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I am voting for Clinton BECAUSE I hate her so much!by Kamesh Aiyer

An article in the Huffington Post asks people not to pretend why they dislike Clinton EVEN THOUGH they hate her so much. I’ve heard this statement made repeatedly on the boob-tube. But my friends have been asking me a different question: “Why are you voting for Clinton given that you hate her so much?” This is MY ANSWER.

I want her to suffer. Yes, that’s right, suffer. She’ll get elected and suffer the awful Washington DC weather; she will have to govern this divided country; she’ll have to deal with a Deplorablican Congress that will oppose her every move; if there is a Senates that could support her, she’ll have to deal with Bluedogocrats who will threaten to bolt unless…; she’ll have to deal with unrealistic expectations from women and even more unrealistic expectations from men (“Gender bias is in the past, let’s get going”); she’ll have to prove that she’s tough as a mother one day and gentle as a mommy the next.

Clinton will have to suffer the continued calls by Congress to impeach her for destroying emails. Who or what does she think she is? She points to Colin Powell, Mitt Romney, Dubya, and Chenya. That’s in the past, lady. You are going to have to get past that and suffer! Suffer, suffer, suffer! You won’t have an excuse, you brought it on yourself!

You will face increased scrutiny over what really happened in Benghazi. What a joke, claiming that Congress did not authorize sufficient funds for the embassy. It was YOUR duty to get those funds and you FAILED. Failed, failed, failed! You didn’t even have an excuse.

What? You dare say that Dubya took a prosperous economy, one heading towards a non-deficit federal budget for the first time in two centuries, and crashed? You signed off on all his bills (some you signed Yes, the others you signed No, but YOU SIGNED THEM!) – you are clearly responsible for the crash of 2008. And the Great Depression too – our investigators have been looking through the records and it is amazing what they have found, just amazing.

So you will go on to suffer greatly and I am glad to have had a part to play.

Meanwhile I am appealing to readers to contribute to the CharityFortheDonald Foundation – he is really hurting from the skewering he had to endure during the debate. He needs solace. And sucker (hmm… isn’t that spelled succor? … hmm, maybe not). But definitely charity. And if you are a veteran you can give twice. A policeman? Please help with a triple.