Craig Leedham of San Diego Explains Alt-Labor Movement

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Craig Leedham received his doctorate in sociology from Colorado State University in 1997. His academic and professional writings have spanned topics as diverse as news media coverage of Latino immigration issues to original prose on the unique nature of discourse in theories of modernity. Leedham is currently active in worker and labor issues and serves as the Director of Internal Organizing for the Service Employees International Union, Local 99, representing classified education workers throughout Southern California. Want to know more? Visit http://craigleedhamsd.com/

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The question, as alt-workers’ groups further expand their efforts outside of labor-

friendly cities like New York, is how much they can accomplish for American

workers. If unions continue to decline, can these groups ever hope to accomplish

what old labor once did—substantially improving working conditions on a mass

scale and helping to build a new middle class?