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HRoot is a leading human resources media and Internet company in China, with such brands and services as HRoot.com, a world’s leading human resources management website; Human Capital Management magazine, a leading industry journal in China; Overclass, an elite club for HR professionals; Society for HR Executives (SHRE), the only society of HR executives in China; the Annual Human Resources Awards in Greater China, a top-notch industry event with utmost authority, scale and influence; the China Human Capital Forum, the largest among such events in China, and the China Human Resources Services Expo, the largest of its kind in the world, which may register over 20,000 visitors in 2014. In 2012, HRoot launched iPhone, iPad and Android apps of its Human Capital Management magazine and its “Guide to Human Resources Services Providers”, and the mobile app of “HRoot Forums and Expo.” HRoot releases the annual reports of the “Top 100 Human Resources Services Brands in Greater China” and the ”Global 50 Human Resources Services Providers”, and the monthly white paper of MarketWatch of Global HR Service Industry, each being celebrated as a guidepost of this industry.

The website of HRoot has some two million HR professionals as its registered users, who pay more than 500 million visits in total each year; HRoot has more than 20,000 people attending its off-line events each year and 30,000 readers of its publications; it serves over 20,000 customers now, including more than 95% of the Fortune 500 companies in China. It has more than 250 HR services providers, business schools, associations as its ad clients and sponsors; including nine of the top ten global HR services providers.

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HRoot Global Human Resources Service Industry MarketWatch is released by CIS (Competitive Intelligence System) developed by HRoot, a leading Chinese human resources media & internet company. The CIS seamlessly monitors and tracks trend of developments of HR industries in real-time 24/365. Key data and information covering news, events and transformation of HR providers, competitors and competitive environment will be well collected, edited, sorted and delivered to readers on a monthly basis by our specialists. For more information please visit: http://marketwatch.hroot.com/ .

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8. Appendix 2: Global Rankings of Website Traffic of HR Service Providers

Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers


Laws and Policies2.

About HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013


Industry Trends● Recruitment Trends● Institutional and Personnel Changes● Lastest Business Development● Financial Status● Research Report● Awards & Honours




1. About HRoot Global Human Resources Service Industry MarketWatch 2013

2. Laws and Policies

3. Industry Trends Recruitment Trends Institutional and Personnel Changes Lastest Business Development Financial Status Research Report Awards & Honours

4. Marketing Events

5. Contracting Information

6. Others

7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

HRoot Global Human Resources Service Industry MarketWatch is released by Competitive Intelligence System (CIS) developed by HRoot, a leading Chinese human resources media & internet company. The CIS tracks intelligence of over 100 china-based HR service providers covering HR consulting, HR training, head hunting, recruitment, talent assessment, HRO, e-HR, eLeaning, HR media, and HR convention.

The Intelligence seamlessly tracks and monitors trend of developments of HR industry, the result of which is well collected, edited and sorted by our specialists. HRoot Human Resources MarketWatch covers intelligence on laws & policies of human resources, news & events, contracting information, financial statement, website traffic ranking, etc. HRoot Human Resources MarketWatch provides business managers with real-time and comprehensive information about competitors and competitive environment so that they make wise decisions and handle ever-changing markets with flexibility.

Currently, the following contents and data are covered in this Intelligence:● Laws & Policies: Monthly updates on major laws of human recourses, polices and information issued or modified by national and/or local governments ● News & Events: Monthly updates on recruitment trends, personnel changes at HR service providers, latest business development, financial statement, major surveys & reports, awards, M&A,etc. ● Market Events: Monthly updates on marketing promotions by HR service providers, including summits, forums seminars,etc. ● Contracting Information: Monthly updates on information of clients entering into contracts with information of HR service providers.● Ranking of Market Capitalization of Listed Companies: Monthly ranking of listed HR companies by market capitalization. Data on market cap are calculated from the monthly closing price of companies. ● Ranking of Global Traffic of Websites: It is ranked according to the global traffic of websites, which was the mean of the monthly statistic collected from tool bars by Alexa. The number various with the daily PVs by independent IPs, and thus indicates the popularity of a website.

HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

1 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security: speeding up personnel management legislation of Public Institution****

(Jul. 25, 2013, Beijing) Yin Chengji, press spokesman of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said that China will speed up the pace of personnel management legislation of Public Institution to introduced a number of rules and regulations. Yin Chengji said that with the implementation of the Staff Provisional Regulations in Public Institution, the personnel management of Public Institution continued to be strengthen. Meanwhile, it is a fact that the job management system has implement in a steady and smooth way, the rate of the preparation of post establishment in Public Institution over90% as of mid-June. Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will promote the introduction of Personnel Management Regulations, the policy interpretation of Staff Provisional Regulations in Public Institution, formulation of the staff complaints, incentives, assessment, competition for employment and so forth.

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security: exceed 3 million college students are expected to go through grim employment this year***

(Aug. 4, 2013, Beijing) Coupled with the unemployment graduates, there may be more than 3 million college students have difficult in finding their initial employment, said by Wang Yujun, Social Security Capacity Building Center Director Wang Yujun of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, on the China Social Security Reform and Development Report 2012 media conference held toady. Together with other work force, this year's employment pressure is particularly great, added by Wang Yujun, the difficult problem of employment of university students related not only to education model, employment ideas of graduates, but also the quantity and quality of jobs offered. Wang Yujun disclosed that at present the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security is trying to help cover this problem by multi-channel and multi-ways, for example, by improving the quality of public services in large-scale job fairs; encouraging college students to be village official, or to take preferential policy into consideration to combine entrepreneurship with self-employment effectively.

National pension program will be completed this year ****

(Aug. 17, 2013, Beijing) According to the arrangement of the State Council, the national pension program, studied and formulated by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security , has made great progress. The timetable and steps of national pension program is that the formulation will be completed at the end of this year, be in substantial promote stage in 2014, and be achieved to the end of 2015. More specifically, as of the end of 2012, while endowment insurance of China has achieved full coverage, the income of overall annual pension fund is more than expenses, the pension can not be swap use for the pension program was only stay on the basis of the counties and cities which leads to pension gap in some areas, and if we can achieve the national pension program as soon as possible, the long-term stagnation of the pension gap problem may be solved. It is said that the completion of basic national pensions program is the crucial and the first step to implement of the pension investment operations, combine the organizations and institutions endowment insurance system, delay retirement and other deeper reform of the pension system.

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4. Marketing Events

5. Contracting Information

6. Others

7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

3 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

ADP report: 200,000 private-sector jobs added in July****

(Jul. 31, 2013, / Washington/ MarketWatch.com ) Private-sector employment increased by 200,000 jobs from June to July, topping economists' expectations in an encouraging sign for the labor market recovery, according to the July ADP National Employment Report showed on Wednesday. June's private payrolls were revised up to an increase of 198,000 from the previously reported 188,000. The report also showed that small businesses continued to lead the way in hiring, adding 82,000 jobs in July. By Industry, trade and transportation had the largest gain, construction and service industry utilities added 22,000 and 177,000 respectively.

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3. Industry Trends Recruitment Trends Institutional and Personnel Changes Lastest Business Development Financial Status Research Report Awards & Honours

4. Marketing Events

5. Contracting Information

6. Others

7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Winter Olympics boosting temporary recruitment***

(Aug.15, 2013,/staffyingindustry.com /) The organisers of the 2014 winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia have begun recruiting temporary staff in preparation for the games. Recruitment giant Adecco, is assisting the organisers in recruiting up to 8,000 temporary employees; including drivers, translators and service employees.An Adecco spokesperson commented: “Candidates in Sochi cannot meet all of the needs of the staff for the Games, so we are selecting candidates from across the country; especially in the nearby regions of Krasnodar, Rostov, Volgograd, and Samara. In the run-up to the Games, the most extensive work will be done in the field of building temporary structures, catering, maintenance, IT support, and accommodation arrangements. Huge numbers of freight deliveries of equipment and materials are also planned. During the Olympic Games there will be more than 200 separate locations; including sports arenas and stadiums, hotels, the Olympic village, media centre, and conference rooms. This will create more than 5,000 jobs, plus over 1,000 logistics professionals, and 500 workers to staff the Olympic village. In addition, there will be more than 100 vacancies for people directly involved with the sports; such as announcers, commentators, referees, and photographers.”

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6. Others

7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

New Zealand job advert numbers up but unemployment expected to rise ***

(Aug.15, 2013,/staffingindustry.com/) The number of jobs advertised in New Zealand rose by +4.5% in July, compared with the same month last year, according to the monthly survey by the Australia and New Zealand Bank (ANZ). The number of adverts rose in July by +3.5%, compared with June 2013.The growth reflects a monthly increase of +2.3% in the number of internet advertisements, bolstered by an +11% increase in the number of newspaper adverts, which is traditionally a smaller and more expensive market segment. The previous monthly job advertisement survey predicted a light rise in unemployment after a big fall in the first quarter to March, down from 6.8% to 6.2%. As evidenced by the June quarter figures, unemployment increased to 6.4%. Zollner added: “Given the unemployment rate averaged a touch over 7% in the middle quarters of 2012, this would on the face of it suggest that the unemployment rate will continue to rise from the current 6.4% back up towards 7%.” “However, the unemployment rate has been so volatile lately that we prefer to focus on the thematic of an on-going, but regrettably sluggish, labour market,” she added.

Hays survey: Oil & Gas Global Job Index rebounds in the second quarter of 2013***

(Aug. 20, 2013,/HRoot/) The Hays Oil & Gas Global Job Index shows a slightly stronger oil and gas labour market for the second quarter of 2013 compared to the first. The Index charts the number of jobs posted on nine oil and gas portals across the world. Globally it was at 1.69 in June, which was consistent with where it stood at the end of the first quarter (March) at 1.68. In Asia the Index stood at 1.90 at the end of June, up from 1.76 three months prior, meaning more oil and gas jobs are now available. “Globally the general sentiment in the industry is neutral,” said John Faraguna, Global Managing Director of Hays Oil & Gas. ”The global economy remains in recovery mode, but we do see good signs of improvement in many regions around the world which should bode well for energy demand in the next few years.”

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6. Others

7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Temporary staffing momentum to grow further ***

(Aug.26, 2013,/staffingindustry.com/) By 2020, about 10% of the overall workforce in India could be working in a flexible capacity through staffing companies, according to the Indian Staffing Federation (ISF). The percentage share is expected to increase further to 20% by 2025 and the growth is led by the IT industry. The ISF has said incremental demand for skilled workers is led by logistics sector around 51 million, followed by construction (15 million), retail (5 million), BFSI (5 million), healthcare (4.5 million), automotive (2.5 million) and creative industry (0.8 million). The association also reported that the country would have to find as many as 83 million additional skilled workers by 2015, the demand will go up to 300 million by 2022.

Business executives optimistic about workforce across region***

(Aug.27, 2013, /staffingindustry.com/) The most attractive countries for new business expansion are Indonesia, followed by Vietnam, Thailand, and Myanmar, according to Amcham's 2014 ASEAN Business Outlook Survey. However, despite general optimism about ASEAN’s business prospects, significant challenges remain; namely corruption and personal security. In Indonesia 65% of respondents anticipate increases to their workforces in 2013. Executives in Vietnam responded that 61% intend to expand their workforce in 2013. In Thailand, 57% of respondents expect their workforce to increase in 2013, while 37% expect it to remain static.

6 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Bullhorn Acquires EASY Software Solutions, Makers of timeshEASY **

(Jul. 24, 2013, /Boston/MA) Bullhorn, the global leader in recruiting software, today announced that it has acquired Virginia-based software provider EASY Software Solutions, LLC – the makers of staffing industry-specific timesheet, expense, invoice, and commission management solution timeshEASY. The acquisition of EASY Software Solutions adds a proven, web-based back office solution to Bullhorn’s industry leading recruiting CRM and ATS platform to provide firms with a single SaaS solution for streamlining their end-to-end recruiting process. timeshEASY – which will henceforth be known as Bullhorn Back Office – is a 100% cloud-based solution that enables staffing firms to automate highly manual back office tasks, thereby dramatically reducing administration costs, increasing invoicing and payroll speed and accuracy, and improving client and candidate service.

Accenture in talks to acquire rival Booz & Co****

(Jul. 31, 2013, /REUTERS/)Management consulting firm Accenture (NYSE:ACN) is in talks to acquire rival Booz & Co, a deal that would beef up its strategy and operations consulting services, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday, citing people familiar with the matter. Booz & Co has over 3,000 employees globally, according to information on the company's website. It ended discussions of a possible merger with A.T. Kearney, another management consulting firm, in July 2010. Acquisition-hungry Accenture has announced it would be acquiring London-based global service design consultancy Fjord and digital marketing company Acquity Group as well as Mortgage Cadence, a loan origination software company.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Towers Watson hires executive compensation practice leader in Philadelphia**

(Aug. 1, 2013, Philadelphia) Matt Sandler joined Towers Watson (NYSE:TW) as leader of the executive compensation consulting practice in our Philadelphia office. A graduate of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania who received his MBA from the Stern School of Business at New York University, Matt brings extensive experience in executive compensation, total rewards strategy, governance, shareholder and equity plan issues across a range of industries. Most recently, he was a principal in Mercer’s human capital business in Philadelphia.

KFMG launches Chongqing Branch***

(Aug. 5, 2013, / Sohu /) The global leading audit, tax, consulting services provider KPMG today announced it established its Chongqing Branch on August 18, 2013, the fourteenth branches in China. KPMG’s entry into Chongqing has received strong support from the local government. It is said that the business of KFMG’s Chongqing Branch will cover financial consulting, tax consulting, business consulting, investment consulting(excluding financial consulting), management consulting, international economic consulting (excluding financial consulting and other financial information services) and market research and so on.

SAP launches Headquarter of Southern Region in Shenzhen***

(Aug. 8, 2013, Shenzhen / China News Network /) SAP, a global leading enterprise management software provider SAP announced it established Shenzhen Branch, which is established as SAP’S Headquarter of Southern Region to responsible for SAP’s business development in southern region (including Hong Kong and Macau). Zhou shili, the General Manager in southern region of SAP China, said that since SAP entered in China 1995, it has established sub-company in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Dalian, Chengdu, Shenzhen and other 12 cities. SAP attaches great importance to the Chinese market, views China as a second home. In 2011, SAP launched in China with a total $ 2 billion investment of the "China Development Plan" in the recruitment, regional coverage, ecosystem construction and product innovation which have made significant progress.

Heidrick & Struggles names Brad Berke to global practice managing partner of supply chain & operations**

(Aug. 12, 2013, CHICAGO, /GLOBE NEWSWIRE/) Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc. (NASDAQ:HSII), the premier provider of Executive Search and Leadership Consulting services worldwide, today announced that Brad Berke has been named Global Practice Managing Partner leading the Supply Chain & Operations Practice, effective immediately. Previously, Berke led the North America Supply Chain & Operations practice for Heidrick & Struggles. Berke joined Heidrick & Struggles in 2008. "Brad is a proven leader and an outstanding search professional who is both global in outlook and experience," said Valerie Germain, Managing Partner, Global Head Functional Practices."How companies approach and manage their global supply chain operations is different today than it was even five years ago. Many of our clients are looking for new types of supply chain leaders, and even redefining what constitutes 'supply chain.' Brad will be focused on ensuring we remain at the front edge of these advancements," said Germain.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Saba Software names interim CEO Shawn Farschi new president and CEO**

(Aug. 12, 2013, /THE WALL STREET JOURNAL/)Saba Software Inc. (OTCMKTS:SABA) said interim Chief Executive Shawn Farschi has taken the position on a permanent basis. Mr. Farschi, who has also become president, has been serving as interim CEO since March after then- Chief Executive Bobby Yazdani agreed to step down, as the company had been reviewing its financial statements after identifying problems related to the timing of revenue recognition. Mr. Farschi had been chief operating officer at Saba since 2011 before stepping in as the interim chief executive."Shawn has been playing a pivotal role at Saba since 2011 and his industry experience and extensive knowledge of Saba's business are exactly what Saba needs to ensure its long-term success," said Billy Russell, chairman of Saba's board.

Recruit acquires India’s largest executive search firm ****

(Aug.13, 2013, TOKYO ) Japan-based Recruit Holdings, one of the largest staffing firms in the world, announced that it has acquired 100% of the shares of Indian executive search firm NuGrid Consulting. NuGrid will now be renamed RGF Executive Search India Private Ltd. NuGrid is an India-based integrated recruitment services provider, which provides staffing through three subsidiaries; executive search firm Stanton Chase, selection and search service provider NuGrid, and entry-level selection unit Orane. NuGrid currently operates out of seven offices; Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune, and Kolkata. NuGrid offers executive search services for department heads and senior management positions in a wide range of industries; including manufacturing, healthcare, IT, infrastructure, and real estate.This acquisition will combine NuGrid's assets with Recruit's HR service expertise to contribute to the future growth of Recruit in India, which together with China is considered to be a key strategic area in the overall Asia HR services market. With this acquisition, Recruit intends to strengthen its presence in India and continue offering placement services throughout all of Asia.

Dice Holdings replaces CEO and acquires UK job board****

(Aug. 13, 2013, /staffingindustry.com/) Job board operator Dice Holdings Inc.(NYSE:DHX) replaced longtime CEO Scot Melland and announced July 24 it acquired a U.K.-based job board operator. Melland has served as president CEO since joining the company’s predecessor in April 2001. Taking over those roles will be Michael Durney, who had served as executive vice president, industry brands group, and CFO at Dice. Melland will also step down as chairman, but he will remain as a director of the company. Peter Ezersky will take over as chairman. Ezersky has been a director since August 2005 and currently serves as chairman of the nominating and corporate governance committee.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Staffing 360 to acquire Boston-based firm***

(Aug.19, 2013,/staffingindustry.com/) Staffing 360 Solutions Inc. (OTCBB: STAF) announced a deal to acquire Control Solutions International Inc., a Boston-based firm that provides risk management and consulting, internal audit, and information technology solutions. Staffing 360 will pay $409,000 for the company in cash and stock, in addition to an earn-out of up to $2.1 million based on gross profit, according to a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The company’s “high-quality professional services business, and significant expertise in the risk management and consulting arena, compliments Staffing 360’s strategic growth plans and demonstrates our ability to deliver accretive acquisitions from our pipeline that will not only expand our footprint, but also will enhance our margins.” said Allan Hartley, CEO of Staffing 360 Solutions Inc..

Kronos to acquire Time Link International Corporation***

(Aug. 20, 2013,/pymnts.com/) Extending its leadership in workforce management, Kronos Incorporated today announced that it has acquired Time Link International Corporation (TimeLink). Headquartered in Purchase, NY, TimeLink was founded in 1986 and has built a reputation as a leading workforce management vendor primarily serving employers in the manufacturing, public sector, and services and distribution industries. The acquisition extends Kronos’ leadership in workforce management, strengthens its position in the enterprise segment of the market, and broadens its footprint across a wide range of vertical markets.

CDI announces William Wasilewski as Executive Vice President of its global engineering and technology solutions business***

(Aug. 23, 2013, PHILADELPHIA, /PRNewswire/) CDI Corp. (NYSE: CDI) announced today that William Wasilewski has joined the Company as Executive Vice President of its Global Engineering and Technology Solutions (GETS) business. He succeeds Robert Giorgio, who will remain with the Company through September of 2013 to ensure a smooth transition and continue to provide services through a consulting agreement. Wasilewski will be responsible for developing the overall strategy for the GETS business that focuses on key industrial verticals, including oil, gas & chemicals; aerospace & industrial equipment; as well as defense and infrastructure. He will continue to expand current services into new geographies and markets to create short- and long-term growth opportunities.

10 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

TeamHealth expands emergency medicine staffing services to Michigan **

(Jul. 29, 2013, KNOXVILLE, Tenn, /PRNewswire/) TeamHealth announced the expansion of its emergency medicine staffing services to Michigan through the acquisition of the operations of Tri-County Emergency Physicians, PC, the group that manages and staffs the hospital emergency department for Memorial Healthcare in Owosso, Mich., which provides emergency care for approximately 28,000 patients annually. TeamHealth will begin providing services for the hospital's emergency department on Aug. 1.

Corporate Resource Services explores international expansion in the United Kingdom **

(Jul. 29, 2013, NEW YORK, / fortmilltimes.com/) Corporate Resource Services, Inc. (OTCBB: CRRS), a diversified technology, staffing, recruiting, and consulting services firm, today announced that it is exploring an international expansion into the United Kingdom.“We have recently returned from a series of meetings with UK-based staffing companies and we’re looking for the right partners to expand our footprint in the global staffing marketplace,” said Mark S. Levine, Chief Operating Officer of Corporate Resource Services. “After meeting with these acquisition candidates, we are happy to say we have identified a few potential partners that offer us a platform to expand CRS throughout the United Kingdom and the remainder of Europe.”

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

NormStar launches online AC talent assessment platform ***

(Jul. 30, 2013, /China Daily/) NormStar, the talent assessment leader in China, recently launched its online AC talent assessment platform. NormStar’s AC assessment platform makes possible the operation of a range of tools online, such as structured interviews, case studies, role plays, business analysis. By simulating real management scenarios, it can evaluate the management ability, personality, experience, skills and others traits. It can realize remote online evaluation, management of simulated scenarios, objective evaluation, and is simple, efficient and suitable for large-scale assessment.

ClickSoftware launches ClickWorkforce on salesforce.com's AppExchange ***

(Aug. 1, BURLINGTON, /PRNewswire/)ClickSoftware Technologies Ltd (NasdaqGS: CKSW) today announced it has launched ClickWorkforce, a mobile workforce management application suite, on AppExchange, empowering businesses to connect with customers, partners and employees in entirely new ways. ClickWorkforce provides customers with an enterprise-grade cloud solution to automate and optimize the performance of service organizations through appointment booking, scheduling and mobility offerings, for enhanced customer experience and bottom line savings.

Kelly Scientific Resources was launched in China***

(August 2, 2013, Beijing) Kelly Services (NASDAQ:KELYA), a global leading HR solutions provider today officially launched Kelly Scientific Resources recruitment services in China. Kelly Scientific Resources, part of Kelly's brand focusing on science and R & D professionals, was founded in 1995, which is at the front edge of technology talent recruitment innovation, and there are more than a hundred clinical research offices worldwide. COO of North Asia Natalia Shuman said: "As the world's largest R & D human resources solutions providers, we have abundant experience in human resources, expertise and industry experience, which could enable us to transport all levels of R & D talents for the outstanding employers. And we do committed to finding the most suitable job for job seekers wholeheartedly to help them find a bright future. "

ADP introduces fully integrated time and attendance solution for accounting professionals***

(Aug. 7, 2013,ROSELAND, N.J.) ADP(NASDAQ:ADP), a leader in human resource, compliance, and payroll outsourcing solutions, announced today that its popular ezLaborManager solution is now fully integrated with RUN Powered by ADP Payroll for Partners. With this integration, accounting professionals and other payroll service providers can help their clients improve compliance while simplifying how they collect employee hours and calculate and report employees’ time and attendance.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Mercer to acquire the Pension Wind-up Business of PwC in Canada***

(Aug. 9, 2013, TORONTO, /BUSINESS WIRE/) Mercer(NASDAQ:MERC) announced today that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire the pension wind-up business of PwC in Canada. Upon the closing of the transaction, expected by the end of the third quarter 2013, the team of PwC professionals will join Mercer’s own specialists in the pension wind-up business. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. “We are delighted that the highly professional, well-regarded team from PwC will join Mercer,” said Paul Forestell, senior partner and the Market Retirement Leader for Mercer Canada. “This is an excellent fit for Mercer Canada, as it enhances our own successful business in pension wind-ups. The transaction is also evidence of Mercer’s commitment to Canada and to investing in the expansion of our retirement consulting business.”

Insperity expands access to human resources services with mobile application launch***

(Aug. 19, 2013, /BUSINESS WIRE/) Insperity, Inc. (NYSE: NSP), a leading provider of human resources and business performance solutions for America's best businesses, today launched a mobile application (app) that provides on-the-go access to the Employee Service Center(SM) (ESC), an online platform for Insperity customers to access human resources-related information. The new app gives users mobile accessibility to the most commonly used ESC features, such as paycheck and benefits information, a physician locator, Flexible Spending Account details, remaining paid time off/vacation/sick time, 401(k) balances and the ability to update personal information. In addition to the information and services featured on the mobile app, the ESC online platform offers users secure, centralized access to comprehensive information about the benefits and services they receive from Insperity, including forms and policies, online training, retirement services, Web-reporting, MarketPlace(SM) and more. The mobile app, which is available for iPhone and Android devices, can be downloaded from iTunes and the Google Play store.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

LinkedIn targets high school students with new college search tool****

(Aug.19, 2013,/tech.qq.com/) LinkedIn Corp. (NYSE:LNKD), a professional networking site, has opened up its online professional networking service to high school students as part of an effort to help steer their collegiate careers and also launched University Pages for college students specifically for people to post resumes and connect with others according to U.S. technology blog TechCrunch. About 200 universities have already set up pages on LinkedIn, and the company said thousands of more schools will be given access to the new feature during the next few weeks. It is reported that effective Sept. 12, the new minimum age to create a LinkedIn account will range from 13 years old to 16 years old in most countries where LinkedIn operates. A LinkedIn spokesperson called the new Pages "the first step towards a longer vision to help students, parents, and university faculty get a head start on career mapping."

Robert Walters Japan launches New Energy and Infrastructure Recruitment Team***

(Aug. 22, 2013, /THE WALL STREET JOURNAL/) Since 2000, Robert Walters (LON:RWA)Japan has become the country's most trusted specialist recruiter for global business. Robert Walters PLC's newly expanded specialist team is dedicated to recruiting exclusively for the energy and infrastructure sectors. The team's core focus will be to match international and Japanese companies with experienced professionals in this actively growing market segment. The newly formed team will be headed by manager Koshiro Iwaya. Consistently one of the Group's top-performing recruitment consultants worldwide, he has positioned Robert Walters as one of the foremost recruitment consultancies for Japan's energy and infrastructure sectors. The team will continue his success in supporting the staffing needs for established companies and new entrants across all professional and technical functions in this rapidly growing space.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

ManpowerGroup price target increased to $74.00 by analysts at Barclays Capital **

(Jul. 29, 2013, /Zolmax.com/) Equities research analysts at Barclays Capital hoisted their price objective on shares of ManpowerGroup (NYSE:MAN) from $56.00 to $74.00 in a research note issued to investors on Friday, AnalystRatingsNetwork reports. The firm currently has an “equal weight” rating on the stock. Barclays Capital’s price target points to a potential upside of 12.51% from the stock’s previous close. Shares of ManpowerGroup (NYSE: MAN) traded down 1.26% during mid-day trading on Friday, hitting $65.77. ManpowerGroup has a 52 week low of $33.83 and a 52 week high of $67.22. The stock’s 50-day moving average is currently $58.47. The company has a market cap of $5.091 billion and a P/E ratio of 25.28.

Marsh & McLennan Cos. price target increased to $46.00 by analysts at UBS AG **

(Jul. 29, 2013, /utahpeoplespost.com/) Stock analysts at UBS AG increased their price target on shares of Marsh & McLennan Cos. (NYSE:MMC) from $41.00 to $46.00 in a report issued on Friday, Analyst Ratings Network reports. The firm currently has a “buy” rating on the stock. UBS AG’s price target would indicate a potential upside of 10.31% from the company’s current price. A number of other firms have also recently commented on MMC. Analysts at Zacks reiterated a “neutral” rating on shares of Marsh & McLennan Cos. in a research note to investors on Monday, July 22nd. They now have a $44.00 price target on the stock.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Monster Worldwide Q2 net income decreases**

(Aug. 1, 2013,NEW YORK, /RTTNews/) Online job search company Monster Worldwide Inc. (NYSE:MWW) today reported financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2013, showing that Q2 revenue slipped to $237 million from $270 million compared with last year down 12.2%. Net income slipped to $5million, compared with last year's $11 million down54.5%, which is in line with market expectation. Monster Worldwide expects its third-quarter EPS from continuing operations to be in the range of $0.06 to $0.10. Analysts expect the company to report profit per share of $0.09 for the third quarter.

LinkedIn net profit up by 32% Q2***

(Aug. 2, 2013, SAN FRANCISCO,/RRTNews) The U.S. professional social network site LinkedIn Corp. (NYSE:LNKD) today announced fiscal 2013 second quarter earnings report, showing that for the second quarter ended June 30, 2013, LinkedIn Q2 revenue of $ 363.7 million, compared with last year's $ 228.2 million increase 59%, net profit of $ 3.7 million, compared with last year's $ 2.8 million up 32%. The company's quarterly earnings per share, excluding items, also came in above analysts' expectations. And Q2 revenues from talent solutions products jumped 69% to $205.1 million, while revenue from marketing solutions products surged 36% to $85.6 million and revenue from premium subscriptions products climbed 68% to $73.0 million. Looking forward, the company forecasts third quarter revenue of $367 million and $373 million.

Marsh & McLennan profit up 18% on stronger margins**

(Aug. 7, 2013,/ sina.com/)Marsh & McLennan (NYSE:MMC) second-quarter profit surged 18% as the insurance brokerage reported stronger margins and revenue in all segments. The company posted a profit of $388 million, or 69 cents a share, up from $329 million, or 59 cents a share, a year earlier. Adjusted earnings grew to 72 cents a share from 61 cents a year earlier. Revenue edged up 2% to $3.08 billion, matching Wall Street's prediction. Revenue at the risk and insurance division, the company's largest segment, climbed 2.9% while revenue in the smaller consulting segment was up 0.9%. Marsh's operating margin widened to 18.7% from 17.1%.

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8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Adecco delivers strong performance in Q2 2013***

(Aug. 8, 2013, Zurich, Switzerland, /PRNewswire/) Adecco Group, the world’s leading provider of human resources solutions, today announced results for Q2 2013. Revenues were EUR 4.9 billion, down 5% year-on year, or down 3% organically. Gross profit amounted to EUR 884million and the gross margin was 17.9%, an increase of 20 bps versus the prior year. Continued strong cost control resulted in 3% lower SG&A, organically and excluding restructuring and integration costs. The EBITA margin excluding restructuring and integration costs was 4.1%, up 40 bps compared to the same quarter last year. Net income was up 12% to EUR 126 million and basic EPS increased by 17% to EUR 0.69. “We delivered a strong performance in the second quarter. Labour markets are starting to stabilise around Europe and we see some more positive signs in our business.” Said by Patrick De Maeseneire, CEO of the Adecco Group.

Kelly Services reports mixed results***

(Aug.8, 2013, /staffingindustry.com/)Kelly Services Inc. (NASDAQ: KELYA) announced revenue for the second quarter of 2013 of USD 1.37 billion, a marginal increase of USD 800,000 (+0.1%) compared with the same period in 2012. Earnings from operations dropped during Q2 2013 to USD 16.4 million from USD 23.8 million a year ago, equating to a fall of -30.9%.Group gross profit fell slightly during the second quarter of 2013 to USD 220.7 million from USD 223.2 million during the same period last year, a fall of -1.1%. Net income fell by -33.2% from USD 15 million in Q2 2012 to USD 10 million in Q2 2013. Carl T. Camden, president and CEO of Kelly Services Inc., commented: “We’re pleased with our second quarter performance in each operating segment, given the uneven and generally subpar global economic growth. The Americas delivered solid results that were in-line with our expectations, considering both our investment strategy and the lower volume we’re experiencing.”

source: Adecco Report

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8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

51job, Inc. reports Q2 financial results***

(Aug.9, 2013, Beijing, /PRNewswire/)51job, Inc.(NASDAQ:JOBS), a leading provider of integrated human resource services in China, announced today its unaudited financial results for the second quarter of 2013 ended June 30, 2013, showing that total revenues increased 12.2% to RMB404.4 million ($65.9 million), within the company's guidance range; net income for Q2 increased 4.0% to RMB119.2 million ($19.4 million) from RMB114.6 million for the same quarter in 2012. Online recruitment services revenues increased 14.3% over Q2 2012 to RMB269.5 million ($43.9 million); gross margin increased to 73.7% compared with 72.6% in Q2 2012; income from operations increased 5.9% over Q2 2012 to RMB125.5 million (US$20.4 million).

Temp Holdings profits and revenue up***

(Aug. 9, 2013,/ PR Newswire/ ) Japanese recruitment firm Temp Holdings Co. (TYO:2181) reported strong first quarter revenue growth of +29.7% to JPY 86.1 billion (USD 89.3 million) for the period ending 30 June 2013, from JPY 60.5 billion (USD 62.8 million) during Q1 2012. Operating profit for the period rose from JPY 2.4 billion (USD 24.9 million) during the first quarter of last year, to JPY 3.91 billion (USD 40.6 million) this year, an increase of +38.7%. Pre-tax profit rose to JPY 3.93 billion (USD 40.7 million) from JPY 2.52 billion (USD 26.1 million) a year ago. Net profit also increased to JPY 1.98 billion (USD 20.5 million) from JPY 1.49 billion (USD 15.5 million) last year. Pre-tax profit and Net profit rose +36.2% and +24.8%, respectively. According to research from Staffing Industry Analysts, Temp Holdings is currently the second largest staffing firm in Japan, with a market share of approximately 5%. Temp Holdings, which operates in Japan as Tempstaff, also operates in Indonesia, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and the United States. Its overseas expansion has been done in partnership with US recruiter, Kelly Services.

Source: sina.com

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8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Fullcast Holdings profits and revenue plummet**

(Aug. 9, 2013, / staffingindustry.com/) Japanese recruitment company Fullcast Holdings Ltd. (TYO:4848) reported revenues for the half year ending 30 June 2013 of JPY 8.15 billion (USD 84.5 million), down by nearly half from JPY 16.3 billion (USD 169.1 million) for the same period last year. An operating loss of JPY 27 million (USD 280,064) was reported, with no comparable figure provided for the second half of 2012. Pre-tax profit dropped during the period to JPY 94 million (USD 975,000) from JPY 1.02 billion (USD 10.6 million) in H1 2012. Net profit also fell during the period, to JPY 129 million (USD 1.3 million) from JPY 928 million (USD 9.6 million) a year ago. The company released a forecast for the full year ending 31 December 2013 predicting that revenue will reach JPY 20.7 billion (USD 214.7 million), with operating profit of JPY 765 million (USD 7.9 million). Pre-tax profit is expected to reach JPY 876 million (USD 9.1 million) with net profit of JPY 592 million (USD 6.1 million).

En-Japan Inc reports increased profits***

( Aug. 12, 2013,/staffingindustry.com/) En-Japan Inc (TYO:4849), one of the country’s largest online recruiters, reported revenue for the second quarter ending 30 June 2013 of JPY 3.65 billion (USD 37.9 million), up from JPY 3.3 billion (USD 34.3 million) for the same period last year. Revenue rose +9.5% quarter-on-quarter. Operating profit for the period fell by JPY 10 million (USD 103,876); from JPY 723 million (USD 7.5 million) during the second quarter of 2012 to JPY 713 million (USD 7.4 million) this year, equating to a drop of -1.4%. Pre-tax profit rose by +13.2%; from JPY 782 million (USD 8.1 million) during Q2 2012 to JPY 901 million (USD 9.4 million) during Q2 2013. Net profit more than trebled from a year ago; rising from JPY 467 million (USD 4.9 million) last year to JPY 1.77 billion (USD 18.4 million) this year. The increase in net profit can be attributed, at least in part, to the acquisition of Vietnamese recruitment service provider Navigos Group. Metric details of the deal were not published when the company was purchased in April 2013; however Navigos Group is behind what is considered to be Vietnam’s largest job site, VietnamWorks.

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8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Corporate Resource Services, Inc. hits fourth consecutive quarter of profitability**

(Aug. 13, 2013, NEW YORK, / BUSINESS WIRE/) Corporate Resource Services, Inc. (OTCBB: CRRS), a diversified technology, staffing, recruiting, and consulting services firm, today announced results for the quarter ended July 5, 2013, which included quarterly revenues of $199.2 million, an increase of 29.3% over the same quarter in 2012, while SG&A expense growth was limited to 0.3%. EBITDA for the quarter was $4.2 million and net income improved to $2.0 million, a record $4.3 million increase from the prior year. This is the fourth consecutive quarter of profitability for the Company."We are very pleased with our results for the second quarter and believe that they reflect our success at executing on strategic initiatives aimed at improving profitability," said John Messina, CEO of Corporate Resource Services. "We are generating top-line growth well in excess of most of our competitors and controlling expenses at the same time. As we continue to pursue higher-margin business, including increasing the SaaS and technology services we offer our clients in the staffing industry, we expect that our profitability will continue to improve."

Chandler Macleod Group full year revenue and net profit down **

(Aug.14, 2013,/ Staffingindustry.com /)Chandler Macleod Group (ASX:CMG), one of the largest recruitment firms in Australia, announced revenue for the full year ending 30 June 2013 of AUD 1.5 billion (USD 1.37 billion), a fall of -3% from AUD 1.55 billion (USD 1.41 billion) in 2012. Gross margin increased from 13.6% in 2012 to 13.8% in 2013. Net profit for the year fell to AUD 11.1 million (USD 10.1 million) from AUD 16.1 million (USD 14.7 million) last year, a drop of -31%. Cameron Judson, managing director of Chandler Macleod Group, commented: “The continued deterioration of trading conditions in the second half resulted in a subdued performance in the core Staffing Services business. Despite this, our strategy to change our business mix delivered an improved group performance in the second half.”

DLH Holdings revenue up 6.7%**

(Aug. 14, 2013, /staffingindustry.com/)DLH Holdings Corp., a provider of healthcare and logistics staffing and services to the federal government, reported revenue rose 6.7% to $13.5 million in its fiscal third quarter ended June 30 from $12.6 million in its third quarter of 2012. DLH reported net income of $68,000 in the third quarter compared with a net loss of $568,000 in the year-ago quarter. The third quarter in the previous year included $236,000 in severance costs. “Our third quarter met our overall goals and expectations, and we are pleased to report that the company has posted positive net income for the quarter in addition to continued revenue growth,” said President and CEO Zach Parker. “We believe that the markets we have targeted will enhance our ability to weather the government sequestration issues.”

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8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Towers Watson posts higher profit In Q4 for fiscal 2013***

(Aug.15, 2013,/RTTNews/) Professional services company Towers Watson & Co. (NYSE:TW) Wednesday reported a higher fourth-quarter profit, as revenues climbed 6% to $875.32 million from $826.16 million last year and analysts expected revenues of $874.89 million for the quarter. Net income attributable to controlling interests increased to $82.88 million or $1.16 per share, from $65.34 million or $0.91 per share in the prior year. Adjusted earnings per share for the recent quarter totaled $1.36.Benefits segment revenues grew 5% to $494.42 million. Meanwhile, revenues from Talent & Rewards edged up 1 percent. Risk and Financial Services segment posted revenues of $186.09 million, down 6% from a year earlier. For fiscal 2013, net income attributable to controlling interests climbed to $318.81 million or $4.46 per share from $260.21 million or $3.59 per share in the previous year. Annual revenues grew 5 percent to $3.6 billion from $3.42 billion a year earlier.

Tempo reports revenue growth in tough environment **

(Aug. 19, 2013,/staffingindustry.com/)Recruitment firm Tempo Australia (TPP: ASX), specialising in recruitment in the mining, oil & gas, and construction sectors, reports increased revenue of AUD 6.9 million (USD 6.3 million) for the first half of 2013, compared with AUD 32,000 (USD 29,374) for the same period last year. Net loss before tax for H1 2013 equated to AUD 877,000 (USD 805,042), compared with net loss before tax of AUD 1.3 million (USD 1.2 million) during H1 2012.

Strong international growth boosts SEEK results***

(Aug. 21, 2013,/staffingindustry.com/) Australia-based job board SEEK Limited (ASX:SEK) reported revenue of AUD 620.2 million (USD 563.2 million) for the year ending 30 June 2013, a +40% increase on AUD 442.3 million (USD 401.6 million) in revenue last year boosted by overseas acquisitions. Across Australia and New Zealand domestic results were affected by subdued economic conditions. Domestic operating revenue fell during the year by -5% compared with a year ago, falling from AUD 247.8 million (USD 225 million) in 2012 to AUD 234.9 million (USD 213.3 million) in 2013.International operating revenue more than trebled, rising from AUD 62.1 million (USD 56.4 million) to AUD 224.7 million (USD 204 million). The significant increase is as a direct result of acquisitions made in the past two years; namely of Brasil Online, OCC Mundial (Mexico), and Zhaopin.com (China).

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8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Clarius struggling in tough job market**

(Aug.21, 2013,/staffingindustry.com/) Australian recruiter Clarius Group (ASX: CND) reported a -17.6% drop in revenue for the full year 2013, falling to AUD 225 million (USD 204.3 million) from AUD 273 million (USD 2.47.9 million) last year. The 2013 financial year continued to present challenges to the recruitment market as evidenced by the fall in revenue of AUD 48 million (USD 43.6 million) with a reduction in the Group’s overall gross margin from 16.9% to 16.6%.

ADP reports lower Q4 profits***

(Aug. 23, 2013) Outsourcing solutions provider Automatic Data Processing (ADP) recently reported lower fourth quarter earnings and posted the forth quarter net income of $227 million, or 47 cents per share, down from $256.2 million, or 52 cents per share a year ago. Excluding special items, earnings were 55 cents per share, which missed analysts’ estimate of 57 cents per share. Total revenue for Q4 increased 7% to $2.81 billion from $2.62 billion last year but failed to beat the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $2.82 billion. For the whole fiscal year 2013, ADP saw an increase of 7% in revenues to $11.31 billion than that of last year. Net profit increase 5% to $1.41 billion compared with last year. Looking ahead to FY2014, the company expects revenues to grow 7% on a year-over-year basis. Earnings growth is projected in the range of 8%-10%

Workday reports 72% revenue growth Q2 ***

(Aug. 28, 2013,/ ednet.com/) Workday’s Q2 FY 2014 results show how well the company continues on its controlled growth strategy. In the quarter, Workday recorded $107.55 million in revenue, an increase of 72% from the second quarter of fiscal 2013($81.1 million), well ahead of analysts’ consensus which was pegged at $100.5 million. Operating loss for the second quarter was $32.3 million, compared to an operating loss of $26.4 million in the same period last year. Non-GAAP operating loss for Q2 was $21.7 million, compared to a non-GAAP operating loss of $24.1 million last year. In Q2 Operating cash flows were a negative $12.9 million, Free cash flows were a negative $42.6 million. Cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities were approximately $1.3 billion as of July 31, 2013 and include net proceeds from convertible notes issued in the second quarter. Unearned revenue was $325.6 million, a 32% increase from last year.

22 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Robert Walters: Market Volatility in Japan Creating Need for Risk and Legal Professionals **

(Jul 30, 2013, Tokyo, /JCN Newswire via COMTEX/)According to the 2013 Robert Walters (NYSE:TW) Half-year Market Update, improvement in market confidence and recent volatility in foreign money and equity markets has created more demand for risk functions in Japan. Sentiment surrounding the Japanese Government's proposed economics reforms and the market's relatively improved corporate confidence has led to increased demand for lending from financial institutions. These conditions resulted in a greater need by financial institutions to strengthen their risk functions and to create new openings in credit risk, counterparty risk and credit analysis. Despite this demand, Japanese bilinguals with experience in these areas were extremely limited in the talent pool. So while salary levels remained steady through the first half of 2013, rises are expected later in the year as competition to hire these professionals intensifies between firms.

HRoot releases 2013 Global 50 Human Resources Services Providers*****

(August 1, 2013, Shanghai) HRoot, a leading human resources media and Internet company released 2013 Global 50 Human Resources Services Providers today, which is published by Human Capi ta l Management magazine(part of HRoot), a leading industry journal in China, and has always been celebrated as a the best known and authoritative guidepost of global human resources services providers. This is the 4th release and the listed companies are from around 11 countries, covering six areas, including human HR serv ice outsourc ing, talent dispatch/ lease/placement, headhunting & RPO, HR consulting, HR management software and online recruitment.

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8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

SHL:Chinese HR prefer to focus on candidates’ performance on social network***

(Aug. 2, 2013, Shanghai) SHL, a global leading talent assessment agency, released "2013 Global Assessment Trends Report" yesterday, suggesting that social media date was extensively used in recruiting and employing by Chinese HR professionals, and the usage of each category of social media is higher than that in any other counties and regions. It is reported that the outstanding features includes that almost 52% Chinese enterprises tend to focus on viewing candidates’ photographs which is four times than that in other countries(12%),and 21% view the link posted by candidates’ friend while only 6% to other countries and regions. The report also showed that despite social media date is used to, fewer of them indicated that social media is critical to hiring decisions, which is similar to findings from the past two years.

Towers Watson survey: total cash compensation of US-listed China companies’ CEOs fell slightly***

(Aug. 6, 2013, / PRNewswire /) Global professional services company Towers Watson (NYSE:TW) recently released "2013 public disclosure analysis on US-listed China companies " , suggesting that total cash compensation of U.S. listed China companies’ CEOs fell slightly to 713,000, compared with last year's 716,000. More specificly, the change of median level is mainly due to the differences of sample companies: the number of U.S. listed China firm was only 192 in 2012, which is smaller than that of 2011,decreased 41 companies result from delisting. Meanwhile, only two company was new listed , which has a greater impact on sample companies. By industry, IT industry CEO’s total cash compensation leads the market with a median level of 1,780,000, consumer goods industry followed with 1,110,000. The survey also demonstrated that the top ten enterprises of Chinese companies CEO was mainly belongs to IT industry(40%), healthcare and materials for chemical industry accounted for 20% respectively.

CJOL.com releases Internship Survey **

(Aug. 6, 2013, Shenzhen, / PRNewswire/)CJOL.com, China’s earliest professional recruitment website, released Internship Survey, which was based on the opinions of more than 200 graduates who are on job seeking selected for 80 companies. The report indicated that more than 7,500 internship positions was provided by enterprises, and 52.3% of the employment is about sales, marketing and promotion category accounted for 19.5%, others 28.2%. Despite corporate internships for college students are sufficient enough, most of them are mainly focused on sales and production. Meanwhile, there is a disparity between plenty of internship that students choose to work with and their majors. The report also demonstrated that top five internship positions are salesmen, marketing, administrative secretary, shop assistant and technical maintenance.

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8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Fenzhi.com releases 2013 Top 50 Best Places to Work **

(Aug. 7, 2013, /www.fenzhi.com/) Fenzhi.com recently released 2013 Top 50 Best Places to work pointed Alipay and Cisco has remained the top two companies, and Microsoft squeezed into the top three compared to last year's list. New listed companies are Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (ranked No. 27), PCCW (ranked No. 38), China Construction Bank (ranked No. 42), Dell (ranked No. 44), Samsung Electronics (ranked No. 47), PwC (ranked No. 48), 360buy.com (ranked No.50).

Gallup:U.S. job creation stable overall, but federal jobs dwindle**

(Aug. 7, 2013,PRINCETON, NJ) While non-government workers, as well as state and local government workers, reported little change in net hiring at their workplaces, federal workers reported a significant decline according to Gallup’s survey. reported by Gallup. The report also indicated that Gallup's U.S. Job Creation Index was steady in July, at +21, similar to +22 in June, net federal hiring was lower in July, at -17, than it was in the same month a year ago, and federal workers were more likely to report that their employer is letting people go rather than hiring in July. The U.S. jobs market looks fairly flat on the surface, with Gallup's overall Job Creation Index holding steady at a relatively high level in recent months, and up slightly compared with a year ago. However, this masks significant changes in hiring within the federal government, as well as in certain regions of the country. Job creation has surged in the West in recent months and held steady in July. As a result, the West now roughly ties the Midwest for having the highest net hiring figure. At the same time, job growth has slowed in the East.

Hays Survey: Employee and employer salary expectations closest in China***

(Aug. 8, 2013, Beijing) The salary expectations of employers and employees are largely in alignment in China, unlike other countries in Asia, reports recruiting experts Hays(LON:HAS). According to research conducted by Hays, 72% of candidates in China expect to receive a salary increase of more than 6%, while 74% of employers plan to offer increases at this level. 7% of employees except to receive an increase between 3% and 6%, while the final 21% expect to receive an increase of zero to less than 3%. Yet 19% of employers expect to increase salaries by 3% to 6%, and the final 7% will increase by nil to less than 3%. Interestingly, where employers and candidates in China are most aligned is at the upper end of the scale for salary increases. Despite the more aligned salary expectations in China, job seekers are advised to focus on their long-term career goals when looking for their next job. “We still advise candidates to look at the opportunity for professional growth offered by a potential employer and not just the salary,” says Simon Lance, Regional Director of Hays in China. “This will help you position for promotion once inside the organisation.

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8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Towers Watson: China Life Insurance Company's risk management needs to be improved***

(Aug. 12, 2013, Beijing, / PRNewswire /) 2013 China Life Insurance Industry Risk Management Diagnosis Research, carried out by Towers Watson (NYSE:TW),a global professional consulting firm, demonstrated that many life insurance companies did not know much about their own risk, also did not know how to manage these risks. It is reported that although most companies have developed the risk governance and reporting framework, they did not take any measures to clear corporate risk appetite. And more than two fifths of the company to take a simple low, medium and high levels of risk appetite. Only 8% of the company made the risk appetite and risk tolerance into limits, that is, limited from the quantify as well as integrated into the daily management of the company. The findings also showed that 80% of companies have the program of staff ability system and performance management solutions, but most of the performance management system does not take into account the requirements of risk management.

Hay Group survey: Canadian employees to see average raise of 2.6% in 2014 **

(Aug. 13, 2013, TORONTO, /financialpost.com/) Canadian workers can expect an average salary increase of 2.6% in 2014, according to a national survey of public and private sector employers conducted by the Hay Group. Hay Group says this year, the highest increases are in the oil and gas sector at 4% followed by services at 3.3%, credit unions at 3.2%, chemicals at 3.1% and utilities at 3%. These high forecasts are a continued reflection of the demand for key skills and experience.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

51job releases List of Annual China Employers 2013***

(Aug. 14, 2013, Shanghai, / PRNewswire /) The largest human resources service providers 51job (NASDAQ: JOBS) today released the "List of Annual China Employers 2013", the first employer selection based on domestic enterprises in China, showing TCL Corporation, Sohu and other 30 outstanding enterprises awarded the "2013 annual China employer". The list is mainly based on specific cases in recruitment, training and development, deployment and retention to select the best Chinese enterprises that are high praised by job seekers and employees according to marketing performance, recruitment situation, financial results and employer brand effect.

Hays survey: temporary staff could relieve pressure in workplace ***

(Aug.14, 2013,/staffyingindustry.com/) More than a quarter of employers report that their people are clocking up increasing amounts of overtime and more than 60% say that those extra hours are unpaid, according to Australian recruitment firm Hays(LON:HAS). Pressure on organisations to increase productivity means that existing teams are being asked to do more work with the same number of staff. If not managed carefully, this has the potential to cause workplace stress and employee burnout, therefore costing a lot more in the long run. Nick Deligiannis, managing director of Hays in Australia and New Zealand, commented: “There could be a very good business case for adding permanent headcount or using a temporary staffing solution instead and there are some fantastic candidates available right now. Employers need to keep monitoring not just overtime but absenteeism and attrition rates so they know what all that overtime is really costing.”

Robert Walters :Job adverts up +5.6% with mixed results***

(Aug.15, 2013,/staffingindustry.com/)In its latest Asia Job Index, recruitment firm Robert Walters (NYSE:TW) reported that job advertisement numbers rose +5.6% during Q2 2013, compared with a year ago. Quarter-on-quarter advertisement numbers increased +9.6%, despite the majority of countries reporting volume declined between May and June 2013. Job advertisement in Japan increased +15.2% compared with the second quarter of 2012, however experienced a drop of -8.7% compared with the first quarter of 2013. Job advertisement numbers in South Korea plummeted -15.8% during the second quarter compared with last year. Job advertising in Hong Kong grew +6.9% during the second quarter of 2013, compared with the same period last year. The majority of positions were for current roles where businesses are looking to attract talent, rather than create new positions. In Singapore the number of jobs advertised fell -21.8% during the second quarter of 2013, compared with the same period last year. Job advertisements in Malaysia were up +2.3% compared with Q2 2012. Job advertising figures in China were up +7% during the second quarter of 2013, compared with a year ago. Advertised roles within merchandising and purchasing grew, an indication that the retail sector is still strong. Roles for engineers and technicians grew against the previous quarter, as the growth of multi-national companies placing research and development centres in China continued to have an effect on the demand for talent.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Kelly Services issues its second Kelly Global Workforce***

(Aug.16, 2013, Beijing) Kelly Services (NASDAQ:KELYA) have recently published its second Kelly Global Workforce Index, an annual global survey revealing opinions work and the workplace in China, which focus on the practice of performance-based pay in China, and explore the way that performance based remuneration is gathering pace in the workforce. It is reported that the highest incidence among survey respondents is in the Asia Pacific Region. Respondents in China report a high percentage with 75% of employees on performance pay. When asked to evaluate pay/compensation variable, more employees among Gen X (77%) and Baby Boomers (75%) receive variable pay, compared with just 73% among Gen Y in China Among professional and technical employees in China, the highest rates of performance-based pay are in Sales (85%), Science (83%) and Healthcare (81%). The lowest are in education (68%) and law (63%). And this report also has revealed that employers who invest in training and staff development not only reap productivity benefits, but also have a better chance of retaining their employees.

Morgan McKinley : Professional jobs opportunities rise in United Arab Emirates**

(Aug.16, 2013,/staffingindustry.com/)Professional job opportunities across the United Arab Emirates increased by +6% between Q2 2012 and Q2 2013, according to a new survey by recruitment specialist Morgan McKinley. Recruitment activity in the professional jobs market increased by +2% between Q1 2013 and Q2 2013; there were 6,189 jobs recorded in Q1 and 6,310 in Q2. This represents a +6% rise compared to Q2 2012 when vacancy levels stood at 5,861. Professionals looking for new positions in Q2 2013 totalled 32,760. This represents a +3% increase on the 31,898 that were seeking work in Q1, and a +18% rise on the 27,790 jobseekers who were searching for new job opportunities in Q2 2012. As financial institutions begin to invest in infrastructure at levels last seen in 2008, the UAE’s ‘building boom’ is having a positive effect on employment levels within the construction sector, as well as the industries that supply it.

15% of women report experiencing workplace bias in Gallup poll***

(Aug. 16, 2013, /Los Angeles Times/) Fifteen percent of American women believe they have been passed over for a promotion or some other opportunity at work because of their gender, according to new polling from Gallup, which was conducted this month and included more than 1,000 men and women nationwide. Gallup also found that 13% thought they were denied a raise at some point because they were women. There was little difference in the answers given by women of different ages and educational levels. However, liberal women were more likely to say they had suffered such discrimination than conservative or politically moderate women, the poll showed. Among liberal women, 23% told Gallup that their gender had caused them to miss out on a promotion or work opportunity, compared with 10% of conservatives and 13% of moderates. Though most women did not think they had ever faced unfair treatment, women were still more likely than men to think their gender had hurt them at work: Only 8% of men surveyed thought they hadn't gotten a promotion for that reason, and a mere 4% thought it stopped them from getting a raise.

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4. Marketing Events

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6. Others

7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Aon Hewitt survey: women save less for retirement than men**

(Aug.16, 2013, /Balkans.com/) A new report from Aon Hewitt, the global talent, retirement and health solutions business of Aon plc (NYSE: AON), shows that women save less for retirement and are more likely to default on loans taken out of their retirement savings than their male counterparts. These savings and investing habits, coupled with longer life expectancies, play a critical role in why women are less likely than men to be able to meet their financial needs in retirement. Aon Hewitt's analysis of more than 140 defined contribution plans representing 3.5 million eligible employees shows that while women are participating in their employers' defined contribution plans at the same rates as men, they save less—an average of 6.9 percent of pay, compared to 7.6 percent for men. In addition, nearly a third (31%) of women contribute below the company match threshold, compared to just a quarter of men. As a result, women have average plan balances that are significantly less than men, consistently across all salary ranges. Overall, the average plan balance for women is $59,300, compared to $100,000 for men.

ManpowerGroup China releases 2013 Global Talent Shortage Survey & White Paper ****

(Aug. 20, 2013, Shanghai,/HRoot/)ManpowerGroup(NYSE:MAN), the world leader in innovative workforce solutions, released 2013 talent shortage survey result, revealing that mainly due to lack of technical competencies (hard skills), about 35% Mainland China employers are still suffering talent shortage, sharply 12% increase compared to last year. And it is also reported that technicians rank top again on China’s talent shortage list for second consecutive year, implementation of different work models is the main strategy employed to address talent shortage. It is said that ManpowerGroup surveyed nearly 40,000 employers across 42 countries and territories, including 1,698 from Mainland China, during the first quarter of 2013. Meanwhile ManpowerGroup today also launched a new insight paper, The Great Talent Shortage Awakening: Actions to Take for a Sustainable Workforce, which examines several strategies HR leaders can pursue to fuel their organization’s competitiveness for years to come. These include identifying and attracting untapped talent, creating a culture of talent development, implementing a Teachable Fit framework to “manufacture” talent aligned with business needs, and improving collaboration with education institutions to ensure graduates are work ready.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Hays survey: flexibility a hot topic that shows no signs of cooling down***

(Aug.23, 2013, /HRoot/)The annual Hays Salary Guide surveyed more than 1,200 employers on a range of issues including their attitude to workplace flexibility. Hays found 52% of employers across Asia offer some form of flexible work practices. Of those employers that do offer flexibility, 49%t offered telecommuting or flex-place options, 34% part time employment and 71% flexible working hours. Other arrangements included flexible leave (11%), job sharing (15%), career breaks (13%) and phased retirement (2%). According to Hays, the benefits of flexible work arrangements include: Ability to attract and retain talented employees who want or need to access flexible work arrangements; greater employee engagement and productivity as flexible workers need to stay focused to get all their work completed; benefits to the bottom line achieved through less staff turnover and time wasted at work; building a “give-take” company culture that values the different needs of its employees. The challenges of flexible work arrangements include: arranging meetings with employees working part-time or flexible hours; managing performance fairly across full-time and part-time employees; providing access to development and promotion opportunities to employees working flexibly; building the company’s culture when not all employees work together all the time.

Insperity releases infographic of its Business Confidence Survey Q2 2013***

(Aug. 26, 2013, HOUSTON, /BUSINESS WIRE/) Insperity, Inc. (NYSE: NSP), a leading provider of human resources and business performance solutions for America's best businesses, today announced the release of an infographic of key points from its most recent Business Confidence client survey. We asked 4,960 business executives to answer questions about their confidence and concerns with the current economic landscape, and how it will impact their business plans for the rest of the year. This new visual illustration will accompany subsequent quarterly Business Confidence survey results reported by Insperity . The result includes that 40% intend to add employees, up 12% compared with last year, 56% plan to stay the same, down 9% compared with last year. It is also reported that compared to this time in 2012, employee pay and commissions increased 2.8%and 9.1% respectively, bonuses are down 1.2%. Looking ahead ,businesses are currently concerned about government expansion(60%),tax increases(56%), the national debt(55%).

Robert Half International survey: 64% of Hong Kong HR directors comfortable friending bosses on Facebook ***

(Aug. 26, 2013, /cfoworld.com/) People might find it a bad idea to connect with co-workers and supervisors on Facebook in the past, but survey findings from recruitment firm Robert Half (NYSE:RHI)indicate that this has already changed. Nearly two in three (64%) HR directors in Hong Kong surveyed by the firm said they feel comfortable friending or connecting on social media with their bosses, and their colleagues (85%).

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Neusoft awards double laurels***

(Aug. 6, 2013, /stcn.com/) With a clear development strategy and a steady growth momentum, Neusoft Group, which faced with plenty of challenges, integrations of vendors in 2012, held the highest market shares and being the top one software outsourcing service provider in China, according to the reports recently issued by IDC and CCID respectively.

CIIC ranking on 2013 Global 50 Human Resources Services Providers for a fourth consecutive year****

(Aug. 8,2013, Shanghai) For a fourth consecutive year, CIIC, ranked on 2013 Global 50 Human Resources Services Providers which is published by Human Capital Management magazine part of HRoot, a leading human resources media and Internet company. This is the 4th release and the listed has always been celebrated as a the best known and authoritative guidepost of global human resources services providers. As the only one Chinese human resources services on top 10, CIIC, which is ranked 8 with more than 18.9% strong growth, plays an leading role in Chinese Human Resources Services providers.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Adecco Listed as Largest Staffing Firm in Canada by Staffing Industry Analysts**

(Aug. 12, 2013, TORONTO, /CNW/) Staffing Industry Analysts, the global advisor on contingent work, recently released its annual list of the largest Canadian staffing firms, ranking Adecco Employment Services Limited #1. The complete List includes 21 staffing firms with an annual revenue of $50 million CAD or more. Companies were ranked by their estimated 2012 Canadian staffing revenue. "Adecco has operated within the Canadian marketplace for over 60 years. In that time we have built strong partnerships with many leading employers, placed hundreds of thousands of candidates in rewarding employment opportunities and taken on a leadership role in influencing change and growth within our industry. We are proud of the impact that we have had and we look forward to continued success in connecting qualified candidates with rewarding employment opportunities", said Sandra Hokansson, President and Country Manager of Adecco Canada. "To again achieve the #1 spot as the largest staffing firm in Canada is a testament to our team's hard work and dedication."

ManpowerGroup is Mexico’s largest staffing firm***

(Aug. 14, 2013, TORONTO, /CNW/) Staffing Industry Analysts released its first-ever list of the largest staffing firms in Mexico. ManpowerGroup Inc. (NYSE: MAN) topped the list with $563 million in 2012 Mexico staffing revenue and 38 percent market share. Adecco followed with $200 million and 13 percent market share, while Kelly Services (NASDAQ:KELYA) had $118 million in revenue and 8 percent market share.“We believe there is significant growth potential ahead for staffing markets in Mexico,” said Research Analyst Timothy Landhuis. “We see growth taking place both among the multinational staffing firms as well as staffing firms based in Mexico.”

ADP named to Forbes' List of World's Most Innovative Companies for third consecutive year

(Aug. 20, 2013, ROSELAND, N.J., /PRNewswire/) ADP , a leading global provider of human capital management solutions, today announced that it has been named to Forbes magazine's 2013 list of the World's Most Innovative Companies. The list ranks the top 100 companies that investors expect to be innovative today and in the future. This is the third consecutive year that ADP has been honored, moving up three spots to number 65 on this year's list.

ManpowerGroup's exemplary workplace practices recognized for fourth consecutive year***

(Aug. 27, 2013, MILWAUKEE, /PRNewswire/) ManpowerGroup (NYSE:MAN) has received the 2013 Alfred P. Sloan Award for Excellence in Workplace Effectiveness and Flexibility for the fourth consecutive year. This prestigious award, part of the national When Work Works project administered by the Families and Work Institute (FWI) and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), recognizes employers of all sizes and types in the region and across the country for use of flexibility and other aspects of workplace effectiveness as a workplace strategy to increase business and employee success.

33 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Aon and Manchester United Empower Results through Assessment, Preparation and Engagement **

(Jul. 29, 2013, Hong Kong) On the occasion of Manchester United’s 2013 Tour presented by Aon in Hong Kong, the two global partners, Aon plc (NYSE: AON) and Manchester United, shared the best practices of high-performing organizations during a half-day Risk and People seminar. The 2013 Tour concludes in Hong Kong with a match played against Kitchee on July 29, following matches in Bangkok, Sydney, Yokohama and Osaka. Aon is the presenting partner of Manchester United’s Tour 2013 and has been the principal partner and global shirt sponsor since 2010. Aon and Manchester United were joined by representatives of top local and multinational organizations in exchanges on risk and people assessment, preparation and engagement and how these help organizations empower results, minimize risks, and maximize opportunity. The Seminar was held on July 29 at The Excelsior, Hong Kong.

SHL to hold the 2nd annual LINK Conference***

(Aug. 1, 2013, shanghai) SHL, the global leader in talent measurement and part of CEB, hosts its 2nd annual Learn, Interact, Network, Know (LINK) Conference today together with HRoot, a leading human resources media and Internet company in China, at The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Pudong, Shanghai, where leading Human Resources executives, practitioners and I-O Psychologists will share insights and best practices regarding the most pressing talent management and talent acquisition challenges facing organizations today to put together innovative talent management strategies to maximize workforce impact. LINK also features SHL clients, executives, and renowned industry experts engaged in active discussions on utilizing talent analytics to transform workforce planning. Among the conference also sees the launch of our 2013 Global Assessment Trends: China Special Report, which highlight the assessment trends of the China’s unique market with a focus on the overall HR landscape in 2013, the unparalleled view of the ways in which HR professionals implement assessments with theorganisations and the use of technology in HR processes.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Zhaopin.com to invited labor law expert to analyze "Labor Contract Law Amendment"**

(Aug. 9, 2013, Guangzhou) In order to solving problems like "How to determine the range of temporary, auxiliary and alternative and the rate of dispatch staff? How to regulate or end of dispatch? ", Zhaopin.com invited professor Li Wei, LLB, practical and fully experienced labor law and ER expert, to have a public class---- Risk Control of Employment Transformation in Zhongshan Library in Guangzhou. Nearly 350 HR professionals attended who gave higher evaluation to the course. “Zhaopin.com hopes that it can help HR professionals interpret Labor Contract Law Amendment efficiency and effectively, help companies better risk aversion, and reduce SMEs in the dispatch dispute that may arise to some extent. “ said by Ms. Fu, senior manager for Manager for Public Relations of Zhaopin.com.

Vanguard Technology held HR Management Sharon successfully **

(Aug. 9, 2013, Beijing) Vanguard Technology, a leading eHR software and service provider in China, together with EAP professional Chestnut Health Systems, held “Decoding Lean Management ” Sharon in Park Plaza Park Hotel successfully in Beijing. And the theme was to discuss "what kind of management should be implemented to new generation employees ? How to get more about their psychological behavior in their career life? How to realize the lean management of the growth of talent? How to control effectively through informatization?”

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

yonyou Open World 2013 will be held on September 7 in Beijing**

(Aug. 12, 2013, Beijing), yonyou Open World 2013, a technological reshape management feast, and information technology exhibition will be held on September 7 in Beijing Jiuhua Mountain. By then, there will be more than 3,500 entrepreneurs and business executives, CIO, industrial chain partners, experts, academics and media representatives to participate in on-site conference and exhibition; and also expected to more than 10,000 people communicate with each other by webcast and online interaction, etc., to involved in the assembly activities, which is the largest covered annual meeting for yonyou.

Zhaopin.com launches the selection of China Best Employer Award 2013***

(August 18, 2013, / AdChina.com /) China Best Employer Award 2013, was launched by Zhaopin.com together with Peking University CSR and Employer Brand Centre for Communication Research on August 18, the HR Day of China, which aims to explore the best employers, analyze successful experiences, digging the typical cases to establish a benchmark and spread the spirit of example. It is reported that "China Best Employer Award 2013" will carry in 28 cities through the country, including corporate registration, primaries, external investigations, redeployment analysis, internal investigations and so on. And the ceremony will be hold in January 2014 to announce the list of "China Best Employer Award 2013".

Towers Watson starts 2013 China Champions of Engagement Study ***

(Aug. 20, 2013, /HRoot/) Towers Watson(NYSE:TW), a global professional consulting firm that has been conducting employee engagement surveys for over 36 years across more than 100 countries. Based on precise attitude and outstanding methodology, Towers Watson will identify the top 10 among more than 200 companies who have conducted engagement surveys in China, and the results will be announced in the fourth quarter of 2013. It is reported that the criteria for selection are Towers Watson engagement survey client, operating in China for more than 2 years, over 100 employees; employee survey particpants are a representative sample of the total employee population, agreement to participate in executive and employee interviews conducted by Towers Watson to validate the survey results. Towers Watson said that this is no “beauty contest”, but an uncovering of best practices employed by leading companies.

37 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Forever 21 cooperate with Kronos **

(August 7, 2013) Kronos, the global largest workforce management solutions provider, today announced that clothing and accessories retailer Forever 21 started to use Kronos’ workforce management solution to standardized management of 40,000 employees in its more than 500 stores to meet the management needs of multinational staff to enhance employee satisfaction, thereby helping companies to provide a consistent and high-quality brand experience around the world.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

39 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

HRoot:Interviews with HR Executives is gorgeous debut****1. About HRoot Global Human Resources Service Industry MarketWatch 2013

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4. Marketing Events

5. Contracting Information

6. Others

7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

(August 1, 2013, Shanghai) Human Capital Management magazine, part of HRoot, a leading human resources media and Internet company in China, dialogued with corporate human resources director of 31 Fortune 500 companies, and assembled the essence of high-end interview into a book "Interviews with HR Executives "goes on sale to deciphering “hidden rules” of corporate management from Shell, Wal-Mart, Microsoft, 3M, GE, TNT, ASTD, Standard Chartered, Dow, BASF, Canon, Tencent, Amway and other Fortune 500 companies to share the exclusive experience of recruitment, training and development, development and retention.

Employment conditions deteriorate as election nears***

(Aug. 12, 2013, /staffingindustry.com/)South African employment fell sharply during July, as the economy shed more than 37,000 jobs, making it the third worst performing month since the 2009 global financial crisis, according to the Adcorp Employment Index.Jobs were shed in both permanent and temporary (or non-permanent) positions with job losses amounting to 26,189 and 11,559, respectively. Since January 2013, the formal sector has shed 146,638 jobs whereas the informal sector has created 42,906 jobs. Losses were observed in manufacturing, transport, construction and financial services, amounting to 18,000 job losses between them. Loane Sharp, Adcorp’s labour economist, commented: “The labour market’s performance is likely to have a significant effect on the 2014 general election. At present, 17.6% of the national workforce is involuntarily dismissed each quarter. It is a South African strength that mobility in the labour market is high and that most of those who are dismissed find alternative work. However, the dismissal and resignation rates create a pervasive sense of insecurity and vulnerability among the country’s 13.5 million workers, which does not bode well for the ruling party’s performance in next year’s election.”

41 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013


Ranking Company Name in English

Company Name in Chinese Stock Exchange Code of

Exchange Stock Code

Mkt captial on Aug. 302

Currency & Unit

Mkt captial Aug.30, USD,mn

Mkt captial on Jul.31, USD

Compared with previous month

1 ADP 安德普翰 Nasdaq NASDAQ ADP 34,250.00 USD,mn 34,250.00 33,700.00 1.63%

2 LinkedIn Corp. /New York Stock Exchange NYSE LNKD 31,160.00 USD,mn 31,160.00 20,210.00 54.18%

3Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc./Mercer 3

威达信集团New York Stock Exchange NYSE MMC 22,620.00 USD,mn 22,620.00 21,730.00 4.10%

4 Aon 怡安New York Stock Exchange NYSE AON 21,060.00 USD,mn 21,060.00 20,200.00 4.26%

5 Paychex / Nasdaq NASDAQ PAYX 14,080.00 USD,mn 14,300.00 13,400.00 6.72%

6 Worday /New York Stock Exchange NYSE WDAY 12,890.00 USD,mn 12,890.00 11,060.00 16.55%

7 Adecco 德科 ADEN/ADE SWX/EURONEXT ADEN/ADE 11,501.85 CHF,mn 12,479.51 10,776.72 15.80%

8 Randstad 任仕达NYSE Euronext (Amsterdam) AMS RAND 6,210.00 EUR,mn 8,302.15 7,187.40 15.51%

9 Towers Watson 韬睿惠悦New York Stock Exchange NYSE TW 6,350.00 USD,mn 6,440.00 5,880.00 9.52%

10 ManpowerGroup 万宝盛华集团New York Stock Exchange NYSE MAN 5,240.00 USD,mn 5,240.00 5,557.00 -5.70%

11 Robert Half International 罗致恒富

New York Stock Exchange NYSE RHI 4,980.00 USD,mn 4,980.00 4,749.00 4.86%

12 The Ultimate Software / Nasdaq NASDAQ ULTI 3,910.00 USD,mn 3,910.00 3,480.00 12.36%

13 SEEK 4 /Australian Securities Exchange ASX SEK 3,570.00 AUD.mn 3,197.29 3,027.34 5.61%

14 Booz Allen Hamilton 博思艾伦New York Stock Exchange NYSE BAH 3,000.00 USD,mn 3,000.00 2,570.00 16.73%

15 Team Health Holdings /

New York Stock Exchange NYSE TMH 2,680.00 USD,mn 2,680.00 2,790.00 -3.94%

16 Health Net /NYSE Euronext (Paris) EPA HNT 2,450.00 USD,mn 2,450.00 2,550.00 -3.92%

17 Neusoft 东软Shanghai Stock Exchange SHA 600718 14.84 CNY,bn 2,423.37 1,984.39 22.12%

18 Hays 瀚纳仕London Stock Exchange LON HAS 1,420.00 GBP,mn 2,211.51 1,957.63 12.97%

19 Michael Page International 米高蒲志国际

London Stock Exchange LON MPI 1,410.00 GBP,mn 2,195.93 1,919.99 14.37%

20 Yonyou 用友Shanghai Stock Exchange SHA 600588 13.38 CNY,bn 2,184.95 1,890.54 15.57%

21 51job 前程无忧 Nasdaq NASDAQ JOBS 1,890.00 USD,mn 1,800.00 1,920.00 -6.25%

22 Kronos 克罗诺思New York Stock Exchange NYSE KRO 1,780.00 USD,mn 1,780.00 1,960.00 -9.18%

23 Temp Holdings /Tokyo Stock Exchange TYO 2181 162,020.00 JPY,mn 1,652.60 1,450.30 13.95%

24 On Assignment / Nasdaq NASDAQ ASGN 1,630.00 USD,mn 1,630.00 1,450.00 12.41%

Exchange rate,8/30/2013HKD1 0.1289 USD

TWD1 0.0334 USD

EUR1 1.3369 USD

GBP1 1.5574 USD

AUD1 0.8956 USD

JPY 1 0.0102 USD

CNY1 0.1633 USD

CHF1 1.0850 USD

42 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

7.Appendix 1:

Ranking Company Name in English

Company Name in Chinese Stock Exchange Code of

Exchange Stock Code

Mkt captial on Aug. 302

Currency & Unit

Mkt captial Aug.30, USD,mn

Mkt captial on Jul.31, USD

Compared with previous month

25 TrueBlue /New York Stock Exchange NYSE TBI 1,010.00 USD,mn 1,010.00 943.93 7.00%

26 Korn/Ferry International 光辉国际

New York Stock Exchange NYSE KFY 879.16 USD,mn 879.16 904.99 -2.85%

27 Insperity5 /New York Stock Exchange NYSE NSP 836.24 USD,mn 836.24 804.92 3.89%

28 Meitec 明达科Tokyo Stock Exchange TYO 9744 80,520.00 JPY,mn 821.30 766.90 7.09%

29 McMillan Shakespeare /

Australian Securities Exchange ASX MMS 871.19 AUD.mn 780.24 689.66 13.13%

30 Kingdee 金蝶Hong Kong Stock Exchange HKG 0268 6.05 HKD,bn 779.85 586.56 32.95%

31 Kelly Services 必胜 Nasdaq NASDAQ KELYA 741.74 USD,mn 741.74 655.47 13.16%

32 Sthree /London Stock Exchange LON STHR 428.54 GBP,mn 667.41 626.26 6.57%

33 AMN Healthcare Services /

New York Stock Exchange NYSE AHS 660.01 USD,mn 660.01 694.92 -5.02%

34 USG People /NYSE Euronext (Paris) AMS USG 452.48 EUR,mn 604.92 534.61 13.15%

35 Kforce / Nasdaq NASDAQ KFRC 555.62 USD,mn 568.03 517.05 9.86%

36 Corporate Resource Services /

FINRA, over-the-counter electronic trading board

OTC CRRS 533.85 USD,mn 533.85 476.63 12.01%

37 Dice Holdings /New York Stock Exchange NYSE DHX 506.01 USD,mn 506.01 546.63 -7.43%

38 Resources Connection 荟才 Nasdaq NASDAQ RECN 503.29 USD,mn 503.29 478.32 5.22%

39 Monster /New York Stock Exchange NYSE MWW 489.44 USD,mn 489.44 593.85 -17.58%

40 Barrett Business Services / Nasdaq NASDAQ BBSI 452.16 USD,mn 452.16 454.02 -0.41%

41 Synergie /New York Stock Exchange EPA SDG 251.75 EUR,mn 336.56 296.26 13.61%

42 Robert Walters 华德士London Stock Exchange LON RWA 215.07 GBP,mn 334.95 299.43 11.86%

43 Groupe Crit /NYSE Euronext (Paris) EPA CEN 217.19 EUR,mn 290.36 251.07 15.65%

44 Saba Software / Nasdaq NASDAQ SABA 287.43 USD,mn 287.43 286.84 0.21%

45 Heidrick & Struggles 海德思哲 Nasdaq NASDAQ HSII 277.02 USD,mn 277.02 298.14 -7.08%

46 CDI Corporation /New York Stock Exchange NYSE CDI 274.03 USD,mn 274.03 286.06 -4.21%

47 Pasona 保圣那Tokyo Stock Exchange TYO 2168 26,360.00 JPY,mn 268.87 257.30 4.50%

48 Impellam Group /London Stock Exchange LON IPEL 148.94 GBP,mn 231.96 266.67 -13.02%


Exchange rate,8/30/2013HKD1 0.1289 USD

TWD1 0.0334 USD

EUR1 1.3369 USD

GBP1 1.5574 USD

AUD1 0.8956 USD

JPY 1 0.0102 USD

CNY1 0.1633 USD

CHF1 1.0850 USD

43 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Notes:1. Market Capitalization:Market cap is calculated from the total value of a company's stock, namely total shares of stock times price per share. It fluctuates with stock market. 2. Above data come from the closing prices of local exchanges of the companies on Aug.30, 2013. 3. Marsh & McLennan Companies is the parent company of Mercer. 4. SEEK is the parent company of zhaopin.com. 5. Insperity was formerly named Administaff.

7.Appendix 1:

Ranking Company Name in English

Company Name in Chinese Stock Exchange Code of

Exchange Stock Code

Mkt captial on Aug. 302

Currency & Unit

Mkt captial Aug.30, USD,mn

Mkt captial on Jul.31, USD

Compared with previous month

49 ClickSoftware Technologies / Nasdaq NASDAQ CKSW 219.37 USD,mn 219.37 258.94 -15.28%

50 Chandler Macleod Group /

Australian Securities Exchange ASX CMG 229.95 AUD.mn 205.94 181.41 13.53%

51 Staffline Group /London Stock Exchange LON STAF 130.30 GBP,mn 202.93 168.10 20.72%

52 Cross Country Healthcare / Nasdaq NASDAQ CCRN 178.43 USD,mn 178.43 161.93 10.19%

53 WDB Holdings /Tokyo Stock Exchange TYO 2475 15,940.00 JPY,mn 162.59 198.70 -18.17%

54 Volt Information Sciences 渥特 PINK PINK VISI 148.82 USD,mn 148.82 149.23 -0.27%

55 ATA 全美测评 Nasdaq NASDAQ ATAI 117.23 USD,mn 117.23 116.20 0.89%

56 104 Job bank 104人力银行Taiwan Stock Exchange TPE 3130 3,100.00 TWD,bn 103.54 90.79 14.05%


Tokyo Stock Exchange TYO 4848 10,040.00 JPY,mn 102.41 98.40 4.07%

58 Harvey Nash Group /London Stock Exchange LON HVN 62.32 GBP,mn 97.06 78.64 23.42%

59 Hudson 翰德 Nasdaq NASDAQ HSON 87.12 USD,mn 87.12 81.56 6.82%

60 Computer & Technologies 科联系统

Hong Kong Stock Exchange HKG 0046 459.09 HKD,mn 59.18 58.50 1.16%

61 Hydrogen Group /London Stock Exchange LON HYDG 23.47 GBP,mn 36.55 33.72 8.39%

62 NetDimensions 网维London Stock Exchange LON NETD 20.48 GBP,mn 31.90 25.17 26.72%

63 Clarius Group /Australian Securities Exchange ASX CND 21.50 AUD.mn 19.26 18.06 6.60%

64 Prime People /London Stock Exchange LON PRP 8.54 GBP,mn 13.30 11.76 13.09%

65 DLH Holdings / Nasdaq NASDAQ DLHC 7.45 USD,mn 7.45 8.01 -6.99%

66 Hamilton James & Bruce /

Australian Securities Exchange ASX HJB 3.34 AUD.mn 2.99 3.23 -7.40%

67 Fortune Industries /New York Stock Exchange NYSE FFI 1.60 USD,mn 1.60 1.60 0.00%

68 Workstream /FINRA, over-the-counter electronic trading board

OTC WSTMF 1.56 USD,mn 1.56 1.29 20.93%


Exchange rate,8/30/2013HKD1 0.1289 USD

TWD1 0.0334 USD

EUR1 1.3369 USD

GBP1 1.5574 USD

AUD1 0.8956 USD

JPY 1 0.0102 USD

CNY1 0.1633 USD

CHF1 1.0850 USD

44 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013


RankCompany Name

in EnglishCompany Name

in ChineseDomain Name

Website Global Traffic 3-Month Average


China-based Website Traffic

Ranking2Backward Linking3

Search English Traffic4

1 51job 前程无忧 www.51job.com 409 69 1,460 22,700,000

2 zhaopin.com 智联招聘 www.zhaopin.com 513 80 1,430 8,000,000

3 Oracle 甲骨文 www.oracle.com 629 581 4,780 12,400,000

4 CareerBuilder 凯业必达www.careerbuilder.com 675 165 4,780 3,320,000 www.careerbuilder.com.cn 344,501 38,975 175 101,000

5 IBM 国际商业机器公司 www.ibm.com 795 818 6,170 12,700,000

6 ADP 安德普翰www.adp.com 1,722 368 640 128,000 www.adpchina.com 422,236 84,135 87 9,730

7 SAP 思爱普 www.sap.com 3,009 860 2,780 11,700,000

8 ChinaHR.com 中华英才网 www.chinahr.com 3,971 514 87 1,470,000

9 Yingjiesheng 应届生求职网 www.yingjiesheng.com 4,626 669 3,980 6,450,000

10 Accenture 埃森哲 www.accenture.com 4,764 1,012 2,150 145,000

11 SilkRoad 仕睿 www.silkroad.com 5,352 1,397 NA 119,000

12 Deloitte 德勒-人力资本咨询 www.deloitte.com 6,943 2,113 2,650 1,260,000

13 JobsDB 中国人才热线 www.cjol.com 7,117 705 566 1,390,000

14 Ernst&Young 安永-企业咨询 www.ey.com 10,517 6,712 2,650 106,000

15 Gallup 盖洛普 www.gallup.com 10,705 2,433 1,300 103,000

16 PwC-Human Resource Consulting 普华永道-人力资源咨询

www.pwc.com 12,468 8,755 1,790 279,000 www.pwccn.com 452,585 65,071 176 18,000

17 SAS 赛仕软件 www.sas.com 12,865 8,755 1,630 785,000

18 KPMG Consulting 毕马威-企业咨询 www.kpmg.com 15,806 7,616 1,560 250,000

19 Aon 怡安 www.aon.com 16,926 11,106 625 127,000

20 Sage 赛捷 www.sage.com 19,132 10,018 NA 558,000

21 Kenexa / www.kenexa.com 19,856 5,747 306 67,700

22 Jobcn 卓博人才网 www.jobcn.com 20,072 1,735 299 867,000

23 Randstad 任仕达www.randstad.com 22,403 8,713 422 558,000 www.randstad.cn 1,460,589 NA NA 304

24 PageUp People / www.pageuppeople.com 28,644 596 226 30,800

25 CIIC-Shanghai 中智www.ciicsh.com 43,819 4,840 NA 135,000 www.ciicbj.com 304,924 42,819 37 13,700 www.ciic.com.cn 884,833 74,230 NA 11,700

26 Hays 瀚纳仕 www.hays.com 45,554 5,177 547 9,210

27 Infor Global Solutions 恩富www.infor.com 50,301 24,808 NA 51,000www.infor.cn 2,191,855 NA NA 1,190

28 Robert Half International 罗致恒富 www.roberthalf.com 52,324 6,297 616 3,290

45 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013


RankCompany Name

in EnglishCompany Name

in ChineseDomain Name

Website Global Traffic 3-Month Average


China-based Website Traffic

Ranking2Backward Linking3

Search English Traffic4

29 Kingdee 金蝶 www.kingdee.com 62,647 5,351 436 279,000

30 SHL 世泓 www.shl.com 63,974 61,310 172 12,300

31 Hirede 雇得易 www.hirede.com 82,873 10,090 29 12,500

32 Kelly Services 必胜www.kellyservices.com 84,289 24,911 837 3,670 www.kellyservices.cn 4,937,653 NA 766 3,670

33 ATA 全美测评 www.ata.net.cn 86,711 8,419 63 2,310

34 Booz & Company 博思 www.booz.com 91,417 56,655 258 23,700

35 Vistage 伟事达 www.vistage.com 93,237 17,276 151 8,660

36 Mercer 美世 www.mercer.com 93,671 51,166 570 430,000

37 Beisen 北森 www.beisen.com 98,022 8,604 101 1,440

38 Neusoft 东软 www.neusoft.com 105,448 8,954 NA 73,200

39 Adecco 德科 www.adecco.com 105,512 83,709 2,570 2,570

40 HayGroup 合益集团 www.haygroup.com 109,402 98,501 130 60,200

41 FESCO 北京外企 www.fesco.com.cn 110,216 20,283 206 199,000

42 yonyou 用友 www.yonyou.com 111,834 13,874 NA 135,000

43 Towers Watson 韬睿惠悦 www.towerswatson.com 114,069 57,144 336 112,000

44 Kronos 克罗诺思www.kronos.com 119,870 37,354 200 9,180 www.kronos.cn 2,743,834 NA 35 804

45 Michael Page International 米高蒲志国际

www.michaelpage.com 126,658 43,778 470 81,100 www.michaelpage.com.cn 351,225 84,135 419 31,000

46 01 Job 第一招聘网 www.01job.cn 127,587 12,512 53 581,000

47 Hudson 翰德 www.hudson.com 132,890 9,623 348 456,000

48 Antal International 安拓国际 www.antal.com 134,733 12,084 71 601,000

49 First Advantage 首优咨询 www.fadv.com 145,305 44,001 77 2,760

50 Wolters Kluwer 威科 www.wolterskluwer.com 148,063 70,743 779 9,780

51 Korn/Ferry International 光辉国际 www.kornferry.com 156,307 106,645 NA 5,730

52 DDI 智睿咨询 www.ddiworld.com 160,126 82,656 125 41,500

53 EFESCO 上海外服 www.efesco.com 162,192 11,087 206 13,300

54 Spherion Corp 思安 www.spherion.com 165,428 36,603 126 5,000

55 ManpowerGroup 万宝盛华集团 www.manpowergroup.com 192,558 86,123 670 5,270

56 Jobkoo 职酷网 www.jobkoo.com 213,401 38,205 99 829,000

57 Heidrick & Struggles 海德思哲 www.heidrick.com 237,078 94,009 210 2,140

58 Egon Zehnder International 亿康先达 www.egonzehnder.com 242,478 140,329 117 3,250

46 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013


RankCompany Name

in EnglishCompany Name

in ChineseDomain Name

Website Global Traffic 3-Month Average


China-based Website Traffic

Ranking2Backward Linking3

Search English Traffic4

59 Spencer Stuart 史宾沙 www.spencerstuart.com 266,129 87,145 72 27,200

60 Weaver 泛微 www.weaver.com.cn 278,763 33,358 34 26,600

61 Bluesteps 蓝步 www.bluesteps.com 318,444 191,996 153 2,020

62 Talent2 天柏 www.talent2.com 341,608 20,826 85 7,970

63 Edenred 艾登瑞德 www.edenred.com 362,485 NA 229 2,170

64 Russell Reynolds Associates 罗盛咨询 www.russellreynolds.com 374,792 212,673 116 77,000

65 BenQ Guru 明基逐鹿 www.benqguru.com 442,617 6,571 NA 37,600

66 Lumesse 路敏思 www.lumesse.com 442,721 97,835 126 2,830

67 MRI Network Worldwide / www.mrinetwork.com 478,711 105,789 84 3,870

68 NetDimensions 网维www.netdimensions.com 505,965 119,402 127 4,170 www.netdimensions.cn 1,602,633 103,217 66 169

69 NorthgateArinso 安瑞雅www.ngahr.com 555,521 200,236 108 1,400 www.northgatearinso.cn NA NA 39 19

70 Robert Walters 华德士www.robertwalters.com 650,733 517,875 61 1,990 www.robertwalters.cn 3,013,841 6 NA 12,800

71 Tale Base 倍智 www.talebase.com 856,625 56,834 NA 3,320

72 ECA International ECA国际 www.eca-international.com 885,760 NA NA 798

73 CloudRecruit 云招科技 www.ourats.com 917,899 45,561 10 1,840

74 TaiHe Consulting 太和顾问 www.taihe.com.cn 973,501 NA 39 601

75 eCEIBS 中欧商业在线 www.eceibs.com 1,087,897 70,322 155 15,800

76 Career International 科锐国际 www.careerintlinc.com 1,108,441 72,991 NA 4,970

77 Cegos 企顾司 www.cegos.com 1,155,818 43,291 342 593

78 Amrop Group 安立国际 www.amrop.com 1,217,275 NA 58 727

79 CTG 易才 www.ctghr.com 1,217,881 122,188 6 2,010

80 NormStar Group 诺姆四达集团 www.normstar.com 1,394,589 NA NA 803

81 Leadership 立德管理顾问www.leadershipinc.com 1,642,653 NA 5 920 www.leadershipinc.com.cn NA NA 1 5,450

82 Assess Systems 海问联合 www.assess-systems.com 1,662,524 400,587 22 703

83 China Star 中国四达 www.chstar.com.cn 1,998,892 124,741 NA 530

84 Sage 赛捷 www.sagesoft.cn 2,014,457 NA NA 81,500

85 HJSoft 宏景软件 www.hjsoft.com.cn 2,040,449 NA 22 1,540

86 Bo Le 伯乐管理有限公司 www.bo-le.com 2,163,124 NA 3,210 3,210

47 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Notes: 1 Traffic Rank: It is ranked according to the global traffic of the websites, which was the mean of the monthly statistic collected by Alexa. The number various with the daily PVs by independent IPs, and thus indicates the popularity of a website. 2 Domestic website traffic rankings: It is the average figure of the statistics obtained by toolbar of Alexa. All the figures are the traffic rankings in the native countries of the websites. 3 All links directed by other website doucments are referred to as backward links. The more backward links a website has, the more popularity and support it has. 4 The search engine traffic is counted by the Google Administrater Tool; the number of times a company's website PVs directed by Google also reflects how popular it is. 5 If a company has mutiple domain names, its website global traffic is collected from its most visited website.


RankCompany Name

in EnglishCompany Name

in ChineseDomain Name

Website Global Traffic 3-Month Average


China-based Website Traffic

Ranking2Backward Linking3

Search English Traffic4

87 ExecuTrain 易得训 www.executrain.com 2,168,415 NA 9 15,300

88 CDP Group 薪得付 www.cdpgroupltd.com 2,263,722 NA NA 1,130

89 Cyberwisdom 汇思软件 www.cyberwisdom.net.cn 2,375,033 NA 5 1,280

90 Engma 英格玛 www.engma.net 2,415,396 91,578 8 4,250

91 Right Management 睿仕管理www.rightmanagement.co.uk 2,781,585 NA 20 507 www.rightmanagement.cn 11,153,538 NA 7 317

92 InnoWeaver 创拓软件 www.innoweaver.com 2,999,848 NA NA 234

93 de Bono 德博诺www.debonogroup.com 3,015,826 NA 6 62 www.debonochina.com 15,653,902 NA 3 314

94 kayang 嘉扬 www.kayang.com 3,257,939 NA NA 124

95 power plus 一佳一网络科技 www.powerplus.com.cn 3,309,850 NA 49 1,190

96 Insupro 鼎源万家 www.onehome.cn 3,720,001 NA NA 768

97 Platinum 铂金 www.platinumchina.com 3,767,083 NA NA 1,190

98 Vanguard Technology 万古科技 www.vgtech.com.cn 15,470,674 NA NA 880

99 Genesis Education Group 人众人 www.renzhongren.com NA NA NA 110,000

100 China Team 欧信英才 www.chinateam.com NA NA NA 5

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