Pre- Production presentation for Advertisement Oliver Kaplan Introduction - Slide 1 As part of Unit 1 of my Media Production Course I have been set the brief to create a television advertisement. In addition I will be required to demonstrate an understanding of the pre-production that goes into making any film production. This will be done by completing a full set of pre- production documents along with research before shooting and editing my advert. This presentation will show my advertisement plan and the pre-production documents I will need to make. My Production - Slide 2 Before I talk about the requirements of my advertisement I feel it important to give a brief overview on the production itself. My advertisement will be a television advertisement and I aim for it to be around 30 seconds long. The advert will be promoting Cadbury’s Dairy Milk, an existing product, but being marketed in a completely new way.

Advert Pre production presentation script

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Pre- Production presentation for AdvertisementOliver Kaplan

Introduction - Slide 1As part of Unit 1 of my Media Production Course I have been set the brief to create a television advertisement.

In addition I will be required to demonstrate an understanding of the pre-production that goes into making any film production. This will be done by completing a full set of pre-production doc-uments along with research before shooting and editing my ad-vert.

This presentation will show my advertisement plan and the pre-production documents I will need to make.

My Production - Slide 2Before I talk about the requirements of my advertisement I feel it important to give a brief overview on the production itself.

My advertisement will be a television advertisement and I aim for it to be around 30 seconds long.

The advert will be promoting Cadbury’s Dairy Milk, an existing product, but being marketed in a completely new way.

After choosing this product I then created the slogan, the line which will sell the product and give the adverts main message. I decided on the slogan “What would you do for a Dairy Milk?”, as it is straight to the point but questions the reader, engaging them with the advert.

Once I had decided on my slogan I created my adverts story. The brief synopsis is as follows: A man is working in his office when he sees a co-worker walk in the room with a dairy milk chocolate bar. From this point we enter into this characters head, we see his thoughts as he dreams about stealing the chocolate from the

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other man. At the end of the advert we enter back into reality as the man goes and steals the chocolate for real.

Time and Deadlines - Slide 3So now that I have an idea for an advert I need to complete all of the pre production documents and then shoot and edit my ad-vert. This brief was given to me on the 20th October 2016 and is to be Completed by the 17th December 2016. This will give me around 81/2 weeks to complete everything.

Requirements - Slide 4Not many requirements will be needed for the advertisement, any that I do need will be very easy to acquire. No transport will be required and all equipment can be hired out from the Claren-don Sixth Form Media Department.

Contributors (Cast) - Slide 5As explained there are only two characters in my advertisement, I will play one of the characters and a classmate, Frankie Broad-bank will play the other.

Personnel (Crew) - Slide 6The adverts are to be primarily produced individually however I will be using two classmates to assist with some of my camera work. This will be necessary for the shots where I am acting, as I won’t be able to hold the camera at the same time.

Facilities - Slide 7All camera equipment including tripods and microphones will be used from Clarendon Sixth Forms Media department. All editing equipment will also be provided. Adobe Premiere Pro will be used for editing my advert in the post production stage.

Materials - Slide 8As the advert is set in a modern day office the actors choice of everyday casual apparel can be used for the costume. Cadbury’s

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Dairy Milk chocolate along with desks with computers and chairs will be needed as props.

Location - Slide 9My advertisement will be set in an office, so Clarendon sixth forms rooms and corridors will be the only locations required. No exterior shots are going to be used, only interior so the weather will not be a problem when shooting. A Location Recce and signed location permission will be needed before shooting in these locations.

Codes of practice and regulation - Slide 10A Health and Safety report must be completed before shooting. This can be done whilst on the recce. I will also need Location Permission from Mark Duggan to shoot in Clarendon’s corridors and room 213.

Pre-Production Order - Slide 11Finally to conclude my presentation I would like to quickly go through the pre-production documents that I will be completing, there order and why each of them play an important role in planning for my production:

Research - Slide 12I will begin by completing research into both advertisements in general and into my chosen product. This will give me a much greater understanding into some of the techniques that are al-ready being used in the industry to promote and sell products currently on the market.

Proposal and Treatment - Slide 13After this I will begin to put my story ideas into proposal and treatment documentation.

Script and Storyboarding - Slide 14After this I will complete a rough draught and then a final draught script and storyboard my whole advert from start to fin-ish.

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Recourses and Personnel - Slide 15Next I will document the resources and personnel that I am go-ing to need in my production.

Production Schedule - Slide 16After this I will complete a production schedule

Shot List - Slide 17Next I will complete a shot list. This will be important in order to maximise efficiency and minimise the time it takes to shoot my advert, the advert won’t be shot chronologically so the shot list will help to compile the order I want to shoot.

Budget - Slide 18Next I will complete a budget sheet. Although my advert is being produced for a college assignment it is still important to know the costs that could be faced when doing this task for real. Costs could include hiring out locations and Camera equipment.

Location Permission, Recce, Health and Safety - Slide 19Finally before shooting my advert I will acquire location permis-sion, carry out a location recce and complete a health and safety report for my chosen locations.

At this point my advert will be shot and edited.

Amended Storyboards - Slide 20After shooting and editing I will complete one more set of story-boards showing how my advert differs from my original plans.

Production Logs and Meetings - Slide 21Production logs will be completed weekly throughout produc-tion to keep track of where I am up to and I will also have regu-lar meetings with my crew and tutors to keep everybody up to date.

That concludes my presentation, thank you for listening.