Smarke’ng The Power of Aligning Sales & Marke5ng


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SMARKETING presented by Bill Faeth, CEO of Inbound Marketing Agents in Nashville, TN At it's core, Smarketing is fairly simple. It is the alignment of Sales and Marketing around common goals like pipeline and sales quotas which require's visibility into each other's goals and progress. Bill Faeth, founder and CEO of Inbound Marketing Agents, will walk you through the 5 Steps to Integrate Smarketing into your business. 1. Speak the same language 2. Set up a closed-loop reporting 3. Implement a service level agreement 4. Maintain open and consistent communication 5. Rely on data

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Page 1: The Power of SMARKETING

Smarke'ng  The  Power  of  Aligning  Sales  &  Marke5ng  

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1.    What  is  smarke5ng  and  why  is  it  cri5cal    2.    Smarke5ng  =  alignment    3.    5  steps  to  integrate  smarke5ng  into  your  company    


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87%  of  the  terms  sales  &  marke5ng  use  to  describe  each  other  are  nega've.  

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Companies  with  strong    sales  &  marke5ng    alignment  get  

20%  more  annual  revenue  growth.  


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Get  on  the    same  team.  Both  sales  and  marke5ng  need    to  be  aligned  around  the  same  personas  and  goals.  


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•  Having  the  same  goals  •  Marke5ng  Pipeline  =  Sales  Quota  •  Visibility  into  each  other’s  goals  and  progress  •  Compensa5on  based  on  each  other’s  goal  achievement  


Alignment  by  Goals.  


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Alignment  by  Buyer  Persona.  

•  Communicate  targeted  buyer  personas  consistently    •  Update  buyer  personas  universally  

•  Specialized  personnel/teams  for  personas      


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1.  Speak  the  same  language    2.  Establish  closed  loop  repor5ng    3.  Implement  a  Service  Level  Agreement    4.  Make  data  driven  decisions    5.  Maintain  an  open  line  of  communica5on  


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It  all  comes  down  to  revenue.  

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