Countdown To Show Day Selecting a Market Pen

Countdown to show day market birds

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Page 1: Countdown to show day market birds

Countdown To Show DaySelecting a Market Pen

Page 2: Countdown to show day market birds

“SIFT” through flock. Choose birds that have superior uniformity

and fleshing. The largest, heaviest birds with the most

breast meat are generally judged best in competition.

Choose birds that stand and walk well Mark each prospect with a leg band.

2 WEEKS Before Show

Page 3: Countdown to show day market birds

FINAL “SIFT” Have a “holding pen ready for your final

selections. Weigh each previously banded prospect

bird. Eliminate any birds outside of the weight

range. Remove their leg bands and return to flock.

Examine each “keeper” bird for defects. Place “keepers” in your final holding pen.

2 DAYS Before Show

Page 4: Countdown to show day market birds

Cuts & Tears Broken and/or disjointed bones Skin or flesh bruises Breast blisters Insect bites External parasites (mites, lice, fleas) Extremely dirty Discoloration Excessive pin feathers Crooked, dented or V-shaped breast Narrow, crooked, humped or hunched backs Lack of body depth Deformed legs & wings Thin drumsticks & thighs Lack of fat in heavy feather tracks

Defects to look for

Page 5: Countdown to show day market birds

Conformation:o The overall shape of the bird. o Bird should be rectangular.

Long straight breast bone Long & wide back Full & deep body

Fleshing:o Amount and of distribution of muscle o Judge looks for the amount of meat on breast & thighs and drumsticks.o The breast is given the most consideration.

Uniformity:o All 3 birds in a pen should be alike.o Similar as possible in size, shape, fleshing and finish.o All the same sex.

Finish:o Judge will look for in and immediately under the skin.o Well finished birds will have a uniform layer of fat.

Skin Pigmentation:o Skin color is minor trait that will be evaluated.o Skin should be yellowish.

Judging Criteria

Page 6: Countdown to show day market birds

Tips on Selecting Birds for Show