Made by: Danny Kasher, Jacob Baker, Ramiz Riadi, and Collin Childs

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Made by: Danny Kasher, Jacob Baker, Ramiz Riadi, and Collin Childs

Wants to change or have a revolution

Want to return to the past, known as the “Golden Age”

Believe in Inequality and superiority

Extreme violence

In revolt against modernity

Part of right side of Political Spectrum

Osama Bin Laden founded Al-Qaeda

Supports International Terrorism

Has around 3,000 followers

Bin Laden is considered the world's foremost terrorist

Bombed World Trade Center in 2001

Killed around 3,000 people in the attack

The World Trade Center attack was considered the largest terrorist attack

Spent years of planning and millions of dollars in the attack

Called for all Jews and Americans to be killed

Al-Qaeda founded in 1980's

Attempted to hit World Trade Center with car bomb in 1993

Al-Qaeda attacked civilian and military targets in various countries

Al-Qaeda use suicide attacks and simultaneous bombings

Al-Qaeda issued a declaration calling on Muslims to kill Americans

Also use assassination, bombing, hijacking, and kidnapping

Says that America will not live in peace

Seeking nuclear and chemical weapons

U.S. And Britain have been trying to bomb them for years

Have said to be hiding in mountainous region of Tora Bora

ruled Germany for 12 years

Killed millions of people during the Holocaust in World War II

Considered one of the most despicable men in history

claimed that Jews were enemies of the Aryan race

He held Jews responsible for Austria’s crisis

seized power on January 30, 1933

promised to rid Germany of Jews and Communists when Great Depression started

fully responsible for the mass executions in Poland

personally ordered the mass extermination of Jews on December 12, 1941

Set up consentration camps in Germany

killed more than 6 million Jews and Poles in gas chambers

First consentration camp opened on March 22, 1933

Murdered 1.5 million children

Created 6 consentration camps

Racist against all black people

Kill all black people to achieve goal of racial segregation and white supremacy

More than 40 different Klan groups exist

Founded in 1866

Has around 5,000 members and associates

Has split into more than 40 separate parts of varying sizes

strongest in the South and Midwest

criminal activity includes hate crimes to acts of terrorism

Do public rallies, protests, programs, and other attention-getting stunts

America’s first true terrorist group

Wear big,white robes/costumes

More than 2,000 people have been killed, wounded, or injured by the Klan

Burned houses and public places

Both hated a type of race

- Hitler hated Jews

- The Klan hated all black people

Both killed more than a thousand people

-Hitler killed Jews and some Germans

-The Klan killed mostly all black people and some white supporters

Both were frowned upon by Americans

-Hitler was hated by everyone, but mostly Jews

-The Klan was also hated by almost everyone, but mostly Blacks

They both killed their enemies in a cruel way

-Hitler killed enemies with gas chambers, guns,etc. For no reason

-The Klan bombed and lit places on fire to kill enemies

Both were inspired by defeats

-Hitler came to power after Germany's defeat in World War 1

-The KKK was organized after the Confederate defeat in the Civil War

Most famous for being the Japanese

emperor during World War II

Emperor Hirohito continued... 昭和天皇

Longest living emperor in Japan

Japan's 124th emperor

Gave the order to bomb Pearl Harbor

Told his men and enouraged civilians to kill themselves if captured by the enemy

People died from starvation while he was in power

His country was hit by the Atomic Bomb after Pearl Harber attack

Surrendered to U.S.A after being hit with two atomic bombs

Almost assasinated in1924

Refused to leave Imperial Palace during World War II

Many men died in his name during the war

Many people wanted to charge him for war crimes

Francisco Franco was Spain's 68th leader of government

Joined the Spanish Navy in his early adulthood

Led a group against the government

When the revolt failed, Spain was plunged into civil war

The Nationalists, or the group against the government, were led by Franco

Francisco made a friendly alliance with the German dictator Adolf Hitler

The Nationalists received aid from Germany during the Spanish Civil War

The Nationalist Party won the civil war and Francisco became the Spanish Head of State

Franco got rid of the Spanish Parliament and drafted a new national constitution for Spain

Maintained control of Spain by using austere measures, which is extreme suppression of opposing views by great lengths of censorship

Imprisoned ideological enemies in concentration camps and implemented work camps and high-security prisons for anyone who opposed his views

Supported and encouraged the death penalty

Established trade with the United States during the Cold War

Above: Francisco Franco and Adolf Hitler greeting Nazi soldiers


Ian SmithWas the Prime Minister of Britain

Promised that white rule would endure in Africa for 1,000 years

Entered politics in 1948

Resigned from United Federal Party in 1961

Wasn't a popular speaker

Served as leader of the Republican Front until 1987

Became symbol to blacks and many others

Served as minister of the Treasury

Declared Rhodesia a republic.

A very special thanks to our favorite teacher

Mr. Safranski