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HRoot is a leading human resources media and Internet company in China, with such brands and services as HRoot.com, a world’s leading human resources management website; Human Capital Management magazine, a leading industry journal in China; Overclass, an elite club for HR professionals; Society for HR Executives (SHRE), the only society of HR executives in China; the Annual Human Resources Awards in Greater China, a top-notch industry event with utmost authority, scale and influence; the China Human Capital Forum, the largest among such events in China, and the China Human Resources Service Expo, the largest of its kind in the world, which may register over 20,000 visitors in 2014. In 2012, HRoot launched iPhone, iPad and Android apps of its Human Capital Management magazine and its “Guide to Human Resources Services Providers”, and the mobile app of “HRoot Forums and Expo.” HRoot releases the annual reports of the “Top 100 Human Resources Services Brands in Greater China” and the ”Global 50 Human Resources Services Providers”, and the monthly white paper of MarketWatch of Global HR Service Industry, each being celebrated as a guidepost of this industry.

The website of HRoot has some two million HR professionals as its registered users, who pay more than 500 million visits in total each year; HRoot has more than 20,000 people attending its off-line events each year and 30,000 readers of its publications; it serves over 20,000 customers now, including more than 95% of the Fortune 500 companies in China. It has more than 250 HR services providers, business schools, associations as its ad clients and sponsors; including nine of the top ten global HR services providers.

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HRoot Global Human Resources Service Industry MarketWatch is released by CIS (Competitive Intelligence System) developed by HRoot, a leading Chinese human resources media & internet company. The CIS seamlessly monitors and tracks trend of developments of HR industries in real-time 24/365. Key data and information covering news, events and transformation of HR providers, competitors and competitive environment will be well collected, edited, sorted and delivered to readers on a monthly basis by our specialists. For more information please visit: http://marketwatch.hroot.com/ .

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HRoot 2013

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8. APPENDIX 2: Global Rankings of Website Traffic of HR Service Providers

APPENDIX 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers



ABOUT HRoot 1.

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HRoot Global Human Resources Service Industry MarketWatch is released by Competitive Intelligence System (CIS) developed by HRoot, a leading Chinese human resources media & internet company. The CIS tracks intelligence of over 100 china-based HR service providers covering HR consulting, HR training, head hunting, recruitment, talent assessment, HRO, e-HR, eLeaning, HR media, and HR convention.

The Intelligence seamlessly tracks and monitors trend of developments of HR industry, the result of which is well collected, edited and sorted by our specialists. HRoot Human Resources MarketWatch covers intelligence on laws & policies of human resources, news & events, contracting information, financial statement, website traffic ranking, etc. HRoot Human Resources MarketWatch provides business managers with real-time and comprehensive information about competitors and competitive environment so that they make wise decisions and handle ever-changing markets with flexibility.

Currently, the following contents and data are covered in this Intelligence:● Laws & Policies: Monthly updates on major laws of human recourses, polices and information issued or modified by national and/or local governments ● News & Events: Monthly updates on recruitment trends, personnel changes at HR service providers, latest business development, financial statement, major surveys & reports, awards, M&A,etc. ● Market Events: Monthly updates on marketing promotions by HR service providers, including summits, forums seminars,etc. ● Contracting Information: Monthly updates on information of clients entering into contracts with information of HR service providers.● Ranking of Market Capitalization of Listed Companies: Monthly ranking of listed HR companies by market capitalization. Data on market cap are calculated from the monthly closing price of companies. ● Ranking of Global Traffic of Websites: It is ranked according to the global traffic of websites, which was the mean of the monthly statistic collected from tool bars by Alexa. The number various with the daily PVs by independent IPs, and thus indicates the popularity of a website.

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HRoot 2013

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1 HRoot 2013

S. Korea to make retirement age of 60 compulsory****

(Oct. 29, 2013) The labor and environment subcommittee under the National Assembly passed the revised law on April 30th, which stipulates that workers at both public and private sectors will be subject to the legal retirement age of 60 starting 2016. It changed from the current legislations that recommend companies set the retirement age at 60. Under the revision, public corporations and big businesses with 300 employees or more should set the retirement age of their workers at 60 mandatorily from Jan. 1, 2016, while other public and private companies should apply the altered retirement age to their employees a year later.

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security: declare and pay for social insurance premiums for new comer is required within first 30 days*****

(Nov. 1, 2013, Beijing) New regulations about the declaring and paying of social insurance premiums issued by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security come into force today requiring employers to apply for the social insurance registration and payment reporting procedures for their employees within 30 days from the date of start to use the worker. The regulation define clear that if employers fail to pay fully on time, social insurance agencies should instruct their deadline pay, additional 0.5‰ late fee per day will be required. And employers shall not require workers to pay the overdue payment.

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2 HRoot 2013

China to see stability in employment situation and continued growth on new jobs****

(Nov. 1, 2013) For the nine months ended September 30, 2013, a total 10.66 million jobs were newly created in China, which means China has fulfilled the goal of nine million new jobs added through the year ahead of schedule, according to the latest report announced by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. Expert believe that the stability of the labour market is mainly due to the steady economy growth and rational change of economy structure, but employment market will still face challenges on structural and institutional changes, all of this should not be viewed lightly for the press of employment will be long-standing.

The employment status of higher education 2013 basically equaled that of the previous year in China***

(Nov. 2, 2013, Beijing) For the first three quarters ended September 30, 2013, China sees stability in employment situation , continued growth on new jobs, and the employment status of higher education basically equaled that of the previous year according to the latest report announced by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. It is reported that the central government gives top priority to the graduates’ employment and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security gives more support to employment of university graduates by adding newly supportive policy. Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security is mainly focused on providing employment services to jobless graduates, ensuring the implementation of the supportive policies and new jobs plan on jobless graduates to creating more jobs and help them improving their adapt ability.

Putting off retirement will be classified to promote****

(Nov. 15, 2013, Beijing) The central government will take over the social pooling component of pensions for urban and rural residents, speed up reform of pension programs for employees in public institutions affiliated with government departments, stipulate policies for gradually suspending the retirement age of employees, and gradually reduce the insurance premium, according to the published The Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Several Important Issues of Comprehensively Deepening Reform). It is also reported that although retirement age delay is over and done with, all reach a consensus on starting from public servant.

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3 HRoot 2013

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security to improve the overall level of health insurance fund****

(Nov. 21. 2013, Beijing) It is reported that although the basic medical insurance system has covered more than 95% of the national population, the current medical reimbursement systems still can not solve all the reimbursement problems caused by hospitalization in other places. “In this regard, the key to this is improving the overall level of health insurance fund to universally actualized mutual assistance programs at prefectural and provincial overall planning, which makes it easier to solve 60% of those kind of problems.” said by Hu xiaoyi, vice minister of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

New employment law passed in Singapore****

(Nov. 20, 2013) The Ministry of Manpower (MoM) announced that professionals, managers, and executives (PMEs) earning up to SGD 4,500 (USD 3,602) each month would qualify for most employment rights for the first time from the 1 April 2014. The changes form part of a raft of amendments being made to the Employment Act (EA) and the Child Development Co-Savings Act (CDCA), through the passing of the Employment, Parental Leave and Other Measures Bill by Singapore law makers this month, report out-law.com. Approximately 300,000 employees who qualify will gain holiday and sick leave rights, and will also be able to launch a claim for unfair dismissal against their employers, among other rights. PMEs will have to serve at least a year with a company before becoming eligible to bring unfair dismissal claims. PMEs earning more than SGD 4,500 (USD 3,602) will not qualify.

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5 HRoot 2013

Slow job market continues, 130,000 jobs added as federal government shutdown slows hiring ****

(Oct. 31, 2013,/Peuters/) U.S. private-sector employment rose by 130,000 jobs in October, as the 16-day partial government shutdown slowed an already-weak job market, according to the national employment report released recently by Automatic Data Processing Inc. (NASDAQ: ADP). In addition, September’s employment growth was revised down to 145,000 from 166,000. The increase is less than the 150,000 job gain economists surveyed by Reuters had forecast. The job market had been weakening even before the shutdown started Oct. 1. Employers were also worried about a standoff over raising the federal borrowing limit. According to ADP's report, the service-providing sector added 107,000 jobs in October, down from 130,000 in September. The goods-producing sector added 24,000 jobs in October, up from 16,000 in September. Large businesses added the most jobs in the month with 81,000, followed by small firms with 37,000 jobs. Medium-sized companies added 13,000 jobs.

Source: ADP Employment Report

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6 HRoot 2013

Temporary employment—a global economic engine****

(Nov. 4, 2013, /HRoot/) During 2011 there were 46 million people working in a temporary capacity, the equivalent of 12.4 million full time workers, according to the International Confederation of Private Employment Agencies (CIETT). They were employed by 140,000 private employment agencies that operated in 179,000 branches. The CIETT report, ‘the agency work industry around the world 2013’, analysed data from 2011 and 2012 and provides a comprehensive overview of temporary employment around the world. According to the research, 61% of staffing companies around the world in 2011 were located in the Asia-Pacific region, 24% in Europe, and 11% in North America. According to the report, the agency work penetration rate was higher in the United States with 1.8%, compared with Europe at 1.6%, and Japan at 1.5%. The majority of temporary workers worked in the manufacturing industry, followed by the services sector. However, temporary work is not just an appropriate job opportunity for young people. According to the research 58% of all temporary workers in Japan were over the age of 30 in 2011. In the United States this proportion was 68%. In Denmark and Macedonia, the percentage of temporary workers over the age of 30 was 70% and 69%, respectively.

Mexico economy unlikely to improve through end of year***

(Oct. 28, 2013) Mexico’s economy is unlikely to improve considerably through the end of 2013, suggest readings of the country’s leading economic index and coincident economic index released by The Conference Board. Slight improvement in the growth of the coincident economic index is hampered by continued widespread weakness in the leading economic index in recent months. The Conference Board’s leading economic index for Mexico increased in both July and August, but its six-month growth continued to slow and has become more negative. It rose 0.5 percent in August and now stands at a reading of 125.1 (2004 = 100). The index rose 0.2 percent in July after a decline of 1.5 percent in June. Over the six months ending in August, the leading economic index decreased by 2.0 percent. It fell 1.2 percent in the previous six-month period. The Conference Board’s coincident economic index rose 0.2 percent in August. It now stands at 123.5 (2004 = 100).

Temporary employment growth not attracting younger generation in UK***

(Oct. 30, 2013,/HRoot/)The Comensura Government Index (GI) has revealed that during the third quarter of 2013, from July to September, temporary labour usage in the public sector increased by +4.6% compared to the same period last year. The annual increase is higher than expected and is strong evidence that local authorities are increasingly turning to temporary labour to provide greater workforce flexibility in delivering public services. However, the increases in temporary labour have not had the same impact with younger workers. Nationally, average decreases of -9.3% were revealed in the 16 - 24 age category and -1% in the 25 - 34 age group. The statistics suggest more must be done by way of training and support to ensure that younger workers are still provided opportunity to gain employment through temporary roles, which are increasingly seen as a gateway to a permanent position.

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7 HRoot 2013

Recruitment remains down in Europe****

(Nov. 12, 2013,/HRoot/)The number of jobs advertised across the European Union fell by -2% between the first quarters of 2012 and 2013, according to the latest edition of the European Vacancy Monitor released this week. The number of new hirings over the same period also fell by -2%. Vacancies announced by public employment services (PES) and through temporary work agencies also fell across the EU, with the notable exception of the UK. The monitor reports that qualified sea and land workers, as well as craftsmen and shopkeepers, have been particularly affected by the fall in recruitment. Technicians and intermediate occupations, on the other hand, witnessed a sharp increase. Other professional categories experiencing a positive trend include; corporate services, administrative officers, designers, software & multimedia analysts, finance professionals, architects, planners, investigators, and designers. Levels of recruitment increased in Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, Slovakia and the United Kingdom. In contrast recruitment fell in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain.

U.S. jobless claims average down 5,750**

(Nov. 14, 2013) The U.S. four-week moving average of initial claims for unemployment insurance fell by 5,750 in the week ended Nov. 9 to 344,000 from the previous week’s revised figure of 349,750, according to seasonally adjusted numbers released today by the U.S. Department of Labor. The four-week moving average decreases the volatility of the weekly numbers. Total initial claims for unemployment insurance for the week fell by 2,000 to 339,000 from the previous week’s revised figure of 341,000.

Job numbers rise for fifth consecutive month in South Korea ****

(Nov. 15, 2013,)Some mixed signals were announced for the South Korean job market yesterday, as the number of new job openings in Korea rose for the fifth consecutive month in October, while conversely unemployment rose among young job seekers, reports arirang.co.kr. Statistics Korea says that new jobs were created largely among the 50 and over age group, bringing the total number of employed to 26 million last month. The recent rise equates to a nearly +2% increase in the number of employed people compared with last year, and is the biggest jump in number for 13 months. The employment rate of 60.5% in October 2013 remains stubbornly below the government’s target of 70%. The unemployment rate for young job seekers, those aged between 15 and 29, rose to 7.8%, in stark contrast to the overall unemployment rate of 2.8%.

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9 HRoot 2013

PwC and Booz & Company announce signing of conditional merger agreement***

(Oct.30, 2013,/HRoot/) PwC and Booz & Company are pleased to announce that they have signed a conditional merger agreement. The proposed transaction is conditional on approval by Booz & Company partners, receipt of required regulatory approvals, and other customary closing conditions. The Booz & Company partner vote is scheduled to take place in December and a further public announcement is expected by the end of the year. Dennis Nally, Chairman of PricewaterhouseCoopers International, said “We believe this proposed combination of Booz & Company with our existing Assurance, Advisory and Tax capabilities would give CEOs the opportunity to work with a global consulting team that could provide services from strategy development right through to execution.” “We have an unwavering commitment to helping our clients succeed. This has been our mantra since our founder, Edwin Booz, invented the management consulting profession almost 100 years ago,” said Cesare R. Mainardi, CEO of Booz & Company.

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10 HRoot 2013

New Mountain Capital Acquires the International Talent Acquisition & Management Services Provider Alexander Mann Solutions for £260 Million*****

(Oct. 31, 2013 /PRNewswire/) Alexander Mann Solutions, the world's leading talent acquisition and management business, and New Mountain Capital LLC, a leading private equity investor, are pleased to announce that New Mountain has signed an agreement to acquire Alexander Mann Solutions. The transaction is subject to EU Competition Commission approval. New Mountain, a private equity firm which emphasises business building and growth, is investing alongside management who have a significant ownership stake in the Company. New Mountain will support Alexander Mann Solutions to further develop their integrated offering of outsourcing and consultancy services which help international organisations to attract, engage and retain their people. AMS CEO Rosaleen Blair said:"This is an exciting day for the Alexander Mann Solutions team. New Mountain shares our conviction that human capital defines the ethos, culture and performance of business in the 21stcentury. Mathew Lori, Managing Director at New Mountain Capital, said:"We are firm believers in the critical importance of talent management and believe Alexander Mann Solutions' success is evidence of the industry-defining solution Rosaleen and her team have built.

Randstad’s global CEO to step down****

(Oct. 31, 2013,/HRoot/) Randstad CEO Ben Noteboom will step down from his post as CEO of the world’s second-largest staffing firm and his position on the company’s executive board on Feb. 28, 2014. He will be replaced as CEO and chairman by Jacques van den Broek. Van den Broek will initially be appointed to the CEO role for a four-year term. Noteboom first joined Randstad in 1993, and first took over the CEO role on an interim basis in September 2002. The company appointed him CEO and chairman of the executive board in March 2003. Van den Broek first joined the company in 1988 as a branch manager. During his tenure at Randstad, his accomplishments include leading the integration of major operations after merger with Vedior, which finalized in 2008. Randstad and Vedior ranked among the largest staffing firms in the world separately before joining together. Van den Broek became a member of the executive board in January 2004. Noteboom’s successor, Jacques van den Broek, is currently responsible for several European markets, including the U.K., Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. He also oversees business in the Middle East, Randstad’s Yacht operations and Global Client Solutions.

ATA announces closing of Xing Wei acquisition**

(Nov. 6, 2013, Beijing, /PRNewswire/) ATA Inc., a leading provider of advanced testing technologies and testing-related services in China, today announced that, on October 31, 2013, it closed on the previously announced acquisition of Xing Wei Institute (HK) Limited ("Xing Wei"), a private education technology company that provides training solutions as well as online and mobile training platforms for corporations in China, for US$3.19 million. By leveraging Xing Wei's expertise in improving employee performance, ATA believes this acquisition will provide the Company with a more comprehensive set of service offerings, which will enable it to deepen its existing client relationships in China.

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11 HRoot 2013

Team Health Holdings acquires Wolverine Anesthesia Consultants **

(Nov, 11, 2013, /bizjournals.com/)Team Health Holdings (NYSE: TMH), a provider of outsourced physician staffing for hospitals, today announced it bought the operations of Orlando-based Wolverine Anesthesia Consultants. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. The transaction closed Nov. 8, according to Edgemont Capital Partners LP, a New York boutique investment bank that served as the financial adviser to Wolverine for the deal. The transaction was led by Jeff Swearingen, head of Edgemont's physician services group, and Luke Mitchell, a principal at the firm. Brent Hill and Amanda Jester of Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis LLP acted as legal counsel to Wolverine in the deal. “Wolverine has 60-plus doctors and certified registered nurse anesthetists who care for more than 33,000 patients annually at three Orlando Health Inc.-owned hospitals and an outpatient surgery center. Founded in 1979, Knoxville, Tenn.-based Team Health has 9,600-plus affiliated health care professionals that provide emergency medicine, hospital medicine, anesthesia, urgent care, specialty hospitalist and pediatric staffing and management services to about 850 hospitals, clinics and physician groups in 46 states.

Corporate Resource Services acquires UK staffing firm***

(Nov. 12, 2013, /HRoot/) New York-based staffing firm Corporate Resource Services Inc. (NSDQ: CRRS) extends its footprint outside the United States with the acquisition of UK-based Flex Recruitment Plus Limited (FlexPlus).The acquisition closed today and marks CRS’ first presence outside the United States. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. FlexPlus will act as CRS’ platform company in Europe and the brand, as well as its existing management team, will remain. CRS plans to build its European business both organically and through acquisitions. “The FlexPlus acquisition gives us a strategic presence in the U.K. and Europe,” said Michael J. Golde, chief financial officer of CRS.

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12 HRoot 2013

Towers Watson acquires Liazon to expand private benefit exchange offerings through multiple channels**

(Nov. 22, 2013, NEW YORK,/BUSINESS WIRE/) Towers Watson (NYSE:TW), a global professional services company, announced today that it has acquired Liazon Corporation, a leader in developing and delivering private benefit exchanges for active employees. The acquisition, which follows the purchase of Extend Health in June 2012, solidifies Towers Watson's strength in the private exchange market through its OneExchange solution. Going forward, Towers Watson will continue to enhance Liazon's award-winning private exchange solution and serve the needs of Liazon's leading broker, consultant and carrier partners, some of which offer the Liazon product under their own brands.The purchase price is $215 million, with the acquisition anticipated to be dilutive to adjusted EPS by approximately $0.10 to $0.15 in fiscal year 2014.

Heidrick &Struggles acquires Scrambler Macgregor**

(Nov. 25, 2013,/BUSINESS WIRE/) Chicago-based executive recruitment firm Heidrick & Struggles (NASDAQ:HSII) announced recently the acquisition of Scambler MacGregor, an Australian-based executive search boutique serving the financial services industry. As part of the transaction, David Scambler and Craig Williams will join Heidrick & Struggles as partners. They, along with their team of three support professionals, will be based in the company's Sydney office. Financial details of the acquisition were not released. Steve Mullinjer, Heidrick & Struggles' Regional Leader of Asia Pacific and the Middle East, added: “This is a new chapter of growth for our Australian operations. Since launching our financial services practice in 1989, Australia has been one of the largest markets for Heidrick & Struggles globally. We have an outstanding team in place, and this acquisition further enhances our ability to help our clients with their senior-level talent strategies.”

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14 HRoot 2013

Deloitte launches Deloitte Diligence: a new tool to combat fraud and corruption**

(Oct. 28, 2013) Deloitte today launched Deloitte Diligence, an online anti-corruption and anti-fraud tool that helps organizations address regulatory and reputational risk by streamlining the management of third-party investigations and analysis. As U.S. and foreign regulators keep closer watch on the relationships between global organizations and their business partners, Deloitte Diligence enables organizations to conduct tailored background investigations, from review of adverse media and global watch lists to extensive public records research and source queries. Deloitte analysts help identify and address the potential risks of working with outside individuals and businesses to help organizations manage regulatory risk and avoid costly mistakes, risk and reputational damage.

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15 HRoot 2013

SAP expands social sabbatical to China in 2013****

(Nov. 11, 2013,) SAP, a global leading enterprise management software provider announced it expanded the social sabbatical initiative to China, which is part of the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy to foster education and entrepreneurship among disadvantaged communities. SAP’s inaugural program in China will work with non-profits that support local entrepreneurs in Shanghai. It is part of SAP’s efforts to significantly expand its presence in China by investing over US$2 billion through 2015. It is reported that to ensure that participants make the most of their experiences, SAP offers participants unique mentoring opportunities. In addition to preparatory training for the sabbatical, participants receive in-depth coaching sessions after they have completed the program to help them reflect on their experience and apply key learnings to their work environment at SAP.

Accenture launches new capabi l i t ies to industr ia l ize the implementation and customization of SAP Fiori Apps **

(Nov. 20, 2013, NEW YORK,) Accenture (NYSE: ACN) has expanded the capabilities in its Innovation Centers for SAP® Solutions to help clients implement and customize SAP FioriTM apps more rapidly and at scale. The industrialized approach combines Accenture’s broad industry knowledge, leading skills in SAP® software and mobility, and reusable methods. It helps deliver the new user experience SAP Fiori offers to clients tailored to their specific business requirements. SAP Fiori apps provide an intuitive way to use popular SAP software for key enterprise functions such as approving timesheets and tracking purchase orders across smart phones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers. Accenture also customizes standard SAP Fiori apps for clients. This includes the configuration of relevant back-end workflows and enhancement of user interfaces to adapt functionality of the SAP Fiori apps to an organization’s use cases. Furthermore, Accenture leverages its new industrialized approach to custom-build new mobile applications specific to industries and lines of business. These new apps will complement the existing collection of SAP Fiori applications.

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16 HRoot 2013

Kforce revenue rises 11%, tech segment up 13.5%**

(Oct. 29, 2013) Kforce (NASDAQ:KRFC), a provider of professional staffing services and solutions, today announced results for its third quarter of 2013. Revenues for the quarter ended September 30, 2013 were $299.7 million compared to $283.7 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2013, an increase of 5.6%, and compared to $270.2 million for the quarter ended September 30, 2012, an increase of 10.9%. For the quarter ended September 30, 2013, Kforce reported net income of $9.0 million, or $0.27 per share, versus $6.9 million, or $0.21 per share. Net income and earnings per share for the third quarter of 2013 decreased 3.1% and increased 3.8%, respectively, versus net income of $9.3 million, or $0.26 per share, for the third quarter of 2012.Additionally, during October 2013, the Firm commenced a plan to streamline its leadership and support structure to better align a higher percentage of roles closer to the customer. As a result of this realignment, the Firm is expected to incur one-time pre-tax charges related to severance, benefits and related costs in the range of $6 to $7 million during the fourth quarter.

CDI Corporation struggled in some markets during Q3**

(Oct. 29, 2013,/HRoot/)The US-based engineering and technology service firm CDI Corp (NYSE:CDI) reported revenue of USD 277.9 million for the three months ending 30 September 2013, compared with USD 279.4 million last year. This equates to a year-on-year drop of -0.5%.Gross profit for the period also reported a decline, falling by -3.7% to USD 52.7 million from USD 54.7 million, year-on-year. Net income for the period was USD 4.6 million, a drop of -14.9% compared with USD 5.4 million last year. Paulett Eberhart, CDI Corp President and CEO, commented: “This quarter we achieved sequential improvement in quarterly revenue and operating profit margin. Although we are not converting wins into revenue at the pace we expected, we continue to see opportunities in our strategic engineering verticals. In addition, challenges remain in Hi-Tech staffing, MRI, and our government business.”

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17 HRoot 2013

LinkedIn Q3 revenue up 56% ***

(Oct. 30, 2013,/sina.com/) LinkedIn (NYSE:LNKD) just put out its earnings report for the third quarter, beating Wall Street expectations. Revenue for the third quarter was $393.0 million, an increase of 56% compared to $252.0 million in the third quarter of 2012. Net loss for the third quarter was $3.4 million, compared to net income of $2.3 million for the third quarter of 2012. Non-GAAP net income for the third quarter was $46.8 million, compared to $25.1 million for the third quarter of 2012. By sector, revenue from Talent Solutions products totaled $224.7 million, an increase of 62% compared to the third quarter of 2012. Talent Solutions revenue represented 57% of total revenue in the third quarter of 2013. Revenue from Marketing Solutions products totaled $88.5 million, an increase of 38% compared to the third quarter of 2012. Marketing Solutions revenue represented 23% of total revenue in the third quarter of 2013, compared to 25% in the third quarter of 2012. Revenue from Premium Subscriptions products totaled $79.8 million, an increase of 61% compared to the third quarter of 2012. Premium Subscriptions represented 20% of total revenue in the third quarter of 2013 and 2012. By area, revenue from the U.S. totaled $245.3 million, and represented 62% of total revenue in the third quarter of 2013. Revenue from international markets totaled $147.7 million, and represented 38% of total revenue in the third quarter of 2013.

Heidric & Struggles report mixed Q3 result**

(Oct. 30, 2013) Chicago-based executive recruitment firm Heidrick & Struggles (NASDAQ:HSII) reported revenue of USD 123.5 million for the third quarter ending 30 September 2013, an increase of +0.9% from USD 122.3 million compared with the same period last year. The company reported an operating income of USD 8.4 million, a drop of -18% compared with an operating income of USD 10.2 million a year ago. Net income for Q3 2013 was USD 4.1 million, on par with net income in Q3 2012. Across the Americas, Heidrick & Struggles reported revenue during Q3 2013 of USD 71.1 million, a fall of -1.9% compared with USD 72.4 million last year. Operating income for the period also fell, dropping by -9.5% to USD 19.3 million from USD 21.3 million, year-on-year. In Europe, the company reported revenue growth of +13.2%, rising to USD 24.4 million from USD 21.5 million. The company’s operating income, however, fell by -87.7% to USD 100,000 from USD 500,000, year-on-year. In Asia-Pacific, revenues increased marginally to USD 23.5 million from USD 23.4 million, equating to a rise of +0.8% (approximately +7% in constant currency). The company’s operating income for the region increased by +58.7% to USD 2.3 million from USD 1.5 million, year-on-year.First for HR industry news,trends and analysis,

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18 HRoot 2013

Outsourcing Inc. reports Q3 growth**

(Oct. 30, 2013,/staffingindustry.com/) Japanese firm Outsourcing Inc. (TYO:2427) reported revenue for the third quarter ending 30 September 2013 of JPY 33.6 billion (USD 344.1 million), an increase of +8% compared with JPY 31.1 billion (USD 318.5 million) for the same period last year. The company reported an operating income for the period of JPY 401 million (USD 4.1 million), a fall of -25.2% compared with an operating income of JPY 536 million ($5.5 million) a year ago. Pre-tax profit for the period fell, year-on-year, by -24.8% to JPY 474 million ($ 4.9 million) from JPY 630 million ($6.5 million). Net income for the period rose by +62.9% to JPY 333 million ($3.4 million) from JPY 205 million ($ 2.1 million) for the third quarter of 2012.

Dice Holdings Q3 revenue up 23%**

(Oct. 29, 2013,/BUSINESS WIRE /) Dice Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: DHX), a leading provider of specialized websites for professional communities, today reported financial results for the quarter ended September 30, 2013 Revenues for the quarter ended September 30, 2013 totaled $52.6 million, an increase of 10% from $48.0 million in the comparable quarter of 2012, primarily due to revenues from businesses acquired within the past 12 months. Operating expenses increased 23% year-over-year for the third quarter to $41.1 million. The majority of the increase was due to the acquisitions and ongoing investments in product development. Net income for the quarter ended September 30, 2013 totaled $7.1 million, resulting in diluted earnings per share of $0.12 for the third quarter of 2013.

BBSI Q3 net income up 55%**

(Oct. 30, 2013,/HRoot/) Barrett Business Services, Inc. (NASDAQ:BBSI), a leading provider of business management solutions, reported financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2013. Net revenues in the third quarter of 2013 increased 33% to $148.0 million compared to $111.1 million in the third quarter of 2012. The increase was due primarily to the continued build in the Company's co-employed client count and same-store sales growth. Net income in the third quarter of 2013 increased 55% to $9.0 million compared to net income of $5.8 million in the year-ago quarter. Total non-GAAP gross revenues in the third quarter of 2013 increased 37% to $764.1 million compared to $558.0 million in the third quarter of 2012. At September 30, 2013, the Company's cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities totaled $48.0 million, compared to $72.4 million at December 31, 2012.

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19 HRoot 2013

Randstad achieved the highest profitability since 2008 in September***

(Nov. 1, 2013, /HRoot/) The global leading staffing firm Randstad (AMS:RAND) recently announced financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2013, showing that revenue of €43.63 billion, down 1.1 percent from the third quarter of 2012. Net income jumped 22 percent to €84 million. It is also reported that revenue viewed a slight down in Netherlands, France and U.S., while revenue experienced the initiatives growth in Germany, Britain, Italy, Norway and Sweden. “September saw a return to growth and we achieved the highest profitability since 2008. In Europe, an increasing number of countries now show growth. Iberia, the UK, Poland, Italy, Germany, Norway and Sweden are good examples. Elsewhere, Brazil continues to grow fast. The USG integration is on track, with Switzerland, Poland and Luxembourg completed, with a successful introduction of the Randstad brand in Austria. As announced before, during this quarter we launched new marketing campaigns in some of our larger markets. We face the future with confidence.”

ADP net earnings up 9% for first quarter fiscal 2014**

(Nov. 1, 2013, ROSELAND, N.J.,/GLOBE NEWSWIRE/) Automatic Data Processing Inc.'s (ADP), one of the world's largest providers of business outsourcing and Human Capital Management solutions recently announced its first quarter fiscal 2014 financial results showing that revenues increased 7.7% year over year to $2.84 billion or the first fiscal quarter ended September 30 and were ahead of the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $2.81 billion. The year-over-year revenue growth was driven by strong performance of the Employer Services, PEO Services and Dealer Services segments. Pretax and net earnings from continuing operations increased 7% and 9%, respectively. ADP expects fiscal 2014 revenues to grow 7.0% on a year-over-year basis. Earnings growth is projected in the range of 8% to 10%.

Insperity Q3 revenue up 5.5%**

( Nov. 1, 2013, HOUSTON , / BUSINESS WIRE/) Insperity (NYSE:NSP), a leading provider of human resources and business performance solutions for America's best businesses, today reported results for the third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2013. For the third quarter, the company reported net income of $10.1 million and diluted earnings per share of $0.39. Revenues increased 5.5% over the third quarter of 2012. Gross profit decreased 1.0% compared to the third quarter of 2012 to $97.4 million on a higher deficit in the benefits cost center. Operating expenses increased 1.3% over the third quarter of 2012 to $80.3 million. For the nine months ended September 30, 2013, the company reported adjusted net income of $29.4 million. Year-to-date revenues were $1.7 billion, an increase of 4.5% over the 2012 period. Gross profit for the nine months increased 5.0% to $303.3 million. Year-to-date operating expenses increased 7.1% over the first nine months of 2012 to $253.9 million.

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20 HRoot 2013

Hudson revenue falls 13% Q3**

(Nov. 4, 2013, /HRoot/) Hudson Global Inc. (NASDAQ: HSON) a leading global talent solutions company, recently announced financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2013, showing that revenue of $163.6 million, down 12.9 percent from the third quarter of 2012. Sequentially, from the second quarter of 2013 to the third quarter of 2013, revenue was down 4.5 percent or 3.2 percent in constant currency.Gross margin of $55.8 million, a decrease of 17.5 percent from the third quarter of 2012, or 15.4 percent in constant currency. Sequentially, gross margin decreased 7.8 percent, as compared with a decrease of 12.2 percent for the same period in 2012.Net loss of $5.0 million, as compared with net loss of $2.2 million in the same period last year. Chairman and CEO Manuel Marquez said third quarter results were consistent with expectations.

Team Health Holdings net revenue up 12.4% Q3**

(Nov. 5, 2013,/HRoot/) Team Health Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: TMH), one of the largest providers of outsourced physician staffing solutions for hospitals in the United States, today announced results for its third quarter of 2013. Net revenue increased 12.4% to $606.1 million from $539.2 million in the third quarter of 2012. Acquisitions contributed 6.0%, same contract revenue contributed 4.2%, and net sales growth contributed 2.2% of the increase in quarter-over-quarter growth in net revenue. Reported net earnings were $29.4 million, or $0.41 diluted net earnings per share, compared to net earnings of $20.5 million, or $0.30 diluted net earnings per share, in the third quarter of 2012. Net revenue in the nine months ended September 30, 2013 increased 15.6% to $1.76 billion from $1.52 billion for the same period of 2012. Reported net earnings were $65.9 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2013, or $0.93 diluted net earnings per share, compared to net earnings of $49.0 million, or $0.72 diluted net earnings per share, in the same period of 2012.

51job Q3 revenue up 12.3%**

(Nov. 6, 2013, Shanghai, /PRNewswire/) 51job, Inc. (NASDAQ:JOBS), a leading provider of integrated human resource services in China, announced today its unaudited financial results for the third quarter of 2013 ended September 30, 2013.Total revenues for the third quarter were RMB419.6 million (US$68.6 million), an increase of 12.3% from RMB373.7 million for the same quarter in 2012, within the Company's guidance range. Net income increased 4.0% to RMB117.4 million (US$19.2 million) from RMB112.9 million for the same quarter in 2012. Gross profit increased 12.5% to RMB291.5 million (US$47.6 million) from RMB259.2 million for the same quarter of the prior year. Gross margin was 72.4% in the third quarter of 2013 compared with 72.5% in the same quarter in 2012. Operating expenses increased 24.5% to RMB177.2 million (US$29.0 million) from RMB142.3 million for the same quarter of 2012.Total revenues for the nine months ended September 30, 2013 were RMB1,204.3 million (US$196.8 million), an increase of 8.0% from RMB1,114.9 million for the same period in 2012. Income from operations for the nine months decreased 3.0% to RMB355.3 million (US$58.1 million) from RMB366.2 million for the same period in 2012. Net income for the nine months decreased 0.7% to RMB345.4 million (US$56.4 million) from RMB348.0 million for the same period in 2012.

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21 HRoot 2013

Kelly Services Q3 net earnings up 13.5%**

(Nov. 6, 2013, /HRoot/) Kelly Services, Inc. (NASDAQ: KELYA), a leader in providing workforce solutions, today announced results for the third quarter of 2013, showing that revenue for the third quarter of 2013 totaled $1.3 billion, a 0.6% decrease compared to the corresponding quarter of 2012. Gross profit for the quarter was$220.4 million, a 7.1% down compared to the prior-year. Earnings from operations for the third quarter of 2013 totaled $20.2 million. Included in the results of operations in the third quarter of 2013 are restructuring charges of $0.5 million. Net earnings in the third quarter of 2013 were $18.8 million ,a 13.5% increase compared to $16.6million in the third quarter of 2012. “We’re pleased that our third quarter performance surpassed our expectations despite an erratic and lackluster economy.” said Carl T. Camden, President and Chief Executive Officer of Kelly Services.

Revenues, income up for Marsh & McLennan Q3**

(Nov. 6, 2013, NEW YORK) Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. (NYSE: MMC), a global professional services firm offering advice and solutions in risk, strategy, and human capital, today reported financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2013. The report indicates that consolidated revenue in the third quarter of 2013 was $2.9 billion, an increase of 3% on a reported basis, or 4% on an underlying basis, compared with the third quarter of 2012. Net income attributable to the company of $253 million, or $0.45 per share, compared with $241 million, or $0.44 per share, last year. Adjusted income, net of tax amounted to $259 million, or $0.46 per share in the recent period. On average, 21 analysts polled by Thomson Reuters expected earnings per share of $0.46 for the quarter. Analysts' estimates typically exclude one-time items. Operating income was $404 million, compared with $378 million in the prior year period.

AdeccoQ3 net income up 61%***

(Nov. 7, 2013,/HRoot/) The world’s largest staffing firm, Adeccoreported a 61% rise in third-quarter net profit (€190 million), compared with €118 million reported in the same quarter a year earlier ,with the company returning to growth in October, while forecasting higher demand for temporary staff in Europe. Revenues were down 5% year-on-year to €5.03 billion for the third quarter, equating to no change (in constant currency) compared with a year ago and marking an end to five quarters of revenue decline. Gross profit for the period rose organically by +5% to €942 million, year-on-year. Operating income increased 33% to €263million. By segment, revenues in France were down 5% year-on-year to €1.3 billion, North America up3% to €950million, UK & Ireland up 1% to €481million, Germany & Austria up 4% to €435million. "With most European economies coming out of recession, we expect demand for flexible labor to increase," Adecco's CEO Patrick De Maeseneire commented.

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22 HRoot 2013

Monster Worldwide revenue down 10% for the first three quarters**

(Nov. 7, 2013,/RTTNews/) Monster Worldwide Inc. reported that its third-quarter income from continuing operations decreased to $8.17 million or $0.08 per share, from $41.11 million or $0.37 per share, last year. Net income for the quarter was $11.27 million or $0.11 per share, compared to a loss of $194.24 million or $1.73 per share, prior year. Adjusted net income was $8.17 million or $0.08 per share, for the quarter. Revenue declined to $196.82 million, from $220.82 million, last year. Analysts expected revenue of $200.60 million for the quarter. For the nine months ended Sept. 30, Monster Worldwide reported total revenue of $609 million compared to $679 million in the same period last year, a 10% decrease

Prime People profits rise after administrative expenses fall**

(Nov. 7, 2013,/lse.co.uk/) Prime People recently reported its half-year pretax profit rose on the back of lower administrative expenses, after an 8% rise in revenue failed to nudge net fee income up past last year's figure. Prime People, which recruits executive, professional and technical staff for clients said its pretax profit increased to GBP297,000 for the six months to September 30, compared with GBP117,000 for the corresponding period last year. Revenue increased 8% to GBP6.8 million, mainly because of the UK temporary recruitment services business, but the cost of sales rose at a similar pace, meaning that the GBP3.76 million in net fee income was broadly in line with the GBP3.78 million reported last year. In fact, the rise in pretax profit came about after administrative expenses fell to GBP3.5 million, compared with GBP3.7 million reported last year. "As we step into the second half of the year we have reasonable expectations that the UK businesses will continue to perform at least at similar levels to the first half of the year or better. We are looking for continued improved performance from our businesses in Asia, but have conservative expectations as to the likely performance from our businesses in the Rest of the World," the company said in a statement."

ATA reports net loss of RMB4.3 million Q2**

(Nov. 7, 2013,Beijing /PRNewswire/) ATA Inc., a leading provider of advanced testing technologies and testing-related services in China, today announced preliminary unaudited financial results for its fiscal second quarter ended September 30, 2013 ("Second Quarter 2014"). The report demonstrates that revenues were RMB45.1 million (US$7.4 million), compared to RMB46.8 million last year. Gross profit was RMB22.0 million (US$3.6 million), compared to RMB21.6 million. Loss from operations of RMB4.7 million (US$0.8 million), an improvement from loss from operations of RMB11.0 million. Net loss of RMB4.3 million (US$0.7 million), an improvement from net loss of RMB9.1 million. Adjusted net loss excluding share-based compensation expense and foreign currency exchange gain (non-GAAP) of RMB2.7 million (US$0.5 million), an improvement from adjusted net loss excluding share-based compensation expense and foreign currency exchange gain (non-GAAP) of RMB6.6 million

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23 HRoot 2013

Halogen Software Q3 revenue up 27%**

(Nov. 7, 2013, OTTAWA, /CNW/) Halogen Software Inc. (TSX: HGN), a leading provider of cloud based talent management solutions, announced its financial results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2013. Total revenue increased 27% from Q3 2012 to a record $12.3 million. Recurring revenue increased 30% from Q3 2012 to a record $10.7 million, representing 87% of total revenue in the quarter. Revenue generated in international markets outside Canada and the United States increased 66% over Q3 2012. "The third quarter was extremely positive for Halogen, both from a financial and operational perspective," said Paul Loucks, Halogen's President and CEO. "The strong growth in our customer base over the past year contributed greatly to us generating record recurring revenue in the quarter. We also had a record number of new customer wins in our international markets, which are an important focus for us. As part of our growth strategy, we are continuing to increase our global presence, including the expansion of our sales office in Australia in the quarter.

Towers Watson reports strong first quarter earnings**

(Nov. 11, 2013, NEW YORK, /BUSINESS WIRE/) Towers Watson (NYSE:TW), a leading global professional services company, today announced financial results for the first quarter of fiscal year 2014, which ended September 30, 2013. Total revenues were $810 million for the quarter, an increase of 2% (3% constant currency) from $793 million for the first quarter of fiscal 2013. Net income for the first quarter of fiscal 2014 was $88 million, an increase from $59 million for the prior-year first quarter. EBITDA for the first quarter of fiscal 2014 was $146 million, or 18.0% of revenues, versus Adjusted EBITDA of $139 million, or 17.5% of revenues, for the prior-year first quarter. Looking ahead to the second quarter of fiscal 2014, revenues are expected to be in the range of $900 million - $910 million, reflecting constant currency revenue about flat, and adjusted earnings per share of $1.30 - $1.35.

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24 HRoot 2013

Corporate Resource Services Q3 revenue up 16%**

(November 13, 2013, NEW YORK /BUSINESS WIRE/) Corporate Resource Services, Inc. (NASDAQ:CRRS), a diversified technology, staffing, recruiting, and consulting services firm, today announced results for the third quarter ended October 4, 2013, which included quarterly revenues of $209.0 million, an increase of 16% over the same quarter in 2012. Adjusted EBITDA for the quarter was $6.7 million and net income improved to a record $4.4 million. This is the fifth consecutive quarter of profitability for the Company. "Our results for the third quarter reflect our continued success at executing on strategic initiatives aimed at improving profitability," said John Messina, CEO of Corporate Resource Services. "We continue to generate superior top-line growth and are very focused on controlling expenses. We believe that we will be able to continue this trend of improving margins and have set long-term goals to be among the best in our industry."

Cornerstone revenues up 57% Q3**

(Nov. 0, 2013,/HRoot/) Talent management software provider Cornerstone OnDemand, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSOD) rencentlyannounced results for its quarter ended September 30, 2013.Revenue for the third quarter of 2013 was $48.3 million, representing a 57% increase compared to the same period in 2012. Revenue for the first nine months of 2013 was $130.3 million, an increase of 60% compared to revenue for the same period in 2012.Gross profit for the first nine months of 2013 was $92.2 million, an increase of 60% compared to the same period in 2012. Gross margin for the third quarter of 2013 was 71.7%. Gross margin for the first nine months of 2013 was 70.8%. Non-GAAP gross profit for the third quarter of 2013 was $35.6 million, representing a 57% increase compared to the same period in 2012.

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26 HRoot 2013

Towers Watson survey: employees to see average raise of 7% in Asia****

(Oct. 30, 2013) The global consulting services company Towers Watson released the APAC Salary Budget Planning Report recently, which was conducted globally in July/August 2013 with over 2,700 sets of respondents from Asia Pacific, representing the actual salary increase in 2013 and budget increase for 2014, showing Asia enterprises can expect an average raise of 7%. Among the East Asian countries, China and Vietnam are commanding the largest raises while Japan to see the lowest. More specifically, all of those countries in Asia will increase the average salary which is similar to this year’s. The average raise of China and Vietnam next year are 8.5% and 11.5%, respectively. And the average raises of both countries can be 4.9% after allowing for inflation. Meanwhile, both Hong Kong and Singapore raise up average of 4.5%, India11%, Japan 2.3%. It is also reported that developing countries including China, India and Malaysia to see average raise of 6%-9%(except for India), the inflation rate is 2%-4%. By industry, Pharmaceutical industry sees the largest raise of 7.3%, retail industry sees the lowest raise of 5.5%; In financial, the average raise of Asia is 6.2%, higher than that of last year(5.7%).

Hays survey: labor market became balanced in China****

(Oct. 30, 2013) Rapid achievements in education and higher rates of labour market participation have created a more balanced and active labour market in China, but labour market flexibility, overall wage pressure and a talent mismatch remain threats to the supply of the high-skills needed, according to the Hays Global Skills Index. The Index assesses the efficiency of the skilled labour market, or its ability to supply skilled labour, in 30 countries. The Index scale ranges between 0 and 10, with the higher the Index score the greater the difficulty for employers in findings skills. A score greater than 5 indicates skill shortages; 5 or less indicates few if any signs of skills shortages. The score of 5.0 for China suggest the market is balanced but incredibly active. According to Hays, in China the top five skills in most demand are: 1. Biology Director (Pharmaceutical R&D)2. Core Java Developer (Fixed Income System R&D)3. Corporate Banking Relationship Managers (MNC Banking)4. Geology Head (Oil Exploration)5. MEP Technical Director (Commercial / Industrial Construction)

Insperity survey: small business hiring plans down Q4 in U.S.***

(Nov. 1, 2013, /HRoot/) Small business owners will slow the rate of new hires and maintain current compensation levels in the fourth quarter, according to a new business confidence survey released today by Insperity Inc. (NYSE: NSP), the largest professional employer organization in the U.S. 26 percent of respondents said they are adding employees in the fourth quarter, down from 40 percent in last quarter’s survey; 68 percent are maintaining current staffing levels, up from 56 percent in July and 63 percent last fall;5 percent are laying off employees, up from 4 percent last quarter but a decrease from 9 percent at this time last year; Seventy-one percent of respondents plan to pay their employees at their current rate, 17 percent plan to increase pay, 11 percent are unsure and 1 percent plan to cut pay.

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27 HRoot 2013

Robert Walters survey: using career progression to recruit the best professionals***

(Dec. 4, 2013, /HRoot/) The global leading recruitment firm Robert Walters (LON:RWA) released the latest Robert Walters whitepaper recently, showing that recognise career progression is a major motivator, professionals attach high importance to career progression. Having something to aspire to and achieve is a major personal motivator for many.Presenting pathways to progression is just as important as any other aspect of a role. It is also reported that expanded portfolio and work experience was the most sought-after career progression initiative by professionals. More specifically, 85% of professionals surveyed enquired specifically about career progression during the interview process; 47%of organisations actively addressed career progression in their job advertisements; 32% of organisations offered an expanded portfolio and work experience

Insperity Survey: small business returning to conservative management patternsa***

(Nov. 4, 2013,HOUSTON,/BUSINESS WIRE/) Small business owners are returning to more guarded management techniques as evidenced by a decline in the rate of new hires and an increase in those maintaining current compensation levels, according to the most recent Business Confidence Survey released today by Insperity, Inc. (NYSE: NSP), a leading provider of human resources and business performance solutions for America’s best businesses. Slightly more than 26 percent of respondents say they are adding employees, down from 40 percent in the July survey, and under the 28 percent level from October 2012; 68 percent are maintaining current staffing levels versus 56 percent in July and 63 percent last fall; and five percent are laying off employees, slightly above last quarter’s four percent, but down from nine percent this time last year. “Survey responses indicate that business owners are returning to more cautious management strategies to safely execute their short-term and long-term business plans,” said Paul J. Sarvadi, Insperitychairman and chief executive officer. “Regardless of industry, businesses continue to balance the current challenging risk-reward ratio in creative ways to serve clients and grow profits.”

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28 HRoot 2013

Salary expectations and promotion prospects on the rise in Ireland***

(Nov. 4, 2013,/HRoot/) Increasing optimism in the Irish economy is leading to greater promotion opportunities and pay rise expectations, according to the annual Global Sentiment Survey from Ireland-based Berkley Recruitment, which analyses employment and market perceptions internationally. As Ireland emerges from the recession, and with the Government projecting growth of +1.3% for 2013 as a whole, businesses appear to be reaping the rewards. Eight out of ten (82%) of survey respondents noted that their company was performing the same or better than last year. This positivity is also reflected in the rising employment opportunities within Ireland. The Irish Business and Employers Association (IBEC) recently reported that the economy has added 20,000 jobs this year, a sentiment reflected in the Berkley Survey. The majority of respondents (71%) described the jobs market as steady or strong with 63% of those surveyed recording job creation within their organisation. Pay rise expectations in the country are also growing with 90% of participants expecting an increase, up 30% on the previous survey and on par with global results.

Women with more education face greater salary discrimination in India***

(Nov. 5, 2013, /Times of India/)Women with no formal education earn more than their male counterparts. However, this trend reverses as the level of education increases for both genders, according to a recent study from the Indian Institute of Management, reports the Times of India.Women with a basic education; such as advances certificates or diplomas, earn on average -10% less than equally qualified men. The wage gap increases to -40% when women have attained a master’s degree. The reason for this monetary discrimination lies in the perpetuating cultural perception that a woman’s primary responsibility is unpaid care work; such as looking after children and the family. This perception channels them into these types of care-giver roles. According to the Times of India, with no formal education, the average annual income of women surveyed was +12% more than for men for the same job. At the other end of the spectrum, when men and women compete for the same job the study revealed that in the majority of cases employers chose to recruit men over women. Even if a woman was to be selected for the position, she could earn as much as -40% less than a male employee.

An online presence and CV are key to recruitment in MENA***

(Nov. 5, 2013,/staffingindustry.com/ ) The “Modern Job Search in the MENA” poll, recently conducted by jobsite Bayt.com, has revealed that experience is the most important detail of any CV for those who make hiring decisions in the region, and including a picture with your CV is considered a good move. In terms of length, a short and concise CV that is no longer than one page is the preferred format for the majority of respondents (43%). A medium-length CV is also a suitable option(38%). Only 19% prefer a detailed, lengthy CV. As far as CV content goes, experience is considered to be the most important element (25%) followed by skills (19%). Less important are education at 10%, an objective statement at 7%, and lastly, any awards, badges and endorsements – all at 6%. However, a third of respondents (34%) claim that all of the above are equally important highlighting the significance of having a cohesive and comprehensive, professional, well-balanced CV. For sourcing new candidates, the Internet remains a very important resource, according to 80% of the poll’s respondents, and online recommendations and endorsements are considered important to 62%.

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29 HRoot 2013

IT staffing revenue up median 13% in Q3 at public U.S. firms****

(Nov. 7, 2013, /staffingindustry.com/) Publicly traded IT staffing companies experienced stronger than anticipated demand for their services in the quarter ended Sept.30 reported by Staffing Industry Analysts. These firms chalked up year-over-year median growth of 12.6 percent during the quarter, with only two of the seven companies we track showing decline in revenue as compared to the same period in 2012. Some IT staffing executives attributed the healthy growth to a shift in clients’ perception and utilization of staff augmentation as a more strategic method of getting projects done.

Hays survey: China faces a shortfall of digital marketing professionals***

(Nov. 7, 2013,/HRoot/) According to recruiting experts Hays in China, the rapid evolution of digital marketing has created a “digital disconnect” in which the jobs market in technology, and more specifically digital marketing technology, is hungry for skilled workers in China. The evolution of digital marketing is set to continue over the next decade and this will have a huge impact on the skills employers need. “As marketing becomes more technology-based, harnessing and mastering ‘big data’ will be key to achieving competitive advantage. If companies are to remain market front-runners, they need to integrate their digital and social marketing channels into one customer journey. To do this, they require candidates with integrated offline and online channel experience” says Simon Lance, Regional Director of Hays in China.

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30 HRoot 2013

Towers Watson survey: 2014 pay rise continues to slow down in China****

(Nov. 11, 2013, Shanghai, /PRNewswire/)Towers Watson, the world's leading professional advisory services firm, recently released 2013 annual industry-wide overall prize remuneration survey report shows that in 2013 the dimission rate in China began to slid down to 19.0% from 29.1 after six years of gains. As a result, salaries of those lower-level employees saw the largest increase, especially for employees in high-technology industry and semiconductor industry. It is also reported that, due to the fierce competition for talent, starting salaries of graduates saw accelerated growth, which means that the advantages on human resources costs of China began to weaken. Annual wage rates have slide down for three consecutive years for China companies. In 2014, Chinese enterprises remains cautious about salary increase, the expected average salary increase will be 8.5%, slightly lower than the 9.3% in 2013.

Gallup survey: Americans prefer male bosses ***

(Nov. 12, 2013,/huffingtonpost.com/) Even though the evidence is piling up that women tend to be better managers, a larger share of Americans continue to say they'd rather be managed by men, according to a new Gallup poll. Gallup's official website on November 10 announced survey results show that 35 percent of Americans want to be male leadership and management, while 23 percent of people prefer female leadership, while 40% do not care about gender leadership is worth noting that Republicans more conservative, 40 percent of Republicans prefer male leadership, only 16% of people like women leaders. Americans prefer male leadership, in part because relatively few women leaders in the workplace, men still account for the majority of leading data show that 54% of respondents said that their leaders are men and only 30% of respondents leadership Women general, successfully led mostly mixed character of the dual nature of male and female, that decisive, but also can effectively stimulate the enthusiasm of staff members, and this is a trait that could be acquired learning study shows that in this context, women more likely than men to have the ability to take the lead. While Americans like female leadership accounted for a relatively small, but compared to the past, people have the impression that women leaders has improved significantly.

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31 HRoot 2013

Temporary employment falls but remains up on last year***

(Nov. 13, 2013, /HRoot/) In September 2013 there were 578,300 temporary workers in France, an increase of +0.4% compared with the same month last year, equating to an additional 2,400 temporary jobs. However, according to the latest statistics from the French job centre Pôle Emploi, the number of temporary workers fell by -2.8% from August 2013, equating to a loss of 16,900 jobs. The biggest drop in job number was for professionals and managers (cadres et professions intermédiaires), which reported a fall of -5.5% in September 2013 compared with the previous year. White collar workers (employés) reported a -0.8% drop, while unskilled blue-collar worker (ouvriers non qualifies) numbers fell by -0.4%. The number of skilled blue-collar workers (ouvriers qualifies) rose during the period by +2.7%. In September the seasonally adjusted average daily volume of temporary jobs was 390,000; an increase of +6.3% compared with a year ago, and an increase of +1.4% compared with the previous month.

Randstad survey: women leadership plays important role***

(Nov.13, 2013) Equal pay, more visible female leadership and more family-friendly work policies rank as the most beneficial ways in which companies can help women advance, according to Randstad's Q3 2013 Engagement Study. Predictably, 49 percent of women and 37 percent of men cited pay as the top way in which their company can best help women advance to leadership levels. Having more women in leadership positions was the second most cited, named by 34 percent of women and 31 percent of men. More family-friendly work policies was the third most cited overall, followed by more leadership development programs for women and greater flexibility in terms of scheduling/telecommuting.The study also found that 67 percent of total respondents strongly/somewhat agree with the statement, “By 2020, I expect there to be many more women in leadership positions in my company or organization.” Additionally, 76 percent of women feel whether a company has women in positions of leadership is important when considering taking a position with a new company.

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32 HRoot 2013

Gallup survey: Only 9% work full time for an employer in Nigeria**

(Nov, 13, 2013)Just 9% of Nigerians in 2012 said they worked full time for an employer; a key measure of ‘good jobs’ that the Gallup Poll refers to as ‘Payroll to Population’ (P2P). In contrast, a sizable percentage of Nigerians are underemployed or work as ‘casual’ labourers. Nigeria's P2P rate is low even compared to other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, despite its per-capita GDP of USD 2,420 being above the USD 1,580 median among 27 countries Gallup surveyed in the region. This contradiction underscores that the country's growth rests primarily on oil production and does not necessarily imply economic opportunities are expanding for most residents.

Aon Hewitt survey: Asia Pacific employee engagement levels out of step with global trends ****

(Nov. 14, 2013,/HRoot/) As organizations continue to struggle with economic volatility and uneven growth patterns, a new analysis by Aon Hewitt in Asia Pacific, the global talent, retirement and health solutions business of Aon plc (NYSE: AON), finds that overall employee engagement and employees’ perceptions of their work experience remained static or slightly declined. These results diverge from global engagement trends, which improved within the same time frame.“The importance of Asia Pacific as an engine of growth has sparked increased interest in understanding what motivates employees in this region and what are the factors that have sustained that growth.”, said Rick Payne, Performance, Reward & Talent practice leader for Aon Hewitt in Asia Pacific.

Kelly Services survey: employers have a direct impact on employee job satisfaction ****

(Nov. 14, 2013,Shanghai, /PRNewswire/) Employees in Mainland China indicate that their direct supervisors are a key influencer when it comes to job satisfaction and engagement, according to the Kelly Global Workforce Index (KGWI), which surveycanvassed responses from more than 120,000 respondents in 31 countries, including approximately 28,000 in Asia Pacific. The survey found that 71% of respondents believe their direct manager or supervisor has a significant impact on their job satisfaction and engagement. It is also reported that 64% of respondents in China who switched jobs in the past year are happy in their new roles. The survey also shows that only 29% of workers feel more loyal to their employers compared with a year ago. More than half (60%) say they actively look for better job opportunities or evaluate the external job market, even when they are happy in their job. Respondents who would recommend their employer to a friend or colleague as an employment opportunity cited "company culture/reputation" as the primary influence at 30%.

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33 HRoot 2013

ManpowerGroup survey: women are critical to making companies stronger***

(Nov. 14, 2013, /HRoot/) Recruitment firm ManpowerGroup(NYSE:MAN), a strategic partner of the World Economic Forum (WEF), has advised that closing gender gaps is not about hitting quota numbers; but more about making companies stronger. This is critical to ensure the continuing talent sustainability of the world's workforce and to drive competitive advantage for businesses and economies. ManpowerGroup's 2013 Talent Shortage Survey showed that more than half of employers globally say talent shortages are impacting their ability to serve clients, but just 2% are actively looking to add women, who make up half of the global talent pool, to their workforces.

Towers Watson survey: U.S. employers rank Stress as top workforce risk issue****

(Nov. 15, 2013, /HRoot/) Stress is the top workforce risk issue, ranking above physical inactivity and obesity, according to the Towers Watson survey Staying Work, conducted by global professional services company Towers Watson, and the National Business Group on Health. Seventy-eight percent of U.S. employers identified stress as the biggest lifestyle risk factor that is a workforce issue. However, only 15% of employers identify improving the emotional/mental health (i.e., lessening the stress and anxiety) of employees as a top priority of their health and productivity programs. While stress can energize workers to meet challenging goals, it can also overwhelm them and interrupt business performance. Despite the negative consequences, many employers do not fully understand employee views of its causes.

51job survey: Best HRM Companies’ salaries average up 9.1% this year***

(Nov. 15, 2013, /PRNewswire /) According to the latest report released by 51job (NASDAQ: JOBS), China's largest human resources service provider, showing that the salaries of Best HRM Companies up 9.1% and more than 77,000 training courses were provided for the employees. It is reported that the current selection, with the motto of "Create the future with young people" aimed to award those enterprises which can not only help young employers achieve self- management, improve skills and engagement to benefit young employers, but also makes it the mode company. Although the average salaries up 9.1% which is slighter higher than the growth rate of GDP, the main raise strategy is salvation for the Best HRM Companies. It is interesting that salary level of the Best HRM Companies with the highest raise does not the one which is the leading one in the industry. The raise of the front-line employees is obviously higher than others, especially for sales and production industry.

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34 HRoot 2013

Randstad survey: employers turning to RPO to secure niche talent in Aisa****

(Nov. 19, 2013, /HRoot/) A high proportion of employers in Asia will consider outsourcing all or part of their organisation’s recruitment and talent strategy in the next five years to gain access to niche and hard-to-find talent. The 2013/14 Randstad World of Work Report released today revealed that Employers in China take the lead with 72% planning to outsource their recruitment process, followed by India (70%) and Malaysia (66%). The report found that leading employers have realised that one of the best ways to achieve a ‘talent-ready’ workforce is to adopt adaptive workforce planning models, improve HR systems and refine recruitment selection processes. Despite this, only 39% of organisations in Malaysia use processes such as workforce talent analytics as part of their strategy to seek and engage talent.

PwC survey: young professionals shun career opportunities in China or India ****

(Nov. 19, 2013,/HRoot/) In the next 10 years, the number of employees of companies operating abroad will double, according to a recently published study by PricewaterhouseCoopers. But only 11% of young professionals’ dream of working in India, and only 2% in China, the researchers wrote. Meanwhile, the experience of these countries is valuable, insists Oliver Watson, Managing Director of the UK, North America and the Middle East for Michael Page. "Companies are working around the world. The more languages you know and the more you work with people of different cultures, the greater can be your contribution to the expansion of your company, " he said. Peter Lacy, managing director of policy-making in the Asia-Pacific region for the consulting company Accenture, states that experience in international markets is a must for current and future business leaders. "Companies of our clients are increasingly transcending national boundaries. Therefore, their requirements for employees are changing.” he explained.

Hay Group survey: wages to rise faster than GDP in 2014 in Chile**

(Nov. 19, 2013, /HRoot/) According to figures from Hay Group, the global management consulting firm, in 2014 wages in Chile will grow +5.25%, more rapidly than the economy (+4.5% according to IMF projections), which is certainly a negative scenario for the Chilean labour market. No country can afford such high wage growth. Higher incomes will lead to higher production costs for companies and loss of economic competitiveness. This phenomenon can also slow hiring in the short term. When sectors are slowing, companies reduce or maintain their headcount and focus on their core business in order to maintain profitability.

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35 HRoot 2013

Public IT solutions firms up 10% in Q3****

(Nov. 20, 2013, /staffingindustry.com/ ) Publicly traded information technology solutions firms chalked up median 10.4 percent year-over-year growth in their worldwide revenue for the quarter ended Sept. 30. Cognizant Technology, Tata Consultancy, Infosys and Syntel, all firms with offshore operations, experienced outstanding growth across the board. One of the biggest drivers of demand for IT services these days is stemming from all things social as well as mobile, analytics and cloud computing. “While these provide a challenge to some clients’ business models, it also creates tremendous opportunities for them to generate business value,” said Francisco D’Souza, CEO of Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation. Overall, the IT solutions companies were bullish about the remainder of 2013. Most firms described the pricing environment as stable, yet competitive — especially for the coming quarters.

Executive search revenues remain stable with increasing focus on top jobs***

(Nov.20, 2013,/HRoot/) Data from the Association of Executive Search Consultants (AESC) for the third quarter of 2013 shows a global increase in the value of senior executive search assignments, reflecting the second quarter trend of an industry focused on recruiting for the most senior management positions. The average fee per executive search assignment increased quarter-on-quarter and year-on-year during the third quarter of 2013 (+4.4% and +6.4% respectively), while in contrast the number of new executive search starts declined (-6.6% quar terly and -11.2% yearly). The declining search volume is also set against a rise in year-on-year revenues of +11.7 per cent from Q3 2012 to Q3 2013, albeit a flat quarter-on-quarter revenue picture. AESC President, Peter Felix, commented: “The third quarter results, building on the trends of the last year or more, very clearly reflect client demand that is focused on higher level, quality searches as opposed to the volume associated with more middle to senior recruiting. ”

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36 HRoot 2013

Women filled 60% of tech jobs created this year****

(Nov. 21. 2013,/venturebeat.com/) New data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests that America finally be making progress toward getting more women into the tech industry. Of the 39,000 jobs created in tech this year, women filled 60 percent of them. Tech career Hub Dice found that this is the first time women have represented a majority of new hires in the past decade. The tech industry undoubtedly has a gender problem, and the topic of women-in-tech topic has been debated for years. Women make up less than one-third of all employees in the tech sector. Only 3 percent of tech startups have women founders, and tech companies employ an average of 12.33 percent female engineers. Women contribute to just 1.2 percent of open source software and 5 percent of patents. These numbers are dismal, but at last it seems that women are making gains.

Hays survey: creating personal wealth to be the most important career success indicator for Gen Y in China***

(Nov. 22. 2013,/HRoot/) Recruitment expert Hays published its latest Gen Y and the World of Work report on the needs, attitudes and aspirations of China’s Gen Y, showing that the most important career success indicator for Gen Y China is creating personal wealth – unlike other countries, where achieving job satisfaction and enjoying their work is given the highest priority. This is followed by acquiring knowledge and expertise, personal recognition and having challenging work. According to Hays, although young Chinese people are eager to earn money, they have a deeply rooted respect for learning. Opportunities for training and development were equally the greatest factors for respondents when considering whether to join a potential employer. Ongoing study opportunities are also seen as important factors in a successful career, selected by a high proportion of the respondents, followed by the ability to progress quickly and having a defined career path. The report shows that for China’s Gen Y, monetary rewards and other benefits are very important. Interestingly, these are not the only criteria for defining a successful career though. When asked how they would judge career success, creating personal wealth came out on top, but was closely followed by the wish to gain public and professional recognition.

Robert Walters released Asia Job Index for Q3 2013***

(Nov.22,2013,/HRoot/) Robert Walters, one of the world's leading specialist professional recruitment consultancies, today publishes its Asia Job Index for Q3 2013. The Robert Walters Asia Job Index tracks advertisement volumes for professional positions in all key industries across the leading job boards and national newspapers in mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, South Korea and Malaysia. The report showing that the total number of job advertisements for professional positions grew by 9.9% from Q2 to Q3 2013, led by a strong rise in job adverts in Singapore (+16.1%), mainland China (+10.5%) and Japan (+10.4%), as these regions saw an improvement in business confidence which created demand for skilled professionals; In the third quarter, job advertising figures in mainland China were up 10.5% compared to Q2, and up 24% year-on-year, reflecting improved optimism in the economy; Growth of shared service centres in mainland China led to a 24.5% rise in job adverts within customer servicing; Chinese property companies, seeking to improve property utilisation rates, supported a 22.7% rise in adverts for property management professionals; Advertised positions within retail servicing rose 12.6% as consumer industries continued to grow their footprints in tier two and tier three cities in mainland China.

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38 HRoot 2013

SAS positioned as a leader in Magic Quadrant for Data Quality Tools**

(Nov. 1, 2013, /Biztech2.com /) SAS, the business analytics software and services provider, has been positioned in the Leaders quadrant in Gartner Inc.'s latest Magic Quadrant for Data Quality Tools .1 SAS Data Management technology, including SAS Data Quality was evaluated on a number of criteria, including functionality, integration, ease of use, customer support and product road map. SAS Data Management technologies, including its data quality tools, have long delivered an interface designed for both IT and business as well as an engine that supports all types of data.

Robert Walters named International Recruitment Company of the year***

(Nov. 4, 2013, /HRoot/)Specialist recruiter Robert Walters was named International Recruitment Company of the Year at the annual Recruitment International Awards, staged at 8 Northumberland Avenue in London on 31st October. Fending off competition from market-leading rivals, the company earned praise from a panel of independent judges for its shrewd diversification strategy and excellent international career management programme. It also won plaudits for its hard-fought success in opening new international offices despite the challenging economic backdrop. This is the second time Robert Walters have been named International Recruitment Company of the year, having previously won the award in 2010. Giles Daubeney, Chief Operating Officer of Robert Walters, says:"We are proud of the hard work of all our staff in establishing a successful network of offices across more than twenty international markets. This award highlights our geographical diversity and verifies our commitment to working to the very highest standards of quality and integrity around the world.”

Kelly Services named a Top Workplace to Work for 2013***

(Nov. 17, 2013,/HRoot/) Kelly Services, the Troy-headquartered global workforce solutions company, is pleased to announce it is one of 25 companies named to the large company category of the Top Workplaces to Work for 2013 by the Detroit Free Press.The Top Workplaces are determined based solely on employee feedback. The employee survey is conducted by WorkplaceDynamics, LLP, a leading research firm on organizational health and employee engagement. WorkplaceDynamics conducts regional Top Workplaces programs with 37 major publishing partners and recognizes a list of 150 National Top Workplaces. The survey measured employee feedback in areas such as company leadership, communication, career opportunities, work environment, managerial skills, pay and benefits. This is the first year Kelly Services has participated in the Top Workplaces survey. More than 1,700 full-time Kelly® employees were given the opportunity to express their opinions in the areas noted.

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39 HRoot 2013

Aon named most recommended benefits broker in Business Insurance’s 2013 Buyers Choice awards program***

(Nov. 22, 2013,/ 4-traders.com/) Aon Risk Solutions, the global risk management business of Aon plc (NYSE: AON), was recognized as the benefits broker most recommended by commercial insurance buyers in Business Insurance's 2013 Buyers Choice competition."Being recognized as the most recommended befits broker is a testament to Aon's core focus of helping companies successfully manage their risk and people challenges," said Tom Fitzgerald, CEO of Aon Risk Solutions U.S. Retail operations. "With more than 50 offices across the country we are able to work closely with clients on a personal level to build and implement solutions that empower results for their individual organizations."Business Insurance surveyed buyers responsible for the management of risk advice and insurance products and services in an effort to identify the broker that provides best-in-class service and expertise, and the broker buyers most likely would recommend to their peers. A feature profiling Aon's benefits services was published in the Nov. 18 edition of Business Insurance and can be viewed on BusinessInsurance.com.

Ultimate Software receives Herrmann International Learning award***

(Nov.26, 2013,/digitaljournal.com/) At the yearly meeting of its Knowledge Services Group, Ultimate Software was presented with the Herrmann International Learning Award, recognizing its commitment and application of Whole Brain Thinking to improve performance and results throughout the business. Ultimate Software joins such companies as IBM, Microsoft, Perfetti Van Melle USA and Telecom New Zealand in receiving the award, which honors organizations that are applying Whole Brain Thinking in a systematic way to fully leverage their diverse thinking for better performance and results."Ultimate Software's leadership and innovative approach to embedding Whole Brain Thinking into their business reflects the spirit of our founder Ned Herrmann's groundbreaking work," says Hermann International CEO Ann Herrmann-Nehdi, who presented the award as part of a kick-off session she delivered entitled Agile Thinking in Learning & Development.

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41 HRoot 2013

HRoot to organize the convoy to Hangzhou together with BMW****

(Nov. 4, 2013, Shanghai) HRoot, a leading human resources media and Internet company in China, today organized the convoy to Hangzhou successfully, together with SHRE, a non-profit high-end human resources club of utmost influence and BMW, which is aimed to help the members of SHRE to balance their life between work and rest. SHRE founding members are human resources executives from the global well-known enterprises like Mcdonald's, AIA, TNT, Schneider Electric, Marykay etc. , All of them have an awesome journey with HRoot.

Inaugural Deloitte China Sustainability Awards open for nomination**

(Nov, 11, 2013, /HRoot/) Professional services organization Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu is pleased to announce the launch of its inaugural Deloitte China Sustainability Awards ("the Awards") supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in China. With the goals of encouraging and recognizing best practice in sustainability and highlighting the importance of sustainability in China, the Awards are now open for nominations from multinational companies (MNCs) operating in China."We are excited and proud to have founded the Deloitte China Sustainability Awards supported by the United Nations Development Programme in China. These Awards focus on honouring the sustainability achievements of MNCs in China. As stakeholders are increasingly demanding companies to achieve a sustainable performance alongside their revenue targets, sustainable business operations are crucial to the sound and successful future of China and its business sector," said Mr Danny Lau, Vice Chairman, Deloitte China and Deloitte Asia Pacific Managing Director of Enterprise Risk Services.

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42 HRoot 2013

Staff ing Industry Analysts and HHMC Announce Strategic Partnership****

(Nov. 4, 2013 /PRNewswire/) Staffing Industry Analysts, the global advisor on contingent work, and HHMC, an independent advisory group for the Asia Pacific recruitment industry, today formed an alliance to develop and expand Staffing Industry Analysts' research in the region. HHMC will provide local sales and analyst support. Recently, Staff ing Industry Analysts expanded its research, offering corporate membership globally and nearly 900 companies worldwide have signed up for the membership. Designed primarily for staffing firm executives, corporate membership provides intelligence, proprietary tools, reports, research and advisory services. Staffing companies who sign up for Staffing Industry Analysts corporate membership and conferences through HHMC will receive special pricing available only to HHMC contacts. "The partnership with HHMC is an important part of our strategy to capitalize on the growth of the staffing industry in Asia Pacific and solidify our leadership position," said Barry Asin, president, Staffing Industry Analysts. "Our exciting collaboration with HHMC will allow us to expand our business. With their depth of experience serving staffing firms, will be a great complement in the region providing sales, service and research content to our already growing global service." "Staffing Industry Analysts is an innovator and leader in providing staffing companies the research and tools needed to advance in today's increasingly competitive market and we are delighted to form this partnership with them," said Rod Hore, director, HHMC. "Our partnership creates a strengthened commitment to provide in-depth information and services to the Asia Pacific region."

SAP and SAS to extend the power of the real-time enterprise with strategic partnership***

(Nov. 15, 2013, Beijing, /IT168/) SAP and SAS have unveiled a strategic partnership that is expected to advance in-memory data analysis capabilities for businesses across industries. SAP and SAS will partner closely to create a joint technology and product roadmap designed to leverage the SAP HANA® platform and SAS analytics capabilities. By incorporating the in-memory SAP HANA platform into SAS applications and enabling SAS' industry-proven advanced analytics algorithms to run on SAP HANA, decision makers will have the opportunity to leverage the value of real-time data analysis within their existing SAS and SAP HANA environments. SAP and SAS are leaders for in-memory platform technology, advanced analytics and business applications. The collaboration between SAS and SAP is expected to harness the power of combined platforms while helping to eliminate data movement, duplication and reconciliation. It will also enable massive parallelization of computationally intense workloads, all in-memory, enabling new Big Data solutions that could not previously be delivered.

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43 HRoot 2013

Japanese trade unions prefer increases in base wage levels **

(Oct. 30, 2013) Japanese Federation of Labor, the largest manufacturing union organization in Japan has been announced that they are prefer “base up” in the fight for higher pay next year. In Japan, "base-up" refers to increases in base wage levels through management-labor negotiations in spring. Traditional, Japanese enterprise has the compensation system based on seniority, which allows annual increase on basic salary. But now the system is considered unreasonable and inefficiency due to the influence of American business philosophy. As a result, less and less enterprises would like to increase basic wage regularly, even those companies with outstanding achievements.

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45 HRoot 2013

Ranking Company Name in English

Company Name in Chinese Stock Exchange Code of

Exchange Stock Code

Mkt captial on Nov. 292

Currency & Unit

Mkt captial Nov.29, USD,mn

Mkt captial on Oct.31, USD

Compared with previous month

1 ADP 安德普翰 Nasdaq NASDAQ ADP 35,100.00 USD,mn 35,100.00 35,680.00 -1.63%

2Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc./Mercer 3 威达信集团 New York Stock Exchange NYSE MMC 26,110.00 USD,mn 26,110.00 25,400.00 2.80%

3 LinkedIn Corp. / New York Stock Exchange NYSE LNKD 25,010.00 USD,mn 25,010.00 25,120.00 -0.44%

4 Aon 怡安 New York Stock Exchange NYSE AON 24,770.00 USD,mn 24,770.00 24,000.00 3.21%

5 Paychex / Nasdaq NASDAQ PAYX 15,980.00 USD,mn 15,980.00 15,450.00 3.43%


ADEN/ADE 13,276.83 CHF,mn 14,657.62 13,707.84 6.93%

7 Worday / New York Stock Exchange NYSE WDAY 14,240.00 USD,mn 14,240.00 13,070.00 8.95%

8 Randstad 任仕达 NYSE Euronext (Amsterdam) AMS RAND 7,720.00 EUR,mn 10,501.52 10,598.02 -0.91%

9 Towers Watson 韬睿惠悦 New York Stock Exchange NYSE TW 8,110.00 USD,mn 8,110.00 8,720.00 -7.00%

10 ManpowerGroup 万宝盛华集团 New York Stock Exchange NYSE MAN 6,340.00 USD,mn 6,340.00 5,990.00 5.84%

11 Robert Half International 罗致恒富 New York Stock Exchange NYSE RHI 5,310.00 USD,mn 5,310.00 5,370.00 -1.12%

12 The Ultimate Software / Nasdaq NASDAQ ULTI 4,380.00 USD,mn 4,380.00 4,380.00 0.00%

13 SEEK 4 / Australian Securities Exchange ASX SEK 4,520.00 AUD.mn 4,105.52 4,282.70 -4.14%

14 Team Health Holdings / New York Stock Exchange NYSE TMH 3,250.00 USD,mn 3,250.00 3,020.00 7.62%

15 Neusoft 东软 Shanghai Stock Exchange SHA 600718 17,440.00 CNY,mn 2,861.90 2,861.90 0.00%

16 Hays 瀚纳仕 London Stock Exchange LON HAS 1,710.00 GBP,mn 2,794.14 2,741.47 1.92%

17 Booz Allen Hamilton 博思艾伦 New York Stock Exchange NYSE BAH 2,580.00 USD,mn 2,580.00 2,890.00 -10.73%

18 Health Net / NYSE Euronext (Paris) EPA HNT 2,400.00 USD,mn 2,400.00 2,400.00 0.00%

19Michael Page International

米高蒲志国际 London Stock Exchange LON MPI 1,430.00 GBP,mn 2,336.62 2,292.58 1.92%

20 51job 前程无忧 Nasdaq NASDAQ JOBS 2,160.00 USD,mn 2,160.00 2,240.00 -3.57%

21 Yonyou 用友 Shanghai Stock Exchange SHA 600588 12,460.00 CNY,mn 2,044.69 2,044.69 0.00%

22 Kronos 克罗诺思 New York Stock Exchange NYSE KRO 1,930.00 USD,mn 1,930.00 1,800.00 7.22%

23 Temp Holdings / Tokyo Stock Exchange TYO 2181 193,990.00 JPY,mn 1,901.10 1,978.70 -3.92%

24 On Assignment / Nasdaq NASDAQ ASGN 1,830.00 USD,mn 1,830.00 1,820.00 0.55%

25 Korn/Ferry International 光辉国际 New York Stock Exchange NYSE KFY 1,140.00 USD,mn 1,140.00 1,170.00 -2.56%

26 USG People / NYSE Euronext (Paris) AMS USG 786.25 EUR,mn 1,069.54 1,079.36 -0.91%

27 TrueBlue / New York Stock Exchange NYSE TBI 1,050.00 USD,mn 1,050.00 1,030.00 1.94%

28 Insperity5 / New York Stock Exchange NYSE NSP 905.95 USD,mn 905.95 978.12 -7.38%

29 McMillan Shakespeare / Australian Securities Exchange ASX MMS 985.21 AUD.mn 894.87 933.49 -4.14%

30 Meitec 明达科 Tokyo Stock Exchange TYO 9744 89,160.00 JPY,mn 873.77 835.28 4.61%

31 Kelly Services 必胜 Nasdaq NASDAQ KELYA 859.54 USD,mn 859.54 829.19 3.66%

32 Kingdee 金蝶 Hong Kong Stock Exchange HKG 0268 5,740.00 HKD,mn 740.46 740.46 0.00%

33 Kforce / Nasdaq NASDAQ KFRC 686.68 USD,mn 686.68 658.23 4.32%

34 Sthree / London Stock Exchange LON STHR 401.47 GBP,mn 656.00 643.64 1.92%

35 AMN Healthcare Services / New York Stock Exchange NYSE AHS 638.87 USD,mn 638.87 576.36 10.85%

36 Monster / New York Stock Exchange NYSE MWW 636.38 USD,mn 636.38 491.70 29.42%


Exchange rate,11/29/2013HKD1 0.1290 USD

TWD1 0.0338 USD

EUR1 1.3603 USD

GBP1 1.6340 USD

AUD1 0.9083 USD

JPY 1 0.0098 USD

CNY1 0.1641 USD

CHF1 1.1040 USD

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46 HRoot 2013


Exchange rate,11/29/2013HKD1 0.1290 USD

TWD1 0.0338 USD

EUR1 1.3603 USD

GBP1 1.6340 USD

AUD1 0.9083 USD

JPY 1 0.0098 USD

CNY1 0.1641 USD

CHF1 1.1040 USD

Ranking Company Name in English

Company Name in Chinese Stock Exchange Code of

Exchange Stock Code

Mkt captial on Nov. 292

Currency & Unit

Mkt captial Nov.29, USD,mn

Mkt captial on Oct.31, USD

Compared with previous month

37Barrett Business Services

/ Nasdaq NASDAQ BBSI 610.33 USD,mn 610.33 612.11 -0.29%

38 Resources Connection 荟才 Nasdaq NASDAQ RECN 557.74 USD,mn 557.74 515.97 8.10%

39 Synergie / New York Stock Exchange EPA SDG 341.71 EUR,mn 464.83 469.10 -0.91%

40 Groupe Crit / NYSE Euronext (Paris) EPA CEN 325.35 EUR,mn 442.57 446.64 -0.91%

41 Dice Holdings / New York Stock Exchange NYSE DHX 403.32 USD,mn 403.32 443.42 -9.04%

42 Robert Walters 华德士 London Stock Exchange LON RWA 239.29 GBP,mn 391.00 383.63 1.92%

43Corporate Resource Services

/FINRA, over-the-counter electronic trading board

OTC CRRS 362.26 USD,mn 362.26 493.00 -26.52%

44 Saba Software / Nasdaq NASDAQ SABA 355.05 USD,mn 355.05 345.51 2.76%

45 Heidrick & Struggles 海德思哲 Nasdaq NASDAQ HSII 330.18 USD,mn 330.18 258.11 27.92%

46 CDI Corporation / New York Stock Exchange NYSE CDI 304.00 USD,mn 304.00 320.93 -5.28%

47 Pasona 保圣那 Tokyo Stock Exchange TYO 2168 30,750.00 JPY,mn 301.35 313.65 -3.92%

48 Impellam Group / London Stock Exchange LON IPEL 160.24 GBP,mn 261.83 256.90 1.92%

49 Staffline Group / London Stock Exchange LON STAF 142.93 GBP,mn 233.55 229.15 1.92%

50 Cross Country Healthcare / Nasdaq NASDAQ CCRN 228.79 USD,mn 228.79 183.40 24.75%

51ClickSoftware Technologies

/ Nasdaq NASDAQ CKSW 226.65 USD,mn 226.65 228.87 -0.97%

52 Chandler Macleod Group / Australian Securities Exchange ASX CMG 226.57 AUD.mn 205.79 214.68 -4.14%

53 Volt Information Sciences 渥特 PINK PINK VISI 201.88 USD,mn 201.88 183.15 10.23%

54 WDB Holdings / Tokyo Stock Exchange TYO 2475 13,320.00 JPY,mn 130.54 135.86 -3.92%

55 104 Job bank 104人力银行 Taiwan Stock Exchange TPE 3130 3,510.00 TWD,bn 118.64 119.34 -0.59%

56 Hudson 翰德 Nasdaq NASDAQ HSON 115.09 USD,mn 115.09 115.91 -0.71%

57 Harvey Nash Group / London Stock Exchange LON HVN 67.25 GBP,mn 109.89 107.82 1.92%

58 FULLCAST HOLDINGS / Tokyo Stock Exchange TYO 4848 10,510.00 JPY,mn 103.00 107.20 -3.92%

59 ATA 全美测评 Nasdaq NASDAQ ATAI 93.79 USD,mn 93.79 94.71 -0.97%

60Computer & Technologies

科联系统 Hong Kong Stock Exchange HKG 0046 463.97 HKD,mn 59.85 59.85 0.00%

61 Hydrogen Group / London Stock Exchange LON HYDG 27.75 GBP,mn 45.34 44.49 1.92%

62 NetDimensions 网维 London Stock Exchange LON NETD 23.22 GBP,mn 37.94 37.23 1.92%

63 Clarius Group / Australian Securities Exchange ASX CND 26.87 AUD.mn 24.41 25.46 -4.14%

64 Prime People / London Stock Exchange LON PRP 9.25 GBP,mn 15.11 14.83 1.92%

65 DLH Holdings / Nasdaq NASDAQ DLHC 11.74 USD,mn 11.74 13.51 -13.10%

66 Hamilton James & Bruce / Australian Securities Exchange ASX HJB 3.34 AUD.mn 3.03 3.16 -4.14%

67 Workstream /FINRA, over-the-counter electronic trading board

OTC WSTMF 1.37 USD,mn 1.37 1.88 -27.13%

68 Fortune Industries / New York Stock Exchange NYSE FFI 1.60 USD,mn 1.60 1.60 0.00%

Notes:1. Market Capitalization:Market cap is calculated from the total value of a company's stock, namely total shares of stock times price per share. It fluctuates with stock market. 2. Above data come from the closing prices of local exchanges of the companies on Nov.29, 2013. 3. Marsh & McLennan Companies is the parent company of Mercer. 4. SEEK is the parent company of zhaopin.com. 5. Insperity was formerly named Administaff.


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Rank Company Name in English

Company Name in Chinese Domain Name Website Global Traffic

3-Month Average RankingChina-based Website Traffic Ranking2

Backward Linking3

Search Engine Traffic4

1 Oracle 甲骨文 www.oracle.com 500 509 53,851 6,200,000

2 CareerBuilder 凯业必达www.careerbuilder.com 732 197 16,714 531,000

www.careerbuilder.com.cn 692,279 74,325 169 99,600

3 IBM 国际商业机器公司 www.ibm.com 745 378 73,944 14,200,000

4 zoho.com / www.zhaopin.com 766 614 15,011 2,740,000

5 zhaopin.com 智联招聘 www.51job.com 1,085 89 9,811 14,200,000

6 ADP 安德普翰www.adp.com 1,503 342 2,621 96,600,000

www.adpchina.com 340,441 73,410 62 4,960

7 51job 前程无忧 www.sap.com 1,540 130 9,527 39,200,000

8 SAP 思爱普 www.accenture.com 2,611 849 15,931 3,000,000

9 Accenture 埃森哲 www.deloitte.com 4,145 792 10,543 1,100,000

10 Deloitte 德勒-人力资本咨询 www.silkroad.com 5,310 4,267 16,717 56,800

11 SilkRoad 仕睿 www.gallup.com 6,178 1,778 1,063 20,700,000

12 Gallup 盖洛普 www.chinahr.com 6,792 1,731 16,674 1,340,000

13 Ernst&Young 安永-企业咨询 www.ey.com 8,915 5,577 13,252 886,000

14 ChinaHR.com 中华英才网 www.pwc.com 9,537 657 7,571 2,500,000

15 PwC-Human Resource Consulting


www.pwccn.com 10,136 8,089 11,969 2,820,000

www.sas.com 402,384 22,587 124 21,040

16 SAS 赛仕软件 www.cjol.com 10,679 7,077 6,352 63,900,000

17 KPMG Consulting 毕马威-企业咨询 www.yingjiesheng.com 12,749 8,046 9,142 1,250,000

18 Robert Half International

罗致恒富 www.kpmg.com 12,800 2,927 593 25,200

19 Yingjiesheng 应届生求职网 www.sage.com 13,128 615 2,616 25,500,000

20 Sage 赛捷 www.roberthalf.com 14,531 10,096 367 597,000

21 JobsDB 中国人才热线 www.kenexa.com 14,666 1,242 4,099 5,160,000

22 Kenexa / www.randstad.com 25,103 7,050 273 56,100

23 Randstad 任仕达www.randstad.cn 29,486 11,632 1,162 186,000

www.aon.com 2,192,154 NA NA 9

24 Aon 怡安 www.jobcn.com 29,683 12,498 3,018 173,000

25 PageUp People / www.pageuppeople.com 34,290 592 246 24,010

26 CIIC-Shanghai 中智

www.ciicsh.com 35,188 1,959 NA 103,000

www.ciicbj.com 716,387 83,532 48 11,800

www.ciic.com.cn 1,356,513 NA NA 3,630,000

27 Hays 瀚纳仕 www.hays.com 37,706 4,492 610 109,000

28 Jobcn 卓博人才网 www.infor.com 39,041 3,571 1,937 7,220,000

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Rank Company Name in English

Company Name in Chinese Domain Name Website Global Traffic

3-Month Average RankingChina-based Website Traffic Ranking2

Backward Linking3

Search Engine Traffic4

29 Infor Global Solutions 恩富www.infor.cn 46,127 25,019 1,699 1,550,000

www.vistage.com 376,457 NA 101 1,040

30 CEB / www.executiveboard.com 55,859 17,613 361 89,700

31 Vistage 伟事达 www.booz.com 57,141 14,082 125 9,680

32 Booz & Company 博思 www.mercer.com 79,357 23,099 2,078 23,600,000

33 Towers Watson 韬睿惠悦 www.haygroup.com 82,828 55,321 1,679 526,000

34 Mercer 美世 www.towerswatson.com 88,185 57,070 2,657 1,130,000

35 HayGroup 合益集团 www.kingdee.com 95,836 98,842 1,397 36,500

36 Kelly Services 必胜www.kellyservices.com 108,870 35,726 1,158 325,000,000

www.kellyservices.cn 4,085,172 NA 55 274

37 Hudson 翰德 www.wolterskluwer.com 109,938 5,211 854 14,800,000

38 Wolters Kluwer 威科 www.michaelpage.com 111,834 77,408 833 2,330,000

39 Michael Page International

米高蒲志国际www.michaelpage.com.cn 116,837 36,449 504 59,700

www.adecco.com 467,000 NA NA 223,000

40 Kingdee 金蝶 www.antal.com 118,073 9,597 883 7,890,000

41 DDI 智睿咨询 www.ata.net.cn 120,206 73,419 475 822,000

42 ATA 全美测评 www.hudson.com 121,944 6,907 291 233,000

43 Antal International 安拓国际 www.ddiworld.com 123,379 78,372 493 16,300,000

44 Adecco 德科 www.kronos.com 126,325 144,604 1,047 6,600,000

45 Hirede 雇得易 www.kronos.cn 140,270 7,615 246 526,000

46 First Advantage 首优咨询 www.hirede.com 141,689 43,662 225 36,100,000

47 Kronos 克罗诺思www.beisen.com 141,691 45,837 815 2,140,000

www.fadv.com 3,334,729 NA 7 850

48 Korn/Ferry International

光辉国际 www.neusoft.com 153,451 97,223 779 22,100,000

49 Beisen 北森 www.kornferry.com 165,837 10,794 140 1,420,000

50 ManpowerGroup 万宝盛华集团 www.manpowergroup.com 186,332 111,586 598 547,000

51 Egon Zehnder International

亿康先达 www.yonyou.com 194,152 24,653 456 8,720

52 Neusoft 东软 www.spherion.com 198,012 12,583 521 6,680,000

53 yonyou 用友 www.efesco.com 207,577 10,796 125 147,000

54 Heidrick & Struggles 海德思哲 www.01job.cn 219,456 137,450 NA 47,600

55 Bluesteps 蓝步 www.spencerstuart.com 232,027 126,136 NA 94,200

56 Spencer Stuart 史宾沙 www.egonzehnder.com 233,345 168,281 69 5,280

57 EFESCO 上海外服 www.heidrick.com 242,846 10,848   159,000,000

58 Spherion Corp 思安 www.edenred.com 254,267 74,600 112 4,810

59 Edenred 艾登瑞德 www.bluesteps.com 259,059 30,881 NA 628,000

60 Russell Reynolds Associates

罗盛咨询 www.fesco.com.cn 271,175 167,380 NA 139,000


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Rank Company Name in English

Company Name in Chinese Domain Name Website Global Traffic

3-Month Average RankingChina-based Website Traffic Ranking2

Backward Linking3

Search Engine Traffic4

61 Lumesse 路敏思 www.russellreynolds.com 273,880 6,104 NA 40,100

62 01 Job 第一招聘网 www.lumesse.com 293,479 17,000 52 482,000

63 FESCO 北京外企 www.talent2.com 320,521 14,299 NA 1,430,000

64 NetDimensions 网维www.netdimensions.com 361,185 139,952 NA 178,000,000

www.netdimensions.cn 1,409,749 51,963 120 162

65 Jobkoo 职酷网 www.mrinetwork.com 414,472 26,783 NA 1,120,000

66 Talent2 天柏 www.ngahr.com 416,114 20,039 NA 1,590,000

67 MRI Network Worldwide

/ www.northgatearinso.cn 465,863 168,531 NA 17,700,000

68 NorthgateArinso 安瑞雅 www.jobkoo.com 484,934 NA NA 3,770,000

69 Robert Walters 华德士www.weaver.com.cn 530,966 58,505 NA 291,000

www.robertwalters.com 1,502,305 NA 5 11,400

70 Amrop Group 安立国际 www.robertwalters.cn 561,613 NA NA 2,040,000

71 Weaver 泛微 www.ourats.com 572,991 26,543 NA NA

72 CloudRecruit 云招科技 www.amrop.com 642,223 39,001 NA 369,000,000

73 Cegos 企顾司 www.cegos.com 718,638 71,991 NA 2,060,000

74 Assess Systems 海问联合 www.benqguru.com 856,739 417,896 NA 40,200,000

75 BenQ Guru 明基逐鹿 www.assess-systems.com 986,832 15,528 NA NA

76 Tale Base 倍智 www.eceibs.com 1,210,588 29,633 18 105,000,000

77 ECA International ECA国际 www.talebase.com 1,483,901 NA NA 2,410,000

78 Bo Le 伯乐管理有限公司 www.eca-international.com 1,560,968 110,023 10 3,170

79 eCEIBS 中欧商业在线 www.careerintlinc.com 1,618,178 86,118 141 11,800

80 de Bono 德博诺www.ctghr.com 1,666,696 NA 18 58

www.debonogroup.com 12,478,128 NA 1 53

81 CTG 易才 www.debonochina.com 1,820,117 NA 53 1,790

82 Career International 科锐国际 www.bo-le.com 2,197,793 NA NA 5,750,000

83 HJSoft 宏景软件 www.engma.net 2,718,046 NA NA 169,000

84 Leadership 立德管理顾问 www.leadershipinc.com 2,759,553 NA 7 725

85 Engma 英格玛 www.leadershipinc.com.cn 3,066,689 NA NA 2,460,000

86 ExecuTrain 易得训 www.sagesoft.cn 3,089,442 NA 17 8,010

87 NormStar Group 诺姆四达集团 www.normstar.com 3,348,469 NA NA 448,000

88 CDP Group 薪得付 www.executrain.com 3,707,556 NA NA NA

89 kayang 嘉扬 www.kayang.com 3,989,187 NA NA 84

90 Right Management 睿仕管理www.hjsoft.com.cn 4,366,485 NA 18 897

www.onehome.cn 12,847,593 NA 14 214


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Notes: 1 Traffic Rank: It is ranked according to the global traffic of the websites, which was the mean of the monthly statistic collected by Alexa. The number various with the daily PVs by independent IPs, and thus indicates the popularity of a website. 2 Domestic website traffic rankings: It is the average figure of the statistics obtained by toolbar of Alexa. All the figures are the traffic rankings in the native countries of the websites. 3 All links directed by other website doucments are referred to as backward links. The more backward links a website has, the more popularity and support it has. 4 The search engine traffic is counted by the Google Administrater Tool; the number of times a company's website PVs directed by Google also reflects how popular it is. 5 If a company has mutiple domain names, its website global traffic is collected from its most visited website.

Rank Company Name in English

Company Name in Chinese Domain Name Website Global Traffic

3-Month Average RankingChina-based Website Traffic Ranking2

Backward Linking3

Search Engine Traffic4

91 Insupro 鼎源万家 www.chstar.com.cn 4,653,533 NA NA 6,700,000

92 TaiHe Consulting 太和顾问www.rightmanagement.co.uk

4,753,829 NA NA 2,290,000

93 power plus 一佳一网络科技 www.rightmanagement.cn 5,725,808 NA NA 3,830,000

94 InnoWeaver 创拓软件 www.powerplus.com.cn 5,731,939 NA NA 7,560,000

95 Cyberwisdom 汇思软件 www.cyberwisdom.net.cn 7,129,148 NA NA 1,240,000

96 China Star 中国四达 www.cdpgroupltd.com 10,428,628 NA NA 164

97 Genesis Education Group

人众人 www.taihe.com.cn 12,386,122 NA NA 72,600

98 Platinum 铂金 www.innoweaver.com 14,118,014 NA NA 90,800,000

99 China Team 欧信英才 www.platinumchina.com 14,830,103 NA NA 617,000

100 Vanguard Technology

万古科技 www.renzhongren.com NA NA NA 916


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