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Smarke'ng  The  Power  of  Aligning  Sales  &  Marke5ng  

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1.    What  is  smarke5ng  and  why  is  it  cri5cal    2.    Smarke5ng  =  alignment    3.    5  steps  to  integrate  smarke5ng  into  your  company    


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87%  of  the  terms  sales  &  marke5ng  use  to  describe  each  other  are  nega've.  

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Companies  with  strong    sales  &  marke5ng    alignment  get  

20%  more  annual  revenue  growth.  


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Get  on  the    same  team.  Both  sales  and  marke5ng  need    to  be  aligned  around  the  same  personas  and  goals.  


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•  Having  the  same  goals  •  Marke5ng  Pipeline  =  Sales  Quota  •  Visibility  into  each  other’s  goals  and  progress  •  Compensa5on  based  on  each  other’s  goal  achievement  


Alignment  by  Goals.  


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Alignment  by  Buyer  Persona.  

•  Communicate  targeted  buyer  personas  consistently    •  Update  buyer  personas  universally  

•  Specialized  personnel/teams  for  personas      


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1.  Speak  the  same  language    2.  Establish  closed  loop  repor5ng    3.  Implement  a  Service  Level  Agreement    4.  Make  data  driven  decisions    5.  Maintain  an  open  line  of  communica5on  


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It  all  comes  down  to  revenue.  

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