Page of 1 3 CiPP 2 Discovery Workshop Purpose: to capture the participants attention on how they spend their energy. Is the energy they are using ensuring they achieve their vision? Clarity of purpose, focus of energy and living with JOY is the intended outcome. The workshop will have four sections. In each section participants will have time for: Self reflection, to build a practice to be self aware; Group participation, to share any new awareness, Action identification, to develop a take away; and Positive psychology chart, used to discuss research done in the field. Principles for this workshop In every society, organization, group, or individual something works. When we appreciate the good, the good appreciates. Positive questions create a positive reality. By telling personal stories we recreate our past, experience our present, and create our future. Genuine empathy provides the fertile soil for growth and learning. Section 1 Discovery, 20 minutes Circle of Personal Perspective, participants will rate themselves from 1 to 10 in six areas of their life. This initial rating will provide the participant with a base of how they are feeling about their life. Group Participation: each participant will share one or two points that identify how balanced their life is in the following areas: Professional, Emotion, Financial, Relationships, Spiritual, and Wellness. ACTION: Pick one Area and identify what the participant can do to make their life 5% better in this one area. Average Happiness Chart: Draw the chart and display the percentage of affect that choice, genetics and the environment have on ones happiness. The key point is to help the participant understand 40% of average happiness is based on life choices.

Discovery Workshop

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� "CiPP 2"

Discovery Workshop""Purpose: to capture the participants attention on how they spend their energy. Is the energy they are using ensuring they achieve their vision? Clarity of purpose, focus of energy and living with JOY is the intended outcome. ""The workshop will have four sections. In each section participants will have time for:"• Self reflection, to build a practice to be self aware;"• Group participation, to share any new awareness, "• Action identification, to develop a take away; and "• Positive psychology chart, used to discuss research done in the field. ""Principles for this workshop"■ In every society, organization, group, or individual something works."■ When we appreciate the good, the good appreciates."■ Positive questions create a positive reality."■ By telling personal stories we recreate our past, experience our present, and

create our future."■ Genuine empathy provides the fertile soil for growth and learning.""

Section 1 Discovery, 20 minutes"Circle of Personal Perspective, participants will rate themselves from 1 to 10 in six areas of their life. This initial rating will provide the participant with a base of how they are feeling about their life. ""Group Participation: each participant will share one or two points that identify how balanced their life is in the following areas: Professional, Emotion, Financial, Relationships, Spiritual, and Wellness. ""ACTION: Pick one Area and identify what the participant can do to make their life 5% better in this one area. ""Average Happiness Chart: Draw the chart and display the percentage of affect that choice, genetics and the environment have on ones happiness. The key point is to help the participant understand 40% of average happiness is based on life choices. ""

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Section 2 Visioning, 20 minutes"Envision a future and dream about their ideal self. The participants will be asked to write about what their life will be like in five years on the back of the circle of personal perspective paper. What will they be doing, who will they be doing it with, and where will they be living?. ""We will mention things that people love to do so they can start to think about positivity boosters. Things that would make them enjoy their life and feel more fulfilled. ""We will then ask them to rate their circle of personal perspective again, this time how are they doing right now in the six areas based on their vision for their future. They will have two numbers for each area, one based on how they started the workshop and one based on their vision. ""Group Participation: The participants will be asked to share if their ratings went up or down and why?They will also be asked to share their future. Sharing something personal builds connections and fellow employees may be able to help a colleague achieve their vision. ""ACTION Identify one area that the participant can do one thing to make their life 5% better and move towards achieving their vision. ""Positivity Ratio Chart, Draw the Barbara Fredrickson chart on positivity ratio.Spend time discussing positivity boosters to help get to 4:1 ratio.""Section 3 Strengths, 15 minutes"Ask Participants to write three lines on the bottom of their circle of personal perspective paper. Participants should fill in each line with a word that describes who they are, the essence of who they are. These should be descriptive words which they have heard their entire life. These words describe them no matter who they are with or what they are doing. ""Group Participation: If someone is having a hard time, we will ask others to tell the person what they see when this person walks in the room. Caring, confident, loving, openminded, intelligent, happy, energetic, etc...""We will go around the room and have each person share their three words and ask if anyone else has a word to add. ""ACTION Identify how these strengths have helped them in the past and how they will help them achieve their vision and complete their two action steps to make their life 5% better. ""Core Self Chart, Draw the circles around the core self, limitation, fear, facade. Have a discussion about letting our strengths shine and helping others to chip away to see their core strengths. "

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"Section 4 Designing, 15 minutes"Hand out a vision and goals form to have participants complete. Participants will determine and write down their vision and goals for one, five and ten years from now. The purpose of this handout is to start the participant thinking about how to be more purposeful in designing their life and holding them self accountable for their own happiness. What do they want to start doing and what should they STOP doing? Identify what can they add to their life to remind them of the change they want to achieve. What trigger is needed to make them 5% better. ""Group Participation: What are they thinking and how can they build an environment to help them achieve their dreams? ""ACTION Identify routines that may need adjusting, triggers to remind them of their own design. Is this routine serving me well? What daily reminder do I need to ensure I move in a direction to serve me well? """Four Agreements Chart, Share the four agreement practice for designing a life. This chart will introduce them to using their self-awareness to design their own environment, they will have specific practices to catch themselves and adjust their thinking.