Dualacy chap 2 spring

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A Fishy Dualacy~Chapter 2~~Spring~By: CanImarryapony

Welcome again to A Fishy Dualacy, where kitties take naps on comfy pillows. Because that's exciting.

Last chapter the second round on Gen 2 kids were sent on their merry way to college.

Comet proposed to his girlfriend, Danielle. He's the most unusual romance sim, I've had the pleasure to play.

Weather is starting to get close with Adriana, Azure's and Ax's best friend.

Azure and Cae were also able to have a real relationship.


Life was quiet after Caerulean left for college. Domino wasn't a demanding boy, and Mary was beginning to leave some of the empty nest feeling. She missed the giggles of the girls, or even the petty squabbles.

Ax was delighted to have a another toddler, he spent all his free time with the boy.

Mary truly couldn't complain, Ax had reached the top of his career and was home everyday to greet her on the sidewalk.

Before she knew it, it was time for her birthday and Domino's. She invited all their friends and family. Adel even brought her new husband, Jason.

Ax finished up teaching Domino to walk, while Mary got the cakes ready.

The guests started smustling. Mary wondered how Weather and Gilbert didn't hurt them selves by smashing their heads into the wall.

The cakes were soon ready and the guests crowded around.

Mary grew up feeling her age. Fortunately, she wouldn't have to chase after a toddler with bad knees. Until Azure started to have kids.

Domino grew up to be and nice mix of Ax and Mary, he had his mother's chin and his dad's pretty eyes.

A quick change of clothes and he was ready to met Azure for the first time. Domino wasn't sure to think of her, but he supposed she was nice enough.

As the guests start to leave Ax draws Azure aside.Here's the strawberries and tomatoes you planted awhile back. Ax said handing her a box.Thanks Dad, I can't wait to sell these.

The next day is Saturday, Mary gets to spend some alone time with Domino over some grilled cheese, Her son is such a daddy's boy.

Ax and Domino slipped out to Hunter's Park to go fishing as soon as possible.

Even Brandon Lillard joins in to give Domino a few tips.

Not that it helped much.

Mary finds that despite being older she's still able to keep up at work. She loves working with her brother-in-law.


Lupe sighed, laying her brush to the canvas. The house was so quiet with all the kids gone. Spring had stuck up on her and Jay. Winter had been busy with getting Koi and Rosy ready for college, and now there was nothing but quiet.

For at least the afternoon, the quiet was held at bay, by the guests for Jay's birthday party. Lupe invited all the college kids and her brother and sister in law.

Leylic was thrilled to see Weather, she ran up to him and immediately rolled over for pets.

Darkness fell while guests gather around the table.

Jay inhaled dramatically and blew out all the candles in one breathe.

His family cheered as he grew up, it was time to lose the fauxhawk, Jay thought wryly.

A kilt, really Dad? Comet sniggered.Don't ask son. Jay said wolfing down his own cake.

Jay didn't stay in the kilt for long, as soon as everyone went home, Jay made a trip to Bluewater village to get new clothes. Like his brother-in-law Jay picked himself out a nice sweater.

The next day, after Jay and Lupe left for work, the Grim Reaper paid a visit to Wiley.

A/N: It's a bit weird seeing the legacy pets die. My last legacy I sent them away after they elderified to make space in the house. I'm a little sad to see Wiley and Frolic gone.

Wiley was buried in the sideyard, next to Frolic.

The house was too quiet with just them and the two dog.Jay, let's breed Max and Leylic, I want to hear the scamper of little feet again. Lupe pleaded.Alright hun, I have to admit I'm kind've of bored too.

Lup went out to Max immediately, her boots squishing in the late season snow.Alright Max you be a good boy and give momma lots of puppies. She said patting the old dog's head.Max wagged his tail and barked happily.

Needless to say both dogs heading into the dog house.

A/N: Leylic reminds me of my dog Lady in this shot, all tubby and red.


Now all they had to do was wait.

They didn't have to wait long before Axley, Malic, and Leyma were born.



Having puppies in the house was just like having kids again. There was always something to do.

Soon like children the puppies grew up into fine dogs. Malic(Top Left), Leyma(Top Right), and Axley(Right). Lupe decided to have the animal shelter to hold onto the pups until her children could adopt them. She and Jay were too old of take of so many dogs.

Though on the last day of summer, Leylic surprise them both by giving birth to another up. Lupe dubbed him Licax. Just when they though things were going to be boring again.

That's for this update, sorry it's such a shoddy one. I was bad and didn't take enough pictures for either house. Lupe and Jay are very boring without anyone else at the house. I can't wait for Weather to get back. They pretty bred the dogs and played chess the entire season.

I want to thank Boolprop.com for this chapter and to my readers, who put up with me. I love you guys and you make a lot of this possible.

Happy Simming!