Propaganda Model By: M. Mashhood MS Scholar, Riphah Institute of Media Sciences, Riphah International University, Islamabad.

Presentation on Propaganda Model By Mashhood Yousafzai, Riphah International University Islamabad

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Propaganda Model By:

M. Mashhood MS Scholar, Riphah Institute of Media Sciences,

Riphah International University, Islamabad.

Propaganda Model

What is Propaganda?

Propaganda is an information that is not impartial and used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, often by presenting facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis, or using loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. Propaganda can be used as a form of ideological or commercial warfare.


• Ancient Greek commander Themistocles, in 480 BCE, used a disinformation campaign to deceive his enemy Xerxes into delaying actions. Alexander used images of himself on statues, monuments and coins as propaganda. Pope Urban II used religious propaganda to stir up support for the Crusades (12th & 13th centuries). From the Napoleonic Wars through the U.S. Civil War, propaganda was used extensively and effectively. In the 19th century, the political cartoon emerged as a very effective form of Propaganda.

After the World war I, II the major two ideological system came in to ground Capitalism and Communism.

• Capitalism is an economic system in which trade, industry, and the means of production are largely or entirely privately owned and operated for profit. Central characteristics of capitalism include capital accumulation, competitive markets and wage labour. In a capitalist economy, the parties to a transaction typically determine the prices at which assets, goods, and services are exchanged.

Propaganda Anti Capitalism

• Communism: (from Latin communis – common, universal) is a socioeconomic system structured upon common ownership of the means of production and characterized by the absence of social classes, money, and the state; as well as a social, political and economic ideology and movement that aims to establish this social order. The movement to develop communism, in its Marxist–Leninist interpretations, significantly influenced the history of the 20th century, which saw intense rivalry between the states which claimed to follow this ideology and their enemies.

• Anti-communist propaganda in a 1947 comic book published by the Catechetical Guild Educational Society warning of "the dangers of a Communist takeover".

Propaganda characteristic:

• Ownership of the medium• Medium's funding sources• Sourcing• Flak• Anti-communism and fear ideology

1. Size, ownership, and profit orientation

• International Ownership: BBC, CNN, FOX, Washington Post, Time etc.

• National: PTV, Jang Group, Express, ARY.....• Regional: PTV National, AVT Khyber, and

Pashto1, also on the border side people watch the Afghan TV’s channel of Pashto.

2. Advertising, Publicity

• The Media Using for Publicity:• Islamic Values, Corruption.• Taxes, Degrees, Bank Loans, NROs, Mehran

Bank Scandal.• Paid the Holy works like Making, Masajid,

Hospitals, Gives Foods, help for the poor people etc.

• For Example NROs have 8043 Cases KPK has only 3 cases and the Change came in KPK.

3. Sourcing of mass media

• Source for news collection:• Free lance reporting by Payments• Political parties.• Civil society people• Health, agriculture, science and technology and

educational institutions etc.

Source for capita collection:• Advertisement.• Lifafa journalism

Public execution of a woman, known as Zarmeena, by the Taliban at the Ghazi Sports Stadium, Kabul, November 16, 1999. The mother of seven children had been killed.

4. Flak and the Enforcers

• “Flak” refers to negative response to a media statement or program. It may take the form of letters, telegrams, phone calls petitions, lawsuits, speeches and bill before legislations.

• Example: Memo Gate, NRO, Corruption, Bank Loans List, MetroBus Project, Mega Projects, etc.

5. Anti Communism Now War on Terror

• During the Cold war: Using of Islam as Propaganda Tools• Propaganda is a technique of human behavioural that

how to counter the attack of enemy or the cross person, animal, ideology etc. like: left and right, capitalism and communism. The real fighting of both economic systems after the world war II, the capitalism were used the Religion Islam as propaganda tools against the communism in Cold war era.

• Pakistan Interest: After the 1947 the Pakistani scholars try their best to prove Islam as the best system for world as human being.

Institute for Propaganda Analysis (IPA)

• During the Cold war they use Islam and Mula’s as Propaganda Tools:

• “Muslim within the Soviet Block. At the same time, the US embassy in Iraq Tried to project the Idea that unlike the Soviet Union, America was a friend of all Muslims, as both were united against a godless enemy.” (Religion and the Cold War: A Global Perspective, P. 114)

• Example: On the God We Trust, Ahli Kitab, They Belief on God, They help us against Communist, Dahria, communist, red kafir, they don’t belief on One God.


• THE USA ESTABLISHED THE FOLLOWING ORGANIZATION: • During the World War I, Committee on Public Information, • World War II, Office of War Information and Why We Fight• Cold War COINTELPRO an acronym for COunter

INTELligence PROgram) was a series of covert, and at times illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveying, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political organizations. During the Cold War, the U.S. government produced vast amounts of propaganda against communism and the Soviet bloc.

Cold War & Present Era...

• Jihad to War on Terror :• Nation forgive us? ISI use us in Afghan War (QH

Ahmad Ameer JI)

• “Yes I fired Stinger, LMG etc and USA Trained us for Jehad in Afghanistan” (F. Khalil in CapitalTalk )

• “Taliban understand me as Father” S. Haq. Press Brefing with Imran Khan & CM P. Khattak... (News Headline)

• Now we thinking that we did something wrong during Cold War era (Fazli ur Rehman (JUIF) to BBC Pashto)

The source of Media After 9/11

Taliban The main source of Media

Propaganda about War on Terror

• “everybody says they're for peace. Hitler was for peace. Everybody is for peace. The question is: "What kind of peace?" (Chomsky)

• In this context the famous sentence of Ghani Khan: “I like city noise from the Graveyard peace”.

Propaganda against the Enemy (Taliban) for Peace and Education

Cock fight in London, c. 1784, 86 & 1808 and PakAf also Dogs, Camels, Batair, etc What is Difference? The difference is which habit Europe leave in 1808 we as human being practicing own now in 21 century. Cont......

Propaganda against War on Terror

• “Unfortunately, the Pakistan that Qaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah pursued vanquished with his mysterious death. The religious right that opposed the creation of Pakistan swiftly moved into the void to occupy the ideological space. Military coups with religion providing political legitimacy speeded this deconstruction. Pakistan’s role as a bulwark against communism and the mock Jihad in Afghanistan strengthened militants into a formidable private army. This indoctrination was filliped by hard-core Islamists from world over promptly provided sanctuaries in Pakistan for legitimacy. It raised the levels of sectarian/ religious intolerance and violence.” (https://sharafs.wordpress.com/tag/pervez-musharraf)

Articles using as propaganda

The articles shows that what they thoughts the opposite can use easily these articles as propaganda:• US WAR OF ATTRITION• DWF: Pakistan's double edged strategy of


The enemy within



• As Pakistani we using shortcuts for achievements.• We as 97% Muslim but we want more ......• But practically we all are confused nation• We hate from others but we don’t love to our self• We don’t think that the world will agree with us• We like the fighting of animals but World

Establishment like fight to us.• Now we facing risk from our own.• one day we will get start from one point.

The point is as under:
