Smart Advertising Tips and Tricks

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Advertising - Powerful part of Business Promotion Advertising is a method of communication used in marketing in order to stimulate people to buy a product or service People often get confused with advertising and marketing. Advertising is one of the parts of marketing, and marketing consists of many promotional activities including advertising. Significance Advertising now becomes a competitive marketing activity. Advertising needs a perfect research to make it successful. It should impress new customers and make the existing customers to be proud of owning your product. Advertisement is an important marketing mix to introduce new products and services in the market. It must create a good image in public and reputation on your product. Advertising helps people to aware of new products and its uses. Advertisements not only help the businesses to promote their products and services. It also helps media. Advertisements are the major revenue resource of magazines, newspapers, televisions and radio channels. Tools Newspaper Television Radio Flyers Banners Posters Direct Mail Billboards Internet Internet alone has many advertising tools associated with it. Those are blogs, articles, newsletters, classifieds, emails, sms, ads and banners. Target Audience Advertising needs a perfect research to get succeed in it. First you should know your audience before advertising. Your advertising tool should based on whom you are trying to reach like male, female, adult, children, mother, father, business people and teenager. Then you should select your medium of advertising according to your audience. For instance, if your targeted audiences are from village, then selecting your medium as internet is utter waste one. If your targeted audiences are students then it is better to choose your medium as social networking sites because it is the most powerful medium to reach students. Like-wise the medium and tool you select to reach your audience must be apt for them. For online advertising there are many free websites available in the internet. Bizbilla.com is an example which provides many tools for advertising and it is free for its registered users. Effective Ads The advertisement you designed must be more effective. The ad may be of any type like video, audio or image. If it is based on a story based concept then it will reach more audiences. The concept must be attractive. Your ad must have a constant dialogue or slogan and if it has rhyming words then it will be more attractive. And your ad will not go away from people’s mind when it has a pleasant tune or song. They used to set those songs or tunes as ringtones for their mobile. Then people will not forget your product forever. Making effective ads will reach your audiences very fast. Social Responsibility If your ad carries some social issues and solutions for those issues then it will create great impact in public. This will help you to create a strong brand image in the society.

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