By: Autumn Scruggs

Ocarina of time Semiotics Analysis

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By: Autumn Scruggs

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS remake advertisement photo.

© Nintendo 2011

Signifier & Signified I

Signifier Signified

The Legend of Zelda gamebrand automatically affectsthis game in the series:

Nostalgia of previous Zelda titles

Reputation of brand

Sense of adventure

Assuming the same or similargameplay mechanics

Signifier & Signified II

The image adds emotionsand preconceptions to thegame:

Excitement and action


Conquering evil



The most important icon inthis image is Link:

Most people, fans or not, know ofhim.

Symbolic of courage, strength, &perseverance

He’s the guy in the green that yousee all the time and people thinkhis name is Zelda but it’s not, Ipromise.

He’s Link. In the green.

The Image

The image focuses on the final battle:


Ganondorfv.s. Link

Glory, action


An advertisement for a Zelda game:

Zelda logo




A call to action:

Link is losing – seenas a challenge

Direct signal to theaudience

Zelda timeline

Diachronic Analysis

A remake of a classic:

Original game released 1998

Game of the Year 1999

Nostalgia of original game

Other Zelda games

Reputation of franchise


Closing in on the action:


No slogan

One of the largest fan-bases in history:

First Legend of Zelda released in 1980

Long-running fan-base, developer attachment

Ocarina of Time’s reputation


The sequel’s remake:

The sequel to Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask originally came out in 2000 on the Nintendo 64, and it’s remake is actually coming out tomorrow, February 13, 2015.

If you like Zelda, I really suggest you check out this game because it’s my favorite in the series.

Side Note


That’s all I’ve got.
