Managed Lanes More than a Revenue Tool © Parsons Brinckerhoff, 2012.

Managed Lanes: More than a Revenue Tool

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David Ungemah, senior planning manager at Parsons Brinckerhoff, shares his thoughts on the "Innovative Funding & Financing" panel at the 2012 Charlotte Chamber Transportation Summit.

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Managed Lanes More than a Revenue Tool

© Parsons Brinckerhoff, 2012.

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David Ungemah Parsons Brinckerhoff National Managed Lanes Director

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We’re Paying Less, Driving More

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As Fuel Economies Go Up,

Revenues Go Down

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20 mpg 30 mpg 50 mpg 0 mpg

NC Tax Fed Tax NC Tax Fed Tax NC Tax Fed Tax NC Tax Fed Tax

0.39$ 0.18$ 0.39$ 0.18$ 0.39$ 0.18$ 0.39$ 0.18$

20,000 392$ 184$ 261$ 123$ 157$ 74$ -$ -$

15,000 294$ 138$ 196$ 92$ 118$ 55$ -$ -$

10,000 196$ 92$ 131$ 61$ 78$ 37$ -$ -$

Light Duty Truck Passenger Vehicle Hybrid Electric Vehicle

Miles / Year

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Restoring Purchasing Power

• Federal tax increase of 10¢ just to restore purchasing power from 1998 (AASHTO)

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A Story of Fiscal Concerns

• A Nation of Debtors

• National: $15.6 Trillion

• State: $1.1 Trillion

• Local: $1.7 Trillion

• Long term policy needs

• Social Security: $7 Trillion

• Trust fund exhausted in 2036

• Medicare gap: $38 Trillion

• Trust fund exhausted in 2014

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Transportation Consequences

• Transportation maintenance and improvement is expensive ($5+ Trillion)

• … But doing nothing is also expensive …

• … Yet it’s unlikely to change given all the other issues this country faces.

April 13, 2012 © Parsons Brinckerhoff, 2012. 7

Increase In Urban


Inflation & Wage


Erosion of Economic


Depression Of Total

Tax Revenue

Reduction in

New Capacity

The Widening


Funding &

Service Gap

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Looking Ahead

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• “One Size Fits All” doesn’t work anymore

• Restore the “User Pays” principle

• New technologies open new doors

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OK, so now what?

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Fighting Congestion

• Reduces Capacity When Needed Most

• Hinders Commerce

• Costs $100+ Billion Annually

• Expensive Infrastructure to Resolve

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What If?

• Guaranteed Congestion Free Freeway Lanes

• Safe and Reliable Travel

• Long Term Return on Investment

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What are Managed Lanes?

What are they?

• Dedicated Lanes

• “Freeway within a Freeway”

• Proactively Managed

• Real-time response to supply and demand

• Preservation of Capacity

What are the benefits?

• Greater throughput

• Transit & carpools

• Travel time reliability

• Decreased fuel consumption

• Improved air quality

• Revenue generation

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Managed Lanes Design

• Initially tolled managed lanes were fully-separated






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Managed Lanes Design

• New Managed Lanes are more integrated into the

freeway with less physical separation.



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More Efficiency

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Each lane is moving 1400 vehicles at 25 mph

Each lane is moving 1500 vehicles at 60 mph

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Transit Compatibility

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Managed Lanes Generate


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The Challenge of Managed


• I’ve already paid for it!

• Don’t trust government with more of my money

• Tolls never go away!

• Unfair to (fill in the blank)

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Gee, Wally. Why would you put a toll on a freeway?

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Imagining the Benefits

• There is no reason to put up with congestion anymore

• Active observation and management

• Restores user pay principle

• Helps pay for the specific capacity needed

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Charlotte Region Fast Lanes

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Charlotte Region Fast Lanes

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I-77 Public-Private Partnership

• New Managed Lanes

• Convert existing HOV lane

• Extend facility north / south

• Expand two lanes in each direction

• Private Partners

• Revenue risk by private entity

• 50 Year agreement

• Maximize private financing; minimize public funds

• Dynamic pricing

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What If We Could…

• Build projects by leveraging new funding without increasing taxes?

• Empower local governments to invest in needed roadways?

• Right-size our highway system, so as to reduce project costs and other impacts?

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David Ungemah [email protected]

© Parsons Brinckerhoff, 2012. April 13, 2012 27