How Brand Monitoring Impacts Your Online Reputation #SEMrushlive

How Brand Monitoring Impacts Your Online Reputation

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How Brand Monitoring Impacts Your Online Reputation


The ability to listen lies beneath any successful conversation.


Although broadcasting is huge now, marketing is always a dialogue.


How to measure your brand awareness

data based on #semrushchat


Brand awareness metrics

% of new visits to the website

Google Analytics -> Aquisition -> Channels


Audience growth


Increase in branded search trafficAmazon.com.au for AU database in SEMrush (Feb 2016)


How mentions can impact your

online reputation


Benefits of brand monitoring

new testimonials and reviews

Closer connection to your audience and potential

brand advocates

new content ideas and guest posting opportunities

better understanding of your targeted audience, and how

they perceive your brand

more trust and respect by promptly reacting to negative feedback

new link building opportunities


Track misspellings, abbreviations, synonyms, colloquial words and main spokespeople


1. Talkwalker Alerts

2. BuzzSumo

3. Mention

4. Branded24.net

5. Brandwatch

6. NEW: SEMrush Brand Monitoring tool






SEMrush Brand Monitoring Tool: New addition to Projects


SEMrush Brand Monitoring Tool#SEMrushlive

How we structure mentions

1. Title

2. Author

3. Domain authority

4. Mention/Link

5. Context/topic

6. Country

● Key topics/advantages

● Geo-targeting

● How influential the authors are

● Backlink potential

Our takeaways


TweetBinder: Hashtag, keyword and @mention analysis


Which tools do you use now?



Person who listens makes the speaker feel important


“Thank you” templates it was so awesome of you to mention @brandname in your recent post about _________!

love your recent post on _________! thanks for mentioning @brandname!

thank you for mentioning

@brandname in your article about

____! Honored to be included!


Positive feedback is your time to shine


Be timely with your response!


With information overload and too much buzz people don’t believe they can make a difference


How to handle negative feedback

1. never delete negative comments

(exception - curse words)

2. be as quick as possible

3. apologise and thank the user

4. always be polite

5. be honest, acknowledge the

mistake if the brand made it

6. use negative feedback to tackle

common issues


How to reply to negative comments

Our apologies. We expect the issue to resolve in a few hours. Reliability is our top priority!

We appreciate all your patience & support while we deal with the issue.

Thank you for helping us improve!


People who post negative comments want you to solve issues, so it's all about how you respond.


Go beyond your branded searches



Target new audiences based on topics

Track relevant queries: Hilton Suggests Case


Thank you for listening!

