How Social Media Managers Use Shareist to Manage Twice the Clients in Half the Time

Social Media Managers- Manage Twice the Clients in Half the Time!

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How Social Media Managers Use Shareist to Manage Twice the

Clients in Half the Time

What Social Media Managers Say About Shareist:

Sam HarrelsonOwner of The Harrelson Agency

“Shareist allows us to work more efficiently and free up our time. That is important for a small agency.”

Shannon VogelOwner of The Be Scene

“I am saving money with all of my contractors because they are more efficient…In the first six months of using Shareist, I was able to cut the billing for my content manager in half.”

“Now with all the content and scheduling, projects in one place there are far fewer emails, no errors, and increased efficiency.”

Shannon VogelOwner of The Be Scene

“Social Media Management was a very tedious process. There was so much room for errors and too many ways for things to get lost. It was easy for mistakes to be made. Now we don’t have that problem.”

Shannon VogelOwner of The Be Scene

Brian LittletonCEO and Founder of ShareASale

“Now instead of creating a spreadsheet with blog post topics for the next 6 months and emailing them around, I can actually create a calendar of posts everyone can look at and provide input.”

“I can adjust permissions for editors or managers and we can work collaboratively. We are no longer dealing manually with spreadsheets and email. That saves us time and increases everyone’s sanity level.”

Brian LittletonCEO and Founder of ShareASale

Why Manage Social Media with Shareist?

Learn how Shareist can help you

Social Media Management is a chaotic disjointed process.

!Details eat up your day making it difficult to grow your business.

Shareist Helps You

• Be Organized

– Have everything you need in one place

• Work Faster

– Spend time on what matters

• Get Results

– Know what works and do more of it

• Create your social media plan on an editorial calendar

• Discover content from our research tab • Post to all social media platforms on

the share screen • See the engagement on our results tab


All without ever leaving Shareist.

Manage several clients from one account. Everything related to that client, from

content to images to notes will stay in its own project, separate from the other



Easily visualize and show your client Social Media activity with color coded tabs that show what you’ve already

posted, and what you plan on posting.


Researching, planning, sharing and measuring take significantly less

time using Shareist.


Post to all social media platforms from one place, without logging in to all the different social media sites.



Collaborate with your team in the Shareist interface with the click of a



Create subject based curated posts or weekly wrap-ups in minutes.


Instantly publish to a blog, create a white-paper, send a newsletter, post to social media, and schedule future

posts with any piece of content.


With Shareist, you see immediately which posts created engagement.


The analytics we provide make it easy to improve your strategy, and show your clients what is working.


Quickly see what is working for your clients and improve your strategy based from one dashboard that includes stats

from every social media platform.


Your time is now freed up to gain new clients, learn new strategies,

engage on social media, and improve your services.

The planning, posting and managing that used to take your whole day will be done faster. You will have time to

take on new clients.

Ready to manage twice the number of clients in half the time by being

organized, working faster and getting results?

Get started with Shareist today!

Shareist Makes it Possible to

• Post to multiple platforms

• Schedule Posts

• Communicate with your team

• Keep multiple clients separate and organized

• Gather Content

• See what works

All From One Place