The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change. The older borrower David Sinclair, ILC UK David Sinclair, International Longevity Centre – UK @ilcuk @sinclairda

David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

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Page 1: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

The older borrowerDavid Sinclair, ILC UK

David Sinclair, International Longevity

Centre – UK @ilcuk @sinclairda

Page 2: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

ILC-UK Planning Tomorrow, Today

think tank evidence based policy focussed balanced independent respected experts networked international

Page 3: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Who do we work with?

Page 4: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Our focus is broad

Page 5: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Extensive work on debt and on housing

Page 6: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

In summary

Industry and regulatory environment seemingly

struggling to respond to ageing

Perhaps it’s always been a problem

Demographic policy and social change means it

can no longer be ignored as an issue

Need for Government and Industry action

Page 7: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Page 8: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

“I only did a brief visit to one or two banks and made a few calls. The immediate reaction was when is your state pension age, sorry not possible. However with a lot of pushing I did sit down with people at two banks and basically I think what materialised was that they might be able to give me a few years if I was going to continue working, very, very minimal amount. One of the two banks the mortgage person only agreed to look further when I said I wanted to talk to her boss. I don't think they took account into how much I was earning or anything like that . Basically it was all about age and state retirement. If I hadn't pushed and been really upset I don't think I would have got past the first post.

Page 9: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Similar stories from Age UK

“Caller has been refused a mortgage beyond the age of 70 by a high street bank… Caller has asked the bank for ‘relevant information from a source on which it is reasonable to rely’ to base risk assessment and has been told it is just that ‘at age 70+ people’s circumstances have changed’.”

“I was amazed to find today that as a current home owner, although I was approved for a small mortgage on line, when I went to branch they advised me that banks will not offer mortgages that extend beyond a person’s 75th birthday.”

Page 10: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Always an issue, or more of in issue now?

18 April 2015[Ros Altmann] will mount a crackdown on "blatant age discrimination" in the mortgage markets, where banks are refusing to lend to older workers even though they will have secure pensions to help meet repayments in their retirements.

Page 11: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Number and proportion of mortgages extending to age 65 and beyond (CML)

Page 12: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Always an issue, or more of an issue now?

Demographic/social change: Increased longevity; Divorce rates increasing; Changing family structures; marrying later, children later, buying later; healthier longerFinancial insecurity: Falling saving levels; Debt; Interest only mortgages: Asset rich, income poor; Poor returns on investments; “grandparental giving”Public policy change: Pension freedoms and buy to let – the search for yield; Focus on extending working lives; failure to build enough homes; MMRA new older consumer? an untapped market?

Page 13: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Demographic change

Increased longevity

Divorce rates increasing

Changing family structures

Page 14: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

There are more of us living longer

Page 15: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Growing numbers experiencing divorce at 60+

Page 16: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Changing family structures

Marrying later, children later, buying

later, grandparental giving

The average age of a first time

buyer without family assistance is

now 33 compared with 30 in

2008. (ILC-UK Factpack 2014)

Page 17: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Financial insecurity

Falling saving levels


Interest only mortgages

Asset rich, income poor

Poor returns on investments

“grandparental giving”

Care costs

Page 18: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

We aren’t saving enough

Page 19: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

We need to pay off debts

Page 20: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Problem debt is small – but levels aren’t falling

Bankruptcy among over-65s: 5,672 people in 2013, up from 4,727 in 2009 (26% rise)

Page 21: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Fewer people owe much more

Overall average increase among 50+ population is modest: £1,100 in 2002 to £1,400 in 2010

Among debtors:– Average amount 2002: £4,050; 2010: £6,200 – Median amount 2002: £1,500; 2010: £2,500

55-64 65-74 75-84£0





2002 2010

Page 22: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

…household debts expected to rise

Page 23: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Beware the joys of forecasting (IFS Green Budget)

Page 24: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Mortgage debt is part of the picture

Page 25: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Mortgage debt is part of the picture

Page 26: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Page 27: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Worrying number with interest only mortgages with no linked investment

Page 28: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

People looking to housing for a yield

ILC-UK analysis of Nationwide data

Page 29: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Monetary policy in response to a crisis

Page 30: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Public policy change

Pension freedoms and buy to let

Focus on extending working lives

Failure to build enough homes

Zero hour contracts


Page 31: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Page 32: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Page 33: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Mark Hayward: National Association of Estate Agents

“There are no doubts we will see a feeding frenzy, with many of those with large pension pots cashing in their lump sum and putting it straight into property.

This will have a massive knock-on effect on first-time buyers already under pressure, in competition with cash-rich buyers heading straight for the buy-to-let market. We still have an under-supply of housing and this movement is likely to fuel further house price inflation.‘

Page 34: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Pension freedoms and buy to let

Buy to let is risky

An older person can lose their main home as well

as their buy to let home if things go wrong

House prices don’t inevitably go up

If self managed, buy to let can be a huge hassle.

Returns lower if outsourced

Page 35: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Pension freedoms, MMR and affordability

Fewer people annuitizing. Means no guaranteed income for life. How will the industry respond to drawdown or other products?

What about men who take out single person annuities when they have a wife, and then die.  Suddenly the widow has no income stream.

Page 36: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Pension freedoms – Risk of poverty if people make the wrong choice

Of the 50% of individuals who opt for a lump sum in Australia, 31% use it to pay off housing costs, to purchase a home or to make home improvements and 12% used it to pay off other debts. (Partnership)

Page 37: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Our economy needs us to work longer

Employment among over-65s: exceeded 1m since Apr 2013 (ONS 2014)

Page 38: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Policymakers have failed to build more houses

Page 39: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Policymakers have somewhat ignored growing number of zero hour contracts

Page 40: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.


Page 41: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

And finally - A new untapped market?

The older consumer?

The over 65s in the UK currently spend around £2.2 billion per week (£114 billion per annum) on goods and services. Assuming their weekly spending rises in line with annual inflation of 2%, they are likely to be spending over £6 billion per week (£312 billion per annum) by 2037

Page 42: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Housing wealth held by retirees is significant

Page 43: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

…for middle income groups, property wealth is king

2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th0%















Contributions of different types of wealth to total wealth by income deciles

Source: ONS, Wealth and Assets Survey and own calculations (results exclude 1st decile as total wealth is negat-ive)

Page 44: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

We are asset rich but income poor

Bimodal distribution ofwealth in which those with no housing equity at all are bunched together at the bottom with incomeswhich range from approximately £8,000 to £15,000 a year

Page 45: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

An untapped market that can spend?

“They have fewer ties to family responsibilities... With their homes paid for their major housing concern is for property taxes and repairs... Being essentially free from obligation, they may spend their income and assets as they wish. Here is a potential market, therefore for those marketers who wish to appeal to it. It is a new market, almost unrecognised which must be developed with care as it depends upon the changing role of older persons in our society and the realisation that they are more free than their predecessors in the past century.”

Page 46: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

An untapped market that can spend?

“They have fewer ties to family responsibilities... With their homes paid for their major housing concern is for property taxes and repairs... Being essentially free from obligation, they may spend their income and assets as they wish. Here is a potential market, therefore for those marketers who wish to appeal to it. It is a new market, almost unrecognised which must be developed with care as it depends upon the changing role of older persons in our society and the realisation that they are more free than their predecessors in the past century.”

Dodge, 1962

Page 47: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

What does industry need to do?

Increase mortgage lending

Avoid targeting younger people for equity release

Address the challenges of lending into retirement

– don’t discriminate on age

Address the fear of borrowing

Not exploit the “pension freedoms”

Responsible lending

Page 48: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Increase mortgage lending

Page 49: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Don’t sell too young (ERC figures)

Equity release at 55?

71 - average customer – up from 68(Key/ERC)

Page 50: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

But.. 55-64 group growing % (?following MMR)


Equity Release Council, Market Report Spring 2015

Page 51: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Address the fear of borrowing

Our research shows

very few older people

would use credit to

meet an unexpected

£200 expense – many

more say they simply

could not pay.

Page 52: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Older people tend to be more averse than younger to debt

Page 53: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

As a result, as we age, fewer of us have debt

Page 54: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Perhaps financial capability/numeracy is part of the solution?

Proportion answering Compound Interest Question Correctly

55-59 29.6%

60-64 28.3%

65-69 24.9%

70-74 16.8%

75-79 13.9%

80-84 11.0%

85+ 10.8%

In ELSA (2008) this is the proportion of people aged 55+ who can answer correctly the question: If you have £200 in your account paying 10% interest a year, how much would you have in 2 years?

Page 55: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Be cautious about house prices.

Page 56: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

It’s not a dead cert, especially outside the South East

Page 57: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Do you need to use age alone?

Age (being 50-64 vs 65+)

Employment Status (self-employed, unemployed)

Income (low income)

Housing tenure (owning with a mortgage, renting)

Depression (2010)

Manageable debt vs problem debt

– Low income, Unemployment/Self Employment,


Page 58: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

What does industry need to do?

Increase mortgage lending

Avoid targeting younger people for equity release

Address the challenges of lending into retirement

– don’t discriminate on age

Address the fear of borrowing

Not exploit the “pension freedoms”

Responsible lending

Page 59: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

What does Government need to do

Ensure access to advice

Ensure policy facilitates the building of more

houses (including retirement homes)

Ensure people are aware of options (equity


Raise/maintain confidence in financial services

Page 60: David Sinclair's Council of Mortgage Lenders speech

The International Longevity Centre-UK is an independent, non-partisan think-tank

dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

Many thanks

David Sinclair


International Longevity Centre - UK

[email protected]


Twitter: @ilcuk and @sinclairda