Henley Centre for Customer Management

Henley Business School - Centre for Customer Management

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Henley Centre for Customer Management

30 seconds and counting…

30 minutes and counting…

Survey Fatigue• Low response rates (2-5%)• High drop out rates (20%)• High customer effort (typically take 20 mins)• Low satisfaction• Poor customer experience (can be

detrimental to the overall customer experience)

• Can be ‘gamed’ especially when an incentive is included!

• Only represent a ‘snap-shot’ in time – customers move on!

But there’sanotherway…

Multi-channel communication & feedback

Complete customer convenience

All in real-time!

Feedback collected in real-time is 40% more accurate than feedback collected 24 hours later

Most Investment but tech but has lowest satisfactionbut we don’t know why! Only 20% of companies are

capturing feedback via this channel

Break upyour surveys!

Capturing feedback fromthe people that didn’t buy

How was the onlineexperience?

Was it easy? (NET EASY)

Your brand in their hands…Understanding the customerexperience across thesupply chain

Capturing the emotive momentsSocial Experience / Engagement

Brand perception (NPS)

Was it a seamless experience?

Is the customer satisfied? (C-SAT)

Always On (Listening Posts)

Capture the pure, untainted opinions of their customers at Moments of Truth® via telephone, email and live chat channels

• C-Sat


• Net Easy

• First Time Fix

• Verbatim


• An improvement across all metrics

• Better insight into root cause problems

“I love the new choice ofpillows in your rooms.

But the toilets in the restaurantare disgusting!”

The Sentiment Engine

“I love the new choice ofpillows in your rooms.

But the toilets in the restaurantare disgusting!”





Beautiful simplicity

Fast Feedback

The Action Team

Repurchase probability goes from 32% to 89% if an issue is

acknowledged and resolved in



The rise of personalisation

Sentiment Segmentation

52% of all feedback is positive!Based on over 1 million responses

across clients from a variety of industries

Create a secret sales force of loyal customers

Allows customers to share positive

feedback socially

Improve your online reputation within social networks

Track customer influence with peers to create marketing segments

Amplify Positive Word of Mouth


5 6


Engaging the Frontline

Emotional Engagement

24% reduction in new-customer drop-out

40% overall customer churn reduction

11% reduction in complaints