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Historic rep of teens

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  • 1. Linked Production
    Critical Investigation area
    Gender representations in soap operas
    Linked Production
    The opening sequence for an episode of a new soap
    Critical Investigation area
    Viral marketing techniques
    Linked Production
    A viral advertisement suitable for distribution by
    mobile phone
    Critical Investigation area
    Japanese anime
    Linked Production
    Trailer for a new anime film

2. Linked Production
Critical Investigation area
Contemporary mens lifestyle magazines
Linked Production
Mock-up of the first edition of a new mens lifestyle
Critical Investigation area
Machinima and commercial game trailers
Linked Production
Machinima film for a new first-person shooter
computer game
Critical Investigation area
Shock jocks and local commercial radio stations
Linked Production
Opening section of a new late night discussion
programme for a local radio station
3. Learning Objective
To explore the alternative representations of teenagers in the media.
To understand the historical context of where the stereotype of teenagers began.
4. Where did the stereotype of teenagers originate from?
Teddy Boys
The Beat Culture
Rock and Roll
5. Stuart Hall/Tony Jefferson: Theories
described youth subcultures as symbolic or ritualistic attempts to resist the power of bourgeois hegemony by consciously adopting behavior that appears threatening to the establishment.
7. Write an informative article for a student magazine (including pictures) about dominant/alternative representations of teenagers.(1 PAGE OF WRITING)
Use notes from the previous lessonsto show what you have learnt.
Include an introduction about where stereotypes of teenagers came from. (Rock and Roll, Teddy Boys etc.).
Identify dominant representations of teenagers include recent and relevant media text examples.
Compare and contrast with alternative representations, again, including recent and relevant media examples.
Why do certain Institutions present teenagers in a different light?