Case Study: ICRAR AFL Football

ICRAR AFL Football in Zero Gravity

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Case Study:

ICRAR AFL Football

APPAAwards submission

AFL Football

Client Company Name: ICRAR (International Centre for Radio Astronomy and Research)

The Product:

APPAAwards submission

The Client:

ICRAR is a major international centre of excellence in astronomical science and technology. A joint venture between Curtin University and The University of Western Australia, with funding from the State Government of Western Australia, they effectively engage with industry and the community whilst delivering world-class outcomes for science, engineering and high performance computing.

APPAAwards submission

The Brief:

One of ICRAR’s Scientists was due to conduct an experiment on the science of bubbles. The research would ICRAR to work out how to curb the erosive feature of collapsing bubbles; how to optimise the advantages, such as in dissolving kidney stones; and to learn more about how stars explode. They were one of fifteen teams who planned to board an A300 aircraft specially modified for weightlessness experiments for a Zero Gravity flight from Bordeaux, France.

ICRAR enlisted the creative talents of WPM Group to come up with something that they could use as part of the zero G flight in an effort to ensure that any media coverage of this unique activity would feature their brand. The brief provided was for something light weight and compact that could be thrown or used in some way during the flight as photos and video footage were being captured.

APPAAwards submission

The Concept, Execution & Delivery:

WPM Group made the suggestion of an Aussie Rules football. This not only met the brief, but it also communicated where in the world the research centre is based and helped to ensure that our local Australian media took interest in the activity. The scientists played what could have been the first Aussie Rules game at zero gravity in history using the football supplied by WPM and the footage of the game is on the video supplied.

During production, WPM worked with Melton to design, produce and deliver the ball within 3 weeks. Big credit goes out to Alastair who not only agreed to produce 2 production samples as opposed to the normal minimum order of 25 but he came through on his promise and delivered on time with a couple of days to spare.

APPAAwards submission

The Results:



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The Results:

Click to play or to be transferred to youtubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BL9wBca6LM

APPAAwards submission

The Feedback:

Pete Wheeler

Manager, Outreach & Education

Ph: +61 8 6488 7758

Ph: +61 423 98 2018

ICRAR: Discovering the hidden Universe through radio astronomy

Absolutely, we're very happy with the outcomes we managed to generate.

We had a couple of primary objectives which were to:

- create a branding opportunity that would secure us some unique photos and footage that feature the ICRAR brand as part of an extraordinary activity (i.e one of our researchers floating about in zero G) that could be used in our comms materials (particularly our brochures, annual report and website)- generate media interest that would promote the research being done as part of this activity and also promote the research of the organisation in general - with the ICRAR brand visible in any visual assets being used by the Media.

Given that we have used the photos and footage in a number of ways since then, and given that we received the media interest we had hoped for in the form of an article in The West Australian, we succeeded in achieving both objectives.

We've worked with West Print Management for many years and have always appreciated their creativity, commitment to meeting and exceeding the needs of the clients and their ability to turn things around quickly and efficiently whilst rectifying any issues that crop up along the way.