observation and the interpretation, by the

way? It is the observer’s mind as a non-physical faculty integrating with the

five physical faculties namely, eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body. In other

words, we could mention that observable facts are dependent on the

observer’s mind to provide the description, definition, recognition, valuation,

etc. on the other side of the object or matter – therefore, it is also known as

subjective facts.

However, an ultimate truth is a reality that exists beyond mind and beyond

concepts and words in the sense that it is beyond our usual ways of perceiving

things. Language and conception only imply that things exist in distinct

manners i.e. wise person, dumb person, saint, devil, etc. - in such well-defined

and independent categories. Perceiving ultimate reality is seeing that things do

not exist in these fantasised, impossible ways, in black and white categories.

Therefore, it is imperative for one to emphasise on seeing things or matters in

all angles while pursuing the ultimate truth or reality. Without it, any

conclusions made out of one’s observation would not be balanced or in a

wholesome nature.

64.0 The Emptiness of Emptiness

In the realm of emptiness, there is one forceful element known as the mind.

But what is mind and where does it derive from? Actually, the mind is a

pattern of consciousness that is born from awareness. Awareness is a ground

condition that ‘supports’ consciousness. The nature of awareness is

effulgence and it is in a not-knowing state before the appearance of object.

Consciousness, on the other hand, is appearance of objects in the mind. When

awareness touches on objects, consciousness would arise simultaneously.

Consciousness is naturally looking outward to objects and it is flitting all the


time. In addition, consciousness is synergy i.e. energy that expands through

cooperation. Synergy is a key to the geometric expansion of consciousness

and thus the arising of its two terms i.e. prevailing consciousness and subtle

consciousness. In fact, mind is known as consciousness in individuality.

Therefore, the origin of individuality is the same as the origin of the mind. Mind

is something more objective and involves clear discrimination – differentiates

and understands the characteristics of objects. One utilises mind to

understand things because mind understands the manipulation of


On the other hand, emptiness plays a key role in clarifying the dependent

nature. In fact, the emptiness of phenomena is both the cause and

consequence of the dependent nature of phenomena. For example,

Microscopic analysis of things

If one were to zoom in the analysis of a solid ball by looking into the contents

and then its basic matters i.e. atoms, one could realise that the ultimate result

would yield to the absence of things (no things). At the end of the day, one

could declare that form is empty in the real sense because there is no core

essence within it except for the basic elements (energy, matter and space) that

orientate and evolve constantly under the influence of the external conditions.

In other words, one could mention that the form entity has a delusive nature

i.e. it is an appearance, though not illusive, but devoid of inherent existence and

constantly varies under the influence of conditional phenomena.

Macroscopic analysis of things

If one were to zoom out the analysis of a solid ball by receding into a long shot

distance indefinitely, the solid ball would appear to be shrinking into a tiniest

size and one could realise that the ultimate result would yield to the absence

of things (no things). In other words, the broader the perspective that one

engages in, the lesser the multiplicity of things would appear to be. For

example, the viewing of the earth from far and near would yield a different

result to the observer’s perception altogether.


As a summary, we could mention that emptiness is the inherent quality of

existence and is considered the ultimate truth because it inherently exists

exactly as it is perceived when it is perceived directly by an enlightened mind.

And discovering the ultimate truth is the key to overcoming the ignorant state

of the mind. However, we need to be clear that what exists is defined as that

which can be known by the mind. Anything that cannot be known by the mind

does not exist and things or matters can exist as in fallacy or in reality.

Therefore, mind is the forerunner of all states in the dependent nature.

Transcending the mind via meditation would allow the dilution of one’s personal

ego under the light of pure awareness and subsequently, it would give rise to

the original source connection – the emptiness of all things.

More importantly, one should not confuse emptiness with nothingness.

Emptiness cannot be meant as nothingness but instead, it is more associated

with no-thing-ness. No thing can mean no becoming or no changing. No

changing means no suffering. No suffering means no mind. Mind is the

forerunner of all states. No mind means a completely neutralised state of

affairs - that is nibbāna. The state of nibbāna is inexplicable in conventional

terms but still, it can be tasted by the enlightened ones during deep meditation.


65.0 The Complete Perspective on Mother Nature

Firstly, there is emptiness and it is an inherent existence of Mother Nature.

Here, the emptiness is portrayed as in a uniformed translational motion i.e. a

bare becoming process. When the two opposing translational forces clash

against one another, vibrational forces arise concurrently. The arised

vibrational forces would appear in a regular pattern of waves i.e. standing and

traveling and this in turn would give rise to deflective forces. The traveling

waves would involve with higher vibrational frequencies and the standing waves

would involve with lower vibrational frequencies. Subsequently, the conditions

of duality and multiplicity would arise out of the combination of deflective,

translational, vibrational and rotational forces as the becoming processes

moved into an advanced level of complexity.

At this stage, the elements of awareness would begin to discern some simple

varying frequencies that consecutively give rise to consciousness, that is

basically arises out of awareness. This is the ‘soul’ thing that we talk about

all the time. Consciousness would then progress and expand into a

manipulative typecast i.e. mind or also known as consciousness in individuality.

For general understanding, soul is referring to a blueprint of endless evolving

mind consciousnesses. Such a blueprint would serve as a steering wheel and is

often mistakenly deemed as a permanent entity. In fact, soul is dependent

arising and anything that is dependent arising would involve change and

therefore, it cannot inherently exist in Mother Nature. Let us look at the

following illustration: -

The Link of Dependent Origination The Relevant Type of Motion

Balance leads to stability, T motion,

Stability leads to aggregation, T motion,

Aggregation leads to agitation, T and V motion,

Agitation leads to information, D, T and V motions,

Information leads to knowledge, D, T and V motions,

Knowledge leads to representation, D, T, V and R motions,

Representation leads to memory, D, T, V and R motions,


Memory leads to compulsion, D, T, V and R motions,

Compulsion leads to ignorance, D, T, V and R motions,

Ignorance leads to blindness, D, T, V and R motions,

Blindness leads to disorientation, D, T, V and R motions,

Disorientation leads to confusion, D, T, V and R motions,

Confusion leads to irrationality, D, T, V and R motions,

Irrationality leads to impulse, D, T, V and R motions,

Impulse leads to sparkling, D, T, V and R motions,

Sparkling leads to inkling, D, T, V and R motions,

Inkling leads to volition, D, T, V and R motions,

Volition leads to awareness, D, T, V and R motions,

Awareness leads to consciousness, D, T, V and R motions,

Consciousness leads to manas, D, T, V and R motions,

Manas leads to mind and body. D, T, V and R motions.

Key: -

D Deflective motion V Vibrational motion

T Translational motion R Rotational motion

65.1 Present-dynamism and Present-statism

The emptiness of emptiness in Mother Nature would give rise to two conditions

i.e. present-statism and present-dynamism. Present-statism is a paradigm of

balanced state of affairs i.e. non-becoming, no minds, no labels, no shapes, no

varying frequencies, no manipulations, etc. After all, it can be classified as the

deepest facts about things. On the other hand, present-dynamism is a

paradigm of imbalanced state of affairs i.e. with boundless becoming processes

and it is born out of present-statism. Both the present-statism and the

present-dynamism can be represented by the philosophy of yin-yang illustrated

as below: -


Present-statism Present-dynamism

* Note: Yin is like an individual playing card and Yang is like a deck of playing cards.

With a deck of playing cards, one could perform myriad of games such as poker,

solitaire, gin rummy, etc. However, with one individual card, these games would be

deemed impossible. Therefore, this scenario has shown that yin and yang are

dependent on one another to bring forth a dynamic system existing in harmony.



The Deepest Facts about Things

(Mother Nature)

The Emptiness of Emptiness



Inherent Nature




Dependent Nature




* The classic principle in effect:

‘Yin creates Yang and Yang activates Yin.’

Everything that exists is the result of multiple causes and

conditions. Each of the causes would need other causes to

be present together with their respective conditions.


In Buddhism, the process of enlightenment would involve the mind transforming

from the state of present-dynamism into the state of present-statism. It is

achievable when one inculcates the right attitude or determination with the

proper frame of mind moving towards liberation. The liberation here refers to a

paradigm shift of thoughts from identification to observation and it can be

illustrated as below: -

Conventional Mind (Present-dynamism)

Elements of energy vibrational, translational & rotational motions

Motion of multiple-becoming

Enlightened Mind (Present-dynamism cum statism)

Elements of energy vibrational, translational & rotational motions

Motion of bare-becoming

Cessation with remainder

Parinibbāna (Present-statism) Elements of energy translational & rotational motions

Motion of non-becoming

Cessation without remainder


BM1-0 BM1-1 BM1-2 BM1-3 BM1-4 BM1-5 BM1-6 BM1-7 BM1-8

Becoming matrices in-linear extrapolation

The state of Mind transforming from Present-dynamism into Present-statism

For general understanding, everything does exist at the same time under

present-dynamism only. The projectile movement of time as often experienced

by our mind consciousness is purely due to relativity as well as the varying

vibrational frequencies in play. As a result, we tend to perceive things a little

bit linearly, thus creating the delusion of past, present and future movement of

time. The conventional time that we involve ourselves with every day is a

subjective and a relative time. This means the time orientation is dependent

on the observer (i.e. the subject’s mind) to provide the valuation on the other

side of the object or matter. As a consequence, the time conclusion varies

among different observers or minds.

In fact, Albert Einstein has given out an interpretation of spacetime that is

actually the endless evolving frequency cum becoming process in Mother

Nature. We could liken the frequency to space and the becoming process to

time because time is actually a dimension (indicator) for the becoming process

and space is merely an expression for energy in play as per frequency (i.e. the

number of occurrences or observations within a given time period or statistical


Present-dynamism frequency x becoming (space x time)

Once again, time would always arise at the present state of condition. There is

no backward or forward movement of time but just a regenerating of

occurrences all the time at a common pace of spacetime or present-dynamism.


This means in the twinkling of an eye, all events or phenomena as observed by

our mind consciousness would fluctuate and renew simultaneously and

continuously. Just like the gravity effects on earth for all different masses are

the same (acceleration value, g = 9.80 m/s2) even though the rock strikes the

ground before the feather per se. However, the common pace of spacetime or

present-dynamism is unconjecturable and it is mainly due to emptiness i.e. its

nature of beginning-less and end-less. For example, despite the vast

differences in the cultural development, the time zone and the locality, a

Bushman in Africa and a modern businessman in America are both living

concurrently in the 21st century under a common pace of spacetime or

present-dynamism. Literally, we could not discriminate or differentiate them by

saying that the Bushman is from the past time and the modern businessman is

a person living in the future time. The distinguishing factor among them and

their respective surroundings is merely their variable vibrational frequencies.

In fact, the circumstances of duality or multiplicity as observed by our mind

consciousness would be an obvious indication of all fluctuating vibrational

frequencies arising in the cosmos. This is because everything in the material

Universe is made up of energy. Atoms and molecules are made up of energy.

Our bodies, our clothes, our cars, our houses are all made up of energy but

what makes them different is their vibration. Energy is always vibrating at a

different frequency under the influence of conditional phenomena. Everything

has its own vibrational frequency – our thoughts, our feelings, the rock, the

table, the car, the animal, the plant, the tree, etc. Even colours are merely

expressions of certain vibrational frequencies.


65.2 Parallel Reality

There is always a parallel reality at the other dimension of cosmos and all

different dimensions or realities would vibrate in varying frequencies (in a faster

or a slower speed than one another). In the realms of parallel reality, there are

two types of becoming process i.e. consciousness-bound and bare-

consciousness-bound. Consciousness-bound becoming process is subject to

the manipulation of minds and conditions under myriad of vibrational

frequencies. These chaotic frequencies would permeate and transpire across

numerous planes of existence i.e. to the next corresponding frequencies

indefinitely. On the other hand, bare-consciousness-bound becoming process

is a simple becoming process under uniformed frequencies. These regulated

frequencies would permeate and transpire across resonated frequencies on a

more confined basis. Just like most of the trained Buddhist monks in Tibet

could foresee their next rebirth horizon and its timeline, as we may have heard

of it before.

In Buddhism, the first stage of enlightenment is known as stream-enterer

(Sotāpanna) and is said to have ‘opened the eye of the Dhamma’ and would

reach arahantship within seven rebirths. Let us look at the following illustration

that depicts the seven rebirths of stream-enterer with regulated frequencies

that permeate and transpire across different planes of existence: -

Supposedly, Individual A, Individual B, Individual C are three different beings within the

same group traits of consciousness that have reached the stage of stream-enterer in

the same or different lifetime.

Let’s say,

65 points of the realised elements is a minimum benchmark for a qualified stream-

enterer and 100 points of the realised elements is for a qualified Arahant.

Note: -

RN = the elements of realisation

IG = the elements of ignorance

SC = the elements of subtle consciousness



Individual A Individual B Individual C

RN65 IG35 RN65 IG35 RN65 IG35

SC-A1 rn20 ig5 SC-B1 rn20 ig5 SC-C1 rn20 ig5

SC-A2 rn20 ig5 SC-B2 rn20 ig5 SC-C2 rn20 ig5

SC-A3 rn10 ig10 SC-B3 rn10 ig10 SC-C3 rn10 ig10 END LIFE

SC-A4 rn10 ig5 SC-B4 rn10 ig5 SC-C4 rn10 ig5 CHAPTER

SC-A5 rn5 ig10 SC-B5 rn5 ig10 SC-C5 rn5 ig10


Individual A-B-C Individual B-A-C Individual C-A-B

RN65 IG35 RN65 IG35 RN65 IG35

SC-A1 rn20 ig5 SC-C1 rn20 ig5 SC-B1 rn20 ig5

SC-B2 rn20 ig5 SC-A2 rn20 ig5 SC-C2 rn20 ig5

SC-A3 rn10 ig10 SC-C3 rn10 ig10 SC-B3 rn10 ig10 EARLY LIFE

SC-C4 rn10 ig5 SC-B4 rn10 ig5 SC-A4 rn10 ig5 CHAPTER

SC-C5 rn5 ig10 SC-B5 rn5 ig10 SC-A5 rn5 ig10

RN70 IG30 RN70 IG30 RN70 IG30

SC-A1 rn20 ig5 SC-C1 rn20 ig5 SC-B1 rn20 ig5

SC-B2 rn20 ig5 SC-A2 rn20 ig5 SC-C2 rn20 ig5

SC-A3 rn10 ig10 SC-C3 rn10 ig10 SC-B3 rn10 ig10 END LIFE

SC-C4 rn10 ig5 SC-B4 rn10 ig5 SC-A4 rn10 ig5 CHAPTER

SC-C5 rn10 ig5 SC-B5 rn10 ig5 SC-A5 rn10 ig5


Individual A-C-B Individual B-C-A Individual C-B-A

RN70 IG30 RN70 IG30 RN70 IG30

SC-C1 rn20 ig5 SC-A1 rn20 ig5 SC-B1 rn20 ig5

SC-B2 rn20 ig5 SC-C2 rn20 ig5 SC-A2 rn20 ig5

SC-A3 rn10 ig10 SC-B3 rn10 ig10 SC-C3 rn10 ig10 EARLY LIFE

SC-A4 rn10 ig5 SC-B4 rn10 ig5 SC-C4 rn10 ig5 CHAPTER

SC-A5 rn10 ig5 SC-B5 rn10 ig5 SC-C5 rn10 ig5

RN75 IG25 RN75 IG25 RN75 IG25

SC-C1 rn20 ig5 SC-A1 rn20 ig5 SC-B1 rn20 ig5

SC-B2 rn20 ig5 SC-C2 rn20 ig5 SC-A2 rn20 ig5

SC-A3 rn15 ig5 SC-B3 rn15 ig5 SC-C3 rn15 ig5 END LIFE

SC-A4 rn10 ig5 SC-B4 rn10 ig5 SC-C4 rn10 ig5 CHAPTER

SC-A5 rn10 ig5 SC-B5 rn10 ig5 SC-C5 rn10 ig5



Individual A-BC Individual B-AC Individual C-AB

RN75 IG25 RN75 IG25 RN75 IG25

SC-A1 rn20 ig5 SC-C1 rn20 ig5 SC-B1 rn20 ig5

SC-B2 rn20 ig5 SC-A2 rn20 ig5 SC-C2 rn20 ig5

SC-C3 rn15 ig5 SC-A3 rn15 ig5 SC-B3 rn15 ig5 EARLY LIFE

SC-A4 rn10 ig5 SC-B4 rn10 ig5 SC-C4 rn10 ig5 CHAPTER

SC-B5 rn10 ig5 SC-C5 rn10 ig5 SC-A5 rn10 ig5

RN80 IG20 RN80 IG20 RN80 IG20

SC-A1 rn20 ig5 SC-C1 rn20 ig5 SC-B1 rn20 ig5

SC-B2 rn25 SC-A2 rn25 SC-C2 rn25

SC-C3 rn15 ig5 SC-A3 rn15 ig5 SC-B3 rn15 ig5 END LIFE

SC-A4 rn10 ig5 SC-B4 rn10 ig5 SC-C4 rn10 ig5 CHAPTER

SC-B5 rn10 ig5 SC-C5 rn10 ig5 SC-A5 rn10 ig5


Individual A-CB Individual B-CA Individual C-BA

RN80 IG20 RN80 IG20 RN80 IG20

SC-B1 rn20 ig5 SC-C1 rn20 ig5 SC-A1 rn20 ig5

SC-B2 rn25 SC-A2 rn25 SC-C2 rn25

SC-C3 rn15 ig5 SC-B3 rn15 ig5 SC-A3 rn15 ig5 EARLY

SC-A4 rn10 ig5 SC-C4 rn10 ig5 SC-B4 rn10 ig5 CHAPTER

SC-C5 rn10 ig5 SC-B5 rn10 ig5 SC-A5 rn10 ig5

RN85 IG15 RN85 IG15 RN85 IG15

SC-B1 rn20 ig5 SC-C1 rn20 ig5 SC-A1 rn20 ig5

SC-B2 rn25 SC-A2 rn25 SC-C2 rn25

SC-C3 rn15 ig5 SC-B3 rn15 ig5 SC-A3 rn15 ig5 END LIFE

SC-A4 rn15 SC-C4 rn15 SC-B4 rn15 CHAPTER

SC-C5 rn10 ig5 SC-B5 rn10 ig5 SC-A5 rn10 ig5


Individual AB-C Individual BA-C Individual CA-B

RN85 IG15 RN85 IG15 RN85 IG15

SC-A1 rn20 ig5 SC-C1 rn20 ig5 SC-B1 rn20 ig5

SC-B2 rn25 SC-C2 rn25 SC-A2 rn25

SC-C3 rn15 ig5 SC-B3 rn15 ig5 SC-A3 rn15 ig5 EARLY LIFE

SC-C4 rn15 SC-A4 rn15 SC-B4 rn15 CHAPTER

SC-B5 rn10 ig5 SC-C5 rn10 ig5 SC-A5 rn10 ig5

RN90 IG10 RN90 IG10 RN90 IG10

SC-A1 rn20 ig5 SC-C1 rn20 ig5 SC-B1 rn20 ig5

SC-B2 rn25 SC-C2 rn25 SC-A2 rn25


SC-C3 rn20 SC-B3 rn20 SC-A3 rn20 END LIFE

SC-C4 rn15 SC-A4 rn15 SC-B4 rn15 CHAPTER

SC-B5 rn10 ig5 SC-C5 rn10 ig5 SC-A5 rn10 ig5


Individual BC-A Individual CB-A Individual AC-B

RN90 IG10 RN90 IG10 RN90 IG10

SC-A1 rn20 ig5 SC-B1 rn20 ig5 SC-C1 rn20 ig5

SC-B2 rn25 SC-C2 rn25 SC-A2 rn25

SC-A3 rn20 SC-B3 rn20 SC-C3 rn20 EARLY LIFE

SC-C4 rn15 SC-A4 rn15 SC-B4 rn15 CHAPTER

SC-C5 rn10 ig5 SC-B5 rn10 ig5 SC-A5 rn10 ig5

RN95 IG5 RN95 IG5 RN95 IG5

SC-A1 rn25 SC-B1 rn25 SC-C1 rn25

SC-B2 rn25 SC-C2 rn25 SC-A2 rn25

SC-A3 rn20 SC-B3 rn20 SC-C3 rn20 END LIFE

SC-C4 rn15 SC-A4 rn15 SC-B4 rn15 CHAPTER

SC-C5 rn10 ig5 SC-B5 rn10 ig5 SC-A5 rn10 ig5


Individual A-E Individual B-E Individual C-E

RN95 IG5 RN95 IG5 RN95 IG5

SC-A1 rn25 SC-C1 rn25 SC-B1 rn25

SC-B2 rn25 SC-C2 rn25 SC-A2 rn25

SC-A3 rn20 SC-B3 rn20 SC-C3 rn20 EARLY LIFE

SC-A4 rn15 SC-C4 rn15 SC-B4 rn15 CHAPTER

SC-C5 rn10 ig5 SC-B5 rn10 ig5 SC-A5 rn10 ig5

RN100 RN100 RN100

SC-A1 rn25 SC-C1 rn25 SC-B1 rn25

SC-B2 rn25 SC-C2 rn25 SC-A2 rn25

SC-A3 rn20 SC-B3 rn20 SC-C3 rn20 FINAL LIFE

SC-A4 rn15 SC-C4 rn15 SC-B4 rn15 CHAPTER

SC-C5 rn15 SC-B5 rn15 SC-A5 rn15

The becoming matrix or rebirth refers to evolving consciousness or stream of

consciousness of a person (upon death) and the new consciousness arising in the

same person (the new person) is neither identical to, nor entirely different from, the

old consciousness, but forms part of a causal continuum or stream with it. The basic

cause for this persistent re-arising of personality is the abiding of consciousness in

ignorance; when ignorance is uprooted, rebirth ceases.


Under present-dynamism, the traits of consciousness would exist in different

categories of vibrational frequencies concurrently through the same or even

the different planes of existence and can be illustrated as below: -

Plane 1-1

Plane 1-2

Plane 1-3

Plane 1-4

Plane 1-5

Lower mind frequency span Higher mind frequency span

Note: All the respective planes would exist in varying frequencies concurrently under present-dynamism.

Basically, consciousness is synergy that has the ability to expand and pervade

through any corresponding planes of existence simultaneously and indefinitely.

This development becomes the foundation for the parallel existences in Mother

Nature. In fact, the commonly known stories of human beings running into

ghosts or spirits as well as the extraterrestrials are among the few instances of

parallel reality being discerned by the human mind frequencies and it can be

shown in the photo images as below: -



Photos: The bedroom of Empress Dowager Cixi inside the Forbidden City, Beijing

The intersection of two frequency span from different planes

of existence via a wormhole as seen on a digital camera

For general understanding, consciousness arises in every corner of space and

space itself is an expression for the existence of energy. Consciousness is

naturally looking outward to objects and it is flitting all the time. When

consciousness develops into distinguishing or discriminating objects, mind

would arise concurrently as depicted below: -

Mind is actually cosmic waves of energy that penetrate all time and space. It

is the most potent vibration to which other similar frequencies are constantly

resonating. In the Buddhist context, kamma-vipaka is actually the traits of

consciousness in play through the web of spacetime or present-dynamism.

Kamma-vipaka could exert across different planes of existence concurrently

and it is akin to an electrical impulse in our heart system whereby the

electrical signal travels through the network of conducting cells or pathways

Awareness Consciousness Mind

E.g. Pre-1,2,3 1,2,3 1+2, 2+3, 1-2, 2-3,

1x2, 2x3, 1⁄2, 2/3



that stimulates the upper chambers and the lower chambers to contract until

the entire heart contracts in one coordinated motion.

In a simple term, the traits of consciousness would pervade and transpire

through the continuum of spacetime or present-dynamism. As such, kamma-

vipaka can never be deciphered as an eye for an eye kind of notion because

one cause is never enough to bring about an effect. Each of the causes would

need other causes to be present together with their respective conditions. For

instance, we could not endorse convincingly that some natural calamities

associated with succumbing hundreds and thousands of innocent human lives

are due to the respective kamma-vipaka of individuals. Retrospectively, there

could be multiple of causes deriving from several other planes of existence with

the effect horizon being ripening upon maturity on the human plane per se.

The conclusion is that every single thing or happening in Mother Nature is

closely inter-depending, inter-waving and inter-relating with one another and

this applies to all different planes of existence since the dawn of time in a very

comprehensive and complicated network.

Generally speaking, all different planes of existence are the end result of

polarity in the traits of consciousness with the mind functioning as a forerunner

in determining the frequency of the traits. In fact, it is the elements of memory

within the mind that become the basis for the heritability of consciousness

bearing traits; without it, whatever evolution of consciousness in spacetime or

present-dynamism would be impossible. Besides, there are variations and

conditioned relationships in consciousness between beings; it is not identical

but neither is it completely distinct. The new arising consciousness is neither

identical to, nor entirely different from, the old consciousness, but forms part

of a causal continuum or stream with it. On another aspect, the varying

vibrational frequencies in the respective planes of existence would conjure up

unique forces of energy that are interweaving and interfering amongst other

corresponding or resonating frequencies elsewhere. As such, it is not

surprising for one to observe a growth or a demise of certain species in a

population as there are always natural forces interacting and complementing to

bring forth a harmonious dynamic system across all planes of existence in

Mother Nature.


In addition, the fluctuating vibrational frequencies amongst different planes of

existence would bring about variances in terms of the relative timeline. Under

the common pace of spacetime or present-dynamism, a higher vibrational

frequency would yield a slower becoming process and vice versa. This is

because, by nature, everything is interconnected and balanced with both the

yin and the yang aspects. Yin and yang are actually complementary but

opposing forces interacting to form a whole greater than either separate part;

thus bringing forth a dynamic system existing in harmony. For instance, in a

relative term, the experience of one second in a celestial plane (higher

vibrational frequencies) is equivalent to ten years for a human plane (lower

vibrational frequencies). As such, from a human perspective, all the celestial

beings are assumed to have been living in a continuum of eternity. Let us look

into the following illustrations for more details: -

All different planes of existence would orientate in fluctuating vibrational frequencies

under present-dynamism just like the appearance of a music rhythm display board

Present-dynamism frequency (space) x becoming (time)


Planes of Existence in Spacetime or Present-dynamism



Group traits of Consciousness, ABCDEF

Mind (M) & Body (B) M-B M-B M M M-B M

Plane of Existence A B C D E F


Becoming Matrix 1-3













Becoming Matrix 1-2













Becoming Matrix 1-1













FQ1-0 FQ1-1 FQ1-2 FQ1-3 FQ1-4 FQ1-5

Frequency Level lower-












A lineage of consciousnesses orientating through different

planes of existence under present-dynamism

65.3 Time travel through a Wormhole

A wormhole is literally a cross path for different planes of existence. There is

a possibility for beings to perform a time travel from one plane of existence to

another via a wormhole. The described wormhole here is basically referring to

a ‘tweak’ of frequencies by beings with higher vibrational frequencies to

discern the beings in lower vibrational frequencies. The general prescription is

that any realms of higher vibrational frequency would be able to discern the

realms of lower vibrational frequency. However, the realms of lower vibrational

frequency would not be able to discern any realms of higher vibrational


In other words, the object or matter must keep on within the purview of the

subject’s frequency horizon; without it, the observation would be impossible. It


is akin to any beings of higher vibrational frequencies having an aerial

perspective on the affairs of beings with lower vibrational frequencies rather

than the other way round. Therefore, beings of grander vibrational frequency

span are able to discern at-will basis on all other beings with common

vibrational frequency span via a tweak of frequencies. In fact, one of the

instances on time travel that occurred many times in the human plane of

existence is the trance mediumship or channeling.

Basically, there have been some elements of compatibility that in turn conjure

up a synergic cohesion of mental and physical energies and consciousness

between the medium and the spirit that manifested through the body. Beings

of higher vibrational frequencies from another plane of existence would have

the ability to encroach upon the human innate mind consciousness that is

basically lower vibrational frequencies. A gateway or so-called a wormhole is

deemed necessary to initiate the spirit communication and it is embedded

within the human innate mind consciousness per se.

In present society, the trance mediumship or channeling has a number of

purposes but mostly, it is pertaining to foretelling the well-being of the

interested party, especially in Asia. Basically, the spirit with higher vibrational

frequencies has the ability to grasp the future possibilities related to beings

with lower vibrational frequencies because of variances in the relative timeline.

Comparatively, the clock would appear to be ticking faster in the human plane

than the celestial plane because a higher vibrational frequency would yield a

slower becoming process. Therefore, it is not a case whereby the spirit has a

classic talent to foresee things ahead of time in the human plane because

everything would exist at the same time under the common pace of spacetime

or present-dynamism only.

From the Buddhist perspective, the mind consciousness can be altered and

transformed into a potent black hole of emptiness that strongly attracts and

magnetises vibrational frequencies i.e. the beginning of attaining psychic

powers among individuals. With such a potent faculty, it has the potential to

stand out as a gateway of communication for beings from different planes of

existence as well. Just like a powerful telescope, humans could expand their

consciousnesses by increasing the innate mind frequency span via deep

meditation respectively. Also, with the progress of civilisation, the human mind


frequency span would be altered progressively as well. For example, it is

unknown to mankind the existence of cosmic rays previously. With the

advancement of science and technology, humans have begun detecting and

realising its existence in the cosmos. In other words, what exists is defined as

that which can be known. If it cannot be known by the mind, then it does not

exist. Therefore, previously, those cosmic rays did not exist to mankind as it

was not discerned by the human mind frequencies. Only in modern days, with

the advent of advanced astronomy studies and experiments, did humans alter

and expand their innate mind frequency span to a grander scale to enable the

detection of things with higher vibrational frequencies. Let us look into the

following illustrations: -

Higher frequency Lower frequency

Key: -

Frequency span 1 Frequency span 3 Frequency span 5

Frequency span 2 Frequency span 4 Observation by mind


Frequency fluctuation in a lineage of mind consciousnesses through

different planes of existence under present-dynamism

Mind 1-1

Mind 1-2

Mind 1-3

Mind 1-4

Mind 1-5


Group Traits of Consciousness

Key: -

Frequency span 1-0 Frequency span 1-1 Frequency span 1-2

Frequency span 1-3 Frequency span 1-4 Nodule of consciousness

A mind frequency span expanding and establishing a wormhole as a bridge

of communication between two different planes of existence



Frequency Level

higher-high Matter 1

Observer 1

higher-low Matter 2

medium-high Matter 3

medium-low Matter 4

lower-high Matter 5

lower-low Matter 6

higher-high Matter 1

higher-low Matter 2

medium-high Matter 3

medium-low Matter 4

Observer 4

lower-high Matter 5

lower-low Matter 6

Observation by mind consciousness and its respective purview

that is dependent on the intensity of vibrational frequencies

The purview of Observer 1

The purview of Observer 4


For general understanding, as a human, the traits of consciousness are not

within the physical body per se. Instead, it is the physical body that is within

the traits of consciousness with the mind functioning as the forerunner of all

things. Basically, mind is a pattern of consciousness which is born from

awareness and it can be categorised into two terms i.e. prevailing

consciousness and subtle consciousness. The prevailing mind consciousness

is closely related to the physical body, whereas, the subtle mind consciousness

is somehow independent from the physical body. This is because when the

physical body is being ‘switch-off’ temporarily the subtle mind consciousness

would continue to work unpretentiously as in the experience of lucid dreaming.

Nevertheless, all objects or matters as observed by the mind consciousness

must transpire within the purview of the group traits of consciousness. This

includes all the projections and reflections of reality or fallacy being identified

and experienced by the respective mind consciousnesses. In fact, the group

traits of consciousness would perform like a powerful microscope and

telescope whereby nothing can be discerned outside its horizon. Moreover, the

human physical body is merely an interim containment of certain blueprint of

vibrational frequencies. Basically, humans are the end result of a certain

unique frequency pattern of consciousness – a wave of collated high and low

vibrations that subsequently bring forth a conflation of mind and body.

Slower vibrational frequencies would lead to the body and the sense bases

formation and faster vibrational frequencies would lead to the mind formation.

Collectively, it brings about a new life existence with a unique individuality that

would not allow the disruption by any kind of external interference; thus it

maintains a self-identity. In other words, mind and body are present in every

created thing as one integrated whole. Upon maturity, it would dissipate and

assume into other resonating frequencies elsewhere within the group traits of


65.4 The Speed of Consciousness

Basically, consciousness is synergy i.e. energy that expands through

cooperation. In Albert Einstein’s relativity equation, E = mc2, one quantum of

energy is defined as the diffusion of one mass at the speed of light squared.

Therefore, we could conclude that the speed of consciousness is equivalent to


the speed of light squared (c2) and it is comparatively much higher than the

speed of light per se. Generally speaking, the mind trajectory is matrix-centric,

whereas, the light trajectory is linear-centric. This means the light particles

that vibrate in constant waves would travel for example, from point A to point

B and then to point C in one destination at a time. On the other hand, the

mind frequency waves would travel to any intended destinations in a virtually

instantaneous time. This means the mapping of consciousness within the

group traits is basically like a central monitoring station for security with a

huge monitor screen displaying simultaneous video images from all the strategic

angles or positions. Let us look at the following illustration: -

The Mapping of Consciousness in the spacetime or present-dynamism

Generally speaking, the mind consciousness has to be in higher vibrational

frequencies or at least on par with the vibrational frequencies of light; without

it, the observation would be impossible. In other words, the object’s frequency

span must transpire within the purview of the subject’s frequency horizon. In


the dependent nature, the mind consciousness is known as the perceiver,

whereas, the object or matter is known as the perceived. It is the perceiver’s

mind as a non-physical faculty integrating with the five physical faculties

namely, eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body that provides the observation and

the interpretation, thus the arising of the conditional phenomena. If the

vibrational frequencies of the perceiver are lower than the perceived, the

cascading events are deemed impossible.

The fact is that science is full of observable facts on energy and matter via

numerous experiments and measurements. Nevertheless, it is also a field that

does not give much thought to the study of synergy because modern scientists

who work on hypotheses could not conclusively agree to acknowledge the

presence of synergy (in this case is consciousness) due to the complication in

garnering consistent results at any given time period. However, the so-called

synergy could still be detected by electromagnetic devices respectively.

65.5 What is Future Reality?

Future reality is nothing but a victorious expression of vibrational frequency

competitions in Mother Nature. Frequency is described as the rate at which

something occurs or is repeated over a particular period of time. This means

the onus of sustaining the future reality lies on the party who asserts it i.e. the

respective traits of consciousness. In Buddhism, kamma-vipaka is actually the

traits of consciousness in play through the web of spacetime or present-

dynamism. All sentient beings are effectively electro-magnetic beings with the

prevailing mind consciousness that generates potent kamma and the subtle

mind consciousness that acts as an antenna or a radar detector constantly

attracting and magnetising other similar vibrational frequencies (discernible

vipaka) within the cosmos. In other words, the more vigorous the kamma is,

the more discernible the vipaka would be.

The principle-in-effect: -

This arising (the cause and condition), that arises (the result);

This ceasing (the cause and condition), that ceases (the result).


Just like a competition of seed sowing and growing whereby any gardener that

becomes the first person to turn the seed from dormancy into a living thing

would win the race. In other words, future reality is all about endless

possibilities and it is dependent on the present state of condition all the time.

Therefore, it is imperative for one to pay attention to the present moment only

because everything does exist at the same time under present-dynamism. The

perception of the past, present and future movement of time is a delusion

being played up by the mind consciousness due to relativity and also the

varying vibrational frequencies arising in the cosmos. Once again, time would

always arise at the present state of condition and the navigation of the future

into any intended directions should begin right here, right now.

‘The past condition is nothing but memories and bygones. The future

condition is nothing but chances and endless possibilities. The remaining

present condition is something that one could do just right by steering the

future destiny into the anticipated courses.’

~ Buddhitakso ~

As a summary, all creations or destructions in Mother Nature are due to the

emptiness of emptiness that subsequently conjures up two conditions i.e.

present-statism and present-dynamism. Present-dynamism is a paradigm of

imbalanced state of affairs i.e. with boundless becoming processes and it is

born out of present-statism. Whereas, present-statism is a paradigm of

balanced state of affairs i.e. non-becoming, no minds, no labels, no shapes, no

varying frequencies, no manipulations, etc. And there is a potential for one to

migrate from the condition of present-dynamism to present-statism via

transforming the mind consciousness as prescribed by Buddhism. It is

attainable when one inculcates the right attitude or determination with the

proper frame of mind moving towards liberation.

Moreover, everything within the cosmos of energy arises at the present time

under the common pace of present-dynamism only. In a continuum of

present-dynamism, there is only regenerating and evolving events and it is akin

to a measuring tape in its coiled condition. The projectile movement of time as

experienced by the mind consciousness is due to relativity as well as the

varying vibrational frequencies in play and it is akin to a measuring tape


functioning as a flexible ruler whereby the tape can be stretched out for a

linear measurement. In Mother Nature, the elements of energy would

constantly fluctuate and orientate in translational, rotational and vibrational

motions. And these motions are the key components for the proceeding of

universal laws such as the law of kamma, the law of attraction, the law of

vibration, etc. Basically, higher level of energy would mean higher level of

frequency or excitement and vice versa. Collectively, it would conjure up a

kind of synergy known as consciousness.

The synergy of consciousness could pervade and transpire into infinite

spacetime and across different planes of existence. In fact, both our mind and

body are varying vibrational frequencies that turn up as decoders for the

projected traits of consciousness. The fluctuating vibrational frequencies of all

things are just in every corner of spacetime or present-dynamism. Therefore,

one does not need to ‘look up’ or ‘look down’ in searching for the plane of

heaven or hell because it could appear right next to a tweak of frequencies,

just like how one tweaks on the radio or television channels. And a wormhole

as the linkage between different planes of existence is embedded just within

the innate mind consciousness per se. Nevertheless, the general prescription

is that any realms of higher vibrational frequency would be able to discern the

realms of lower vibrational frequency. However, the realms of lower vibrational

frequency would not be able to discern any realms of higher vibrational


In the human realm, the conventional mind is comprised with a conflation of

prevailing and subtle mind consciousnesses. On the other hand, the innate

mind consciousness is luminous, highly commanding and even sharper than a

sword that can pierce through the time stream, the space and the plane of

existence. It is also known as a higher mind with the prevailing mind

consciousness liberating from the thoughts churned out by the subtle mind

consciousness. This liberation from thought identification to thought

observation is called the experience of the Buddha nature. In other words, the

innate mind has higher vibrational frequencies than the conventional mind and

it has a vast potentiality or capability of projecting the future destiny of

individuals. Therefore, it is crucial for one to develop the innate mind

consciousness via expanding the frequency span to an uppermost level all the

time while sustaining in the human realm.


66.0 Live Simply – The Buddhist Way of Life

Buddhism is an alternate approach for one who needs it for solace and spiritual

liberation. Buddhism may not be acceptable to individuals who can’t make do

without the dependent aspects in life. As again, there is no right or wrong

element here, but simply a personal choice. And when one talks about

Buddhism, one talks about enlightenment. In a layman term, enlightenment

simply means graduation and liberation. Every second, every minute, every

hour, every day and night - we observe things, let things pass by, learn on

something, let go something and finally realise on something. Somehow and

somewhere, we have actually learned, graduated and liberated out of something

without much attention on it. In other words, every one of us has tasted a

‘simple’ awakening moment in one way or another on a daily basis.

Generally speaking, liberation is the only right potion to the ultimate truth

discovery and with the inculcation of right determination, enlightenment

becomes achievable for everyone right here, right now. Therefore, it is

imperative for one to abandon the stereotyping mindset that is associated with

the ‘-ism’ or ‘-ology’, for it is a system of pre-conditioning or prisoning.

Besides, Buddhism expounded the existence of happiness in life and there are

ways to find an everlasting happiness. In a way, unconditional happiness is

perpetual and conditional happiness is not permanent. Therefore, Buddhism is

a philosophy about finding the ultimate happiness that is unconditional and

permanent instead of the conventional happiness that is conditional and

subject to change at all times.

Moreover, Buddhism stresses that all mundane desires or attachments would

lead to suffering, ultimately. And desire or attachment is not something that is

sinful or something weird that arises in our existence. As humans, we naturally

have desires or attachments and there is nothing to be shameful about. The

Buddha has merely clarified that there is an element of suffering in the

dependent nature and there is a chance to end it - right here, right now.

Buddhism did not stress on the argument whether suffering is good or bad for

individuals. What Buddhism has taught is that one should realise the ultimate

reality i.e. desire or attachment would lead to suffering. This is the second

Noble Truth i.e. recognising the cause of suffering. Therefore, if one wishes to

cease the suffering, one needs the determination to see through the origin of


suffering and work diligently on the correct path to end the state of suffering.

However, if one chooses to recognise the cause of suffering and let the state

of suffering continues in one’s life, then so be it. There is no sin in this


As again, Buddhism is not about circumstances but attitude to circumstances.

The only difference between a good day and a bad day is one’s attitude. To

‘bear with’ is to suffer and the antonym of it is to ‘let go.’ By not submitting

oneself to the conditional circumstances, one would be freed, be liberated and

be neutralised. Wisely one could see it, know it and let go – no need to grasp it

and do not get into any involvement on the other side of the object or matter.

When one sees things or happenings as they truly are; not delusively are, it

would conjure up a direct perception into the ultimate truth - that is basically

label-less, bound-less, stereotype-less or colour-less. In fact, wisdom is the

after-effect of enlightenment, if one may say so. While enlightenment is about

realisation, wisdom is about applying it into one’s daily perspectives and

decision making, wholesomely. As such, one has to gain the knowledge first

and then apply the understanding and the experience with common sense and

insight – that is wisdom. In contrast, stupidity is about - knowing the truth,

seeing the truth but still believing the untruth.

Finally, Buddhism does not promise anyone anything superficially. The earth

would still rotate at 24 hours a day as per the cosmic laws even if one has

attained enlightenment. As a Buddhist, the first thing that one needed an

adjustment is the attitude. One would need to see things from the profound or

inner perspectives rather than the conventional or superficial perspectives.

Only then could there be a mind transformation with a paradigm shift toward

seeing all the things or happenings without any delusion or hesitation. As a

summary, enlightenment is not a far-fetched thing, achievable only by the

privileged ones or the chosen ones or the qualified ones sitting in ivory towers.

Instead, it is such a profound realisation that is achievable by anyone that

inculcates the right attitude or determination. Live well; live simply now for the

sustainability of oneself and the future generations.


67.0 Seeking Truth

Where is the truth and how could one look for the ultimate truth? For general

understanding, the truth is not out there. The truth arises in you. You are the

truth. You create truths and not someone else out there. Literally, it is

difficult for one to see the truth because one’s eyes couldn’t see one’s own

eyes. For instance, both the duck and the cow are created truths. Precisely,

this kind of truth is also known as conventional truth i.e. a subjective cum

relative truth. This means the truth orientation is dependent on the observer

(i.e. the subject’s mind) to provide the description, definition, recognition,

valuation, etc. on the other side of the object or matter. And the truth

conclusion varies among different observers or minds.

In another instance, if you show an I-phone to a caveman, he would describe it

as merely a useless hard object. And if you show it to let’s say, an ant, it

becomes a gigantic heavy object. Likewise, you can be named as a human, a

son, a father, a preacher, a student, a Caucasian, an American, a thin man, an

old man, a buyer, a supplier, a stranger, etc. concurrently. At the end of the

day, the observer (be it your own self or another third party) would provide the

definition or recognition based on their respective perception on the same

referred object or matter. Once again, one does not need to be served with

the truth because it is not out there. For a person who believes in the

existence of God as creator and ruler of the world or universe, every existence

in the cosmos would rise and fall within the kingdom of God. This means all

beings or things are the essential constituents of God and therefore, as

humans, we can also be known as namesake gods.

In order to seek for the ultimate truth, it is imperative for one to abandon the

stereotyping mindset that is associated with the ‘-ism’ or ‘-ology’ for it is a

system of pre-conditioning or pre-disposition (a.k.a. a ‘locked-in’ mentality).

Generally, liberation is the only right potion to the ultimate truth discovery and

with the inculcation of right determination, the ultimate truth can be discovered

by anyone right here, right now. This would mean observations on all the

phenomena would need to be based on unbiased grounds i.e. on neutral and

upright positions. In Buddhism, enlightenment is about seeing and knowing it

all by our mind consciousness i.e. seeing and knowing into the true nature and

its orientation all the time. As a start, one would realise that Mother Nature is


the pinnacle of all the dependent and non-dependent circumstances in the

cosmos. It is considered as the supreme state of all things with the attributes

of emptiness.

Emptiness of phenomena exists in the way it appears in direct perception and

without the need to reference of any other entity. It is completely defined by

its own nature. In other words, emptiness of phenomena is an inherent

existence that is uncaused. It is indestructible and eternal. It is unchanging

when viewed externally and cannot undergo any internal changes of state. It

has no constituent parts and nothing can be thrown out or removed from it.

Nothing can be added to it and no change in the external conditions can affect

it. For a theist, this phenomenon is also known as One Supreme Being or God.

In other words, all things or matters would rise and fall within the Mother

Nature or so-called the One Supreme Being or God. This is the deepest fact

about things and nothing can be recognised beyond its boundary. Without

Mother Nature, nothing would ever exist - no things or happenings would arise.

However, on another perspective, emptiness is the key attribute of all things or

matters that ain’t stop for nothing and always in motion, just like the Chinese

saying goes, ‘There is another mountain higher than this one, always!’ In other

words, because of emptiness, all things or matters would rise and fall in the

continuum of eternity. Therefore, we could classify that emptiness is a

universal quality that is inherent existing and dependent arising concurrently.

As a conclusion, seeing the truth can be direct and simple. Ultimately, one just

needs a right determination to be enlightened on all the surrounding

phenomena. For a reference, every phenomenal existence is the product of

the proper combination of causes and conditions. Each of the causes would

need other causes to be present together with their respective conditions. As

humans, we are also subject to cause and condition all the time. In fact, we

are basically the end result of a certain unique frequency pattern of

consciousness – a wave of collated high and low vibrations that subsequently

bring forth a conflation of mind and body. Our mind and physical body are

merely an interim containment of certain blueprint of vibrational frequencies

that fluctuates according to the influence of multiple causes and conditions.

And Buddhism has shown the wise approach to comprehend this truth via



68.0 Summary

Nature is originally referred to essential qualities or innate disposition; related

to the intrinsic characteristics that plants, animals, and other features of the

world develop of their own accord. These essential qualities of nature can be

divided into two categories i.e. inherence and dependence. Both of these

qualities as observed by the mind would exist concurrently in a harmonious

orientation. Therefore, it is imperative for one to understand that nature is

sufficiently universal and infinite in its original disposition and is governed by

the universal laws.

Right now, what could be the key ingredients of nature? Precisely, the answer

would be energy and emptiness. When one sees into energy, one sees into

emptiness; when one sees into emptiness, one sees into energy. This is the

rationale for the saying, ‘Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form.’ The principle

in effect: seeing into form is seeing into matter, seeing into matter is seeing

into energy and seeing into energy is seeing into emptiness. Energy is

described as the ability to cause change or do work, while emptiness is

understood as the absence of the static entity and devoid of inherent

existence for all created objects or things. Both the energy and the emptiness

are universal qualities that correspond to the dependent arising and the

inherent existence concurrently as illustrated below: -

Inherent Qualities Dependent Qualities

Mother Nature

Emptiness Energy


(Constant) Ever-changing



For general understanding, conditional phenomenon is a necessary prerequisite

for energy to exist; without it, the existence would be impossible. On another

front, emptiness is a necessary prerequisite for any objects to exist; without it,

the object would be impossible. Therefore, we could conclude that energy and

emptiness are essential qualities for the dependent nature to sustain

perpetually. When there is no dependent nature arising, no energy or

emptiness would arise. Likewise, when there is no energy or emptiness arising,

no dependent nature would arise. This is how the conventional reality works

i.e. not in-linear but in inter-dependence, inter-woven and inter-relation since

the dawn of time in a very comprehensive and complicated network of


In the dependent nature, the existence of energy would give rise to the mind

that in turn conjures up perceptions, conceptions, labels, boundaries, names,

activities, shapes, relations, descriptions, stereotyping, beginning, ending, etc.

The mind is a necessary prerequisite for the circumstances of duality or

multiplicity. As such, we shall be clear by now that mind is the forerunner of all

states. These circumstances of duality or multiplicity are merely the end result

of various activities of aggregation being observed by the mind under the

influence of conditional phenomena. And only when there is a balanced

circumstance, there is a chance for the integrating process i.e. under a

balanced phenomenon, one could witness shapes or forms arising; under an

imbalanced phenomenon, one could see no shapes or forms arising - and the

cycle of conditional phenomena continues. Therefore, it is correct to mention

that all objects are empty and exist conditionally without an eternal essence.

They only exist in relation to each other as appearances that in turn vary as

per the perceptions of the beholders.

When one ponders as a subject on the other side of the object or matter, one

would notice that energy takes on various forms and reborn all the time in the

dependent nature. However, the sum of all the energies in the system is a

constant or never changes because energy can neither be created nor

destroyed as per the Law of Conservation of Energy. This would mean that

energy corresponds to the inherent existence as well due to its unchanging

nature as described above. It is the same case scenario for emptiness.

Emptiness corresponds to both the dependent arising and the inherent

existence concurrently. While emptiness could not exist without a dependent


partner, emptiness in direct perception cannot be segmented or dissected

further to see the real origin because it does not constitute some false

appearances concealing a lack of inherent existence. Therefore, it has an

unchanging nature that all conventional phenomena lack.

As a summary, we could conclude that energy and emptiness are essential

qualities that exist everywhere in the dependent and the inherent nature. In

the dependent nature, something as in object would not arise out of nothing

but instead, arise out of the elements of energy that exist in a system. This is

because energy and matter are simply two aspects of the same thing, both

reflected in different forms per se (as in Einstein’s formula, E = mc2). And

since we are unable to discern energy with our naked eyes, we would name it

as empty instead of nothing. It is difficult for one to see into this ultimate

truth because the mind is dependent arising and the presence of the waves of

dependent phenomena have clouded the mind from discerning the reality of

circumstances i.e. ignorance arises. Nevertheless, the wise Buddha has laid

emphasis that one should see in all angles of things or matters while pursuing

the ultimate truth or reality. Without it, any conclusions made out of one’s

observation would not be balanced or in a wholesome nature. And with the

presence of emptiness, the potential movement of the mind from non-

enlightenment toward a state of enlightenment would be possible.

Perhaps, one may need to understand clearly what qualifies as a Buddha and

what Buddhism is all about? Buddhism merely involves in seeing, knowing and

letting go of things or happenings. In other words, Buddhism upholds direct

experience and recognition but not the faith system. Therefore, Buddhism is

never about what the Buddha has said or not said personally. We have to

examine, ‘What is the real meaning of the Buddha?’ It is literally translated as

the ‘Awakened One.’ But, what is one awakening to? It is awakening to the

ultimate reality of things and happenings in the cosmos.

The Buddha has laid emphasis that one should look into all angles of things or

matters and then apply one's wisdom in the decision making. The Buddha has

merely left behind guidelines for one to pursue with and it would be

meaningless for one to read and tag along the contents of the discourses or

suttas blindly without applying wisdom. No doubt the available discourses or

suttas did play an important role in keeping the essence of Buddhism, but how


many of the so-called Buddhists nowadays have gained full enlightenment by

mere reading or reciting it? The key point here is not merely about the

mastering of theoretical knowledge on Buddhism but instead, more on the

practicality and the direct experience of it. These available scriptures,

discourses or suttas are merely tools for one’s Dhamma practices. And the

tools would remain as the tools and it would not turn a person into an

enlightened being if the application is without wisdom.

Also, the Buddha has recommended the establishment of the Sangha

community so that any followers could interact and support each other while

pursuing the guidelines of Dhamma. The Buddha has not established the

various sects or schools of Buddhism as what we could see nowadays.

Now, when we mention the Buddha's saying, are we only referring to Siddartha

Gautama alone? How about all the other beings that have had achieved

enlightenment along the thousands of years? For general understanding,

Siddartha Gautama is a Shakyamuni Buddha (a Samma-sam-buddha), but the

Buddha may not necessarily be Siddartha Gautama alone. Buddha is merely a

title just like presidency. Presidents may come and go over the years in an

organisation or a country but the presidency remains unshaken.

And the next question would be, ‘Who wrote all the suttas? When was it

written?’ Definitely, Buddhism is not only about the suttas per se but also the

other missing links. On this pretext, the Buddha is wise to mention that in

order to appreciate the essence of Dhamma, do not believe what he said until

one investigates and sees it. This principle is essential to uphold and sustain

so that the original essence of Dhamma could remain intact and surpassing

time. On another matter, the doctrine of Dependent Origination that outlines

part of the Shakyamuni Buddha’s teachings does not reflect the first cause in

the dependent nature. The Shakyamuni Buddha has merely focused his

teachings on four subjects i.e. the Four Noble Truths: -

1. The truth of dukkha.

2. The truth of the origin of dukkha.

3. The truth of the cessation of dukkha.

4. The truth of the path leading to the cessation of dukkha.


He has discovered that mind is the forerunner of all states. And with ignorance

blindfolding the mind since the dawn of time, dukkha arises and continues to

arise in the dependent nature. As such, the first link i.e. ignorance in the

doctrine of Dependent Origination as taught by the Shakyamuni Buddha cannot

be translated as the first cause in the dependent nature. This doctrine did not

stress the importance of the first cause in the dependent nature but rather

focus on the first cause of dukkha. Dukkha arises because there is mind

arising - with ignorance as the key factor that clouded the mind from seeing

the reality of things or happenings. The wise Shakyamuni Buddha has merely

seen the urgency to put a complete end to dukkha - right here, right now. All

other matters are considered as trivial if compared with the reality of dukkha

arising in the samsāra.

In the Buddhist context, we do know that the dependent nature is known as

samsāra. Samsāra literally means ‘continuous flow’- referring to a repeating

cycle of birth, life, death and re-birth. In other words, there is a repeating

cycle of rising and falling activities that in turn would give rise to the balanced

and the imbalanced phenomena as being observed by the mind. Therefore, the

doctrine of Dependent Origination that outlines part of the Shakyamuni

Buddha’s teachings on the nature of existence cannot be directly translated

as a linear point of reference. This is because the conventional reality does

not work in-linear but in inter-dependence, inter-woven and inter-relation

since the dawn of time in a very comprehensive and complicated network of

existence. As a conclusion, Buddhism is supremely boundless, stereotype-less

and label-less. Buddhism is never about beliefs. Instead, it is all about direct

experience and recognition. Therefore, meditate, meditate and meditate to see

and taste the real truth. Seeing the Dhamma is seeing the Buddha – it is

seeing and knowing the ultimate reality of things and happenings and not to get

entangle with it.

Happy practising!

‘Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.’

~ Albert Einstein ~