Storytelling In Content Marketing A way to increase the value of your product

Storytelling In Content Marketing

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In Content Marke t ing

A w ay t o i n c r e a s e t h e v a l u e o f y o u r

p r o d u c t

Page 2: Storytelling In Content Marketing

Why do storytelling?


Page 4: Storytelling In Content Marketing

You can buy wine in various

price ranges, but in

reality, wine is old grape

juce with a story.

“-Danie l Burste inD i r e c t o r o f e d i t o r i a l c on t en t a t

MECLABS i n s t i t u t e

Page 6: Storytelling In Content Marketing

Look at the base level

• Two reasons why people buy products:

1. You help them overcome something.

2. You assist them to achieve a goal or dream.

• Create content with that in mind – helping them overcome a

hardship or fulfill a dream.

Page 9: Storytelling In Content Marketing

Give them:

1. A playlist with great tunes for driving to the beach

2. A map that shows the best gas stations on the way

3. A guide to the best beaches in the area

Page 11: Storytelling In Content Marketing

Marketers struggle when they

think of content as a way to

promote products. Think of

content as a knowledge-sharing

platform instead.

“-Danie l Burste inD i r e c t o r o f e d i t o r i a l c on t en t a t

MECLABS i n s t i t u t e