1 Anti-Ballistic Missiles II SOLO HERMELIN Update 08.01.10

Anti ballistic missiles ii

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Anti-Ballistic Missiles II


Update 08.01.10

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Table of Content

SOLO Anti – Ballistic Missiles

Ballistic Missiles of the Third World Iran’s Ballistic Missiles

North Korea's Ballistic Missiles

Ballistic Missile CharacteristicsUSA Ballistic Missile Defense

Military Services and National Labs 1944 - 1983

Project Nike

Safeguard Program

Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (SDIO) 1983 – 1994

Nike-Hercules Missile Nike Zeus A


Nike Zeus B

Sprint LIM-49A Spartan

SDIO ProgramsStandard Missile

Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense SystemUSA Ballistic Missile Defense System Airborne Laser (ABL)

Anti-Ballistic I

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Table of Content (continue)

SOLO Anti – Ballistic Missiles

Radars for Ballistic Missile Defense

Homing Overlay TestsMcDonnell Douglas HEDI (High Endo-atmospheric Defense Interceptor) ERIS (Exo-atmospheric Reentry Interceptor Subsystem)

FLAGE (Flexible Lightweight Agile Guided Experiment) TestingERINT (Extended Range Interceptor)Patriot System LEAP (Lethal Exo-atmospheric Projectile) Testing:Ground Based Interceptor [GBI]THAAD (Target High Altitude Area Defense)

MEADS (Medium Extended Air Defense System)

Missile Defense Agency (MDA) 2001 - Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) 1994 – 2001

Space Based Infrared System

Kinetic Energy Interceptor (KEI)

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Anti – Ballistic Missiles

Arrow Missile System

Aster Missile

RUSIA’s Anti - Ballistic Missiles

SH-01 'Galosh' anti-ballistic missilesRussia’s S-300 Family

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SOLO Anti – Ballistic Missiles

AN/FPS – 108 Cobra Dana

Calibration Fixture

First deployed in 1977, the AN/FPS-108 radar operates in the 1215-1400 MHz band using a 29m phased array antenna. The primary mission is to track and collect data on foreign intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and submarine launched ballistic missile (SLBM) test launches to the Kamchatka impact area and the broad ocean impact areas in the Pacific Ocean. The metric and signature data collected support START 2 and INF treaty monitoring, and scientific and technical intelligence efforts.

Aleutian IslandsRaytheonUHF Phased Array

30 m diameter35,000 elements

25,000 nmi range

http://www.fas.org/spp/military/program/track/cobra_dane.htmRadars for Ballistic Missile Defense

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SOLO Anti – Ballistic MissilesRadars for Ballistic Missile Defense

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AN/FPS-115 PAVE PAWS Radar PAVE PAWS reached initial operating capability 4 April 1980 at Otis AFB in Massachusetts, and 15 August at Beale AFB, California

PAVE is an Air Force program name, that, contrary to some reports, does not have an expansion, while PAWS stands for Phased Array Warning System. The radar is used primarily to detect and track sea-launched and intercontinental ballistic missiles. The system also has a secondary mission of Earth-orbiting satellite detection and tracking. Information received from the PAVE PAWS radar systems pertaining to SLBM/ICBM and satellite detection is forwarded to the United States Space Command's Missile Warning and Space Control Centers at Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Base, Colo. Data is also sent to the National Military Command Center and the US Strategic Command.


•UHF Phased Array •1792 elements•22.1 meter diameter•3,000 nmi

Radars for Ballistic Missile Defense


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Peak Power 1,792 active elements at 325 watts = 582.4 kilowatts (kW)

Duty Factor 25% (11% search, 14% track)

Average Power 145.6 kW

Effective Transmit Gain

37.92 dB

Active Radar Diameter 22.1 m

Frequency 420 MHz – 450 MHz

Radar Detection Range 5,556 km (3,000 nmi)

Wavelength 0.69 m at 435 MHz

Sidelobs -20 dB (1st), -30 dB (2nd)-- 38 dB (root mean square)

Face Tilt 20 degrees

Number of Faces 2

3 db Beam Width 2.2 degrees



Radars for Ballistic Missile Defense

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Cobra Judy Ballistic Missile Tracking Radar AN/SPQ - 11


Close up view of the front of Cobra Judy radar, 1983

Passive electronically scanned array 2900-3100 MHz (E\F band), 22.5 foot diameter,12,288 elements.

Radars for Ballistic Missile Defense

AN/SPQ-11 Cobra Judy

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During live missile firing tests held by the Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN) in March 2005, the APAR radar system successfully guided two Evolved SeaSparrow Missiles (ESSM) and two Standard Missiles (SM2) simultaneously to various targets, destroying them all.

APAR, Thales' Active Phased Array Radar, is the world's most sophisticated multi-function radar. Its non-rotating antenna houses four faces that together cover the full 360 degrees. Each face consists of more than 3000 very small radar transmitter/receiver (T/R) elements, giving the radar its unique capabilities and high operational availability. The inherent agility of APAR guarantees a high performance in the most adverse conditions, under severe electronic protection measures. APAR makes use of Interrupted Continuous Wave Illuminations (ICWI) technology, a concept that has been developed in the international Tri-lateral Frigate Cooperation formed by the Netherlands, Germany and Canada.



Radars for Ballistic Missile Defense

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AN/TPS-59 (V)3 Tactical Missile Defense Radar Developed for the United States Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) and the United States Marine Corps, the TPS-59 (V)3 is designed to operate with HAWK and Patriot.When integrated with HAWK, the TPS-59 (V)3/HAWK system is the most cost effective TMD system currently in production with successfully validated performance against ballistic missiles as well as air breathing threats.The radar has been designed to be rapidly transported by truck, helicopter, or C-130 cargo plane.


Frequency 1215 – 1400 Hz

Transmitter Power 46 kW

Tactical Ballistic Missiles

Range 400 nmi (740 km) with continuous coverage to 106 ft (305 km)

Elevation Beam Steering -5º to 60º

Azimuth Sector Coverage 360º

Launch/Impact Point prediction 3-5 km circular probability for 50 – 750 km range TBMs

Surveillance Volume 95 x 10 nmi3 (603 x 106 km3)Air Breathing Targets

Range 300 nmi (555 km) with continuous coverage to 105 ft (30.5 km)

Elevation Beam Steering -2º to 20º

Azimuth Sector Coverage 360º

Reliability MTBF 2,000 hours Availability 0.9947

Lockheed MartinRadars for Ballistic Missile Defense

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Upgraded Early Warning Radar (UEWR): U.S. early warning radars are large, fixed, phased-array surveillance radars used to detect and track ballistic missiles directed into the United States. Upgrades to America’s Early Warning Radar network will provide the existing forward-based radars with the capability to support the NMD surveillance function. Prior to deployment of the SBIRS (Low) satellites, the UEWRs will be used to detect and track objects during their midcourse phase, primarily to cue the more precise X-Band Radar.

Radars for Ballistic Missile Defense

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Sea-Based X-Band Radar Sea-Based X-Band Radar is a floating, self-propelled, mobile radar station designed to operate in high winds and heavy seas. It is part of the United States Government's Ballistic Missile Defense System. The Sea-Based X-Band Radar is mounted on a 5th generation Norwegian-designed, Russian-built CS-50 semi-submersible twin-hulled oil-drilling platform. Conversion of the platform was carried out at the AMFELS yard in Brownsville, Texas; the radar mount was built and mounted on the platform at the Kiewit yard in Ingleside, Texas, near Corpus Christi. It will be based at Adak Island in Alaska but can roam over the Pacific Ocean to detect incoming ballistic missiles.

ST. LOUIS, Jan. 10, 2006 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] announced today the arrival in Hawaii of the Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX) built for the U.S. Missile Defense Agency. This marks an interim stop in the vessel's transport operation, originating in the Gulf of Mexico and maneuvering through the Straits of Magellan, ultimately destined for Adak, Alaska.


Radars for Ballistic Missile Defense

US Navy is deploying the HAARP platform SBX-1 to hit North Korea

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Airborne Warning & Command System (AWACS)Radars for Ballistic Missile Defense

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Airborne Warning & Command System (AWACS)

Radars for Ballistic Missile Defense

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SOLO Anti – Ballistic Missiles

Parameter Value

Operating Frequency 3.3 Ghz

Wavelength 9.1 cm

Physical Aperture Area 6 m2

Effective Aperture Area 3.3m2

Number of Active Elements 5,000

Azimuth Beam Width 1.0º

Elevation Beam Width 5.0º

Scan Sector 360º

Search Solid Angle (one line) 0.55 str

Total Average Power 30 kW

Power-aperture Product 100 kW m2

Noise Temperature 650 ºK

Equipment Loss (Beam center) 9.0 db

Extra Loss in Search 5.0 db

Atmospheric Loss 3.2 db

Total Search Loss 17.2 db

Report of theAmerican Physical Society Study Group on

Boost-Phase Intercept Systemsfor National Missile Defence

Scientific and Technical IssuesJuly 2003

pg. 179

AN/APY-2 Radar CharacteristicsAWACS


Radars for Ballistic Missile Defense

Boeing E-3 Sentry AWACS - An eagle-eyed watcherReturn to TOC

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SOLO Anti – Ballistic MissilesUSA Anti – Ballistic Missiles

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SOLO Anti – Ballistic MissilesUSA Anti – Ballistic Missiles

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In 1984 the US Army conducted the Homing Overlay experiments, which demonstrated a successful intercept of a re-entry vehicle by a long-range ground-launched surface-to-air missile.

This was followed in 1990 by the High Endoatmospheric Defense Interceptor (HEDI) programm, which tested IR seekers at high velocity in the upper atmosphere to determine how heating effects would affect their performance. The effects were less than expected.

In 1991 an Exoatmospheric Re-entry vehicle Interception Systems (ERIS) flight demonstrated a successful intercept at 925 km range and at an altitude of 270 km. A second ERIS flight in 1992 missed the target RV by around 6 m.

A Ground Based Interceptor (GBI) programm started in 1992, was halted in 1993, and re-started again in 1995. Originally intended to provide an anti-ballistic missile defence of the whole of the US from several sites located around the coastline, the first design had a range of around 2,000 km. The provisions of the 1972 ABM Treaty limited the Russian Federation and the US to just one interceptor site and 100 missiles, and in 1995 the GBI range requirement was increased to 2,500 km so that only one launch site would be used.

USA Anti – Ballistic Missiles

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Chronology of hit-to-kill missile tests, 16 Apr 1997 , George Lewis, MIT

Homing Overlay used a large, infrared homing interceptor, which unfurled a fifteen foot diameter sets of spokes just prior to intercept. There was controversy in 1993/94 over the revelation of a deception program in which a small amount of explosive placed on the interceptor would be used to blow up the interceptor following a near miss in order to deceive the Soviets into believing a hit had been scored. Neither of the first two intercept attempts came close enough to the target to employ the deception scheme, and it was discontinued after the second flight. The target was also heated (to about 100 degrees F) prior to launch to enhance its IR signal.

Homing Overlay Tests

December 1982: First flight aborted ***February 7, 1983: First intercept attempt misses by large distance. Miss attributed to anomalies in the sensor cooling system that prevented homing. ***May 28, 1983: Second intercept attempt misses by a large distance. The interceptor began homing, but missed due to a failure in the guidance electronics. ***December 1983: Third intercept attempt misses. A software error in the on-board computer prevented the conversion of optical homing data into steering commands. ***June 10, 1984: Fourth intercept attempt hits target. The closing speed was said to be greater than 20,000 feet per second (6.1 km/sec). The target was reportedly acquired at a range of "hundreds of miles"



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McDonnell Douglas HEDI (High Endoatmospheric Defense Interceptor)

No true HEDI missiles were built, but technology for an endoatmospheric hit-to-kill missile interceptor was tested by KITE (Kinetic Kill Vehicle Integrated Technology Experiment) test vehicles as part of the HEDI program. KITE was a rail-launched missile based on the older Sprint nuclear-armed ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile). It was a two-stage solid-fueled rocket, powered by a Hercules X-265 and a Hercules X-271 motor. The KKV (Kinetic Kill Vehicle) was fitted with an infrared seeker, which was protected behind a shroud during the initial high-speed flight through the lower atmosphere. The KITE achieved an acceleration of over 200 G immediately after launch.


The first KITE test flight ("KITE-1") on 26 January 1990 was followed by a failed launch ("KITE-2") on 23 September 1991 and the second and last flight ("KITE-2A") on 26 August 1992. The operational HEDI program had been cancelled in 1992, but the KITE flights tested various system components like seeker, guidance and control systems. However, no actual intercepts were attempted.

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McDonnell Douglas HEDI (High Endoatmospheric Defense Interceptor)

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Chronology of hit-to-kill missile tests, 16 Apr 1997 , George Lewis, MIT

ERIS (Exo-atmospheric Reentry Interceptor Subsystem) Tests:ERIS Lockheed was the prime contractor for this $500 million program, which was part of SDIO's Ground-Based Interceptor Program. The ERIS program built on technology developed as part of Homing Overlay.

***January 28, 1991: First intercept test. The ERIS kill vehicle reportedly hit and destroyed a mock RV target. The dummy warhead was accompanied by 2.2 meter balloon "decoys," tethered to the warhead about 180 meters apart, and the ERIS was told to home on the center one of the three objects. About one second before impact, the kill vehicle deployed an inflatable octagonal kill enhancement device. The intercept occurred at an altitude of 145 nautical miles (270 km) and at a closing speed of greater than 30,000 mph (13.4 km/sec). ***May 11, 1991: Second intercept test aborted. About one minute before the ERIS was scheduled to be launched the launch was called off because of a "telemetry anomaly" with the target, which had already been launched. This failure apparently led the planned series of three intercept attempts to be reduced to only two. ***March 13, 1992: Second intercept attempt. The ERIS failed to hit the target, reportedly missing by "several meters." This time the target was accompanied by a single balloon "decoy." The decoy and target were separated by about 20 meters and the kill vehicle flew between them. Discrimination was accomplished using a one-color IR sensor, using data from the first test (and two-color IR data was collected for use in the future) with the ERIS being programmed to intercept the cooler target. The miss was apparently a result of two factors: a greater than anticipated separation between the decoy and target and a late detection (by about 0.2 second) of the target relative to the decoy, which, together with a pre-programmed one- second data collection period, left the kill vehicle with insufficient time to maneuver to an intercept. The intercept attempt reportedly took place at an altitude of 180 miles (290 km) and at a closing speed of 25,000 mph (11.2 km/sec).


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Chronology of hit-to-kill missile tests, 16 Apr 1997 , George Lewis, MIT

ERIS Tests:

In November 1985, Lockheed was awarded a contract to develop and test the ERIS (Exoatmospheric Reentry Interceptor Subsystem) ballistic missile interceptor as part of the ground-based missile defense system within the SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) program. ERIS was to become an upper-tier system, complemented by the lower-tier HEDI (High Endoatmospheric Defense Interceptor). The ERIS test missiles consisted of the second and third stage (Aerojet General M56A1 + Hercules M57A1) of surplus LGM-30A/B Minuteman I ICBMs, which boosted the hit-to-kill interceptor vehicle into space. Sensor and guidance technology of the ERIS KKV (Kinetic Kill Vehicle) was based on the experience won by the earlier HOE (Homing Overlay Experiment) tests. Because of technology improvments the ERIS KKV, which used an inflatable octagonal "kill enhancer", was significantly smaller and lighter than the HOE KKV. All ERIS tests used Orbital Sciences Aries missiles as delivery vehicles for the target RV (Reentry Vehicle). On the first intercept attempt on 28 January 1991, the target RV deployed two balloon "decoys" on each side, but the KKV was preprogrammed to home on the center target (i.e. the warhead). The RV was successfully destroyed at a closing speed of more than 13.4 km/s (44000 fps) at an altitude of 270 km (145 nm). In the second test on 13 March 1992, the target RV deployed a single decoy balloon and the KKV had to make the warhead/decoy decision by itself. Although the seeker logic of the ERIS KKV reportedly identified warhead and decoy correctly, no hit was scored because target detection was a bit late (partially because of preplanned test requirements), giving the KKV not enough time to manoeuver to the intercept point. Despite the partial failure of the second test, the ERIS test program was considered fully successful, and two of the originally planned four tests were cancelled. Because of the changed world situation after the end of the Cold War, the SDI program was somewhat reoriented in the early 1990s towards what was then called GPALS (Global Protection Against Limited Strikes), and ERIS itself was not directly developed into an operational system. However, experience and technology developed during ERIS was put to use in the current missile defense programs, like THAAD (Theater High-Altitude Area Defense) and the GBI (Ground-Based Interceptor) missile of the GMD (Ground-Based Midcourse Defense) system (formerly NMD; National Missile Defense).


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Chronology of hit-to-kill missile tests, 16 Apr 1997 , George Lewis, MIT

FLAGE (Flexible Lightweight Agile Guided Experiment) Testing:

FLAGE (flexible lightweight agile guided experiment) - formerly known as SR-HIT (small radar-homing intercept technology) -- was the predecessor of the current Patriot PAC-3 ERINT interceptor. FLAGE was a small (9 inches in diameter) highly-maneuverable, millimeter-wave radar-guided interceptor intended for relatively short-range intercepts well within the atmosphere. The missile spins during flight and its center of gravity and center of pressure are reportedly very close together, making it inherently unstable. 216 small solid rocket motors mounted in the missile body forward of its center of gravity were used to achieve very high maneuverablity (reportedly about 100 Gs).


***January 20, 1984. First flight test. An unguided ballistic trajectory flight to test missile performance and stability. Reportedly a success. First of a planned series of nine flight tests. ***March 15, 1984. Second flight test. Non-homing test in which the missile was to make a series of six pre-programmed maneuvers. Missile became unstable during second maneuver, and its radome and fins were torn off. Prior to the third test, ballast was added to improve the missile's aerodynamic static margin. ***November 29, 1984. Third flight test. Non-homing test. The missile reportedly successfully executed a series of pre- planned maneuvers. ***Date?? Fourth flight test. Test was to be against a stationary target suspended from a balloon. ***April 20, 1986. Fifth flight test. Target was a 44 inch diameter aluminum sphere held in place at 12,000 feet (3.7 km) altitude by a balloon. Test was a success, with missile passing through the target.

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Chronology of hit-to-kill missile tests, 16 Apr 1997 , George Lewis, MIT

FLAGE (Flexible Lightweight Agile Guided Experiment) Testing (continue) :http://www.fas.org/spp/eprint/lewis_tests.htm

***June 27, 1986. Sixth flight test. First intercept attempt against a simulated missile target, and the interceptor hit the target. The intercept took place 7 seconds after the interceptor launch at an altitude of about 12,000 feet (3.7 km). There was no up-link to interceptor after its launch. At intercept, FLAGE speed was 3,200 ft/sec (0.98 km/sec) and the target speed was 3,800 ft/sec (1.16 km/sec). The target was launched from an airplane and reportedly had an RCS of about 1 square meter. At the time of test, it was described as the sixth test in a series of nine. ***May 21, 1987. Seventh flight test, second intercept attempt. The FLAGE successfully intercepted a Lance ballistic missile (said to simulate a Soviet SS-21 missile). The Lance reportedly had a much smaller radar cross section than the previous targets. The intercept took place seven seconds after the FLAGE launch, at an altitude of 12,000 feet (3.7 km). At intercept, FLAGE speed was 3,200 ft/sec (0.98 km/sec) and the target speed was less than 3,000 ft/sec (0.91 km/sec). The FLAGE radar reportedly acquired the target 2 seconds before the intercept and 60 of the 216 small solid rocket motors were fired during the flight. Following the seventh flight test, it was reported that a second flight against a Lance missiles would be attempted in July 1987, and that a third test might be conducted after the data from the first two tests against a Lance were analyzed. However, I have not found anything indicating that either test occurred.

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Chronology of hit-to-kill missile tests, 16 Apr 1997 , George Lewis, MIThttp://www.fas.org/spp/eprint/lewis_tests.htm

ERINT Testing:

The ERINT (extended range interceptor) is similar to the FLAGE. It uses 180 small solid rocket thrusters to make rapid maneuvers.

ERINT launch at White Sands.

June 26, 1992. First flight test. Flight test without seeker, intended to test missile aerodynamics. Missile reportedly successfully flew a 34.3 second pre-programmed flight, including 5 G in-plane maneuvers. Late August, 1992. Second flight test. Reportedly successful aerodynamic flight, without seeker. ***June 8, 1993. Third flight test, first intercept attempt. The ERINT reportedly missed a Lance missile target by a very small distance. The miss was subsequently attributed to unexpected vibrations due to the solid rocket motor thrusters. ***November 30, 1993. Fourth flight test, second intercept attempt. The ERINT hit a Storm reentry vehicle (3.3 m long, 1 m base diameter) filled with 38 water-filled canisters intended to simulate chemical weapons submunitions, and reportedly destroyed all of them. The ERINT was said to weight 710 lbs at takeoff and 350 at the intercept. ***February 15, 1994. Fifth flight test, third intercept attempt. ERINT hit a Storm warhead filled with water, simulating a bulk chemical warhead, destroying it. June 2, 1994. Sixth flight test. ERINT successfully intercepted a simulated aircraft target.

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BMDO/ARMY Extended Range Interceptor (ERINT), which was developed by Loral Vought, was a heat-to-kill weapon that used impulse control/attitude control for end-game maneuvering. Aviation Week & Space Technology, January 17, 1994

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Raytheon - Patriot Air And Missile Defense System (PAC-3) Simulation

MIM-104 Patriot SAM System

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SOLO Anti – Ballistic MissilesPAC – 1

MIM – 104A

PAC – 2

MIM – 104C

PAC - 3

Type Land-mobile, S-A Single-stage




Launcher 4-round, Mobile trainable semi-trailer

4-round, Mobile trainable semi-trailer

8-round, Mobile trainable semi-trailer

Manufacturer Raytheon Raytheon (prime), Lockheed, Siemens, Mitsubishi

Lockheed Martin Vought Systems

Status Not in production In production In production

Length 5.3 m 5.18 m 5.2 m

Diameter 41 cm 41 cm 25 cm

Wingspan 92 cm 92 cm 50 cm

Launch Weight 914 kg 900 kg 312 kg

Propulsion Single-stage solid propellant RM

Single-stage solid propellant RM

Single-stage solid propellant RM

with piff-puffs control

Guidance Command guidance and semi-active homing, track-via missile (TVM)

Command guidance and semi-active homing,

Hit-to-kill + lethality enhancer 73 kg KE blast-fragmentation with proximity fuze

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SOLO Anti – Ballistic MissilesPAC – 1

MIM – 104A

PAC – 2

MIM – 104C

PAC - 3

Max speed In excess of Mach 3 Mach 5 Mach 5

Time of Flight 9 sec – 3.5 min 9 sec – 3.5 min 9 sec – 3.5 min

Min altitude 60 m 60 m 60 m

Max altitude NA 24 km 10 – 15 km

Min Range NA 3 km -

Max Range


70 km 160 km 15 km

Max Range

Anti Missile

15 – 45 km

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Chronology of hit-to-kill missile tests, 16 Apr 1997 , George Lewis, MIThttp://www.fas.org/spp/eprint/lewis_tests.htm

LEAP (Lethal Exoatmospheric Projectile) Testing:

LEAP Testing June 18, 1991. First hover test of LEAP (Hughes version). Seven second flight, altitude about 10 feet, while tracking a target outside of the test hanger. January 31, 1991. Successful 17 second hover flight of Rockwell-Boeing LEAP. LEAP FLIGHT TESTS. Original plans called for a series of 8 LEAP flight tests, with closing speeds ultimately reaching 10 km/second. February 18, 1992. LEAP 1 test. Used Rockwell Advanced Hover Interceptor Technology (AHIT) kill vehicle. Described as a success. There was a target, but hitting it was not a test objective (officials claimed that actually hitting target was only an "extra credit" objective). One objective of the test was to have the interceptor pass within 400 meters of the target - actual closest approach was 418 meters. ***June 19, 1992. LEAP 2 test. White Sands LEAP test involving Hughes version failed to hit target. The LEAP was supposed to receive target position and speed data, but did not and used default values, resulting in miss. The LEAP was able to track the target. ***LEAP 3 test. Originally scheduled for Sept. 1992, using Rockwell LEAP. Test was apparently conducted in June 1993, with the LEAP passing "within 7 m of a target traveling at 750 m/s." There appeared to be little if any reporting on this test at the time it actually occurred. LEAP 4 test was to have used Hughes LEAP, but apparently never took place.

LEAPLightweight Exoatmospheric Projectile (LEAP) is a highly modular, lightweight, space-tested interceptor element for the Standard Missile-3 Tactical Ballistic Missile Defense Program.


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Chronology of hit-to-kill missile tests, 16 Apr 1997 , George Lewis, MIThttp://www.fas.org/spp/eprint/lewis_tests.htm

LEAP (Lethal Exoatmospheric Projectile) Testing:

Two-tiered, theatre-missile defence

The navy is utilising an evolutionary approach to theatre-missile defence. Along with the BMDO it has developed a synergistic two-tier defence based on the Standard Missile-2 BLK IV that has entered low-rate production. The Standard Missile-2 BLK IVA provides a lower-tier area defence against ballistic missiles in the atmosphere as well as against threat aircraft and cruise missiles. A side-mounted imaging infrared (IR) seeker provides the precise aimpoint accuracy required to intercept small, high-velocity ballistic missile warheads. The IR seeker also improves the missile's performance against aircraft and cruise missiles in the presence of electronic counter measures. The SM-2 BLK IVA also has an improved, high- speed autopilot, an improved forward-looking fuse, and a highly lethal directional warhead. Although the SM-2 BLK IVA will get direct (skin-on-skin) hits in most cases, the warhead is being retained to ensure a kill in all scenarios, and maintain performance against manoeuvring aircraft and cruise missiles.


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SOLO Anti – Ballistic Missiles

Chronology of hit-to-kill missile tests, 16 Apr 1997 , George Lewis, MIThttp://www.fas.org/spp/eprint/lewis_tests.htm

LEAP (Lethal Exoatmospheric Projectile) Testing:

Two-tiered, theatre-missile defence

The standard missile-LEAP (SM-LEAP) utilises the SM-2 BLK IV airframe, control fins, MK72 booster and MK104 sustainer motor. In place of the warhead and radar seeker, is a third- stage rocket motor (TSRM), a third-stage guidance unit, and a lethal exo-atmospheric projectile (LEAP) kinetic kill vehicle. The standard missile's first and second stages fly out on an intercept trajectory. After second-stage separation, the third stage ignites and propels the LEAP towards the predicted intercept point. All three stages provide the LEAP KKV with a velocity of over four kilometres per second. Prior to reaching the impact zone, the LEAP is ejected from the third stage and autonomously acquires and tracks the ballistic missile with its advanced long-wave imaging infrared seeker. Using a high-thrust, solid-propellant, divert-propulsion system the LEAP KKV manoeuvres itself directly into the path of the incoming warhead. This combination of accuracy, high velocity, and LEAP's 30-kilogramme mass translates into as much kinetic energy as a city bus travelling at over 600 miles per hour more than enough to destroy a ballistic missile's warhead. The SM-LEAP interceptor provides an upper-tier, theatre-wide defence against ballistic missiles. SM-LEAP's high-velocity exo-atmospheric interceptor provides very large defended areas with multiple-shot opportunities and warheads often are destroyed prior to apogee, greatly reducing or eliminating chemical, biological or nuclear debris in the defended area. LEAP can operate down to an altitude of 70 kilometres, allowing it to intercept SCUD-class and longer-range theatre ballistic missiles. In fact SCUDs spend most of their flight time above 70 kilometres.

Hughes Missile Systems Company's lethal exo-atmospheric projectile (LEAP) kinetic kill vehicle (KKV)


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Chronology of hit-to-kill missile tests, 16 Apr 1997 , George Lewis, MIThttp://www.fas.org/spp/eprint/lewis_tests.htm

LEAP (Lethal Exoatmospheric Projectile) Testing:

Upper Tier Tests (Terrier/LEAP)

FTV-1: (Functional Technology Validation or Flight Test Vehicle). 24 September 1992. A modified Terrier missile was fired from the USS Richmond S. Turner to test the high-altitude aerodynamics of the missile. An 18" extension and ballast was added to the missile to simulate the LEAP. No LEAP or target was involved. Test apparently considered to be a success.

FTV-2: September 1993. Involved a SM-2 Block 3 interceptor launched from the USS Jouett. Missile reportedly successfully ejected a mock- up of the Rockwell LEAP. Apparently no target was involved. ***FTV-3: March 4, 1995 First intercept attempt for LEAP/Upper Tier, launched from the USS Turner. LEAP failed to hit target because a guidance error during the second stage caused the missile to fly too high, putting it in a position from which it could not make an intercept. This test used the Hughes version of LEAP. Two earlier attempts (on February 10 and 12) to conduct this test were canceled at the last minute. ***FTV-4: March 28, 1995 Test of Rockwell version of LEAP, again launched from USS Turner. The LEAP failed to hit the target, reportedly because the battery that supplied power to the LEAP failed.

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Ground Based Interceptor [GBI]

The Ground Based Interceptor [GBI] is the weapon of the National Missile Defense (NMD) system. Its mission is to intercept incoming ballistic missile warheads outside the earth’s atmosphere (exo-atmospheric) and destroy them by force of the impact. During flight, the GBI receives information from the NMD Battle Management, Command, Control, and Communications (BMC3) to update the location of the incoming ballistic missile, enabling the GBI onboard sensor system to identify and home in on the target. The GBI would consist of a multi-stage solid propellant booster and an exoatmospheric kill vehicle. No nuclear weapons would be used as part of the NMD system.

The Ground Based Interceptor will have an acceleration profile and burnout velocity that maximize the interceptor’s reach, consistent with the long-range capability of the supporting sensors. The GBI payload will be an Exo-Atmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV) equipped with a high-sensitivity infrared seeker and an agile divert system to support endgame intercepts of responsive threats at very high closing velocities. In addition, the payload will be hardened to elevated doses of X-rays to allow operation in nuclear environments. To limit the adverse effects of this environment on the interceptor, the defense battle management will distribute the engagements within the available battlespace; the larger the battlespace, the wider the separation, and the weaker the deleterious effects of a nuclear environment. Also, to achieve high confidence of success against all threat objects, salvos of interceptors may be launched against each credible threat object. These salvos will be spaced in time to reduce the likelihood of correlated errors among the intercept attempts.


Each missile would contain approximately 12,595 kilograms (27,766 pounds) of solid propellant. The exoatmospheric kill vehicle would contain approximately 9 to 14 kilograms (20 to 30 pounds) of liquid propellant. These liquid propellants would consist of monomethylhydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide.

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Ground Based Interceptor Launched from Vandenberg AFB

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The GBI is to use a newly developed silo-launched booster rocket, which is optimized for the role of exoatmospheric interceptor. To speed up EKV testing, all early interception tests used so-called "surrogate boosters", which were Lockheed Martin PLVs (Payload Launch Vehicles) made up of upper stages of surplus Minuteman missiles

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IFT (Integrated Flight Test) -6 launch and intercept -- July 14, 2001 -- BMDO images


Ground Based Interceptor [GBI]

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The EKV has a sensitive, long-range electro-optical infrared seeker which allows the EKV to acquire and track targets, and to discriminate between the intended target reentry vehicle and other objects, such as tank fragments or decoys. This enables the GBI to be launched against a cluster of objects and subsequently identify and intercept the targeted reentry vehicle. The EKV would also receive one or more in-flight target updates from other ground and space-based sensors, enhance the probability of intercepting the target. Based on this received data and its own sensors, the kill vehicle uses small on-board rockets to maneuvers so as to collide with the target, with both demolished in the high-speed collision.



Ground Based Interceptor [GBI]

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The Raytheon EKV is equipped with an infrared seeker, which is comprised of focal plane arrays and a cooling assembly attached to an optical telescope. The seeker software has to detect and track all incoming objects, discriminate warheads from decoys, and steer the EKV to a head-on collision with a target at closing speeds of more than 25700 km/h (16000 mph). The EKV's manoeuvering system, known as DACS (Divert and Attitude Control System), has four rocket thrusters around the vehicle's body. The vehicle weighs approximately 63 kg (140 lb), is 140 cm (55 in) long and about 60 cm (24 in) in diameter.

Raytheon EKV 64 kg (used on flight IFT-9)

Ground Based Interceptor [GBI]

In October 1990, the BMDO awarded three contracts for the design of an EKV to Martin Marietta (now Lockheed Martin), Hughes Missiles (now Raytheon) and Rockwell (now Boeing). The work essentially continued the studies and tests of the HOE (Homing Overlay Experiment) and ERIS (Exoatmospheric Reentry Interceptor Subsystem) programs. In a first downselect in 1995, Martin Marietta was eliminated from the EKV competition. The NMD flight tests IFT (Integrated Flight Test)-1 and IFT-2 (see also flight tests below) tested the Boeing and Raytheon EKV seeker designs on 24 June 1997 and 16 January 1998, respectively. After evaluation of the results, Raytheon was selected as prime contractor for the development of the EKV for the operational GBI missile.

Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV)


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground-Based_Midcourse_DefenseExoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV)

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Ground Based Interceptor [GBI] GBI tests, which include a kill vehicle, are designated in the IFT (Integrated Flight Test) series (as opposed to pure booster tests, which are designated BV - see booster section). All IFT flights up to IFT-10 have used the Lockheed Martin PLV (Payload Launch Vehicle) as a booster, because no purpose-built GBI booster had been ready. The PLV consists of the upper two stages of surplus LGM-30F Minuteman II ICBMs (Aerojet SR19-AJ-1 and Hercules M57A1). The designation NLGM-30F, allocated to Minuteman IIs converted to test vehicles, is possibly used for the PLVs. The IFT target missiles not only deploy a dummy warhead but also balloon decoys of varying number and size.

The first intercept attempt by the Raytheon EKV occurred during flight IFT-3 on 2 October 1999. Despite a failure in the EKV's IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit), the mock warhead was successfully intercepted. IFT-4 on 18 January 2000 failed to intercept the warhead, because of a failure in the EKV's sensor cooling system, and IFT-5 on 8 July 2000 was also unsuccessful because the EKV did not separate from the booster. Tests IFT-6 on 14 July 2001 and IFT-7 on 3 December 2001 repeated IFT-5, but were the first to use the XBR (X-Band Radar) developed for the operational system (earlier tests used an older radar and largely relied on a beacon in the mock warhead for target tracking data). XBR performance in IFT-6 was unsatisfactory, but IFT-6 and -7 both successfully intercepted the warhead. In all tests up to IFT-7, only a single large decoy balloon was used, which had a much brighter IR signature than the dummy warhead. This made it comparatively easy for the EKV's seeker logic to discriminate warhead and decoy, and is certainly not a combat-realistic scenario. IFT-8 on 15 March 2002 used three decoys, one large and two small ones. However, every decoy still had a significantly different IR signature than the mock warhead, and the EKV was given discrimination data prior to the test. IFT-9 on 14 October 2002 was presumably similar to IFT-8 (but MDA has classified decoy information from this test on), but used the U.S. Navy's AN/SPY-1 Aegis tracking radar for the first time. Both IFT-8 and -9 intercepted the target warhead. Flight IFT-10 failed on 11 December 2002 because the EKV again failed to separate from the booster.




Lockheed Martin PLV

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Ground Based Interceptor [GBI]http://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/app4/gbi.html

The next two flight tests, IFT-13C and IFT-14, also used the OSC booster. IFT-13C was an all-up test of the GMD system, where an interception was possible but not the primary objective. IFT-14, planned to follow about two months after IFT-13C, was to be the first actual interception test with the OSC booster. Originally planned for mid-2004, the IFT-13C/14 tests had been postponed several times. On 14 December 2004, IFT-13C was finally ready to go. However, the interceptor booster shut down immediately before the planned lift-off, after the target had already been launched. It turned out that a software error in a pre-launch check routine led to the abort. The test objectives of IFT-13C were to be repeated by IFT-14 on 14 February 2005, but again the interceptor missile did not launch. This time, a support arm, which holds the missile in the silo, did not properly retract before the attempted launch.

Flight testing eventually resumed on 13 December with a test labeled "Flight Test-1" (the IFT numbering sequence is no longer used). This test, which was to validate GMD component interoperability, was successful, but did not include an actual target intercept. Tests FT-2 on 1 September 2006 and FT-3a (a.k.a. FTG-3a) on 28 September 2007 both resulted in a successful target interception. Another test in May 2007 had to be aborted after the STARS target missile had failed.

In December 2002, President Bush directed the Department of Defense to field an initial missile defense capability by the end of 2004. This was to include ten GMD interceptors in 2004 and ten more by 2005. The first GBI missile silos were built at Ft. Greely, Alaska, and will form (in connection with supporting guidance system components at Eareckson AFS on Shemya Island) what is called a "Missile Defense Testbed". The second GBI base is Vandenberg AFB, California. Because of the problems with the Lockheed Martin BV, OSC provides all initial booster vehicles. In July 2004, the first GBI missile was installed in a silo at Ft. Greely, and by the end of the year, five more interceptors had been deployed at that location. Throughout 2004, it has been planned to get the system to operational alert status by the end of that year despite the delays in the flight test program. This plan has been postponed after the failure of IFT-13C in December. In any case, the GMD program has some way to go towards fully realistic interception tests, and a fully functional combat ready GMD system is probably still several years in the future.

Operational System

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Ground Based Interceptor [GBI]http://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/app4/gbi.html

Length 16.8 m (55 ft)

Diameter 1.27 m (50 in)

Weight 12,700 kg (26,000 lb)

Speed ?

Ceiling 2,000 km (1,250 miles)

Propulsion 1st stage: Alliant Tech Orion 50SXLG solid-fueled rocket, 441 kN (99,000 lb)

2nd stage : Alliant Tech Orion 50SXL solid-fueled rocket, 153 kN (34,500 lb)

3rd stage: : Alliant Tech Orion 38 solid-fueled rocket, 32 kN (7,200 lb)

Warhead EKV “Hit-to-Kill” vehicle

SpecificationsData for Orbital Booster Vehicle:

Kinetic Energy Interceptor (KEI) for ICBM Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Killing

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Ground Based RADAR http://www.fas.org/spp/starwars/program/gbr.htm

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These radars appear to have an average power of 170 kW and an antenna area of 123 square meters. This would appear to result in a power-aperture product of about 20 million. However, this overstates the search capability of the XBR, which has a "thinned" array with some 81,000 transmit-receive modules in the antenna, only one fifth the number of radiating elements that would be present in a fully populated phased array antenna. This thinned array decreases the gain of the radar by a factor of about 5, with more of the radar's energy going into sidelobes, producing an effective power-aperture product of less than 4 million. Fully populating the XBR antenna would increase its effective power-aperture by a factor of about 25. However, the additional transmit-receive modules would greatly increase the cost of the radar, since these solid-state active components are the dominant cost of the system.

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Defense NewsJuly 20 - 26, 1992

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Future Weapons: THAAD Missile

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THAAD SYSTEM http://www.fas.org/spp/starwars/program/thaad.htm

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THAAD SYSTEM http://www.fas.org/spp/starwars/program/thaad.htm

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THAAD Seeker Imaging IFT-10June 10, 1999



Length 6.17 m (20 ft 3 in)

Diameter Booster:34 cm (13.4 in); KV: 37 cm (14.5 in)

Weight 900 kg (2000 lb)

Speed 2,800 m/s (9,200 fps)

Ceiling 150 km (93 miles)

Range > 200 km (125 miles)

Propulsion Pratt & Whitney solid-fuel rocket

Warhead None (“hit-to-kill”)


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THAAD MDA - February 2, 2007

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SOLO Anti – Ballistic MissilesParameter Value

Operating Frequency 9.5 GHz

Wavelength 3.2 cm

Physical Aperture Area 9.2 m2

Effective Aperture Area 6 m2

Number of Active Elements 25,344

Receiving Gain (with weighting) 76,000

Azimuth Beam Width 0.6º

Elevation Beam Width 0.8º

Scan Sector 90º

Search Solid Angle (one line) 0.011 str

Module Peak Power 10 W

Module Average Power 2.1 W

Total Average Power 54 kW

Power-aperture Product 324 kW m2

Noise Temperature 500 ºK

Equipment Loss (Beam center) 2.8 db

Extra Loss in Search 7.2 db

Atmospheric Loss 5.5 db

Total Search Loss 15.5 db

THAAD Radar AntennaElement and Electronics

Report of theAmerican Physical Society Study Group on

Boost-Phase Intercept Systemsfor National Missile Defence

Scientific and Technical IssuesJuly 2003

pg. 177


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Original plan for THAAD testing called for a series of 14 flight test, to be completed by March 1997, with the third flight test being the first intercept attempt. August, 1994: Simulated THAAD launch (to an altitude of roughly 200 feet) using a short-burn booster. First Test: April 21, 1995: First THAAD flight test. Tested flight of interceptor and KKV sensors (observing moon and stars), no target was involved. Labeled a success. Second Test: July 31 or August 1, 1995: Flight test with no target. After an energy management manuever, the THAAD velocity was higher than expected, and the missile was destroyed in order to prevent debris from leaving the test range boundaries. This happened before the seeker shroud was dropped. Third Test: October 13, 1995: First test with a target; however because of range safety concerns, no actual intercept was attempted (the kill vehicle was programmed to miss by 20 meters or more). Primary purpose of test was to collect seeker data, and the interceptor apparently performed well. However, the THAAD GBR radar (in its first use in a flight test), which was not the prime radar for the test, malfunctioned and failed to track either THAAD or the target. ***Fourth Test: December 13, 1995: First intercept attempt. The THAAD kill vehicle failed to hit its Storm target. The miss was attributed to a software error which caused an unneeded kill vehicle divert maneuver, causing the kill vehicle to run out of divert fuel before the intercept could be made. The THAAD GBR radar, again used only in an observing role, apparently worked well. ***Fifth Test: March 22, 1996. Second intercept attempt. The THAAD interceptor missed the Hera target. The THAAD kill vehicle did not respond to commands following separation from its booster. The failure was attributed to a broken cable connecting the kill vehicle with its supporting electronics module. ***Sixth Test: July 15, 1996. Third intercept attempt. The THAAD kill vehicle failed again to hit its target, although it apparently came close to it. The failure was caused by a seeker problem. It appears that the precise cause of the seeker failure could not be conclusively determined, with loose connectors that hold electronics boards to the back of the seeker the leading suspect. The GBR radar reportedly worked well. ***Seventh Test. March 6, 1997. Fourth intercept attempt. THAAD once again missed the target. The failure was attributed to the THAAD divert and attitude control system, which had worked in previous tests.

THAAD Demonstration-Validation phase

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***Eight Test, 12 May 1998, Electrical short circuit due to foreign object debris in thrust vector control caused booster failure. Prior to the test, Pentagon officials tried to lower expectations by saying they would consider the test successful if the missile reached the endgame. Angry with the repeated failures, the Senate voted to cut the FY 99 funding authorization by $253.9 million, reallocating the resources to black projects. This eliminated the rest of the money authorized in FY 99 to begin an EMD contract with Lockheed Martin. SASC had already cut $70 million from the THAAD EMD authorization for that year. The House voted to make Lockheed Martin liable for future tests.

***Ninth Test, 29 March 1999, Attitude control system nozzle was torn from its bracket. There were four failures: a maneuvering thruster malfunctioned, the thruster's combustion chamber overheated, the telemetry failed and the missile missed the target. The test was also to demonstrate the infrared indium antimonide (InSb) seeker, closed-loop system, and (for the first time) the user operational evaluation system radar performance against the unitary target. Lockheed Martin was penalized $15 million for the miss.

*** Tenth Test, 10 June 1999, Intercept of Hera class unitary target within the aimpoint region (an area on the mock warhead). At this point, the goal was to field units by 2007. The interception occurred at an altitude of just under 60 miles with both target and interceptor traveling at just under 1 mile/sec.


*** Eleventh Test, 2 August 1999, Exoatmospheric intercept of Hera class separating target within the aimpoint region (again, an area on the mock warhead). After, the Pentagon decided to skip attempting a third interception before going into EMD (the contract was awarded June 30, 2000 , for $4 billion). If Lockheed Martin had not achieved an interception, it would have been fined $20 million.

*** Twelve Test, 2004, THAAD is scheduled to next undergo a flight test late in FY 04, with intercepts to be attempted in FY 05. There are 16 tests planned. MDA will start with exo-atmospheric intercepts and then try endo-atmospheric intercepts.

THAAD Demonstration-Validation phase

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Since November 2005 the THAAD Weapon System program has conducted six successful flight tests, including three tests involving the successful intercept of threat representative targets:** November 2005 – Successful missile-only flight test April 2006 – Successful integration of the entire THAAD Weapon System including launcher, interceptor, radar and fire control system* July 2006 – Successful seeker characterization flight test including first target intercept* September 2006 – Flight test designated a ‘no-test’ when the HERA target malfunctioned and was destroyed by WSMR Range Safety before the interceptor was launched; excellent ground data was acquired* January 2007 – Successful intercept of a unitary target in THAAD’s first flight test at the PMRF* April 2007 – Successful intercept of a unitary target* June 2007 – Successful missile-only flight test in low endo-atmosphere

THAAD Engineering and Manufacturing Development phase (Resume)

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21 April 1995: THAAD completed its first test flight to prove its propulsion system. There was no target in the test. 31 July 1995: THAAD failed a kill vehicle control test. The test flight was aborted. There was no target in the test. 13 October 1995: THAAD was launched to test its target-seeking system. There was no attempt to hit the target in the test. 13 December 1995: THAAD failed to hit a test target due to software errors in the missile's fuel system. 22 March 1996: THAAD failed to hit a test target due to mechanical problems with the kill vehicle's booster separation. 15 July 1996: THAAD failed to hit a test target due to a malfunction in the targeting system. 6 March 1997: THAAD failed to hit a test target due to a contamination in the electrical system. 12 May 1998: THAAD failed to hit a test target due to an electrical short circuit in the booster system. At this point,

the U.S. Congress reduced funding for the project due to repeated failures. 29 March 1999: THAAD failed to hit a test target due to multiple failures including guidance system. 10 June 1999: THAAD hit a test target in a simplified test scenario. 2 August 1999: THAAD hit a test target outside the atmosphere.

THAAD Demonstration-Validation phase


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THAAD Engineering and Manufacturing Development phase

In June 2000, Lockheed won the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) contract to turn the design into a mobile tactical army fire unit. Flight tests of this system resumed with missile characterization and full-up system tests in 2006 at WSMR, then moved to the Pacific Missile Range Facility. On 22 November 2005, THAAD launched a missile in its first Flight EMD Test, known as FLT-01. The test was deemed a success by Lockheed and the Pentagon. On 11 May 2006, THAAD conducted FLT-02, the first developmental flight test to test the entire THAAD system including interceptor, launcher, radar, and fire control system. On 12 July 2006, THAAD conducted FLT-03, intercepting a live target missile. On 13 September 2006, THAAD attempted to conduct the FLT-04 test. The HERA target launched but had to be terminated in mid-flight before the launch of the FLT-04 missile. This has officially been characterized as a "no test." FLT-05, a missile-only test, was postponed until mid-spring 2007. On 27 January 2007, THAAD conducted FLT-06 test, intercepting a “high endo-atmospheric” (just inside earth’s atmosphere) unitary (non-separating) target representing a “SCUD”-type ballistic missile launched from a mobile platform off Kauai in the Pacific Ocean. On 6 April 2007, THAAD conducted FLT-07 test, intercepting a “mid endo-atmospheric” unitary target missile off Kauai in the Pacific Ocean. It successfully tested THAAD's interoperability with other elements of the MDS system. [1] [2] On 27 October 2007, THAAD conducted a successful exo-atmospheric test at the Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) off Kauai, Hawaii. The flight test demonstrated the system's ability to detect, track and intercept an incoming unitary target above the Earth's atmosphere. The Missile was hot-condition tested to prove its ability to operate in extreme environments.[3][4] THAAD was originally scheduled for deployment in 2012, but deployment has recently been accelerated to 2009.


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March 2009, the first interceptor launched in Flight Test 10 destroyed a target kill vehicle (left), and seconds later another Thaad missile collided with a large piece of debris tumbling from the wreckage of the first engagement (right). This is a compilation of two infrared images collected from aircraft monitoring the test; the image was made public at Aviation Week’s request.Credit: LOCKHEED MARTIN

Amy Butler, “MDA Eyes Longer-Range Thaad Options”, Aviation Week & Space Technology,August 17, 2009, pp. 38 - 44

March 2008, first Thaad battery activated.

June 2008, Flight Test 9 intercept separating target at mid endo-atmospheric altitude.

During a Mar. 17 flight trial, the second of two Thaad interceptors, launched 12 sec. after the first, captures a series of images using its infrared seeker. At left, in the first two photos, the seeker is observing the first interceptor (top) closing in on the short-range target (bottom). The seeker on Interceptor 2 then captures the actual collision of Interceptor 1 and the target (third photo). The next two images show the wreckage of the engagement. Finally, the seeker on Interceptor 2 is viewing a large piece of debris just before impacting it. These are low-resolution images provided at Aviation Week’s request; high-resolution versions were not declassified.Credit: LOCKHEED MARTIN

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Amy Butler, “MDA Eyes Longer-Range Thaad Options”, Aviation Week & Space Technology,August 17, 2009, pp. 38 - 44

The addition of a larger, 21-in.-dia. booster appears to be the option of most interest. The Thaad interceptor is now 14.5 in. in diameter. "The concept behind the 21 inches is that it significantly increases the interceptor range, and by increasing range that significantly--three to four times--increases the defended area we have on the ground with the system," says U.S. Army Col. William Lamb, the Missile Defense Agency's Thaad project manager. He says the MDA is reviewing a concept from prime contractor Lockheed Martin for possible inclusion in the Fiscal 2011 budget, which is in the early stages of development.


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Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS)

The MEADS system will probably be fully interconnected by data-links with other air defence systems such as MIM-104 Patriot, THAAD and FSAF Aster. MEADS will be both mobile and air-transportable by C-130 Hercules and A400M aircraft, and probably also by heavy lift helicopters such as the CH-47 and CH-53, and will in effect be an MIM-23 HAWK and MIM-104 Patriot replacement. Present plans are to use the PAC-3 missile, possibly modified to the Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) standard to improve its performance. The MSE version would have increased range and altitude, improved manoeuvrability, a downlink from the seeker during flight, and the ability to adjust the motor thrust profile before launch. There are expected to be two versions of the missile; a hit-to-kill missile for intercepting ballistic missiles and a fragmentation warhead missile for use against aircraft and air-breathing missiles.

A typical battery is planned to have six launchers, each with 12 missiles, three re-load vehicles, each with 12 missiles, two tactical operations centers and two support vehicles, one UHF surveillance radar, and two dual-role surveillance/engagement radars. The manpower for a battery would be around 50 personnel, and a complete battery would take 20 C-130 loads.

MEADS Medium Extended Air Defense Missile Systems firing test Lockheed Martin


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SOLO Anti – Ballistic MissilesKinetic Energy Interceptor (KEI)

The Kinetic Energy Interceptor program will provide needed additional capability to the nation’s Ballistic Missile Defense System. The program was initially aimed at deploying a boost-phase intercept capability by 2008. By engaging ballistic missiles in the boost and ascent stages of flight, the KEI will provide the nation with the capability of defeating future sophisticated threats before their payloads are released. The KEI program is designed to produce interceptors capable of shooting down enemy ballistic missiles during their boost and ascent phases of flight. This effort will augment the midcourse and terminal based interceptor programs currently underway to provide a layered missile defense architecture that will guard against potential enemy attack.

Kinetic Energy Interceptor (KEI) is a missile defense program whose goal is to design, develop, and deploy kinetic energy-based, mobile, ground and sea-launched missiles that can intercept and destroy enemy ballistic missiles during their boost phase. KEI element consists of Interceptor Component, Mobile Launcher Component, and Command, Control, Battle Management, and Communications (C2BMC) component

Missile Defense, Kinetic Energy Interceptors

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USA Weapon Systems Evolution

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Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO)


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SOLO Anti – Ballistic MissilesLockheed is in the process of developing an electronic system called `Kill Vehicle' for the next generation of defensive missiles [29, 30]. The system is composed of four functional subsystems, each implemented in a separate ASIS MCM as follows:

Figure: Lockheed's Kill Vehicle Architecture with ASIS MCMs.

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The performance parameters of this system are 1,000 frames per second 256x256 Infrared (IR) pixel arrays Small volume of a few cubic inches Weight of less than 3 pounds

The applications of this system include: defensive missiles space satellites real time data acquisition and processing space based sensor processors workstations and supercomputers.

The `Kill Vehicle' system shows the importance and the need for real time signal processing, which requires very high throughput of data with very small size electronics for portability issues. This system was listed in this chapter because it resembles the envisaged structure for the 3D demonstration device.

Every subsystem is implemented in an MCM as follows: A Preprocessor: This is an MCM which takes analog output from Infra-Red (IR) pixels, converts the analog signal into a digital format that is, in turn, transferred to a time dependent systolic array processor. The preprocessor MCM contains all the analog-to-digital converters, which are mounted onto an active silicon substrate using flip-chip technology. Time Dependent Processor: This is a single input multiple data (SIMD) computer architecture, consisting of a systolic array pixel mapping processor which processes light intensity patterns into patterns which can be further analysed for identification. The systolic array time dependent processor consists of an array of flip-chips mounted over an active substrate. The expected operation speed for this module is 164 billion single bit instructions per second at a 40 MHz clock speed. Object Dependent Processor: This is responsible for motor stabilisation and time averaging, target acquisition and centroiding, target estimation and tracking, CSO (unknown acronym) resolution, and colour discrimination. This is a 64-bit processor designed to operate at 200 MIPS or more. Guidance and Control Processor: This controls and directs actions to the kill vehicle propulsion system. The architecture of this processor is similar to the architecture of the Object Dependent Processor.

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Space Based Infrared System

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SBIRS Mission Overview - Lockheed Martin

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SBIRS GEO-2 Launch Coverage

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The Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS): SBIRS is an additional element that future MD systems will utilize. SBIRS (High) is being developed by the Air Force as part of the early warning system upgrade, which will replace the Defense Support Program (DSP) satellites. In its MD mission, the SBIRS (High) constellation of sensor satellites will acquire and track ballistic missiles throughout their trajectory. This information will provide the earliest possible trajectory estimate to the BM/C3 element. By providing this “over-the-horizon” precision tracking data to the MD system, the effective MD battle space is expanded to permit interceptors to be launched before threats come within range of the XBR, which is critical for effective Missile Defense.


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The Midcource Space Experiment (MSX) carries an array of sensorsto monitor the spacecraft’s own environment, as well as the environmentin which enemy missiles andentryvehicle will be observed.IEEE Spectrum, September 1997, pg.53

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Telescopes for Midcource Space Experiment (MSX) various sensors are mounted to a common opticalthat holds them in close alignment so that observation through one instrument matches those from another, even in different portions of the spectrumIEEE Spectrum, September 1997, pg.53 Return to TOC

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Arrow Missile System http://www.army-technology.com/projects/arrow2/index.html#arrow22

An Arrow weapon system battery is equipped with typically four or eight launch trailers, each with six launch tubes and ready-to-fire missiles, a truck mounted Hazelnut Tree launch control centre, a truck mounted communications centre, a trailer mounted Citron Tree fire control centre and the units of a mobile Green Pine radar system.

Israel's Arrow Missile Defense System

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Arrow Missile System

The missile has a dual mode seeker with a passive infrared seeker for the tracking of tactical ballistic missiles and an active radar seeker used to home on air breathing targets at low altitudes.


The Elta Green Pine early warning and fire control radar for the Arrow system. The radar can detect targets at ranges up to about 500km and is able to track targets at speeds over 3,000m/s.

The missile launch platoon consists of the Hazelnut Tree truck-mounted Launch Control Centre (LCC), developed by IAI MLM, with four or eight missile launch trailers. The entire launch platoon is mobile and able to relocate to a new site. After firing the launchers can be reloaded in an hour.

Arrow-2 ASIP Intercepts a Ballistic Missile Target

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Aster Missile

Control flaps are associated with four powder maneuver rockets at the center of gravity of the missile (also referred to as PIF-PAF for Pilotage induit en force—Pilotage aérodynamique en force).

Models of the Aster 30 and Aster 15 side by side; note the difference between the boosters.


MBDA-Aster 15 y 30, Misil Antimisil.mp4

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Aster 30 SAMP/T – Surface-to-Air Missile Platform / Terrain

A SAMP/T battery includes: command and control vehicle, Arabel radar and up to six Transporter Erector Launcher (TEL) vehicles, each with eight missiles and a store of reload missiles.


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Aster 30 SAMP/T – Surface-to-Air Missile Platform / Terrain


The SAMP/T uses an upgraded version of the Arabel radar, with improved performance developed under the Aster 30 block 1 upgrade program, in order to extend the system's capability against higher speed targets and higher altitude targets. The SAMP/T system can intercept at 600km range (short range ballistic missile targets). The Thales Arabel radar is a 3D phased array radar for surveillance, tracking and missile guidance. The rectangular, 4,000-element, phased array antenna rotates at one revolution a second. Arabel operates in the eight to 13GHz X-band (I/J-band) with 360° azimuthal and -5° to 90° elevation scanning. The system can track up to 100 targets simultaneously and manage the uplink transmission of command update data to 16 missiles simultaneously. The standard Arabel radar operates at 150kW peak power and has a range of 100km. The beam can be shaped to optimise the performance. The radar uses frequency agility and pulse compression ECCM (Electronic Counter-Countermeasures) techniques.

Arabel Radar http://www.miltech.gr/Projects_ARABEL%20FCS_3_7.htm#Downloads

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The Aster 30 missile has a tandem first stage solid propellant booster motor which is jettisoned after launch and turn-over and before the mid-course phase. The first stage booster motor, developed by Fiat Avio, has length 2.3m, weight 340kg, burn time 3.5 seconds. It has two steerable nozzles to provide the missile with thrust vector control during the initial stage of flight.

After jettisoning the first stage booster motor, the second stage missile has a weight of 110kg, length of 2.6m and diameter of 18cm. The body of the missile carries four long rectangular wings and four blunt-tipped triangular control fins at the rear. The second stage missile is fitted with solid propellant sustainer motor. The sustainer motor efflux tube carries the uplink receiver and the fin actuators.

The missile uses inertial mid-course guidance, with guidance correction update data being transmitted from the ground-based fire control centre via the Arabel multifunction radar's uplink data channel. The Sagem Agyle inertial guidance unit is fitted with a Sistemi Inersiali inertial guidance reference system and a Sagem miniature laser gyroscope.

The missile uses 'Pilotage en Force' (PIF) fine-controlled side thrust exhaust for manoeuvrability in the final phase of flight just before intercept, to ensure that the missile is within 2m of the target when the warhead is detonated. The missile's PIF system comprises a solid propellant gas generator which exhausts through four lateral nozzles in the long rectangular wings at a point close to the missile's centre of gravity.

The missile does not role in the final phase of flight. The guidance control system commands the PIF system to exhaust through one or two nozzles generating a controlled sideways thrust pulling up to 60g acceleration.

The missile and the target approach each other on a reciprocal flight path. As the missile approaches the target in the terminal phase, the missile uses an active pulse Doppler radar seeker, a derivative of the AD4 seeker design (Air to Air MICA’s seeker) which incorporates a high-power travelling wave tube transmitter and wide antenna deflection, to home in on the target.


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ASTER 30 BLOCK 1 MISSILES (continue)

The seeker is laid on the target using data transmitted via the ground to missile uplink. Once seeker lock-on has been conformed the missile operates autonomously. The modifications to the seeker include higher closing velocity capability, an adjustment to the duty cycle to increase the transmitted power, an additional high resolution range function, and modified target lock-on and tracking algorithms. The seeker has ECCM including home on jam and clutter suppression. The programmable J-band pulse Doppler AD4A radar seeker manufactured by Thales and Selex Sistemi Integrati, operates at 12GHz to 18GHz.

The missile, which weighs typically 100kg at target intercept, is fitted with a 15kg directional blast fragmentation warhead designed by Fiat Avio and MBDA. The warhead is fitted with a Ku-band proximity fuse, which generates a constant working pseudo random phase digital coded waveform. The warhead is loaded with two types of fragments, 4g and larger fragments, which are directed towards the target.

The maximum speed of Aster 30 is 1.4km/sec. Aster 30 has the capability to intercept targets at altitudes from 50m to 20km. Against aircraft targets flying at altitudes above 3km, the maximum range of the Aster 30 is 100km. At aircraft targets with altitudes below 3km, the range of Aster 30 is 50km.



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In May 1996, trials of the Aster 15 active electromagnetical final guidance system against live targets began. All six attempts were successful:

8 April 1997: interception of a C22 target simulating a subsonic anti-ship missile, flying at 10 metres, at a distance of 7 kilometers.

23 May 1997: Direct impact on an Exocet anti-ship missile of the first generation, at 9 kilometers, to protect a distant ship (7 kilometers). This was the first "hit-to-kill" interception ever against an anti-ship missile.

13 November 1997: interception of a C22 target in very low flight in a strong countermeasures environment. In this test, the Aster was not armed with its military warhead so that the distance between the Aster and the target could be recorded. The C22 was recovered bearing two strong cuts due to the fins of the Aster missile.

30 December 1997: Interception of a live C22 target by an Aster 30 at a distance of 30 kilometers, an altitude of 11,000 meters, and a speed of 900 km/h. The Aster climbed up to 15,000 meters before falling on the target at a speed of 2880 km/h. The closest distance between the Aster and the C22 was four meters.

29 June 2001 : Interception of a Arabel missile in low altitude, in less than five seconds.

In 2001 : Interception by the Aster 15 of a target simulating an aircraft flying at Mach-1 at an altitude of 100 meters.

Aster 15 Aster Block 2 Missile Shield

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SOLO Anti – Ballistic MissilesAster 15 Aster 30

Function Short/Medium range surface-to-air anti-

aircraft and anti-missile

Long range surface-to-air anti-aircraft and


Manufacturer MBDA MBDA

Entered in Service 2001 2001

Propulsion Solid propellant two-stage rocket

Solid propellant two-stage rocket

Launch ass 310 kg 510 kg

Length 4.2 m 4.2 m

Diameter 180 mm 180 mm

Speed Mach 3 (1000 m/s) Mach 4.5 (1,400 m/s)

Range 1.7 – 30 km 3 – 120 km

Ceiling 13 km 20 km

Warhead 15 kg directional blast fragmentation

(4gr and larger)

15 kg directional blast fragmentation

(4gr and larger)

Guidance Uplink, terminal Active Pulse Dopler A4D (J

band) Radar

Uplink, terminal Active Pulse Dopler A4D (J

band) Radar

Maneuver Pilotage in Force (PIF) Pilotage in Force (PIF)

Proximity Fuze Ku band PF Ku band PF

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MBDA_Aster http://www.army-technology.com/projects/aster-30/

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SH-01 'Galosh' anti-ballistic missiles paraded in Moscow in 1966

RUSIA’s Anti-Ballistic Missiles

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SA-10 'Grumble' TEL vehicle with four missile canisters in the launching position (Jane's/Christopher F Foss)

SA-12 'Giant' TEL vehicle in the foreground, with a 'Gladiator' TEL behind (Jane's/Christopher F Foss)

Antey S-300V/SA-12 Gladiator/Giant

S-300V (SA-12)

The Russian S-300 SAM

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Russia’s S-300 Family

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Family S-300P (SA-10) S-400 (SA-21) S-300V (SA-12)

Favorit Triumf Antey-2500

Missile S-300PS-300PT

S-300PS S-300PM


S-300PMU1 S-300PMU2 S-300PMU3 S-300VM

5V55K 5V55R 5V55RUD


48N6E2 48N6DM


9M96E2 40N6 9M82 9M83 9M82M

Initial NATO Nomenclature




SA-10D SA-10E SA-10F SA-10F SA-12B SA-12A

Grumble A

Grumble B

Grumble C

Grumble D Grumble E Gargoyle A

Gargoyle B Giant Gladiator

Revised NATO Nomenclature




SA-20A SA-20B SA-21A SA-21B SA-12A/B


Grumble A

Grumble B

Grumble C

Gargoyle A Gargoyle B Growler A Growler B Giant Gladiator

Target Low-altitude jet

Low-altitude jet

Low-altitude jet

Low-altitude jet, TBM

Low-altitude jet, TBM

?? TBM Anti-aircraft mainly

?? TBM Anti-aircraft mainly

TBM, aircraft

Range (km) 47 75 90 150TBM 40

3~200 120-250?

2.5~40 2.5~120 400-450


6~75TBM: 6/40

200TBM 40

Altitude (km) - 0.025~25


0.025~27 0.01~27 ?? 0.005~25 0.005~30 185 0.1~30TBM 2~25

0.025~25 TBM 2~25

0.025~30TBM 30

Kill-probability - - - - - ?? 90% aircraft / 80% TBM ?? 60%) high (80%~90% (low)


Reaction time (s)

- - - - - ?? - ?? 15 7

Guidance system

- - - - Command + radio TVM Command ?+

?? Command + active radar homing

?? Inertial + Command + semi-active radar homing

Launch Four cylinder dual-mounted vertical launch Each cylinder 4 / 4 drum dual-mounted vertical launch

?? double row canisters 4 cylinders in a row canisters vertical launch

Length (m) - - 7.25 7.5 - ?? - - ?? 9.918 7.8 -

Diameter (mm) - - 508 515 - ?? - - ?? 715 715 -

launch mass (kg)

- 1664 1804 1799 About 1,800 ?? 333 420 ?? 4690 2318 -

flight speed (m/s)

- 1860 1900 2000 2200 ?? 1000 900 ?? 2400 1700 -

Acceleration (g)

- - 25 25 - - ?? 30~60 20~60 ?? 20 20 -

Warhead (kg) - 133 143 143 180 ?? 24 24 ?? Directional Fragmentation

Propulsion Single-stage high-thrust solid rocket motor Two solid rocket motors


S-300 Series Tactical and Technical Performance

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Family S-300P (SA-10) S-400 (SA-21) S-300V (SA-12)

Favorit Triumf Antey-2500

Missile S-300PS-300PT

S-300PS S-300PM


S-300PMU1 S-300PMU2 S-300PMU3 S-300VM

5V55K 5V55R 5V55RUD


48N6E2 48N6DM


9M96E2 40N6


9M83 9M82M

Initial NATO Nomenclature




SA-10D SA-10E SA-10F SA-10F SA-12B


Grumble A

Grumble B

Grumble C

Grumble D Grumble E Gargoyle A

Gargoyle B Giant


Revised NATO Nomenclature




SA-20A SA-20B SA-21A SA-21B SA-12A/B


Grumble A

Grumble B

Grumble C

Gargoyle A Gargoyle B Growler A Growler B Giant


Target Low-altitude jet

Low-altitude jet

Low-altitude jet

Low-altitude jet, TBM

Low-altitude jet, TBM

?? TBM Anti-aircraft mainly

?? TBM

Anti-aircraft mainly

TBM, aircraft


S-300 Series Tactical and Technical Performance (continue – 1)

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Family S-300P (SA-10) S-400 (SA-21) S-300V (SA-12)

Favorit Triumf Antey-2500

Missile S-300PS-300PT

S-300PS S-300PM


S-300PMU1 S-300PMU2 S-300PMU3 S-300VM

5V55K 5V55R 5V55RUD


48N6E2 48N6DM


9M96E2 40N6


9M83 9M82M

Target Low-altitude jet

Low-altitude jet

Low-altitude jet

Low-altitude jet, TBM

Low-altitude jet, TBM

?? TBM Anti-aircraft mainly

?? TBM

Anti-aircraft mainly

TBM, aircraft

Range (km) 47 75 90 150TBM 40

3~200 120-250?

2.5~40 2.5~120 400-450


6~75TBM: 6/40

200TBM 40

Altitude (km) - 0.025~25


0.025~27 0.01~27 ?? 0.005~25 0.005~30 185

0.1~30TBM 2~25

0.025~25 TBM 2~25

0.025~30TBM 30

Kill-probability - - - - - ?? 90% aircraft / 80% TBM ?? 60%) high (80%~90% (low)


Reaction time (s)

- - - - - ?? - ?? 15 7

Guidance system

- - - - Command + radio TVM Command ?+

?? Command + active radar homing ?? Inertial + Command + semi-active radar homing

Launch Four cylinder dual-mounted vertical launch Each cylinder 4 / 4 drum dual-mounted vertical launch

?? double row canisters 4 cylinders in a row canisters vertical launch


S-300 Series Tactical and Technical Performance (continue – 2)

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Family S-300P (SA-10) S-400 (SA-21) S-300V (SA-12)

Favorit Triumf Antey-2500

Missile S-300PS-300PT

S-300PS S-300PM


S-300PMU1 S-300PMU2 S-300PMU3 S-300VM

5V55K 5V55R 5V55RUD


48N6E2 48N6DM


9M96E2 40N6


9M83 9M82M

Initial NATO Nomenclature




SA-10D SA-10E SA-10F SA-10F SA-12B


Grumble A

Grumble B

Grumble C

Grumble D Grumble E Gargoyle A

Gargoyle B Giant


Target Low-altitude jet

Low-altitude jet

Low-altitude jet

Low-altitude jet, TBM

Low-altitude jet, TBM

?? TBM Anti-aircraft mainly

?? TBM

Anti-aircraft mainly

TBM, aircraft

Length (m) - - 7.25 7.5 - ?? - - ?? 9.918

7.8 -

Diameter (mm) - - 508 515 - ?? - - ?? 715 715 -

launch mass (kg)

- 1664 1804 1799 About 1,800 ?? 333 420 ?? 4690

2318 -

flight speed (m/s)

- 1860 1900 2000 2200 ?? 1000 900 ?? 2400

1700 -

Acceleration (g)

- - 25 25 - - ?? 30~60 20~60 ?? 20 20 -

Warhead (kg) - 133 143 143 180 ?? 24 24 ?? Directional Fragmentation

Propulsion Single-stage high-thrust solid rocket motor Two solid rocket motors


S-300 Series Tactical and Technical Performance (continue – 3)

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Russia S-300 Family


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SOLO Anti – Ballistic MissilesRussia’s S-300 Family


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S-300 and S-400 Missiles: The larger 48N6E “Favorit,” which arms later models of the S-300 system, and the more compact 9M96E and 9M96E2 missiles of the S-400 system. Photo: RD Fisher

http://www.defence-update.com/products/a/antey-2500.htm9M96E and 9M96E2 http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-Grumble-Gargoyle.html

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Russia S-300 PT (SA-10)

The S-300PT (transliterated from Russian С-300П, NATO reporting name SA-10a GRUMBLE) is the original version of the S-300 system which became operational in 1978. In 1987 over 80 of these sites were active, mainly in the area around Moscow. The P suffix stand for PVO-Strany (air defence system). An S-300PT unit consists of a 36D6 (NATO reporting name TIN SHIELD) surveillance radar, a 30N6 (FLAP LID) fire control system and 5P85-1 launch vehicles. The 5P85-1 vehicle is a semi-trailer truck. Usually a 76N6 (CLAM SHELL) low altitude detection radar is also a part of the unit.[2][3]

This system broke substantial new ground, including the use of a phased array radar and multiple engagements on the same FCS. Nevertheless, it had some limitations. It took over 1 hour to set up this semi-mobile system for firing and the hot vertical launch method employed scorched the TEL.[4]

It was originally intended to fit the Track Via Missile (TVM) guidance system onto this model. However, the TVM system had problems tracking targets below 500m. Rather than accept the limitation, the Soviets decided that the tracking of low altitude targets was a must and decided to use a pure command-guidance system until the TVM head was ready[4]. This allowed the minimum engagement altitude to be set at 25m.

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Russia’s S-300 Family

A single S-300-PM missile TEL ready to fire. Photo by Naval Expeditionary Warfare Training.

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Russia’s S-300PMU-1/2 (SA-20)

The S-300PMU-1 (Russian C-300ПМУ-1,US DoD designation SA-20A, NATO reporting name SA-20 GARGOYLE) was also introduced in 1992 with the new and larger 48N6 missiles for the first time in a land-based system and introduced all the same performance improvements from the S300FM version including the increased speed, range, TVM guidance and ABM capability. The warhead is slightly smaller than the naval version at 143 kg (315 lb). This version also saw the introduction of the new and more capable 30N6E TOMB STONE radar.

The S-300PMU-1 was introduced in 1999 and for the first time introduces several different kinds of missiles in a single system. In addition to the 5V55R, 48N6E and 48N6E2 missiles the S-300PMU-1 can utilise two new missiles, the 9M96E1 and 9M96E2. Both are significantly smaller than the previous missiles at 330 and 420 kg (728 and 926 lb respectively) and carry smaller 24 kg (53 lb) warhead. The 9M96E1 has an engagement range of 1-40 km (1-25 mi) and the 9M96E2 of 1-120 km (1-75 mi). They are still carried 4 per TEL. Rather than just relying on aerodynamic fins for manoeuvring, they use a gas-dynamic system which allows them to have an excellent probability of kill (Pk) despite the much smaller warhead. The Pk is estimated at 0.7 against a tactical ballistic missile for either missile. The S-300PMU-1 typically uses the 83M6E command and control system, although it is also compatible with the older Baikal-1E and Senezh-M1E CCS command and control systems. The 83M6E system incorporates the 64N6E (BIG BIRD) surveillance/detection radar. The fire control/illumination and guidance radar used is the 30N6E(1), optionally matched with a 76N6 low altitude detection radar and a 96L6E all altitude detection radar. The 83M6E command and control system can control up to 12 TELs, both the self propelled 5P85SE vehicle and the 5P85TE towed launchers. Generally support vehicles are also included, such as the 40V6M tow vehicle, intended for lifting of the antenna post.[6]

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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S-300Russia’s S-300PMU-1/2 (SA-20)

The S-300PMU-2 Favorit (Russian C-300ПМУ-2 Фаворит – Favourite, DoD designation SA-20B), introduced in 1997, is an upgrade to the S-300PMU-1 with range extended once again to 195 km (121 mi) with the introduction of the 48N6E2 missile. This system is apparently capable against not just short range ballistic missiles, but now also medium range tactical ballistic missiles. It uses the 83M6E2 command and control system, consisting of the 54K6E2 command post vehicle and the 64N6E2 surveillance/detection radar. It employs the 30N6E2 fire control/illumination and guidance radar. Like the S-300PMU-1, 12 TELs can be controlled, with any mix of 5P85SE2 self propelled and 5P85TE2 trailer launchers. Optionally it can make use of the 96L6E all altitude detection radar and 76N6 low altitude detection radar, just like the S-300PMU-1.[1]

S-300PMU S-300PMU1 S-300PMU2

Missile Model 5V55U 48N6E 48N6E2

Maximum Velocity 2,000 m/s 2,000 m/s 2,000 m/s

Launch Weight 1,470 kg 1,780 kg 1,800 kg

Range (vs Aircraft) 150 km 150 km 195 km

Range (vs Missile) 35~40 km 40 km 40~50 km

Altitude 75 km 75 km 95 km

Guidance Semi-Active Radar



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Russia S-300 Family

S-300PMU-2 vehicles. From left to right: 64N6E2 detection radar, 54K6E2 command post and 5P85 TEL.

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SOLO Anti – Ballistic MissilesS-300PMU Launch Complex (Regiment)


codenameQty Systems Purpose

5P85T   32 S-300PMU Truck-towed TEL based on KrAZ-260, each carrying four missile transport-launch containers (TLC)

5P85SE (master)5P85DE (slave)


S-300PMU1/PMU2 Self-propelled 8X8 TEL based on MAZ-543, each carrying four transport-launch containers (TLC)

30N6E(2) Flap Lid B(Tomb Stone)

8 S-300PMU/PMU1/PMU2 Phased-array illumination and guidance radar

76N6 Clam Shell 8 S-300PMU/PMU1/PMU2 Low-altitude early warning radar

96L6E   8 S-300PMU1/PMU2 Detection and target designation radar

83M6E(2)   1 S-300PMU/PMU1/PMU2 Command post including 54K6E(2) combat control system and 64N6E(2) early warning radar

54K6E(2)   1 S-300PMU/PMU1/PMU2 Combat control system

64N6E(2) Big Bird 1 S-300PMU/PMU1/PMU2 Early warning radar and IFF interceptor

30N6E Flap Lid B: The 30N6E Flap Lid B phased-array illumination and guidance radar (Source: Chinese Internet)

64N6E: The 64N6E early warning radar (Source: Chinese Internet)

Battery Command Centre: The battery command post mounted on a MAZ-543 truck (Source: Chinese Internet)

Missile Transloader : The MAZ-7910 transloader used to re-supply the S-300PMU system with spare missiles (Source: Chinese Internet)


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Russia’s S-300PMU-3/S-400 Triumf ( (SA-X-21)

The S-400 Triumf (Russian: C-400 «Триумф»; English: triumph) is a new generation of anti-aircraft/anti-missile weapon system complex developed by the Almaz Central Design Bureau as an upgrade of the S-300 family. Its NATO reporting name is SA-21 Growler. The S-400 was previously known as S-300PMU-3. It overshadows the capabilities of the other systems from the S-300 series, and its range is 2 times greater than that of the MIM-104 Patriot system.[1][2]Russian sources have claimed the S-400 is capable of detecting and destroying targets out to a range of 400km (250 miles), such as aircraft, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles, including those with a range of 3,500 km and a speed of 3 miles per second and stealth aircraft.[3]

The S-300PMU-3/S-400 Triumf (Russian C-300ПМУ-3/С-400 Триумф – triumph, DoD designation SA-X-21) was introduced in 1999 and features a new, much larger missile with 2 per TEL

Specifications• The S-400 is intended to intercept and destroy airborne targets at a distance of up to 400 km (250 miles).[2] • The ABM capabilities are near the maximum allowed under the (now void) Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. • The radar system is claimed to possess advanced capabilities against low flying and (possibly) low RCS targets.[14][15] • Detection ranges of 500-600km have been theorized for future radars.[2]

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The S-300V/S-300VM/Antey-2500 is the world's only truly mobile Anti Ballistic Missile system, and later variants are claimed to be capable of intercepting 4.5 km/sec reentry speed targets. The large size of the Grill Pan phased array and TELAR command link and illuminator antennas is evident. The system provides the capability to engage very low RCS aircraft at ranges in excess of 100 nautical miles (Rosvooruzheniye).

Antey S-300V/SA-12 Gladiator/Giant http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-Giant-Gladiator.html

9A83 TELAR Deployment

9A83 TELAR Deployed

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Antey S-300V/SA-12 Gladiator/Giant http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-Giant-Gladiator.html

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Antey S-300V/SA-12 Gladiator/Giant


9S32 Grill PanTarget Tracking &Missile Guidance

9M82 Giant SAM

9M83 Gladiator SAM

9S15 Bill BoardSurveillance

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Antey S-300V/SA-12 Gladiator/Giant http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-Giant-Gladiator.html

9M82 Giant SAM

9M83 Gladiator SAM

The smaller 9M83 Gladiator SAM/ABM is intended to engage aerial targets at all altitudes, including cruise missiles, and smaller TBMs. The much larger 9M82 Giant has higher kinematic performance and is intended to kill IRBMs, SRAM class supersonic missiles, but also standoff jamming aircraft at long ranges. Both weapons employ two solid propellant stages, with thrust vector control of the first stage (10,225 lb/4,636 kg mass in the Giant and cca 5,000 lb/2275 kg in the Gladiator) and aerodynamic control of the 2,800 lb (1,200 kg) second stage, using four servo driven fins, and four fixed stabilizers. The guidance and control packages, and much of the weapon airframes are identical, the principal distinction being the bigger booster stage of the Giant and its larger stabilizers. A cold start ejector is used to expel the missile from the launch tube, the first stage burns for about 20 seconds, upon which the missile transitions to its midcourse sustainer. During midcourse flight the missile employs inertial navigation with the option of command link updates. In the former mode it transitions to its semi-active homing seeker during the final 10 seconds of flight, in the latter 3 seconds before impact - a technique preferred for heavy jamming environments. Russian sources claim the semi-active seeker can lock on to a 0.05 square metre RCS target from 16.2 nautical miles. The midcourse guidance system attempts to fly the most energy efficient trajectory to maximize range. A two channel radio proximity fuse is used to initiate the 330 lb (150 kg) class smart warhead which has a controllable fragmentation pattern to maximize effect.

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Antey S-300V/SA-12 Gladiator/Giant http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-Giant-Gladiator.html

9M82 Giant SAM

9M83 Gladiator SAM

The engagement envelope of the baseline Gladiator is between 80 ft AGL to 80 kft, and ranges of 3.2 to 40 nautical miles, the Giant between 3,200 ft AGL to 100 kft, and ranges of 7 to 54 nautical miles. The system can launch the missiles at 1.5 second intervals, and a battalion with four batteries can engage 24 targets concurrently, with 2 missiles per target, and has a complement of between 96 and 192 missiles available for launch on TELAR/TELs. A TELAR can arm a missile for launch in 15 seconds, with a 40 second time to prepare a TELAR for an engagement, and 5 minute deploy and stow times - a genuine shoot and scoot capability.

(Continue from previous slide)

The cited single shot kill probabilities for the Gladiator are 50% to 65% against TBMs and 70% to 90% against aircraft, for the Giant 40% to 60% against IRBMs and 50% to 70% against the AGM-69 SRAM - ballistic missiles with re-entry velocities of up to 3 km/s can be engaged.

The Soviets were terrified of TAC's EF-111A force and equipped the S-300V system with a facility for passive targeting of support jammers. The 9S15, 9S19 and 9S32 have receiver channels for sidelobe jamming cancellation and these are used to produce very accurate bearings to the airborne jammer, this bearing information is then used to develop angular tracks. The angular tracks are then processed by the 9S457 command post to estimate range, and the 9S32 then develops an estimated track for the target jammer. A Giant missile is then launched and steered by command link until it acquires the target.

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The specialized 9S19 Imbir is a high power-aperture, coherent, X-band phased array designed for the rapid acquisition and initial tracking of inbound ballistic missiles within a 90 degree sector. To that effect it uses a large passive phase technology transmissive array, using a conceptually similar space feed technique to the MPQ-53 and 30N6 series radars, producing a narrow 0.5 degree pencil beam main-lobe. The primary search waveform is chirped to provide a very high pulse compression ratio intended to provide very high range resolution of small targets. The design uses a high power Travelling Wave Tube (TWT) source, very low side-lobes and frequency hopping techniques to provide good resistance to jamming.

Three primary operating modes are used. In the first the 9S19 scans a 90 degree sector in azimuth, between 26 and 75 degrees in elevation, to detect inbound Pershing class IRBMs within a 40 to 95 nautical mile range box, feeding position and kinematic data for up to 16 targets to the 9S457 command post. The second mode is intended to detect and track supersonic missiles such as the AGM-69 SRAM, and sweeps a narrower 60 degree sector in azimuth, between 9 and 50 degrees in elevation, within a range box between 10 and 90 nautical miles, generating target position and velocity updates at 2 second intervals. The third mode is intended to acquire aircraft in severe jamming environments, with similar angular and range parameters to the second mode. The radar is claimed to produce RMS angular errors of around 12 to 15 minutes of arc, and a range error of a mere 70 metres (at max range 0.04%!). The peak power rating remains undisclosed. In function the 9S19 most closely resembles much newer Western X-band ABM radars, but is implemented using seventies generation antenna and transmitter technology, and is fully mobile unlike the semimobile US THAAD X-band radar, and Israeli Green Pine.

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The 9S15 has two basic modes of operation. The first is optimised for a 12 second sweep and is claimed to provide a 50% probability of detecting a fighter sized target at 130 nautical miles. The second mode employs a faster 6 second sweep period, and is used to detect inbound TBMs and aircraft, with a reduced detection range of about 80 nautical miles for fighters, and 50 to 60 nautical miles for TBMs like the Scud A or Lance. Russian sources are unusually detailed on ECCM techniques used, claiming the use of three auxiliary receiver channels for cancelling sidelobe jamming, automatic wind compensated rejection of chaff returns, and provisions in the MTI circuits to reject jamming. A facility for precise angular measurement of jamming emitters is included. RMS tracking errors are quoted at 250 metres in range and about 0.5 degrees in azimuth/elevation, with the ability to track up to 200 targets. The system has an integral gas turbine electrical power generator for autonomous operation - a feature of most S-300V components.

9S15 Bill Board

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S-400TVM400 km (250 mi)


S-300PMU-2TVM24 kg (53 lb)

420 kg (926 lb)

1000m/s[20]120 km (75 mi)


S-300PMU-1TVM24 kg (53 lb)

330 kg (728 lb)

900m/s[20]40 km (25 mi)



200 km (120 mi)



150 kg (330 lb)

420 kg (926 lb)

1800 m/s100 km (60 mi)



150 kg (330 lb)

2500 m/s40 km (25 mi)


TVM150 kg (330 lb)

1800 kg (3970 lb)

500 mm7.5 m (25 ft)

2000 m/s (4470 mph)

195 km (121 mi)


TVM~150 kg (~330 lb)

1780 kg (3920 lb)

500 mm7.5 m (25 ft)

2000 m/s (4470 mph)

150 km (93 mi)


SARH133 kg (293 lb)

1470 kg (3240 lb)

450 mm7 m (23 ft)

2000 m/s (4470 mph)

150 km (93 mi)


SARH133 kg (293 lb)

1450 kg (3200 lb)

450 mm7 m (23 ft)

1700 m/s (3800 mph)

90 km (56 mi)


Command100 kg (220 lb)

1450 kg (3200 lb)

450 mm7 m (23 ft)

1700 m/s (3800 mph)

47 km (29 mi)


First used withGuidanceWarheadWeightDiameterLengthMaximum velocity

RangeYearGRAU index

S-300 Missiles

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S-300 Surveillance radar

S-300FC/D/E/F200 km (124 mi)

NavalTOP PAIRMR-800 Voskhod[


S-300FD/E300 km (186 mi)



S-300V16Sector trackingHIGH SCREEN


S-300V200250 km (155 mi)




300300 km (186 mi)

All altitude detection



C300 km (186 mi)


1.4 kW FM continuous waveS-300PMUI300120 km (75 mi)

Low altitude detection



S-300PILow altitude detection



Industrial designation: ST-68UM350 kW to 1.23 MW signal strength

S-300PE/F120180-360 km (112-224 mi)



NotesFirst used with

NATO frequency band

Simultaneously detected targets

Target detection range

SpecialisationNATO reporting name

GRAU index

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S-300 Target Tracking/Missile Guidance Radar

S-300F100 km (62 mi)


S-300V612140-150 km (90 mi)

Multi-bandGRILL PAN9S32-1

S-300PMU-236100200 km (124 mi)


Phased array

S-300PMU612200 km (124 mi)



NotesFirst used with

Simultaneously engaged targets

Simultaneously tracked targets

Target detection range

NATO frequency band

NATO reporting name

GRAU index

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Russia The SA-21 Growler


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Russia’s S-300PMU-3/S-400 Triumf ( (SA-X-21)

48N6E. Surface-to-air missile

Year: 2007. Country: Russia. Launch System: Triumf. Complex: S-400. Missile: 48N6E.

Improved version of the 48N6E for the S-400 system, capable of shooting down tactical ballistic missiles at incoming speeds of 4.8 km/s or hypersonic targets flying at 3.0 km/s at 150 km altitude.

Total Mass: 1,700 kg (3,700 lb). Core Diameter: 0.52 m (1.69 ft). Total Length: 6.98 m (22.91 ft). Span: 1.04 m (3.40 ft). Standard warhead mass: 180 kg (390 lb). Maximum range: 400 km (240 mi). Boost Propulsion: Solid rocket. Minimum range: 3.00 km (1.80 mi). Ceiling: 30,000 m (98,000 ft). Floor: 10 m (32 ft).

Model: 9M96. Surface-to-air missile Year: 2007. Country: Russia. Launch System: Triumf. Complex: S-400. Missile: 9M96.

Improved, longer range version of 9M96 for the S-400. Four 9M96's can be housed in a single 48N6E launch container position.

Total Mass: 420 kg (920 lb). Standard warhead mass: 24 kg (52 lb). Maximum range: 250 km (150 mi). Boost Propulsion: Solid rocket. Minimum range: 1.00 km (0.60 mi). Ceiling: 30,000 m (98,000 ft). Floor: 5.00 m (16.40 ft).

S-400 (SA-21-Triumf) Advaned Air Defense System in Action

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TechnionIsraeli Institute of Technology

1964 – 1968 BSc EE1968 – 1971 MSc EE

Israeli Air Force1970 – 1974

RAFAELIsraeli Armament Development Authority

1974 – 2013

Stanford University1983 – 1986 PhD AA

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