RECRUITING WITH SOCIAL MEDIA Using your online network to lure quality talent

Recruiting with Social Media

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Traditional online job boards are on the way out; the future of recruiting is decidedly social. This document provides best practices for using social media as a recruitment tool and gives tips on how to leverage your social media connections to find and recruit the best talent—fast. This guide will help you learn how to harness social media to market open jobs, stay engaged with potential candidates and empower your employees to help recruit the best talent.

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  • 1. RECRUITING WITHSOCIAL MEDIAUsing your online network to lure quality talent

2. OVERVIEWIn 2013, 94% of companies used social media networks for recruiting.*Traditional online job boards are on the way out; the future of recruiting is decidedly social.This document provides best practices for using social media as a recruitment tool and gives tips on how to leverage your social media connections to find and recruit the best talentfast. This guide will help you learn how to harness social media to market open jobs, stay engaged with potential candidates and empower your employees to help recruit the best talent.*Jobsite 2013 Social Recruiting Survey 3. FOCUS ON HOW TOBE SOCIAL, NOT ONHOW TO DO SOCIAL.Jay BaerMarketing Speaker & Author@jaybaer 4. General TipsThe recruiting landscape continues to shift as companies adopt new software, tools and methods for hiringcandidates.Make the most of your company profileYour companys social media page is the first impression candidates have of your company. Make sure to provide contact information and create a well-written profile using keywords relevant to your business. Be sure to use video and rich media, grow your followers and engage with them. Remember people dont connect with brands, they connect with people. Make sure your profile incorporates your personality.Add value: share helpful, interesting stuffSharing news and tidbits of general interest can create social media small talk, which leads to bigger conversations. If you have a genuine wish to help people with the content you share, your visibility will be improved and you will build your network more easily.Treat each social media channel differentlyEach social media site has a different audience and specific social norms; devise a different strategy for each and remember quality over quantity when it comes to your followers. 5. ONE MUST IDENTIFY, FOLLOW,SHARE, AND CONTRIBUTETO GROW RELATIONSHIPS,BUILD RAPPORT, AND WOOTHE TOP TALENT TO YOURORGANIZATION.Jessica Miller-Merrell, SPHRFounder & CEO, Blogging4Jobs@blogging4jobs 6. LinkedInAs of May 2014, 300 million people have a LinkedIn account, with 40% logging in ona daily basis.Be specificMake sure your posting has plenty of specifics so candidates can quickly assess whether the position is agood fit.Mingle with groupsThe simplest way of building interest in your company and your current openings is by joining relevantLinkedIn groups. By interacting with like-minded peers in group discussions and Q&As on a regular basis,you can establish a LinkedIn presence for yourself and your company. Dont be afraid to engage!ShareSharing your open jobs with your connections who can share it with their contacts createsa powerful viral effect, giving you a web of talented potential applicants.It all starts with youLinkedIn is built around connections. The more people you (and your HR staff)know, the larger your extended network becomes, opening up the ability to seethe names and bios of your connections connections, and even people with whomyou have three degrees of separation. 7. EVERYONE IS A BRANDAMBASSADOR, EVERYONEIS A RECRUITER.Lars SchmidtFounder, Amplify Talent@ThisIsLars 8. With users sending out more than 175 million tweets a day, the audience for Twitter isvast and engaged.Harness the power of the hashtagHashtags get your tweets in front of users who might not follow you already. For example, if your St. Louislocation is searching for a Branch Manager, an effective tweet would be:#Werehiring a #BranchManager for our #StL location > [link to post here] #careers #jobsShare news and events to expose your cultureAllowing potential candidates a glimpse into company culture keeps them interested, and might piquethe interest of passive candidates, as well.Engage, engage, engagePersonally engaging is the most important thing you can do as a business on Twitter. Connect andengage on a personal level by participating in discussions. Make sure someone on your staff is committedto monitoring and responding in a timely manner.Get current employees involvedAsk staff to retweet any job postings. Individual employees are likely to have a differentgroup of followers than the main company, which means more people will see thetweet.Twitter 9. ALL ONE NEEDS IS ACOMPUTER, A NETWORKCONNECTION, ANDA BRIGHT SPARK OFINITIATIVE AND CREATIVITYTO JOIN THE ECONOMY.Don TapscottExecutive Director,Global Solution Networks@dtapscott 10. FacebookFacebook is the second most trafficked website in the world, trailing Google.*ParticipateProduce a steady stream of changing content focused on the people you want to reach.Target with adsThe Facebook ad platform lets you target a specific audience for your ads through filters such aseducational background, work experience, geographical location and interests.Highlight your culture (and your employees)Engage your audience by regularly posting interesting information about your company, your employeesand your industry.*alexa.com 11. INNOVATION NEEDS TO BE PARTOF YOUR CULTURE. CONSUMERSARE TRANSFORMING FASTERTHAN WE ARE, AND IF WE DONTCATCH UP, WERE IN TROUBLE.Ian SchaferFounder/CEO, Deep Focus@ischafer 12. 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