Cleanliness Means Productivity: Tips In Keeping Your Desk Organized

Cleanliness Means Productivity: Tips In Keeping Your Desk Organized

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Cleanliness Means Productivity:

Tips In Keeping Your Desk Organized

Did you know that an unorganized office desk can slow you down?

A cluttered workspace can affect your productivity in such a way that you will not be able to get your tasks done due to piles of paper works and other files. If it’s full of mess, you won’t have space for creativity.

Hence, it is important to keep your workspace clean, organized and clutter-free to accomplish the tasks that you should do. Create a space conducive for productivity using these tips:

1. Purge Your Office

Declutter your office - get rid of everything that you don’t need or want. Those things that you haven’t used in a while should go, including knick-knacks, plants or any other decorations on your desk.

2. Create A Filing System

Store your files by following a filing system such as color assignment for folders. Create a folder for each task that you are assigned to do and use binders or trays to organize it.

3. Organize Your Desktop

Don’t place too much stuff on your desktop, you won’t need all of them anyway. You can keep supplies and gadgets you need on a daily basis on your desktop within reach. You can use trays for papers, containers for smaller items.

4. Rearrange Your Office

Give your space a new look by putting a filing cabinet where you can have easy access to your files. You can also establish two zones and decide what type of activity happens in each area of your office.

5. Schedule Regular Cleaning Time

Keep your desk or workspace clean all the time and maintain it. To accomplish this, create a schedule for regular cleaning. Also, clean your desk before you leave and replace in-progress items in their proper place so that the next morning you will be fresh and organized.

6. Sort Relentlessly and Keep Paper Off Your Desk

Keep paper off your desk by creating an archive of your files. Place magazine boxes or binders to store magazines and catalogs you really want to store. Sort all files and place it in different folders and don’t forget to follow your filing system.

7. Organize Your Drawers

Separate drawers for personal items and office supplies. Put items together accordingly and use bins to help you keep your drawers organized and everything within easy reach.

8. Place A Bigger Trash Bin

Don’t put your trash down or place it on your desk, instead use a trash bin. Make sure that you can easily and quickly reach the trash from your chair by placing it near your desk.

9. Use Storage boxes

For extra space, you can use storage boxes to keep archived files and get them out of your current file space. In case that you will be needing them in the future, you’ll be able to find it immediately.

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