Presidential Digital Campaign Plan Arranged by Krisnawati

Presidential Digital Campaign Plan

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This campaign plan I made to meet the requirement of Maverick The Recruit 2013 Round 2

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Page 1: Presidential Digital Campaign Plan

Presidential Digital Campaign


Arranged by Krisnawati

Page 2: Presidential Digital Campaign Plan

My Ideal President

My ideal president is an inspiring person who can eager for dreams and hopes for Indonesian

people which has been vanished by pessimistic for more than a decade. He also has to understand

deeply about Indonesia and really know what to do to make Indonesia better than before. The most

important is he should be able to be trusted by Indonesian people and call Indonesian people to work

together with him.

My Hopes for Indonesia

As we know that Indonesia has rich diversity whether in geographical or sociological sector. As

an archipelago country, Indonesia has a thousand islands which are divided into 33 provinces that have

either their own abundance or problem to be understood. Sociologically Indonesia has a lot of cultures,

tribes, ethnics, religions and believes they adhered. From that fact, Indonesian president should know

and understand all about Indonesia to be able to lead Indonesia has a brighter and better future.

Indonesia, since I understand about what Indonesia is like I always admire it. A country with a lot

of miracles of nature and fertile land everywhere is what my country always figured. It’s like the most

perfect living place in the world. It has wide forest, rice-field, various vegetables plantation, tea and

coffee plantation, ocean with all things inside, rich oil and mine resource and so on. It seems that we

don’t have to worry about our sustainable life. It is a mercy from God.

Besides, a heroic story that happened to fight for Indonesia independent always makes me

proud to be Indonesian. A story about how to tear a blue color of Holland flag and turn it into a red-

white flag is one of a lot of heroic stories that are told by my teachers in the early year of my school

year. The braveness to make this country exist between other countries in this world with blood and

feeling sacrifice is one of the reasons why I very love this country.

But time goes by and it seems that the reasons of my proud of this country are gone slowly.

There are exploitation of natural resources, corruption cases, murder case, harshness, poverty and so

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on. There are too many problems in this country that I shouldn’t have to mention because I think too

many problems undergoing in Indonesia that has been told in every kind of media. The expose of what

problems are happening in this country is delivered very well by all media channels. Even too many

exposures of social, economic and culture problems in all media channels have made Indonesian people

become more and more pessimistic day by day.

I don’t want to say that kind of exposure is bad at all. The more democratic a country, the more

freedom of speech and media exposure exist. Since” orde baru” era defeated, media has more freedom

either in content of news or their point of views although there are still limitation in rules. But if there is

too much bad news exposed, it will not good for us. Sometimes there are unimportant thing delivered

by media. Even the way media tell us news is not good, such as showing us the scene of murder which is

too harsh.

But I don’t want to talk about it. I just want to tell all Indonesian people that we are not as bad

as what we think. I don’t want to say that our problems can be solved in one night: this is a big and

complicated problem. We have to work together to solve our problems. It’s impossible if it can be ended

by one person or little group of people.

I want to make Indonesian people realize that we still can come up with all this problems. I want

to tell them that we still have hopes to be a prosperous nation. Just do anything good you can do for

Indonesia. If you can do, do it! Don’t ever be pessimistic and not to mind with our country future.

Please, don’t talk too much like criticizing our government even our president by doing nothing! It’s

better if we ‘talk’ to them with our movement, our effort for this country.

On the other hand, we also need a person that can give a stimulus for Indonesian people to do

that. My candidate president will do it. I do believe it and because of that I want to convince Indonesian

people that together with this kind of leader we can make Indonesia better through this movement. He

will tell a hope, the reason why we have to optimist, what to do and how to do to make it happen.

The Important Issue for the

Future of Indonesia

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In 2015 Indonesia and the other ASEAN country will face ASEAN Community. It means that all

ASEAN country will be a single market with free flows of investment, capital, skilled labor, priority

integration sector, food agriculture and forestry. This is very important issue for Indonesia I think.

Because before it comes It’s a must for Indonesia to be ready in entire sector including education,

economic, social, and politic or we will defeated and couldn’t compete with another ASEAN

country .2015 will come in 14 months, it’s very short time to make everything ready so that it will be

better if all Indonesian people can work together to fix our beloved Indonesia.

Who the next president

should be talking to

Based on database from KPU (Electoral Commission), there are 148.039.000 voters registered in

DPT (final voters list). For about 53 million are young voters (17-29 years old) and from that amount of

young voter for about 56 % (about 30 million) are first voters. That’s a big amount of voters I think.

Because of that I want my candidate talk to young voters as a primary audience and the other voters as

the secondary audience. Besides, the young voter is very match with the message I want my candidate

talk about.

How to communicate his

vision for Indonesia?

Based on what I’ve said before (about my ideal president, my hopes for Indonesia, the

important issue, the audience), I’d prefer to focus political campaign towards digital campaign. There

are three main reasons I used digital campaign: more measurable, more effective and more time-spent.

Using digital media also has been habit for the target audience.

Limitations of this campaign are:

o This campaign I arrange is a digital campaign.

o Target Audience:

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- Demographic :Unisex

17-29 years old

A - s/d C


Student, fresh graduate, young worker

- Geographic : Jakarta and its surrounding area

- Psychographic : Still care about Indonesia (even it’s so small)

and has a hope for better Indonesia but they don’t know what

and how to make it true.

Campaign Plan

1. Problem: My candidate president has a good background and reputation but he is not famous


2. Consumer problem/opportunities: Indonesian people do not know that they have another

choice to be their president which is still young, good background and good track record, and he

really wants to make Indonesia better.

3. Communication Objective: To inform target audience that he is the best choice to be the next

president of Indonesia.

4. Digital Strategic Plan:

Mission : Indonesian people realize that there is a new young leader which can be

chosen to become the next president.

Vision : Become a new-young-inspiring president in Indonesia.

Forecast : More and more Indonesian people know about him with all his kindness

(background, track record, achievements, etc) in just 9 months.

Goals : Indonesian people know about the excellence of him compare to the other


Objective : Majority of people talk about him positively on the internet.

Activities : Create a movement in several digital channels.

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Youtube : “Hapus pesimisme, kerja untuk Indonesia” (Video submitting on

youtube). In these activities, my candidate has their own youtube account and

uploads some videos about his point of views and believes about Indonesia at the

early of activities to open target audience mind about what happen in Indonesia,

why, what to do. The next step is creating an event that call Indonesian people to

upload their own video which is describe what they want to do for Indonesia, it can

be a big thing or even a little thing like “I promise to sing for Indonesia to spread

optimistic spirit, because I love and good at singing” or “I promise to study hard to

be a high quality young generation for better Indonesia”, “I just want to be a good

strategic planner so I can make a good campaign for Indonesia tourism”, etc. Every

person that submits their video can share the link on facebook fan page. From all

videos submitted will be chosen ten video and the reward is meeting with candidate

to talk more about what they say in the video and the possibility to realize what

they want to do for Indonesia.

Twitter :

a. Spread hash tag #KerjaUntukIndonesia and #hapuspesimisme.

b. Post inspiring tweet from candidate.

c. Post link of several videos submitting on youtube.

d. Post about his activities and event that related to this movement.

e. Buzzer tweet from young generation idol (Eg: Pandji Pragiwaksono).

Facebook :

a. Post about the candidate personality including his background, point of

views, believes, track record, achievements in soft ways (not hard selling).

b. Inspiring post in facebook with the same theme “Hapus pesimisme, kerja

untuk Indonesia”


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c. Post link of several videos submitting on youtube.

Website : The content is about his point of views, believes, vision and hopes

about Indonesia and the complete description about the movement.

Measures : The growing number of fans and follower, activities.

Outcomes : Growing number of fans reaches 100% in just 9 months and more fans

know all about him well.


Nov 2013

Okt 2013 Des 2013 Jan 2014 Feb 2014 Mar 2014 April 2014

Teaser about move-ment

Delivering his point of views, believes, vision and hopes about Indonesia

Promoting the movement and complete description about it.

Upload videos about his point of views and

believes about Indonesia

Invite Indonesian people to upload their own video which is describe what they want to do for Indonesia. START THE MOVEMENT.

Post inspiring tweet from candidate.

a. Spread hash tag #KerjaUntukIndonesia and #hapuspesimisme.

b. Post link of several videos submitting on youtube.

c. Post about his activities and event that related to this movement.

d. Buzzer tweet from young generation idol (Eg: Pandji Pragiwaksono).

Post link of several videos submitting on youtube.

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What I try to focus is doing digital campaign by using all owned media like facebook fan page,

twitter account, and youtube account. Through this campaign I want to make a movement where

Indonesian People could take a part and allow them to “experience” my candidate as a brand. It will

create a boom trending topic and let more and more people know about this movement and of course

who is the creator of this movement: my candidate. Therefore it will create engagement between them

and my candidate. Then my digital campaign can trigger the self- activation of earned media. The

example of earned media is when one of news program in television brings this movement up and

deliver that booming news to more wide audience without paid.

In the early of this campaign people will aware of the existing of my candidate. Then through

“Kerja untuk Indonesia” movement they will experience everything about my candidate. They will know

his vision for Indonesia, the way he leads, the way he solves the problem, the way he inspires and so on.

It will be the fact finding step for them. Then it will be followed by emotional bonding so that they will

feel closer and more know about him. At the end, trustworthiness between my candidate and people

Post inspiring post in facebook.

Post about the candidate personality including his background, point of views, believes, track record,

achievements in soft ways (not hard selling).


Brand Experience


Emotional Bonding

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will be built. This trustworthiness is not the goal of the campaign but I hope it will happen immediately

after the goal reached.

So, that is how my campaign works. The highest achievements of this campaign is when this

campaign could make Indonesia people more optimist and call for their participation to work together

with my candidate to make the better Indonesia and of course know him well and think that he is the

best candidate to be the next Indonesia president compare to others.