This* Week in Headlines Collection and Analysis of Headlines from around the WWW * Soon to be last week’s, the week before last’s, and sometime long ago that no one remembers. presents July 1st - 6th, 2012

This* Week in Headlines (July 1-6, 2012)

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Collection and Analysis of Headlines from around the WWW

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Page 1: This* Week in Headlines (July 1-6, 2012)

This* Week in Headlines

Collection and Analysis of Headlines from around the WWW

* Soon to be last week’s, the week before last’s,and sometime long ago that no one remembers.


July 1st - 6th, 2012

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So, what happened this* week?

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Well, instead of having a Supreme Court ruling hanging over our head, we had fireworks.

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Though everyone was still debating what the ruling really meant...

Wooing Swing Voters, Both Parties Wary of Overemphasizing Health Care

In Supreme Court Term, Striking Unity on Major Cases

Too Quiet, Again, on Health Care

No Respite for Liberals

4 Charts That Show Obama's Failure to Sell Health-Care Reform to the Public

2 of the Last 3 GOP Presidents Signed Larger Tax Increases Than Obamacare

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This is unacceptable.

“With so many towns economically strapped, there is growing pressure on the courts to bring in money rather than mete out justice,” ... “The

companies they hire are aggressive. Those arrested are not told about the right to counsel or asked whether they are indigent or offered an

alternative to fines and jail. There are real constitutional issues at stake.”

Probation Fees Rise, Firms Profit and the Poor Go to Jail

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But where are you going to hide from such news?

Searing Sun and Drought Shrivel Corn in Midwest

South Carolina passes bill against municipal broadband

Soda Makers Begin Their Push Against New York Ban

Public Workers Face New Rash of Layoffs, Hurting Recovery

A Town That Backed a Failed Project Refuses to Pay

Crammed Into Cheap Bunks, Dreaming of Future Digital Glory

Half of Americans Still Lack 3-Month Emergency Fund

New Rules on Public Pension Funds Seek Better Disclosure

How Fire Could Change the Face of the West

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We are surrounded by it...

Here's a Map of the Countries That Provide Universal Health Care

The Global Diabetes Epidemic, Brought to You by Global Development

In Fiji, a Detour on the Road to Democracy

I.M.F. Reduces Forecast for U.S. Growth

Earthquake Relief Where Haiti Wasn’t Broken

In Caymans, It’s Simple to Fill a Hedge Fund Board

Europe’s Great Illusion

Why Russia locks up so many entrepreneurs

Inquiry Declares Fukushima Crisis a Man-Made Disaster

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This week the plot continued to thicken in Syria...

Protesters Describe Torture by Syrian Security Forces

For Putin, Principle vs. Practicality on Syria

WikiLeaks says it has obtained 2.4 million emails from Syria, claims revelations forthcoming

Amid Reports of Defection, Opponents of Syria’s President Meet

Facebook apologises for deleting free speech group's post on Syrian torture

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As it did in the rest of the Middle East...

Already Plagued by Inflation, Iran Is Bracing for Worse

Iran Takes Defiant Steps Over New Sanctions

Eritrea: Government Accused of Human Rights Abuses

U.S. Adds Forces in Persian Gulf, a Signal to Iran

Judge Helped Egypt’s Military to Cement Power

The Invisible Bank: How Kenya Has Beaten the World in Mobile Money

Dissent Sprouts in Sudan, but It May Not Be Arab Spring

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And of course, China, China, China, China, China...

China blocks access to Bloomberg and Businessweek sites

Protesters March as New Hong Kong Leader Is Sworn In

Wealth and Power: It's a family affair

India and China: Friend, enemy, rival, investor

From Milk to Peas, a Chinese Food-Safety Mess

U.S. Files Trade Complaint Against China on Vehicles

How US software ended up powering Chinese assault helicopters

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Which roughly translates to...














Money Money MoneyMoney Money





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Yet somehow amazing things are still happening...

Physicists Find Elusive Particle Seen as Key to the Universe

Stephen Hawking on time travel, M-theory, and extra terrestrial life

Neutron stars and black holes illuminate dark matter

First private deep space mission will search for Earth-destroying asteroids

Planet-Forming Disk Vanishes Into Thin Air

NASA’s New (Astronaut-Carrying) Spacecraft Is Retro-Modern

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Meanwhile online...

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It took 2 days for Ciscoto think better of a questionable move...

...but it was just another week for Facebook users.

And online/offline relations maintained

their negative trajectory such that...

Facebook e-mail mess: Address books altered; e-mail lost

First Instance of iOS App Store Malware Detected, Removed

Fretting about Facebook, 17th century style

Cisco locks customers out of their own routers, only lets them back in if they agree to being spied upon and monetized

Cisco Hit With Backlash Over Home Router ‘Cloud’ Service

NY judge compels Twitter to reveal user's data

SWAT team throws flashbangs, raids wrong home due to open WiFi network

Cisco backpedals after uproar, drops cloud from default router setting

Facebook email mess spreads to mobile phones

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...and so it went this* week.

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P.S. There are always loose ends...

Why Women Still Can’t Have It All

Where Anonymous actions come from

Full-Body Scan Technology Deployed In Street-Roving Vans

No jury trial for naked TSA protestor

An Estimate for Needed Retirement Savings

When It’s the Nurse Who Needs Looking After

Moving to Spur Economy, 3 Central Banks Take Action

How Does the Film Industry Actually Make Money?

Automated robbery: how card skimmers (still) steal millions from banks

New record for faking data set by Japanese researcher

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What do we do with all the random pieces?

They might not fit together with stories this week, but...

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...perhaps next* week.