Final exam review

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Page 2: Final exam review

Is 69 questions worth one point each Deadline to submit work to be EXEMPT

from Final is midnight on Sunday, June 5th. I will kmail those students who are exempt (90% or higher) the morning of June 6th.

There is no part 2 for the final exam You may use this unit review to help you

on the exam End of the year survey to be Kmailed on


Page 3: Final exam review

Search for a land route to China Muslim invasion of Spain Intellectual Curiosity Mad Scramble for Africa Desire for Economic gain The promise of trade with Asia

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•When the New World was discovered, the Spanish conquered these two Native American Empires the ______________ & the ____________.•The Columbian Exchange is the movement of plants, animals, people, and diseases between the Old World and the New World.•The European country of _________________ was the first to ship enslaved Africans to the New World.

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Which of the following was NOT a cause of the Protestant Reformation?

Which of the following is NOT an example of the philosophy of Absolutism under King Louis XIV?

A. Sale of indulgences

B. Corruption in the Church

C. The Fall of Constantinople

D. Worldliness and greed among Church officials

A. Construction of Versailles

B. Meeting of the Estates General

C. The phrase “L’etat, c’est moi”

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Glorious Revolution Galileo Gallilei John Locke U. S. Constitution

All humans have natural rights

Constitutional monarchy

A written plan of government reflecting the will of the people

Powerful telescope; confirmed that earth revolves around sun

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Glorious Revolution Galileo Gallilei John Locke U. S. Constitution

All humans have natural rights

Constitutional monarchy

A written plan of government reflecting the will of the people

Powerful telescope; confirmed that earth revolves around sun

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All of the following are causes of the French Revolution EXCEPT:

All of the following are reasons why democracy failed in Latin American countries EXCEPT:

A. The Magna CartaB. Tax burden on the

common peopleC. Voting structure in

the Estates General

D. France’s financial crisis

A. Military strongmen, known as caudillos took control

B. Leaders had very little experience in self-government

C. Spain and Portugal regained control over most of their land.

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Acquiring RAW MATERIALS RAW MATERIALS (for industry) Promising PROSPERITYPROSPERITY to citizens

back home (at the expense of colonized people)

Zeal for MISSIONARY WORKMISSIONARY WORK Civilize Civilize nations

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Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire

Allies (Entente): Russia, France, Britain, Serbia, Italy (after 1915), United States

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Most Europeans believed the war would end quickly, and involve only a few countries…

However, it LASTED MUCH LASTED MUCH LONGER LONGER than expected and than expected and dragged on and ondragged on and on

WHY?WHY? More countries decided to join

the war, both to help their allies and for personal gain


No country had a clear upper hand in the war…

THE RESULT: Countries had to commit to

TOTAL WAR:TOTAL WAR: 1. Involves every citizen1. Involves every citizen 2. Requires increased 2. Requires increased

industrial productionindustrial production 3. Nations must use every 3. Nations must use every

resource availableresource available Led to Led to MAJORMAJOR CHANGESCHANGES:: Women joined the workforceWomen joined the workforce Govt’s took control over Govt’s took control over

their nations’ economiestheir nations’ economies ““Planned” economies Planned” economies

replaced Capitalismreplaced Capitalism

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At the start of the war, America wanted to STAY OUT of fighting

It was a EUROPEAN WAREUROPEAN WAR, and not our problem THEN… In 1915, a German U-Boat sunk the LUSITANIALUSITANIA,

a defenseless passenger ship: 118 Americans died

WOODROW WILSON WOODROW WILSON used this as the main reason to join the Allies in 1917

Part of his FOURTEEN POINTS for PEACE:FOURTEEN POINTS for PEACE: An end to SECRET DIPOLAMCYAn end to SECRET DIPOLAMCY Freedom of the SEAS Freedom of the SEAS New association of world nations:New association of world nations: LEAGUE OF NATIONSLEAGUE OF NATIONS

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Rifle- Machine Gun- Gas- Zeppelin- Tank- Planes- Torpedoes-

Cost of WWI More people lost their lives More people lost their lives

than any other warthan any other war Millions of soldiers and Millions of soldiers and

civilians diedcivilians died European Economies were European Economies were


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Peace agreement League of Nations was createdLeague of Nations was created-U.S refused to join War Guilt Clause War Guilt Clause blamed Germany for WWI

• Set stage for future conflict• forbidden to maintain an air force or naval fleet• Demanded reparations

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What kind of government did Lenin like?

A. Communist state B. Democracy C. Anarchy D. Socialism

How did Vladimir Lenin hope to change the government in Russia?

A. Democratic Elections B. Civil Wars C. Speeches to gain

public support D. a well-organized


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What effect did the Russian Revolution have on WW 1

A. None, they weren’t involved

B. Russia Surrendered to Germany

C. The U.S.A came in and took over Russia

D. Russia took control of France

Which best describes the purpose of Stalin’s 5-years plan for Russia?

A. To wipe out all traces of the historical past

B. To change to a free society and hole elections

C. To accelerate industrial production

D. To become a world leader of agriculture

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True or False????????

The American, French, and Russian revolutions all began with the goal of more self-rule for the people?

True or False???????? Mohandas Gandhi used

strategic warfare to achieve political goals?

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True or False????????

The goal of the Muslim brotherhood in post-WW1 Egypt was a democratic constitution.

True or False????????

The great Depression was primarily caused by the start or WW2.

Camels are


Camels are


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How do Fascism and Communism differ?

A. Tolerance for a free press

B. Economic philosophy C. Level of political

freedom D. Strength of opposition


Which best describes a result of Zionism in ongoing Middle East tensions? A. Created an independent

Palestinian B. Arab & Jew

disagreements over control of the Holy Land

C. Promoted the British to give up all claims in Palestine

D. It it resulted in the Middle East becoming the 51st State of the U.S.A

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What best describes one one purpose of the New Deal?

A. Healing the U.S. economy

B. To create as many government agencies as possible

C. To get FDR re-elected D. To contain the spread

of Communism

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Match the invention with the Inventor!

A.A. EdisonEdisonB.B. BellBellC.C. MorseMorseD.D. NobelNobelE.E. MarconiMarconi

Telephone, 1876

Telegraph, 1837 Wireless radio, 1896

Phonograph, 1877Dynamite, 1866

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First Industrial Revolution Second Industrial Revolution

•Started in the early 1700’s• Advances in agriculture led to a rise in population, less farmers required to feed the people• ALSO:• Numerous Rivers (water wheels, transportation)• Strong banking system (to build factories, start businesses)• Many available laborers (to work in the mills, operate machines and make parts)•Started with TEXTILE MILLSTEXTILE MILLS• (cotton>yarn>fabric>stuff!)(cotton>yarn>fabric>stuff!)

Started during the middle of 19th centuryImproved upon earlier technology and inventionsUsed chemistry and physics to build more advanced machinesASSEMBLY LINES increased the speed of factory productionNew sources of energy were discovered and used for power:KEROSENEGASOLINEELECTRICTY

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Working Conditions Living Conditions

What were some of the benefits people experienced due to the Industrial Revolution?

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Capitalism Communism

- Which goes where?-One-party state-Industry and agriculture owned by state-Revolution by working class-Low standard of living (ask what Standard of Living means)-Classless society-Government controls aspects of people’s lives-Censorship

-Free Elections-Industry and agriculture controlled by individuals-Drive for profits-Limits on government interference-Free speech-High standard of living

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What is IMPERIALISMIMPERIALISM? What were countries like England,

France, the Netherlands and Belgium hoping to accomplish in Africa and Asia?

Acquiring RAW MATERIALS RAW MATERIALS (for industry)


From 1885 – 1914, nearly 100 million people were conquered and taken over by European countries

Great Britain took over all of India AfricaAfrica was carved up by 7 different

European nations: populations grew, populations grew, drained natural resources, traditions drained natural resources, traditions and culture were lost, as well as self-and culture were lost, as well as self-rule.rule.

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Europeans believed they were more civilized and “superior” to all others

Need for raw materials Industrialization needed to be

spread throughout the world Belief in “Social Darwinism”: Survival of the Fittest…countries! A new wave of Nationalism made

them want to grow stronger by defeating weaker countries, building their armies and increasing their industrial output

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A. Both push for economic freedomB. Both suppress political freedomsC. Both are on the same side of the

political spectrumD. There are no similarities

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Highlight the “details” of Mein Kampf

- Rule the world under the German Flag

- Jews are to blame for Germany’s Problems

- Creation of a Master Race - Peace throughout the world - Unite Germany under

Communism - Take control via diplomacy - Unite all German Speaking


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A. Failure of AppeasementB. The harsh treatment of Germany

through the Treaty of VersaillesC. Polish Aggression in EuropeD. German, Italian, and Japanese


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Germany Italy Japan Vichy

France Romania Hungary Bulgaria

United States of America United Kingdom Soviet Union Greece China France Free Poland

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What single phrase best describes the Holocaust?

A. A Systematic Killing of Jews by the Nazis

B. A Government forced RacismC. Jewish movement back to IsraelD. A form of “Lightning” War

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What was the Bomb?

Why drop the Atomic bombWhy drop the Atomic bomb?• After the invasion of Iwo Jima. U.S. Officials

realize An invasion of Japan would cost tens of An invasion of Japan would cost tens of thousands of American livesthousands of American lives

Dropped by the “Enola Gay” on Aug 6,1945• Hiroshima First to be bombed• Nagasaki 3 days later (why drop TWO?)

Damage of the Bomb:• Though we don't know exactly how many perished in the

bombing, it is estimated that 140,000 (plus or minus 10,000) had died by the end of December 1945.

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A. Few civilians felt the impact of the war

B. London was one of the few cities in Europe that was not bombed.

C. The United States suffered more losses than any other Allied country.

D. More people were killed in World War II than any other war in history.

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A. Giving an example to Soviet war criminalsB. Judging Nazi leaders for their actions and

orderC. Passing a death sentence against HitlerD. Holding the German people accountable

for the war

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True of False: It was the goal of the Truman Doctrine was

to contain communism expansion throughout the world.

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A. Relations between the United States and the Soviet Union improved

B. The Bay of Pigs invasion finally ended the standoff.

C. The United States announced a blockade of Cuba

D. The Soviet Union and the United States narrowly avoided nuclear war

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1.) Where did millions of farmers in Latin America migrate to as a result of Industrialization?A.The United StatesB.Cities in Latin AmericaC.EuropeD.The Andes mountains

2.) What happened in Latin America as a result of urbanization?A.Many poor people got wealthierB.Massive slums grew up around the citiesC.Unemployment rose in the citiesD.B and C

3.) Which of these did NOT prompt the U.S. to intervene in Latin America during the Cold War?A.Allende’s rise in ChileB.Sandinista Control of NicaraguaC.Civil War in El SalvadorD.War between Mexico and Honduras

When I was dictator of Chile, people had very little political

freedom.Who am I?

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1) Used the “Great Leap Forward” to modernize and increase industrial productivity

2) Suffers from widespread poverty even after achieving independence from Britain in 1947

3) Faces religious extremism thanks to its conservative Muslim majority A. PAKISTAN B. INDIA C. CHINA

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1) Some colonial powers promoted this in certain African nations, leading to peaceful transitions to independence:____________________

2) Nelson Mandela used his imprisonment to end apartheid in this country: ______________________

3) Religion led to revolution in this country, when the Shah was overthrown in 1979: ___________________

4) In response to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, the U.S. invaded Iraq and later this country: ________________

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1.) Which of the following is an argument AGAINST free trade between countries (no import/export taxes)?

A. It causes many people to lose their jobs B. It encourages outsourcing of jobs overseas C. It can limit environmental protection measures D. All of the above

2.) According to most scientists, what is the LEADING cause of air pollution in the World Today: (Circle the one you think is the correct answer)

Nuclear Power Plants Chemical Waste Carbon Emissions (cars) Coal Factories

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