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Don’t let predatory lenders ruin your holiday

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The extent of mortgage fraud committed by predatory lenders is greater than we could have realized.

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Page 1: Don’t let predatory lenders ruin your holiday

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Don’t Let

Predatory Lenders

Ruin Your Holiday

Page 2: Don’t let predatory lenders ruin your holiday

For victims of mortgage fraud at the hands of predatory lenders such as Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase Bank, GMAC, US Bank, Wells Fargo and others, this holiday season can be a very difficult time. Especially considering that every day it seems like we discover more and more instances of mortgage fraud occurring.

It is tough to have a warm feeling of holiday cheer when you know that these predatory lenders and their instance of committing mortgage fraud at an institutional level has forced so many hard working homeowners out of their homes and onto the streets.

The only bit of good news has been that the courts have finally sat up and taken notice of these predators preying on homeowners and have suspended foreclosure proceedings in 23 states where judicial review of all foreclosure documents are required before foreclosure proceedings can proceed.

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Page 3: Don’t let predatory lenders ruin your holiday

While these predatory lenders have been blatantly engaging in criminal mortgage fraud towards homeowners in the form of illegal foreclosures, forging foreclosure documents, and the blatant use of robo-signers to forge signatures on foreclosure documents and pass them through without any sort of examination as to their legitimacy,

they have also been taking tax payer dollars in the form of government bailouts which are not used to help homeowners, but instead are going to already wealthy CEOs and executives in the form of bonuses while the average American struggles to make ends meet during the holidays.

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Page 4: Don’t let predatory lenders ruin your holiday

These actions have caused foreclosure rates to skyrocket. What these predatory lenders are trying to keep secret is the fact that many of these foreclosures are illegal and fraudulent due to their blatant and criminal disregard of government rules and regulations, especially in regards to the securitization of mortgage loans. Many homeowners don’t realize that they have been the victim of a predator preying on them until it is too late.

One way to fight back if you suspect you are facing a wrongful foreclosure is to have your home loan documents examined by a forensic document review known as a securitization audit.

A securitization audit will examine your mortgage documents and determine if your loan has been securitized, and if the predatory lender attempting to foreclose on your home actually has a legal right to do so.

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Page 5: Don’t let predatory lenders ruin your holiday

If you are suing your lender for wrongful foreclosure or mortgage fraud, a securitization audit can be a very important piece of evidence in your case. Securitization audits are one of the best ways to fight back against predatory lenders so you can stop the illegal foreclosure of your home.

Tila Solutions specializes in detailed securitization audits for homeowners in need. A Tila Solutions Consultant is available for people by telephone at (702) 508-0335.

Or you can visit the Tila Solutions website at predator preying. They will help. They are not funded by the governments or the lenders. They are on the homeowners’ side.

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