Hybridmedia in Japan 2005 Klaus Oesch – Fenix Program Manager Klaus Oes Finantec May 2005

Klaus Oesch – Fenix Program Manager

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Page 1: Klaus Oesch – Fenix Program Manager

Hybridmedia in Japan 2005Klaus Oesch – Fenix Program Manager

Klaus OeschFinantec OyMay 2005

Page 2: Klaus Oesch – Fenix Program Manager

The Finnish Fenix GroupMs. Katja Bergroth, Senior Consultant, JP Management Consulting (http://

www.poyry.com/en/index.html) Mr. Jorgen Eriksson, R&D Manager, Mobile Application Laboratory, Espoo-Vantaa

Institute of Technology (http://www.evtek.fi/technology/) Mr. Petteri Halonen, Technical Service Manager, UPM-Kymmene Japan (http://

www.upm-kymmene.com)Dr. Timo Joutsenoja, Development Manager, New Ventures, UPM-Kymmene (

http://www.upm-kymmene.com)Ms. Helene Juhola, Director R&D, Federation of the Finnish Media Industry (http://

www.vkl.fi/) Mr. Pasi Koistinen, Director, New Business Initiatives, TeliaSonera Finland (http://

www.teliasonera.com)Mr. Aleksi Kokotti, Director, Technology Center, Finland Post Group (http://

www.posti.fi/english/finlandpostgroup/) Dr. Raimo Korhonen, Vice President R&D, Avantone (http://www.avantone.com) Ms. Susanna Nieminen, Director of Research, End-use Environment, KCL Science and

Consulting (http://www.kcl.fi/) Mr. Mikko Nuutinen, Research Scientist, Laboratory of Media Technology, Helsinki

University of Technology (http://www.media.hut.fi/?language=en) Mr. Klaus Oesch, FENIX Programme Manager(http://websrv2.tekes.fi/opencms/opencms/OhjelmaPortaali/Kaynnissa/FENIX/en/

etusivu.html) Ms. Leena Salo, Research Scientist, Laboratory of Media Technology, Helsinki

University of Technology (http://www.media.hut.fi/?language=en) Mr. Ari Vanhala, Director R&D, Tervakoski (http://www.tervakoski.com/) Mr. Teemu Varonen, Senior Technology Adviser, National Technology Agency of

Finland (http://www.tekes.fi/eng/) Mr. Risto Vesanto, Director, Packaging Innovations, New Business Innovations, Stora

Enso(http://www.storaenso.com) Mr. Peter Westerstrahle, Technology Adviser, National Technology Agency of Finland


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Fenix group at Tokyo

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Tokyo 2005

Games Marketing

ConsumerTechnologymusic disribution

The Fenixdelegationsearchinghybrid mediaat Tokyo

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Tokyo is a huge ubicomp testing Lab

• ”The growth of the U-society will change the rules of the game” • Tokyo is a huge testing lab where it happens• 2010 ubiquitous world (RFTAG utilization, communication networks,

databases) will be reality in Japan• U-Japan testing is underway; there money, knowledge, consumers• Hybridmedia: RFTAG/QR-implementations, mobile vertical applications and

practical testing is creating the Ubi-Japan – new ”Information Society” prototype

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Japan is also a testing lab for information society

1970 Yoho Shokai – Information society by Yonedi Masuda, 1990´s Japan ISTDevelopment programs - > 2005 ubiquitous computing development and testing

Panasonic Center

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Japan trials

• Pilot and infrastructure building funded partially by ministeries and partially by companies; Hibiki project = development of low cost RF tags in line with the opening if UHF band in 2005

• Traceability of agriculture projects, funded by ministry of agriculture, forestry and fisheries

• Food industry pilot to provide reliability of food products• Auto-ID field tests in Japan• Home electronics pilot, Akihabara distribution testing with consumer

electronics producers funded by ministry of economics, industry and trade• Pilot in food stores, supply chain management, real time inventory control,

automatic check in/out• RFID trial by publishing industry; music records DVD and CD• Air line baggage field trials• Apparel distribution warehouse inspection – industry standard experiment

project• Visitors badge with EPC tag trials• What after 2006?

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Hybrid media = Integration of information and paper technologies

• Hybrid media = various combinations of communication tools, content and functionality• Convergence between electonic media and fiber based products• New media innovation area• The user friendliness of the print media combined with the user benefits of the web• New kind of user interfaces, value networks, ubiquitous consumer technology…

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The birth of the ubiquitous information society is happening in Japan

2003 2006 2010

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Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors AssociationTrends in media usage (1)

• Nihon Shimbun Kyokai NSK http://www.pressnet.or.jp/english/index.htm• Funded and operated by the mass media of Japan (member organizations

108 newspapers, 4 news agencies, 31 broadcasting stations)• General trend: newspaper circulation is declining, still copies per 1000

person 554 Newspaper circulation in Japan is declining, reading information in morning gives enough information

• Younger people going away from newspapers, see them difficult to read• Disposal of paper and lack of recycling is influencing• No time to read evening news, sports reading declining• Radio and tv programs and sports are available in the net• Revenue (2003 100 mill. yens) coming from sales advertising and others

(publishing business news and holding events• Advertizing expenditures by Dentsu 5,87 trill. yens by medium = major

media (3,6 trill. yens Internet still small 181 mill. yens)

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Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors AssociationTrends in media usage (2)

• 10 years ago the first website – now is the turning point for Japanese media industry – how to proceed media business in the future

• Digital framework is still under development in Japan• Growth trends:• Mainichi (content publishing) was aligned with Microsoft (MSN and

advertising) new kind of website Mainichi interactive• Sankei withdrew digital replica• Google News• News in RSS/XML format• Blogs• SNS social networking services• User registration – membership services• Hybridmedia is an interesting way to develop the future services

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Motoyasu Mise, Mgr digital media, Koji Umano, Mgr R&D, Mariko Horikawa, R&D digital media

Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors Association

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NTT DoCoMo – Anywhere in Life

• http://www.nttdocomo.com/• Mobile phone’s possibilities to take the role of conventional media• Developing “Magic World solutions” in mobile horizontal and vertical applications• Docomo has developed during the 1990´s first telecom infra, then 2000 i-mode

it-infrastucture, now developing consumers “Life infrastructure”• New era of hi-resolution interfaces leads towards “Information Society solutions”• Convergence of broadcasting and telecom – towards 4th generation 20 mbps

solutions in 2010 – e.g. delivery of viewing licences and metadata• Linking mobile phone to the stored TV-broadcasting• Docomo Videonet – mobile video community will be the killer (both real faces

and animated avatar persons)• FOMA Felica solutions in ticket, credit card, membership card, coupon, key,

voucher, presentation, electronic money, mileage card, employee-id card areas• Services linked with terrestrial digital broadcasting and household appliances• Solution areas: supermarket, financing, transportation, user identification

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Docomo Anywhere in Life

Videonet will be the broadbandvirtual community

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Toppan printing “We´ll be surprising the future”

• http://www.toppan.co.jp/english/ • “Towards a new synthesis of knowledge”• Leader in Japan´s printing field• Toppan business fields: 1. Information & Networks; securities&cards, commercial

printing, publications and on-demand printing, e-business 2. Living environment; packaging, Industrial materials 3. Electronics; Electronics, Optronics

• R&D focusing on four fields; information & networks, electronics, living environment, next generation products

• Next generation RFTAG´s ultra compact chip T-Junction, certification from UBI ID Center, those ultrasmall tags can be used in anything from books to doormats

• Toppan operates Bitway, Japan first distribution portal site for PDA content• Virtual reality theater & large library of digital maps • FEEL a concept combining functionality and eco friendliness – recycling qualities• Ecology Center• Graphic Arts laboratory expressing human sensitivities and image• Toppan is ushering an IT society trough world class optical and composite technologies

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Toppan E-paper

• E-Ink Electonic Paper development bringing together conventional paper and rewritable electonic display media of E-Ink electronic paper – available black&white, color version later

• E-paper development. Benefits; Paper-like readability, Ultra Low Power, Exeptional portability

• E-Ink developed in MIT (Jacobsen) 1995, Toppan is developing the business concepts for electronic ink

• First experiments at Aichi and Iidabashi subway station

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Ubiquitous ID Center - Visions for RFID applications • http://www.uidcenter.org/• Ken Sakamura: “Understanding time and location” • Interest has shifted from desktop computers to mobile computers such as cell

phones, wearable computers and advanced PDA-like services such as ubiquitous communicator terminals

• The Ubi Center has developed the ucode, a multicode tag that automatically identifies information stored in bar codes, RFID chips, smart cards and electonic tags embedded in virtual entities such as software and electronic money

• UID Center assigns unique numbers to each tag and stores data relating to the objects in database servers

• UID Center developed also the Ubiquitous Communicator, a PDA-like device that reads ucode tags and retrieves the relevant data from the UID Center´s server database

• Ubiquitous ID system is protected by eTRON (Economy and Entity TRON), a wide area distribution system architecture based on tamper-resistant hardware

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Prof. Ken SakamuraUML Labpresentingthe ucodeand T-enginearchitecture

Ken Sakamura – father of the Tron and T-engine

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T-engine Forum

• In 2002 a consortium the T-engine Forum was formed; specifications for t-kernel and T-engine development. Sakamura: ”The task dispatch in the T-kernel is in the sub-microsecond range”

• The T-engine Forum has grown from 22 members 2002 to 500 members 2005• www.t-engine.org, network protocol stacks, filing systems, GUI, audio processing,

e-Tron security software, MP3, speech recognition, digital watermarks etc. • The forum has development centers in China, Korea and Singapore• eTRON chips are installed in T-engine boards preventing falsification and tapping• Spiritual father was Ken Sakamura, the creator of the embedded TRON operating

system• According to estimates in Japan there are 3-4 billion iTRON processors running in

embedded systems (Sony, Toyta, Panasonic, IBM and also Microsoft! etc.)• Several thousand companies are using already the T-engine development kit• T-engine is becoming the de facto standard of developing tools for ubioquitous

computing devices in Japan

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Japanese e-paper specialists at Toranomon Pastoral

• Prof Makoto Omodani, Tokai University: Electronic paper; expectations, R&D trends, applications of readable paper

• Prof. Takeshi Kitamura, Chiba University: Recent technological progress on electronic paper

• Dr. Suichi Maeda, Oji Paper: Electronic paper and it´s readability

• ”Electronic paper bridges virtual world and real world”• ”Electronic paper usher a new information world where we can read far

more comfortably”

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Panasonic Center, Ariake: A space for ideasPanasonic world of ideas:Networking ideasEco ideasVisual ideasInteractive ideas”The world of Ideas” is a space where our visions intersect with reality.

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Panasonic Astrovision

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Panasonic center – Showcase of cutting edge technologies

• www.panasonic-center.com (Yasufumi Ohashi, Mastsushita business planning group)

• Realixzing ubiquitous digital network; environmental showcases, digital network museum, business presentation

• Ubiquitous World; a space for global, personal connection• Levels; personal, friends, community, world• ”The World of Ideas” will be expanding to airports around the globe – now

in 6 airports• A space for global connection between Panasonic Center at Tokyo and

major cities around the world• Personal broadcast station; • EPG world, databank • Developing universal design priciples

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Dai Nippon Printing – Printing and

Information solutions for your life

• http://www.dnp.co.jp/index_e.html• IC Tag solutions; Accuwave a line of original IC tag products• Projected applications; logistics, transportation, retail and distribution,

leisure, security, manufacturing, medical facilities• Printing systems and eco friendly packaging• Information and content distribution systems through the internet data

center• Publishing on-demand and e-books, holograms, smart cards• Life style and environmental solutions• Display solutions focused on the future course of IT-oriented societies,

building on a history of printing and printing-derived technology• R&D labs in the areas of packaging, information media supplies, display

components, electronic components, media technology and nano science

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Dai Nippon Printing

HiroakiKabamotoass.general mgr

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RICOH – environmental management • http://www.ricoh.co.jp/• RECO View e-paper (RECO = rewritable, recyclable, reusable/ecology,

economy/viewability• Printers for thermal rewritable e-paper; sheets for industrial use closed and

open areas, apparel tags, smart cards, loyalty cards• Pilots running in Ricoh Numazu factory, electronic parts manufacturer,

medical check up center, automobile manufacturer• Visualization of digital data • Rewritable indications on the tag

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Rewritable paper and RF Tag applications

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Seiko Epson • http://www.epson.co.jp/e/ e-paper, printed electronics• Research laboratories in Fujimi, Nagano Japan and Cambridge, UK for e-paper• Epson aims to achieve growth through on-demand and small lot printing

including both home and office markets• Epson will revolutionize the photography, copy and publishing markets

providing customers with greater flexibility in terms of time and location, greater satisfaction and higher cost effectiveness

• Epson´s 3 I´s; imaging on paper -> printers, imaging on screens -> projectors, imaging on glass -> displays

• Concepts: Desktop factory (From present huge factories to compact 10x10 m2 and 1x1 m2 desktop factories)

• Electrophoretic material for watch, smart cards and displays• In the future 2010-2015? the electronic paper = interaction with digital

information media• In the future wearable technology, ultra smart cards, full wall displays

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Dr. Satoshi InoueSeiko Epson Corp.Technology platform research center

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Mitsukoshi department store

RFTAG-system for womens shoesRFID pilot (shoes section)

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Denso Wave • http://www.denso-wave.com/en/adcd/index.html • 2D code, bar code, RFID, Denso is developing hybrid terminal supporting QR code,

barcode and RF • Automatic warehousing• Container management• Vehicle management• Rental industry food industry• Experimental tests for electric home appliances • Denso Wave has in QR codes 50 % market share in Japan (not included mobile

phones)• Separate presentations by Denso in RFID tag technology, QR Code overview,

Automatic Data Capture

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Aisatsu – Changing business cards

Kikuo Tamura, board memberHiromitsu Takai, general mgr.Tetsuya Kominami, general mgr. engineeringHiroiku Masuda, senior project mgr.Nobuyuki Teraura, Senior mgr.Akiko Matsuoka, MA

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• Japanissa paljon hypeä asian tiimoilla, hajanaisia toteutuksia, ”pelle peloton ratkaisuja” – parhaat jutut kuitenkin ”hakusessa”

• Japanissa on hyvät, loppuun asti viedyt demot, joista pitää ottaa oppia• Japanilaisilla on hyviä tulevaisuuskonsepteja, joilla luodaan tulevaisuutta rakentavia

mielikuvia• Pilottiprojektien valtion panostus ja testaaminen hyvä• Showcase ”tulevaisuuden demolaboratorio” tarvitaan myös Suomeen, omistajat?• Yhteistyö on tarpeellinen pakkausarvoketjun alueella• Tuotannon logistiikkaratkaisut (jäljitettävyys) ovat mielenkiintoisia• Docomo ja TBS kiinnostuneita mobitv:stä, yhteistoiminnalle paikka• 2D QR-koodi on valmis ratkaisu, suomalaisten pitää osallistua standardointityöhön• QR – Datametrix selvitys paikallaan• Toppan, Seiko Epson teknologiat ovat kiinnostavia• Seiko Epson ”electronic paper” on kiinnostava konsepti, josta kannattaa ottaa selvää• Suomalaiset osaavat sovelluskehityksen eikä siinä ole häpeämistä - pitää kuitenkin

kehittää• Japanilaisten t-engine ohjelmistoalusta on mielenkiintoinen• Yhteishankkeita japanilaisten kanssa kannattaa aloittaa

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Toimenpiteitä 2005-2006 (1)

• Hybrimedian kansallisen demotilan käynnistys tavoitteena esitellä myyntiin suomalaisia horisontaali- ja vertikaalisovellusratkaisuja älylehdestä pakkausteknologiaan – toimijoina mukana tutkimuslaitokset ja paperiteollisuus (tehtävä suunnitelma)

• Hybridimediakoulutuksen ammattilaisten täydennyskoulutuksen aloitus

• RFID Labib laajentaminen hybridimedialaboratorioksi?

• Monitieteisenä horisontaalisena kehitysalueena: telekommunikaation, paperiteknologia, elektroniikan, kuluttajakonseptien, median käyttötapojen ja käyttökokemuksen ja paperin uudelleenkäytön (recycling) kehitys

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Toimenpiteitä 2005-2006 (2)

• Osallistuminen kansainväliseen QR-standardointitoimintaan – Suomen edustajat?

• Ken Sakamura Suomeen keynote speakeriksi ubi-tietoyhteiskuntaseminaariin

• Ubi-laboratorion perustaminen ucode/ubi-alueen de facto standardien kehittämiseksi yhteistyössä japanilaisten kanssa (teollisuus/yliopistokonsortio, Tokai?)

• Recycling- tutkimus paperi- ja digitaalisen median (kulutuselektroniikan) välillä Suomi-Japani yhteistutkimuksena

• Mahdollinen Suomen ubi-ohjelma 2006, Suomalaisten ja japanilaisten toimijoiden yhdistäminen yhteiseen ubi-projektiin, lisäarvon luominen Suomessa, vienti ja testaus Kiinassa

• Suomen UBI- RFTAG varusohjelmistoselvitys ja strategia tehtävä• Seiko Epson electronic paper projekti mahdollisuus; kuitenkin

enemmän ELMO- tms. ohjelman alue, Dr. Inoue Suomeen electronic paper-workshopiin alkusyksystä

• Suomalaisten toimijoiden kärkijoukko parin kuukauden sisällä SeikoEpsonille Naganoon perehtymään electronic paper tilanteeseen